How fitness helps mental health?
from to on 17 Oct 2023 22:40

In today’s fast-paced world, the significance of physical fitness is frequently emphasized. However, the profound impact that regular exercise has on our mental health is often overlooked. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricate relationship between fitness and mental well-being, highlighting ten incredible ways that being active can enhance your mental health. So, let’s dive in!


threaded - newest on 17 Oct 2023 22:49 next collapse

Was there supossed to be a link in your post?

Or was:

So, let’s dive in!

An invitation to open discussion?

the profound impact that regular exercise has on our mental health is often overlooked

Is it?

In pretty much every advice I have been given or read about depression and anxiety. One of the first things that is mentioned is physical activity.

Yes, physical activity is incredibly beneficial to mental health.

It lowers stress hormones in the blood.

It balances out the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems.

It aids in sleep regularization, which can often be a causal or exacerbating factor in poor mental health.

With all this said it is not a magic bullet that will cure all the things. on 17 Oct 2023 23:14 next collapse

So give us an example on 17 Oct 2023 23:21 next collapse

Pretty hard to be depressed when you’re pushing yourself to your physical limits on 17 Oct 2023 23:52 collapse

Mild or situational depression? I would agree.




Hard disagree. The same way you cannot logic or think your way out of the above conditions, you cannot exercise your way out of them either.

Exercise helps, but it is no magic cure-all.

[deleted] on 18 Oct 2023 00:13 next collapse
. on 18 Oct 2023 01:36 collapse

Exercise and logic is how I’m recovering from a mental health condition, BPD on 17 Oct 2023 23:52 next collapse

I feel like I’m reading clickbait. on 18 Oct 2023 01:01 next collapse

Being able to control my own body weight and strength is the only thing keeping me sane with all the bullshit I have to deal with every day.

Still depressed af though. on 18 Oct 2023 01:35 collapse

Oh absolutely the control thing. on 18 Oct 2023 02:10 collapse

One of the few things I can control on 18 Oct 2023 01:34 collapse

It keeps me out of “Emotion mind” as someone in recovery from BPD.