Israel Has Used White Phosphorus on 17 Towns in Lebanon Since October (
from to on 07 Jun 2024 11:34


threaded - newest on 07 Jun 2024 12:32 next collapse

Yayyyyy warcrimes! on 07 Jun 2024 12:34 next collapse

How can Israel attack another country and not be at war already? on 07 Jun 2024 14:06 next collapse

My guess is that they are attacking Hezbollah-controlled parts of Lebanon and the Lebanese government doesn’t acknowledge their legitimacy. on 07 Jun 2024 14:50 collapse

When they start attacking the rest of the world while arguing that they are eradicating mosquitos, people may notice that something is wrong on 07 Jun 2024 14:17 next collapse

Israel has been doing this forever, I can’t even count the times in which they violated our airspace to bomb Syria. on 08 Jun 2024 07:16 next collapse

Israel is USA’s spoiled brat. They’ve been violating international laws for decades now and no one dares touch them, otherwise Karen USA will start throwing a tantrum about it.

Have fun reading on how Israel has violated Lebanon’s airspace 22355 times since 2007.

[deleted] on 08 Jun 2024 22:28 collapse
. on 07 Jun 2024 12:41 next collapse

Can we all please admit they’re committing war crimes now? on 07 Jun 2024 12:47 next collapse

Everyone knows it. Zionists don’t give a shit because they’re a garbage people. on 07 Jun 2024 12:58 next collapse

Anyone who isn’t admitting it yet isn’t going to start doing so because of evidence. on 07 Jun 2024 22:48 collapse

Anyone who isn’t admitting it yet isn’t going to start doing so because of fresh evidence on 07 Jun 2024 13:21 next collapse

What we should be pleading for is a mandated reassessment by the State Department now that it’s clear they suppressed relevant information on the previous report.

I think any citizen who is paying attention knows Israel is committing war crimes. We need intelligence to confirm what we, the UN, the ICC, and the ICJ all see so that the support can end. on 07 Jun 2024 13:38 collapse

You would be surprised even on Lenny Lemmy how many deny Israel’s crimes.

edit: Stupid autocorrect. on 07 Jun 2024 13:46 next collapse

I usually assume those are trolls. Hell, I’ll argue against comments that paint all Israelis with one brush, or point out legitimate reasons Biden can’t just do what he wants, but there’s simply no denying or defending the atrocities committed by Israel. on 07 Jun 2024 13:49 collapse

As a Jewish person raised by a (now dead) father who thought Israel could do no wrong, I guarantee you he would make some sort of justification of this.

I don’t actually blame my dad for that, he spent half of his childhood in London during WWII just waiting for the Nazis to invade and throw him in a concentration camp and then afterward found out half of his relatives were murdered in the Holocaust, so he had some big blinders on when it came to “Jews have to be safe and Israel is necessary for that no matter what.” on 07 Jun 2024 14:06 collapse

That’s a justifiably skewed perception. I’d assume honest pro-Israel commenters aren’t old enough to remember WWII, but it’s not unreasonable to imagine a sheltered upbringing by a parent with that perspective distorting the narrative to their child. I’m glad you took it upon yourself to learn the world outside of his opinions.

I’m sorry about your loss. Your dad sounds like he was a resilient guy. on 07 Jun 2024 14:14 collapse

it’s not unreasonable to imagine a sheltered upbringing by a parent with that perspective distorting the narrative to their child. I’m glad you took it upon yourself to learn the world outside of his opinions.

Thank you, it took me a long time to break free of it and I still have to check myself sometimes when I see a criticism of Israel from having a knee-jerk reaction to it. My dad was both a force of personality and a university professor, so when he told you something, it was hard to disbelieve him.

That said, it always seemed off to me even back then, the way Palestinians were treated. But you didn’t really want to question my dad’s beliefs, so I didn’t really talk about it.

I’m sorry about your loss. Your dad sounds like he was a resilient guy.

Thanks. He was, and I loved him, but he could also be a major asshole. Anyway, he died in 2016, so I’m way past grieving. Obviously, I miss him, but I’ve accepted the loss a long time ago. He lived to 85, which is pretty good for someone who probably spent five years inhaling god knows what in the air from bombed buildings, I’m guessing a huge amount of asbestos. on 07 Jun 2024 14:30 collapse

That’s a good run. It must have been equally valuable and intimidating to have a professor as a dad. I absolutely see why you’d have difficulty challenging him.

My dad passed when he was 48 from being a stubborn smoking diabetic. He was a hard right winger who used to laugh at people like my mom for protesting Vietnam. Teaching him about racism when I was young was an uphill battle.

I hear you on how mixed feelings of admiration and opposition can affect a child. He’ll always be a part of me, good or bad. I like to say my dad taught me a lot, sometimes it was how to be, and others it was how not to be. There’s always a lesson. on 07 Jun 2024 14:42 collapse

Sorry to hear about your dad. Losing him that early must have been especially hard. I was already long married with a kid in Kindergarten when my father died, so it was a lot easier to cope with that much support.

My dad also taught me a lot and for that I will be forever grateful. He was a film historian, so the biggest thing he introduced me to was movies, but he also introduced me to amazing authors, got me interested in science, bought me computers back in the 80s when they were a lot more expensive, and he was a die-hard socialist, so even though he wasn’t especially progressive when it came to Israel, he was otherwise progressive. Interestingly, even though he was incredibly critical of the U.S. government, he used to call himself, “British by birth, American by choice.”

So yeah, just like you, good or bad, he will always be a part of me. The one thing I have tried to not have is his level of anger. I try to keep my temper as much as I can, although I can definitely lose it, but he died angry and I have vowed I will not do so. on 07 Jun 2024 15:11 collapse

It’s alright. It was his choice to make. He knew what was happening and kept smoking in spite of it. That’s one of the “how not to be” lessons.

A film historian? Oh man how I’d have loved asking him questions. That must’ve been so fascinating.

Good choice learning acceptance and forgiveness. I gave my 20s to resentment. I learned at 30 not to give it another year. If I hold anger or resentment, I just hurt myself. on 07 Jun 2024 14:39 collapse

Yep. I don’t buy that Lemmy is leftwing, it might have some leftwing users but I still see victim blaming shit here, war crime denials and I’m fucking done with the “enabling trump” bs. This fucking place is no better than Reddit despite how holier than thou some users are. on 07 Jun 2024 14:43 collapse

I would say that there are enough people, left or right, who are under no illusions about Israel that those who deny Israel’s war crimes are a small minority on Lemmy, but they do exist.

There are certainly people who justify Israel’s war crimes, and those are a lot more numerous, but there is also a small cadre of deniers. on 07 Jun 2024 14:03 next collapse

Haven’t they been burning people down with white phosphorus for decades? They aren’t gonna start admitting it now. on 07 Jun 2024 14:04 collapse

I can hope. on 07 Jun 2024 14:19 next collapse

It’s messed up, but using white phosphorus isn’t banned under international law.

White phosphorus munitions are not banned under international law, but because of their incendiary effects, their use is supposed to be tightly regulated.[57] Because white phosphorus has legal uses, shells filled with it are not directly prohibited by international humanitarian law. Experts consider them not as incendiary, but as masking, since their main goal is to create a smoke screen.[58] on 07 Jun 2024 14:26 collapse

The usage of white phosphorus is restricted under international humanitarian law. Although there can be lawful uses, it must never be fired at, or in close proximity to, a populated civilian area or civilian infrastructure, due to the high likelihood that the fires and smoke it causes spread. Such attacks, which fail to distinguish between civilians and civilian objects and fighters and military objectives, are indiscriminate and thus prohibited.…/lebanon-evidence-of-israels-unlawfu… on 07 Jun 2024 14:35 collapse

Nice, thanks on 07 Jun 2024 15:31 next collapse

There are 11,195,792 reasons they won’t admit Israel is committing war crimes on 07 Jun 2024 19:26 collapse

Do you know where that graphic comes from? The data on indicates that Biden has received $5,688,069 between 1990 and 2024.

I’m not disagreeing that this is a problem. This is undoubtedly a route through which foreign money is making it into US politics and Biden is one of the biggest recipients of Pro-Israel funds. It just isn’t as much money as indicated by the graphic. It is $5,688,069 spread over 34 years but loaded heavily to more recent years.

Biden donations from Pro-Israel sources by election cycle:

  • 2023-2024: $1,459,405
  • 2021-2022: Unsure - Not in top 20 and can’t find full dataset
  • 2019-2020: $3,753,304

All other election cycles, Biden doesn’t appear in the top 20. Simple math indicates that, outside of 2019, 2020, 2023, and 2024, Biden received an additional $475,360 over the rest of his career.

I don’t like to see that Biden received $3,753,304 in the 2019-2020 campaign cycle. That is way too much foreign influence in my opinion, even if it technically came from American organizations. That said, Biden spent $1,614,843,740 in 2019-2020 meaning that only 0.23% of that was from Pro-Israel groups. on 08 Jun 2024 12:41 collapse

This one actually gets really technical. It’s legal if you don’t use shells meant to disperse into shrapnel, and you use it for purely military purposes like smoking out enemy positions or screening the advance of ground forces.

But Israel is totally violating both of those things and has been for decades. on 07 Jun 2024 13:07 next collapse

Man, I want so much to be on Israel’s side since they are our only ally in the region but they are making it very difficult. on 07 Jun 2024 15:11 next collapse

They’ve never been our ally in any meaningful way. They used nuclear blackmail against Nixon to bail themselves out when they lost the Yom Kippur war. They blew up the USS Liberty and machine gunned my great uncle in the water. And they were literally the reason for 9/11, straight from the mouth of bin laden.

How much aid money did they send us after 9/11? on 07 Jun 2024 16:03 next collapse

You’re confusing alliance with codependence. on 07 Jun 2024 16:39 collapse


I disagree. The US doesn’t need Israel at all. on 07 Jun 2024 17:24 collapse

The people in general don’t, but corrupt politicians rely on AIPAC and other foreign influence pressure groups like it for both bribes and free demonization of any anti-genocide opponents they may encounter. on 07 Jun 2024 17:01 next collapse

I love the implication that in an alternate universe, where the US is allied with Germany for some reason, the response to the holocaust would be unconditional support. on 08 Jun 2024 12:45 collapse

We have Arab countries that are far better allies and host actual military bases. on 07 Jun 2024 16:19 next collapse

The goverment and military of Israel have become just like the Nazis of World War 2 and seek to completely erase the Palestinian people and take their land. They have become everything they claim to hate.

Hamas is no better. They use the people they claim to be fighting for as human shields and have therefore participated in the mass slaughter of Palestinians.

The only people in this brutal conflict that are innocent are the non-combatants on both sides --and even then, only the non-combatants who oppose the war and oppose genocide.

The Israeli government and military deserve to be removed and tried in the International Court. Same goes for Hamas. Gaza deserves to be officially recognized as a sovereign nation, and Israel deserves to be forced to pay reparations to the Palestinians both for their loss of life and for the damage to their cities.

Furthermore when all is said and done I think that the U.S. should only continue being an ally of Israel if and when everyone in Israel responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza are arrested and tried, and a new government formed that likewise recognizes Gaza as a sovereign nation. Otherwise Israel can just try hacking it on their own, because enough is enough. on 07 Jun 2024 16:34 next collapse

That all makes too much sense so obviously that’s not what we’re going to get.

We’re going to get whatever makes the assholes in power the most money and whatever keeps bibi out of trouble as his legal troubles are postponed untill “major operations are over.” on 07 Jun 2024 23:28 collapse

I am of a mind that it doesn’t matter whether it might or might not happen, we need to talk about how it needs to happen, because enough people start saying that, maybe it does happen. Being silent never accomplished anything. on 07 Jun 2024 17:24 next collapse

Very well put. I think the only way out of this, post war, is for a Palestinian state to exist. Proper UN membership. The only way this is going to happen is if Hamas goes. Hamas must die. Israel is using every excuse they can to prolong this war and Hamas is giving them plenty of excuses. Everybody sucks here except the civilians who are hopelessly trapped. on 07 Jun 2024 17:30 next collapse

The Hamas human shields thing is a lie propagated by Israel. Hamas operate in Gaza, an extremely densely populated area, and Israel’s blockade turns it into an open air prison. Hamas operating near civilians is necessary because there is nowhere they can go that isn’t full of civilians. There’s little evidence to suggest that Hamas intentionally puts civilians in more danger than they would otherwise be, they just have no choice. on 07 Jun 2024 23:00 next collapse

I hate that I ever even bought that line. No shit they operate out of mosques and shit. Where the hell else would they operate out of in such a limited region. on 07 Jun 2024 23:28 collapse

That’s like saying I had no choice but to beat my wife at home because if I did it in public I’d get arrested.

No where in the UN charter, Geneva convention or any legal precident does it say war crimes are acceptable if you don’t have a choice, or its ok if you will be attacked by not breaching the convention. There is a damn good reason we keep those places protected and we are looking at the suffering losing them causes. on 07 Jun 2024 23:55 next collapse

How about, your neighbor broken into your home, killed your kids, and locked you and your wife in your bedroom. You try breaking the door down to go and drive them out of your house, but apparently that’s wrong since your wife is in such close proximity and you fighting back puts her in danger. on 08 Jun 2024 00:01 collapse

So what your saying is war crimes are acceptable when you are losing?

You also missed the part where I took one of my neighbors kids after throwing shit over the fence, that there is years of history between us where we both attacked eachother, and that im apparently hiding behind wife shooting at you saying “hurt her its your fault”. on 08 Jun 2024 03:07 collapse

While I’d admit throughout this thread you’ve been fairly constructive for someone sympathetic to Israel, this post is particularly dense with propaganda talking points. There’s not strong evidence for Hamas using civilians as physical shields, Israel just calls civilians living in the same area as Hamas is operating (with neither party having any option to leave) human shields to justify their slaughter of those civilians.

If we want to work on the house analogy earlier, you took one of the invaders and their friend that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time into the bedroom with you as prisoners. Your wife is hiding in the corner as best out of the way as you can, but the invaders keep shooting towards her anyways, she has a bullet lodged into her arm by the invaders even though she isn’t even involved, and they’re still shooting towards her. They’re also saying they are trying to get the prisoners but are shooting towards them, too. You’re pleading for them to stop shooting at you and your wife in exchange for releasing the prisoners, you aren’t even demanding your house back, but they keep firing because they actually just want all of you dead, don’t care about the prisoners in the slightest, and really just want you gone so they can have the last bit of your house. on 08 Jun 2024 03:23 collapse

This isn’t a conventional army. It’s an unconventional uprising against their oppressors. Normal rules do not apply. on 08 Jun 2024 22:12 collapse

I had a discussion on this point when we went over this at uni.

They aren’t signatories to the Geneva convention, UN Charter or any of the other rule based systems we have, however they can still done under crimes against humanity.

No criminal ever signed a declaration before they crime that they agree to follow our laws, but are prosecuted all the same. on 07 Jun 2024 23:02 next collapse

Also worth noting, Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. on 08 Jun 2024 07:07 collapse

Well Israel are doing their part to alleviate that. on 07 Jun 2024 23:23 next collapse

I hope i get this across without getting pedantic responses.

So why is Hamas allowed to be excused for using human shields because of the population density where there is no choice, but civilians being killed by Israeli attack are completely unacceptable? Surely if its so density they don’t have a choice then Israel doesn’t either.

Other poster is correct, civilians on both sides are the only innocent ones here. No need to excuse one side as “no choice”. on 07 Jun 2024 23:58 next collapse

Hamas has no choice. They, along with Palestinian civilians, have been expelled from their homes and locked into the open air prison that is Gaza. They have a valid cause to fight for, and nowhere to go. In contrast, Israel is killing Palestinian civilians because they want to steal the little patch of land that they weren’t able to steal already. It’s not a valid cause and they have no reason to be anywhere near there. on 08 Jun 2024 00:44 collapse

Using your discussion they had no choice but to fight. Fair point.

They absolutely had choices on where to organise, whether or not to kill and capture civilians, or if they should set up in hospitals and key infrastructure that keeps their civilians alive. Do you have a justification for this? on 08 Jun 2024 02:56 collapse

Where should they organize? They’re in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, no place is far from civilians. If they had a larger territory, fighting intentionally close to civilians would be much worse. But given they literally caged in by the enemy they are fighting, there is no other alternative.

As for hospitals and key infrastructure, there is no evidence that they were used in the way that Israel has accused. Israel attacked hospitals and other key infrastructure to dismantle them to prevent the Palestinians they want dead from getting any aid or relief. They lie about Hamas’ presence there only to mask their genocidal actions. If they could prove to the world they were in the right, they would have done so by now. on 08 Jun 2024 00:00 next collapse

I’m honestly curious. Have you ever heard of a single Palestinian accusing Hamas of using someone they know as a human shield? Has anyone ever, really?

The only “sources” backing these “well-known facts” are western media and Israeli-say-so. I’ve dealt with many Palestinians personally (I live in Egypt and we have a lot of them living here), and none of them ever complained about their families being used as human shields. Ever. You’d think some Palestinians would speak up about this by now if it were real.

You know who they unanimously consider unnecessarily brutal and cruel though? The IDF which treats them like less than dirt on a good day. on 08 Jun 2024 00:14 collapse

Good question, should clarify.

Standing directly behind someone, using them as a physical shield is not the human shield im talking about. The only direct evidence I’ve seen of this was the original attack when hostages were being taken back… and we know how that went.

Im referring to using protected places (hospitals, mosques, infrastructure) as bases for logistics, planning and operations - doing so removes the protection placed on those places and makes it legal to attack… regardless of what that means for the civilian population. There has been significant evidence of this.

Proportionality does need to be brought into discussion as I do believe much of the response on protected places was excessive - We’ve all seen the damage and suffering that removing the protection on these places has caused.

Going back to my original point, Hamas uses these with the justification of “we don’t have a choice” because there is a significant strength inbalance and everything not breaking the conventions has been destroyed - no where is this considered acceptable. The laws and convention doesn’t just apply when you are winning and its a “fair” fight. Nor does Israeli actions justify it - just like Hamas actions don’t justify Israeli breaches. on 08 Jun 2024 20:54 collapse

Regardless of this claim, the point still stands. No Palestinian I’ve ever met accused Hamas of jeopardising the Palestinian people’s safety. Only Israel does, for obvious reasons.

This is like the police cornering a wanted criminal into a crowded bus and shooting everyone indiscriminately whilst blaming it on them. on 08 Jun 2024 22:09 collapse

I’ve also never met any afgani women who openly accused the Taliban regime since they took back over - lack of evidence isn’t proof of something. Nor do I belive you can just casually say “oh, your point doesn’t matter” and dismiss it out if hand. on 08 Jun 2024 01:19 collapse

Because we have strong evidence Israel is not trying to avoid civilian casualties. There’s a difference between the missile attacks on boots on the ground too. When you actually have people in there, it shouldn’t be too hard to avoid killing civilians. Meanwhile, they’re doing things like literally using civilians as human shields or killing civilians collecting aid from an aid convoy.

I can accept some excuses from Israel, if it were accompanied by so much evidence that it’s on purpose. They clearly have no interest in avoiding civilian deaths, and quite probably show an interest in causing them. on 08 Jun 2024 01:20 next collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

literally using civilians as human shields

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 08 Jun 2024 01:27 collapse

Yes - we also have no evidence Hamas is avoiding civilian casualties either. This is the point - why are we excusing one but not the other?

I struggle with any excuses from Israel- you have the manpower, tech and logistic to do soo much better and (regardless of your actual intent) causing excess suffering isn’t going to help your long term position. We learned this in Iraq and Afghanistan. on 08 Jun 2024 03:52 collapse

Three things: We aren’t giving weapons to Hamas to fight, they’re on the defence, and they’re a significantly less organized less advanced force. Gorilla warfare is the stand operating practice of a less advanced force fighting a more advanced one. They can’t hide in jungles though. They only have urban places (or directly next to the border).

Israel has the initiative. They get to choose when and how to take a fight (or to choose not to at all). Even when they put people in the area, they still commit atrocities, like dressing up as civilians and medical workers to assault a hospital and murdering civilians. I haven’t seen Hamas do such things.

I don’t think Hamas is good by any means. They just are. The situation in which they were created is not of their own will. The situation they fight in is not of their design. Their existence is also, in part, a piece of Israel’s desire and force. (They funneled money to them in order to create an enemy to fight against.) I don’t fault a lion for mistreatment of their prey, but I do fault humans for how we treat livestock. One does it because of the situation in which it lives, and the other does it out of a totally lack of respect, or potentially malice. on 08 Jun 2024 12:15 collapse

Point 0 - that you for engaging with facts and opinion rather than instant accusations.

Point 1 - correct, asymmetrical warfare is very common among weaker forces and is a great way to negate tech advantages. Nothing wrong with it, the issue is where and how they are conducting it.

Point 2 - interesting part of the point you mentioned regarding dressing up to murder civilians in hospitals. Hamas was doing such things - terrorists dressing up as civilians to access medical care, who took arms into a hospital that removed its protections, who were then killed by an opposing force in a way that minimizes civilian casualties.

I haven’t seen anything on the legality since, but discussions I had when this video came out was that it is probably justified as they did drop the disguise before opening fire. Lack of uniform does make it questionable.

This goes back to my original point - armed combatants aren’t allowed to use civilian infrastructure as it removes its protections. Hamas blatantly used it and yet its Israeli fault for killing them there?

For your last point, im sorry I’ve got a splitting headache and struggling to connect the dots, but you do raise an interesting point. I cant blame Palestine for wanting to fight, but I can blame Hamas for their conduct and choices within the conflict - just like Israel. on 08 Jun 2024 12:49 collapse

Point 2 - interesting part of the point you mentioned regarding dressing up to murder civilians in hospitals. Hamas was doing such things - terrorists dressing up as civilians to access medical care, who took arms into a hospital that removed its protections, who were then killed by an opposing force in a way that minimizes civilian casualties.

The Israelis didn’t just dress up as civilians, which would be bad, but they dressed up as medics. This is a war crime under the Geneva Convention. This is not acceptable because it leads to a situation where medical workers can’t operate because they can’t be trusted to not be soldiers.

Also, the soldiers there were seemingly brought there and were critically wounded. This does not “remove the protections” of the hospital. Soldiers are allowed to be treated in a hospital without the hospital becoming a valid military target. on 07 Jun 2024 23:24 collapse

If you’re actually defending the terrorist organization known as Hamas, then you can get fucked, they’re just as bad as the Israeli government and military and likewise deserve to be destroyed. So does Hezbolah and all the other Islamic terror groups wherever they are. on 08 Jun 2024 00:02 collapse

One side is committing genocide and the other is defending their home, but sure buddy, go on about how both sides are the same. I’m sure you would have supported the Nazis too, because after all remember the Warsaw ghetto uprising? on 08 Jun 2024 01:31 next collapse

Not OP.

So your saying Hamas actions that are war crimes are justified because they are defending their home, therefore they are not the same? on 08 Jun 2024 02:53 collapse

War crimes are war crimes, but consider this: war crimes are worse if the warring party has the ability to mitigate them, and war crimes are worse if they are for an inherently unjust cause. Applied to this situation, killing civilians is a war crime, but it’s one thing if your best weapon is an unguided rocket, and way worse if you have the ability to make precise strikes against your enemy but choose to blow up an entire apartment building instead to intentionally commit collective punishment. And it’s even worse when you do so because your real goal is to kill all the civilians rather than the one scapegoat you used to try to justify killing them all. on 08 Jun 2024 21:58 collapse

i would argue neither is worse - but the intent would be much harder to defend against in court when you are also bragging about being able to put a round through a specific window.

It also runs the very real risk of a little war crime being accepted if… for example you’re just “protecting your home” or “the other side is worse” or “you don’t have a choice”. on 08 Jun 2024 22:10 collapse

War crimes, like other crimes, must be considered in context. It’s ok to shoot someone in self defense charging you with a knife. It’s not ok to blow up an entire apartment building because you want the people living there dead so you can steal their land. on 08 Jun 2024 22:18 collapse

In the case of war crime, no they don’t.

Shooting in self defense isn’t a war crime when applied to a country (article 51 of UN charter), and your second one is because its a direct attack on civilians… and if you’re claiming there is one fighter inside its non proportional attack.

Interesting point, article 51 is what was used to justify the US attack the second gulf War, and will likely be use to justify the Israeli response in this one.

[deleted] on 08 Jun 2024 17:52 collapse
. on 08 Jun 2024 02:53 next collapse

I don’t know if they really claim to hate it. Check out the reference guide: the old testament

Count how many towns, peoples/tribes/etc (women and children included), animals, god gave explicit permission/instruction to completely wipe off the face of the earth. on 08 Jun 2024 12:33 next collapse

Lebanon does not have Hamas. They have Hezbollah. on 08 Jun 2024 22:35 collapse on 08 Jun 2024 03:25 next collapse

That’s nothing, give them some more time and they will use that stuff in EVERY town! Genociding has many Israeli flavors! They learned this from the Germans. Fucking sad. on 09 Jun 2024 19:00 collapse

Stopped reading the second it mentioned genocide. Any reporter who uses that term without yndwrstanding it, isn’t someone who should be taken seriously. Rwanda. That was an attempt at genocide, the systematic destruction of the Chinese Uyghurs is a type of genocide. Hiding combatants and hostages among the civilians and acting shocked when the civilians are killed isn’t a genocide, it’sa sign that everyone supports the fighting.