Shocking moment Ukrainian deputy Serhiy Batryn blows up meeting with grenades in ‘act of terrorism’: officials (
from to on 15 Dec 2023 16:15


threaded - newest on 15 Dec 2023 16:31 next collapse

From the article, it sounds like this guy disagreed with the local government’s plan to give the village head a 50% raise and rate his performance as satisfactory. Instead, Batryn though everyone in the room should die a horrible death. on 15 Dec 2023 16:44 collapse

Yeah, that feels like a measured response. on 15 Dec 2023 16:36 next collapse

26 injuries and no deaths from 3 grenades going off in a enclosed room…

I don’t think I understand grenades on 15 Dec 2023 16:45 next collapse

Most modern grenades send tiny pieces of metal outward about 50 feet but the kill radius is about 15 feet. Various factors can play into survival of a grenade blast like barriers, distance, and grenade quality.

Based on the video the poor quality of the grenades saved lives. Only six people received severe wounds, including the bomber. The grenades were dropped at the feet of those in the room and lower limbs were at risk. on 15 Dec 2023 17:07 next collapse

It’s NY Post with a negative story about Ukraine…

Not exactly where you go for unbiased sources, but my guess would be that these grenades were 20-30 years old so the powder was weak. Even when stored properly grenades dont last forever.

Maybe even homemade bombs and not actual grenades.

In a room that small and dropping three in the middle of a lot of people, if they were modern grenades there’d be a lot of fatalities. on 15 Dec 2023 18:17 next collapse

Grenades aren’t intended to be kill or breach devices like you see in movies. While they do explode, they do so in such a way as to shred the outer casing making it such that it creates lots of tiny, sharp fragments (hence the name, “fragmentation grenade”) which then injure and disable people.

The explosive power of a grenade is rather minimal in the grand scheme of things and unless you are right on top of it or just take an unlucky hit from a piece of shrapnel, you will survive but be injured. The intent, then, is that other people will now have to help you, so injuring one person disables two to three people from the fight. on 15 Dec 2023 18:40 collapse

Interesting thins this is why our armies are using smaller calibers offen.

Especially more then in passed large wars. The point isn’t to kill its to injure on 15 Dec 2023 19:14 collapse

Logistic cost, soldier hit probability, and sustained suppression during firefights drove that decision more than wounding instead of killing. More bullets = more suppression = more time to flank/flee/hold for backup/etc

It’s easier for a soldier to take a shot and actively observe the puff of dust, disturbed bushes, etc and correct their aim with lower recoil guns. Old school ‘full power’ cartridges recoiled too hard; you see the target, shoot, recoil rises the gun, sights rise way off target, and you need to completely require the target to shoot again. A 5.56 or the like is very flat in recoil, but has decent terminal effect

There’s a new theory being trialed leveraging modern optics to focus on precision rifle fire to psychologically suppress (I.e. “Dave popped his head out for a look and got sniped, I’m not doing the same”) versus the OG storm of metal in the air. The former encourages suppression regardless of sustained gunfire. The latter mo’ dakka method only work DURING gunfire. on 15 Dec 2023 19:40 next collapse

If the grenades dropped on the floor when most people were sitting at a table the table may have obstructed shrapnel and prevented it from reaching any organs whose breach would result in immediate death (heart, brain, etc.). It would have to hit a major artery to kill near quickly on the lower body which isn’t a huge target.

Instead, it probably hit the legs and possibly some lower body organs, which can still be deadly but less immediate.

It’s insane that the guy who dropped them at his own feet survived though. Dude must be half shrapnel at that range. on 15 Dec 2023 20:09 collapse

Maybe Ukrainians are just tough motherfuckers. Russia has been trying to invade them and hasn’t made much progress. on 15 Dec 2023 16:54 next collapse

Holy hell has anyone else looked at the comments on the article itself?

I’m not even sure what my takeaway is from reading through a couple dozen of those but that this certainly is not a great way to get people who already want Russia to conquer a country into a side of empathy.

~ Also that people are still crazy in on Obama being the cause of all our problems which just sounds so racist on 15 Dec 2023 17:08 next collapse

people are still crazy in on Obama being the cause of all our problems

That’s how you know that someone is ideologically contaminated and running completely facts-free: they blame everything on someone who has absolutely no relevance to the situation. on 15 Dec 2023 17:59 collapse

Actually yeah. You can lament what they did in the past but literally not a person you can continue to point at ever since the photo of him enjoying retirement on his jet ski. Obama is checked out and anyone thinking he is doing anything other than watching like the rest of us is delusional. on 15 Dec 2023 17:10 collapse

Holy hell has anyone else looked at the comments on the article itself?

NY Post is a right wing rag. So the vast amount of comments are going to be right wingers saying ridiculous things. on 15 Dec 2023 18:27 collapse

But like I saw 2 comments even talking about the article itself. They just want a place to shout their preconceived and already set notions out.

I expect right leaning commentary but those aren’t comments as much as just schizophrenic ramblings. on 15 Dec 2023 17:49 next collapse

3 grenades tossed into a room full of people and no one died on the scene? That's some luck on 15 Dec 2023 18:53 collapse

What an absolute piece of shit. Even if people haven't died yet from their injuries, and I hope they don't with perhaps exception to the instigator, the toll this will take on them for the rest of their lives might well if killed some of them anyways.

Now they get to live with both the physical and mental trauma of this because he had an issue on a fucking raise.