Basal metabolic rate calculation.
from to on 29 Apr 2024 07:13


I’ve found on Wikipedia the following formula to calculate the BMR estimation

We can read just after the formula:

According to this formula, the woman in the example above has a BMR of 1,204 kilocalories (5,040 kJ) per day.

But when I take their example of a 55-year-old woman weighing 130 pounds (59 kg) and 66 inches (170 cm)

and do ((10*55)+(6,25*170)-(5*55))-161 I get 1,217 and not 1,204

Am I doing something wrong ?



threaded - newest on 29 Apr 2024 13:06 collapse

Looks like the conservation to cm is written wrong in the wiki article.

66 in is closer to 168 cm, putting that into the equation for h yields the expected 1204 on 29 Apr 2024 13:43 next collapse

That’s interesting. I was going to edit the wiki page to correct the error, but the wiki code in the article is: {{convert|66|in|cm}} so their underlying converter is what’s producing that inaccurate value. on 29 Apr 2024 13:49 collapse

Seems like it’s overly aggressive rounding.

According to chatgpt you can specify to the zeroth decimal which makes it display 168

{{convert|66|in|cm|0}} on 29 Apr 2024 13:48 collapse

Fixed it. There was no precision specified in the conversion.