North Korean troops in Ukraine gain battlefield experience, cementing alliance with Russia (
from to on 12 Jan 12:12


North Korea has deployed 10,000-12,000 troops to aid Russia in Ukraine’s Kursk region, marking a significant escalation in its alliance with Moscow.

Initially inexperienced, the North Korean forces have adapted to modern combat, gaining battlefield skills.

Ukrainian intelligence confirms their presence through intercepted communications and battlefield observations.

These developments pose a global threat as North Korea acquires modern military experience, enhancing its capabilities.


threaded - newest on 12 Jan 13:07 next collapse

They’re dying at a much faster rate than Russians though, so it might be difficult to accumulate experience. on 12 Jan 13:15 collapse

Depends if it’s just troops or there are also commanders in the mix learning what gets their troops killed. Of course Ukraine is also targeting commanders and there have been confirmed NK generals killed, so it’s not guaranteed they survive. on 12 Jan 13:47 next collapse

it’s crazy watching north korea attempting to do for russia in ukraine what america attempted to do for france in vietnam.

just utterly myopic. on 12 Jan 14:08 collapse

Not saying Ukraine isn’t a quagmire for Russia, but the US’s role in Vietnam bears little similarity to what NK is trying to accomplish in Ukraine. The US wasn’t licking France’s boot as a geopolitical move. This is 100% Kim Jung Un trying to get into Putin’s good graces. on 12 Jan 14:36 next collapse

And getting a ton of money, oil, and ICBM technology in return. on 12 Jan 14:53 collapse

preface: i acknowledge that you are correct. However, I still want to meme. So,

cool motive

still sending their troops into a nation that is fighting for independence from a complete whole-ass other nation’s foreign occupation

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on 12 Jan 20:39 collapse

lol, I can dig it man. on 13 Jan 03:26 collapse

‘dig’ is, after all, literally in your name :3 on 13 Jan 05:01 collapse

Ha! Touché. You are one with the memes.

Digredior was a shit attempt at me trying to come up with the Latin word for destruction for a new WoW character I was making some around 15 years ago. I don’t know what stupid fucking translator I used, hit it essentially means, “I digress”. However, I’ve always liked how it sounded, so I’ve used it here and there for various alternate accounts on various platforms… on 12 Jan 18:48 next collapse

1 in 200 learns about modern warfare. The other 199 are carried back in bags. on 12 Jan 20:31 collapse

I seriously doubt they’re carried further than that ditch right over there, if they’re lucky… on 12 Jan 21:02 collapse

Where the wild pigs will get them. on 12 Jan 23:25 collapse

Hopefully not don’t want the pigs to get any nasty parasites. At least burn the trenches. on 13 Jan 03:44 collapse

I am all for demonizing the nk gov, but not so much the general population. on 13 Jan 13:35 collapse

For the people who are still aliiiive 🎶