South Africa seeks International Court of Justice genocide order against Israel | The Straits Times (
from to on 30 Dec 2023 11:20


threaded - newest on 30 Dec 2023 11:56 next collapse

You know you fucked up when South Africa accuses you of genocide. on 30 Dec 2023 12:07 next collapse

They are just trying to pretend they are better. on 30 Dec 2023 14:54 next collapse

They are still butthurt that Israel voted for them to get sanctioned for the crime of Apartheid

[deleted] on 30 Dec 2023 21:53 next collapse
. on 30 Dec 2023 18:29 next collapse

What, with an ANC-dominated government, are you delirious.

If you want to be jaded about things then chalk it up to the ANC trying to capitalise on anti-apartheid sentiment to distract from the utter state of disgrace their corruption has caused. on 30 Dec 2023 20:08 collapse

I’m pretty sure the current government, who fought against apartheid, is not “butthurt” about the previous government being sanctioned for apartheid. on 30 Dec 2023 15:33 collapse

Eh, SA has been a shithole for a while. The ANC has become stupid corrupt and is doing a speed run to ruining the country. on 30 Dec 2023 14:12 next collapse

I think we (the U.S.) should also be named in that charge. on 30 Dec 2023 18:04 collapse

I think it’s best to limit the case to Palestine on 30 Dec 2023 14:16 next collapse

South Africa is quite close with Iran, so this shouldn’t be too surprising. on 30 Dec 2023 19:57 collapse

Not throwing “anti-semite” around? I guess that’s a progress. on 30 Dec 2023 14:56 next collapse

Can the ICJ do anything to Israel? As far as I’m aware, neither Israel nor Palestine have pledge do to submit themselves to the ICJ. on 30 Dec 2023 16:55 collapse

Palestine is not recognized by the UN as a country so am guessing they cant even if they wanted. on 01 Jan 2024 00:11 collapse

i mean palestine not being recognised as an independent nation wouldnt mean that the actual place, or leople there are not recognised as existing or being part of a country

but also

The State of Palestine has been accepted as an observer state of the United Nations General Assembly in November 2012.[1][2] As of 2 June 2023, 139 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognized the State of Palestine. In contrast Israel is recognized by 165.

On 22 November 1974, the PLO was granted non-state observer status, allowing the PLO to participate in all Assembly sessions, as well as in other UN platforms.[34] On 15 December 1988, UN General Assembly Resolution 43/177 acknowledged the Palestinian Declaration of Independence of November 1988 and replaced the designation “Palestine Liberation Organization” with “Palestine” in the United Nations system.[35]

  • On 23 September 2011, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas submitted an application for membership of Palestine in the United Nations.
  • On 29 November 2012, the General Assembly granted Palestine non-member observer state status in United Nations General Assembly resolution 67/19.
  • On 17 December 2012, UN Chief of Protocol Yeocheol Yoon decided that the constitutional name ‘State of Palestine’ shall be used by the Secretariat in all official United Nations documents.[36]

if im understanding this correctly, the UN recognises palestine as an independent state to the extent that it actually can but ultimately has no control over whether individual member states actually recognise it as an independent state on 30 Dec 2023 19:56 next collapse

Zionism has the same dream of an ethno-state that Nazists had. They’re one and the same. on 31 Dec 2023 22:33 collapse

I believe what you are referring to is Kahanism and not Zionism. on 30 Dec 2023 21:57 collapse

South Africa is a country that has made apartheid illegal and is still fighting the hangers on. Apartheid did not work and only served to cause wholesale suffering for the overwhelming majority who were effectively imprisoned or enslaved in their own country. Shamefully, it seems that some commentors here support apartheid.