UAE Pledges Maintaining Israel Ties Amid War Against Hamas (
from to on 06 Jan 2024 20:13

The United Arab Emirates will stick by its decision to establish warmer relations with Israel even as the Jewish state’s war against militant group Hamas leaves Arab governments under mounting pressure to sever ties.

“The UAE has taken a strategic decision, and strategic decisions are long-term,” Anwar Gargash, a UAE presidential diplomatic adviser, told a conference in Dubai on Wednesday. “There is no doubt that any strategic decision will face multiple obstacles, and we’re facing a major obstacle that must be dealt with.”


threaded - newest on 06 Jan 2024 20:36 next collapse

I take it that the UAE has decided that having everybody else in the region turn against them is “strategic”?

One of the standard principles in war, is that what other-players do changes the landscape sooo profoundly, that one must re-assess strategy, with every event that is regionally-significant.

You don’t stick to a plan just because it’s established ( see the fallacy of “sunk costs” for the business-equivalent to this principle ).

Israel’s nihilism/sadism enforcement isn’t going to change in nature through being accommodated…

No matter: Israel’s going to enforce such intense regional hatred that their military will turn from Deterrent to “deterrent”, and then Israel’s getting annihilated, and that within 1 decade of the beginning of their retaliation against Palestinians for Hamas’s strike.

No point in reasoning with people who won’t see the evidence’s speech, itself, I guess.

Now, however, it looks like UAE’s editing-itself-out from the region’s future??


Or daft…


_ /\ _ on 06 Jan 2024 20:48 next collapse

No matter: Israel’s going to enforce such intense regional hatred that their military will turn from Deterrent to “deterrent”, and then Israel’s getting annihilated

What on 06 Jan 2024 22:48 next collapse

… Israel’s getting annihilated, and that within 1 decade of the beginning of their retaliation against Palestinians for Hamas’s strike.

Got something planned there bud? Or just wishful thinking? on 06 Jan 2024 23:43 collapse

There’s a lot more in the world than just the middle east and the UAE has been trying to build stronger relations with both the US and China… Maintaining relations with Israel reinforces their current stance.

Also, I think your idea of the future of Israel is extremely unlikely. on 07 Jan 2024 00:57 collapse

Not in a decade that's for sure, but they're slowly but surely going the way of Apartheid SA. This war has proven that Zionism has no future. on 06 Jan 2024 20:42 collapse

Probably as always, they have chosen money over human lives.

I wished for a different outcome but I’m not surprised by this ones