Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide (
from to on 14 Jun 2024 18:00

“Genocide can never be a legitimate foreign policy choice,” plaintiffs argue in case against Biden, Blinken and Austin.


threaded - newest on 14 Jun 2024 18:44 next collapse

Nevertheless, on January 31, White reluctantly dismissed the case based on the “political question” doctrine, which reserves foreign policy decisions to the political branches of government (executive and legislative), not the judiciary. That leaves the court with no jurisdiction to check the executive in this case.

At the same time, White wrote, “it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide” and the evidence and testimony “indicate that the ongoing military siege in Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people.” White exhorted the Biden administration to “examine the results of their unflagging support” of Israel.

If Biden sets this precedent, everyone is going to be so fucking shocked when Republicans abuse it.

The ruling was essentially the US president can violate US and International law without being held accountable and it counts as “political policy” because they’re the president.

trump could glass an entire country he doesn’t like, and there’d be no way to hold any accountabile because we decided Joe Biden can do a genocide for some fucked up logic that Trump would do more.

This is the danger of the only standard being the letter by someone’s name. on 14 Jun 2024 19:53 next collapse

The ruling was essentially the US president can violate US and International law without being held accountable

I mean, this has been the case for a while, it’s good to get it in writing for when we have to name every rogue state on 14 Jun 2024 20:18 next collapse

It’s not just the President, no matter hard you like to point the finger. The entire US government has been responsible for supporting Israel since Congress voted in favor of aid.

The problem the CCR is going to have, prosecuting as a US organization, is evidence of war crime. News reports and foreign court findings are inadmissible as evidence of crime in US court, and they clearly won’t have support from the State Department. on 15 Jun 2024 14:30 next collapse

Because Americans are used to accountability, give me a fucking break on 15 Jun 2024 15:13 next collapse

Yea, like the whole „war on terrorism” wasn’t just an excuse to go shoot some brown people just because profit. on 15 Jun 2024 17:58 collapse

I love how libs have to everyone about Trumps trial every 5 minutes as if accountability is real and he justice system is functional. Then blame all on the GOP judges.

But when Biden is complicit in literal Genocide it’s 'nah fam who cares anw accountability isn’t real the president can do whatever he wants" on 16 Jun 2024 04:18 collapse

I love how trumpers pretend to be leftists and whine about whatever can make Biden look bad enough to influence the election. on 16 Jun 2024 04:27 collapse

Republicans are already prepared to do more than abuse it. Haven’t you been paying attention? on 14 Jun 2024 19:29 next collapse

The political question of the US’ position on genocide rulings can be better understood by reading what it has done with previous atrocities.

This repost was done during Bush Sr’s presidency by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. It goes through the US’ response in the past to quite a few incidents and describes the decisions that were made and the thinking behind them.…/Todd_Buchwald_Report_031819.pdf on 14 Jun 2024 19:33 next collapse

The US is not the only country that has enacted laws governing jurisdiction in cases of genocide that has occurred outside their borders. Many of these countries also have laws that are automatically in force when a determination of genocide has been made by the UN. These laws generally cover sanctions and doing business with “those who perpetrate or support genocide”.…/when-to-act-a-states-obl…

Many other States have adopted statutes pursuant to Article VI, which explicitly provide not only for territorial jurisdiction, but also for universal jurisdiction over genocide. Examples of such statutes include: the 2002 German Code of Crimes Against International Law (Völkerstrafgesetzbuch) Section 1 of which recognizes the jurisdiction of German courts over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed outside the German territory and to which Germany has no specific link. Likewise, Section 2, § 1(a) of the Dutch International Crimes Act of 19 June 2003 makes provision for universal jurisdiction over genocide provided that the alleged perpetrator is physically present in the Netherlands. Moreover, the Canadian’s Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act, adopted on 24 June 2000 sets the basis for universal jurisdiction for genocide; Section 6, §1 of this Act reads as follows:

Every person who, either before or after the coming into force of this section, commits outside Canada (a) genocide […] is guilty of an indictable offence and may be prosecuted for that offence in accordance with section 8.

Many other countries, including France, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, and Austria, have adopted national legislation, as required under Genocide Convention Article VI, that allow for the prosecution of genocide committed outside their territories. on 14 Jun 2024 20:07 collapse

What’s the end goal here?

they seek a declaration from the court that defendants are violating their duty under customary international law

Here’s the nasty little secret about “international law” that people don’t seem to understand. The most powerful countries don’t have to abide by it. There are no mechanisms for enforcement. There aren’t world police who have international jurisdiction, there aren’t world courts that have international subpoena power. So the countries at the top can enforce it when it’s in their interest, and ignore it when it’s not. Them the rules of an anarchical system, “rules for thee not for me” on 14 Jun 2024 20:53 next collapse

It really does make me wonder if people genuinely believe something would come of this. Honestly I’d love for there to be some kind of consequence but it’s pretty laughable to think that anything will happen when the power dynamic is so skewed on 16 Jun 2024 04:42 collapse

Exactly. on 14 Jun 2024 22:28 next collapse

Rules for thee and not for me is the founding basis for conservative politics

Edit: fixed a typo on 14 Jun 2024 22:35 collapse

It’s American foreign policy… there’s a reason the US helped write the laws for the ICC and yet still doesn’t cooperate. Because they don’t have to. That’s the way it rolls when your military is larger and more capable than the next 5 combined. What are they gonna do? on 14 Jun 2024 23:24 collapse

The US is a deeply conservative country, but also has a very long history of not cooperating with others unless they can get something big out of it. on 15 Jun 2024 10:42 next collapse

The goal is to expose and to try every avenue available. Which should be the logic thing to do in face of a genocide.

Maybe something comes out of it. Probably not. But in the latter case at least it is evident, that there is no moral high ground with the US and its allies. It is evident that working with these terror states creates complicity in the most heinous crimes and other countries can be held accountable for it.

It can create an understanding for future generations that neoliberalism like it is endorsed by both US parties or so called “social democrats” or “greens” in countries like Germany is nothing but fascism with extra steps. on 15 Jun 2024 21:08 collapse

💯💯💯 If this process weren’t going on, others would come out of the woodwork going “if Biden is committing war crimes why isn’t the international community calling him out for it?”

Maybe not the same people who are doubting this, but it would happen. When genocide is happening it’s good to do what we can rather than send thoughts and prayers. on 15 Jun 2024 17:49 next collapse

Hopefully get that Genocidal Geriatric behind bars for the rest of his miserable life.

But mostly dispel the illusion that the Democrats care about Justice no matter how hard they try to act on the Hunter Biden stuff.

[deleted] on 15 Jun 2024 19:08 collapse
. on 15 Jun 2024 19:13 collapse

Look at this man proudly defending Genocide. on 15 Jun 2024 19:19 collapse

Look at this man proudly defending a Convicted Felon. Someone who has been found guilty of committing crimes. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden on 15 Jun 2024 19:21 collapse

I think I missed the part where I defended Donald Trump. But if there’s nothing to defend Biden with, just blame it on Trump and hope everyone is stupid enough not to notice.

[deleted] on 15 Jun 2024 19:24 next collapse
. on 15 Jun 2024 19:44 collapse

The actual criminal. The guy who broke US law, and was convicted. His name isn’t Joe Biden, it’s Donald Trump


[deleted] on 15 Jun 2024 19:49 collapse
. on 15 Jun 2024 20:00 collapse

Joe Biden is being sued right now. Last time I checked being complicit in Genocide is pretty illegal.

A criminal is someone who has committed a crime. One does not have to be convicted to be called a criminal

I feel bad for your little brother if this is the level of support you provide him. on 15 Jun 2024 20:04 collapse

And yet isn’t and hasn’t been indicted for anything criminal … unlike your guy Donald Trump. Who’s been convicted of 34 felonies. And has dozens more pending.

Being sued =/= anything criminal. Do you really not understand that??? Being sued is civil…

Donald Trump = Felon

Joe Biden = not even indicted for anything criminal on 15 Jun 2024 20:16 collapse

So you are saying Joe Biden is not complicit in Genocide?

Not sure why Trump is my guy now but I guess that needs to be true or your entire world view falls apart. Might have something in common with lil bro. on 15 Jun 2024 20:19 collapse

I’m saying he’s not going to jail. Ever. Unlike your guy, who’s been convicted of felonies. The actual criminal, as determined by a US court. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden on 16 Jun 2024 04:14 collapse

You don’t need to defend Trump if all of your time is spent spreading anti-Biden bullshit. It’s essentially the same thing at the end of the day because if you get your way….

Trump wins.

But you already know that. And we all know that you do. on 15 Jun 2024 18:14 next collapse

And even bigger aspect of international law that people don’t seem to understand is who writes international law.

What we call “international law” is actually just a variety of treaties most countries have agreed to follow. So international law is actually just a vague consensus among the leaders of the countries of the world.

So international law doesn’t actually prohibit world leaders from doing the things they want to do. Because they wouldn’t agree to treaties that wouldn’t allow them to do what they want.

War is something countries do, so war is not against international law. But there are defined rules to conducting a war in international law. Sometimes there are civilian casualties in a war, so civilians casualties in a war doesn’t automatically mean the country broke international law. Blockades? That’s something countries want to do so that’s legal, in fact the rules around a blockade is defined in the oldest of international law.

Countries have militaries that wear uniforms so there’s additional protections for soldiers in uniform than there are for combatants that aren’t in uniform (like Hamas). Uniformed soldiers held captive are prisoners of war and must be released when the war is over. Non-uniformed combatants are basically stateless criminals and can be held indefinitely even after a war is concluded. Countries don’t need to take civilians hostage, so that’s against international law.

So Hamas taking hostages, civilian, off duty soldiers, even uniformed soldiers on duty, it’s all illegal. They aren’t following the rules of war and are criminals under international law.

As long as Israel follows the rules of conducting blockades and rules around how to conduct a war, these are legal under international law no matter how much people want to scream genocide. on 15 Jun 2024 21:02 collapse

Sometimes I do think Lemmy forgets that structured social pressure among leadership is a thing.

Like no, BDS isn’t going to suddenly cripple the Israeli economy, nor is Biden going to suddenly get arrested for war crimes.

But that doesn’t make these actions meaningless. Best case it compounds with other action over time into concrete progress, and worst case it at least provides conviction and encouragement to leaders trying to do the right thing.