Onboard the Filipino coast guard ship attacked by China (www.telegraph.co.uk)
from lemmee_in@lemm.ee to world@lemmy.world on 30 Apr 10:48


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Docus@lemmy.world on 30 Apr 12:50 next collapse

Downvoted for paywall link

doublejay1999@lemmy.world on 30 Apr 13:39 next collapse

Downvoted for far right propaganda rag

crazyCat@sh.itjust.works on 30 Apr 14:11 next collapse

Top of the article:

Nicola Smith, The Telegraph’s Asia Correspondent, was onboard a Philippine Coast Guard ship accompanying fishermen near the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea on Tuesday when her vessel was attacked by the China Coast Guard

I was standing on the deck of a Philippine Coast Guard shipwhen a Chinese vessel opened fire with its water cannon.

The powerful jets of water initially looped into the air – but within seconds they had begun to batter our craft, pounding down on the stern of the ship.

There were moments of chaos: Filipino crew members dived for cover, screaming instructions to each other…

doublejay1999@lemmy.world on 30 Apr 17:16 collapse

Ship attacked with water ☠️

UnrefinedChihuahua@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 30 Apr 23:44 collapse

China lays claim to that whole area outlined in red? What exactly are they smoking and where do I buy it?