Canadian-Israeli woman, missing since Hamas ambush at musical festival, dead: family
from to on 14 Oct 2023 16:30
from to on 14 Oct 2023 16:30
Family of a Canadian-Israeli woman, who was missing since Hamas militants ambushed a music festival in southern Isreal last Saturday, says she has died(opens in a new tab).
Twenty-two-year-old Shir Georgy went missing after the militant group attacked the music festival near Kibbutz Re’im last Saturday.
Georgy’s aunt, Michal Bouganim, says the family is a mess and heartbroken.
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And? I don’t want to be cynical but why is one Israelian person found dead newsworthy while thousands of citizens are getting murdered in Palestine?
Your vote totals tell me most people believe Palestinian lives don’t count, which is borne out by US policy towards Israel.
No. You’re just an idiot.
Or because it's moronic whataboutism and kind of sociopathic to drop comments like that under such news? It's clear that you people don't care about the victims on either side, just what kind of political agenda you can push with it. It's disgusting.
Did you know that girl? Will this article console her family? Reporting one casualty without mentioning the 2200 Palestinian deaths masks the severity of the situation. You feign concern for one Canadian while dismissing the ongoing war crimes. It’s clear that you don’t care about the the victims in Palestine, just what kind of political agenda you can push with it. It’s disgusting.
It's a Canadian news site, reporting over the death of a Canadian citizen. But then again, you're arguing in bad faith and know this full well, so I don't even need to explain this. Unlike you, I do actually care for the victims in Palestine, I just don't use them as a tool for anti Jewish propaganda like you do.
I am Jewish. You, and western media are using any and everything to distract from the fact that Holocaust 2.0 is about to happen. And I’m in the wrong? Get a fucking grip on your humanity. I’m collapse aware and I’m a big proponent of climate change. But this singular issue should be the only thing that is reported on until the people in Palestine are safe. Anything less is sophistry and complicit with genocide. It’s not the reporting on news that is Canadian centric. It’s the failure to put it in context with the war crimes that are currently happening.
Reporting on the Hamas victims is doing that? Okay. Maybe stop being an Hamas apologist and then we can talk.
“This absolutely not true statement about my fragile inability to be internet voted means this totally unrelated claim.” -you, the dumbass
the point is to drum up support for the coming atrocities
No, a Canadian died overseas in a terrorist attack so a Canadian newspaper reported on it. Fuck right off with conspiracy theorizing.
clearly that accounts for the entire massive media push conflating Hamas’ actions with Israel’s response against Palestine
and it’s not a conspiracy when Israel has been outed multiple times for massive propaganda campaigns
I’m not saying you’re incorrect about the US media but Canada is quite different culturally. When citizens are killed in terrorist or other attacks our news will regularly cover it. We have some underreporting when it comes to gang violence (especially drug crimes or crimes in immigrant communities) but we’re a lot more protective of our people up here.
or crimes against your own native minorities, lol if you think Canada is all that different
directly relevant where’s the report about the Canadian UN worker killed in the Gaza air raid?
but all of this is beside the point I replied to
dudes point was 1000s of Palestinians killed yearly and its a blurb on page 3, 1 pretty white girl and it’s front page news
my point was its conveniently posted to tie into conflating fighting terrorists with a ground assault in Gaza and justifying the coming resulting atrocities
Up here in Canada we have a national holiday called Truth and Reconciliation, we’re facing our demons. America is still celebrating fucking Columbus day.
Fuck off.
my dude, some holiday doesn’t make it better, your country isn’t facing shit, just like the US
look up the quality of life statistics and that huge gulf
as an impacted native, fuck yourself
A Canadian news site posting an article about a Canadian citizen killed in another country seems reasonable to me.
Yep, news sites also post about Canadian’s killed or harmed in Gaza
CTV News has its issues, but they do report on both
There was also this from CBC, which is generally better for coverage
Canadian shot in Gaza says he was ‘clearly marked’ as a doctor (CBC)
If someone in your family is killed would you find it more newsworthy than other people killed in Palestine? Canadians find it too.
What makes you wake up in the morning and post this sort of comment? Why are they less news worthy than anyone else?
Because most news and people keep posting news providing love and support for Israel while ignoring the elephant in the room?
My ability to give a crap about other people? How is one person’s death more important to report than over ten thousand? Everyone’s acting like I’m the devil for bringing it up.
I see a complete mixed bag of support and criticism browsing any news on the topic. If you only see support for Israel have you considered its because you keep engaging with it and the algorithms think you want to see more? Regardless this is probably getting more news coverage despite the imbalance of victim counts because news agencies can actually speak to the families involved and share their stories. They can’t just pop over to Palestine to talk to the murdered peoples families without greater risk to themselves.
It’s because a terrorist attack is apparently more newsworthy than a genocide.
“And?” really conveys the level of empathy that you embody.
From a statistically utilitarian standpoint, he’s right, and more empathetic. Source
You can’t figure out why a Canadian outlet is reporting on a Canadian citizen?
Yea, and I am very skeptical of a rave being held next to a prison with tanks actively on stand-by.
Hamas aren’t heros, being set up by Israel to destabilize Palestine in the first place, but with Israeli citizens being reservist members of the military, something smells about this. Hamas has no gain from a strike against a music festival.
Ignoring circumstances and just calling them dumb terrorists is short sighted and is a blatant demonizing attempt by Israel to justify their continued oppression of Palestinians.
This is also one retaliatory attack by a nation of people’s subjected to decades of violent persecution, being mad at water for boiling when left on a hot burner.
So wait, your position is that Israel is behind the Hamas attacks on Israel, in order to justify their military action against Gaza?
Do you have any evidence to support that?
No. I’m sketch that Isreal is hiding something that they were doing on site near the festival and is using the event (not affiliated with Israel, just a rave that happened to be on site) as a cover for the reason Hamas chose it as a target.
There is the possibility that something is unknown here and innocent civilians on Israel’s side were stuck in the crossfire. When I mentioned civilians being reservist it is more than any could be apart of something the others don’t know about. So some were there for the rave, others could be there for something off record that warranted tanks on standby.
Then there is Hamas using the Palestinian plight as a cover for their goals. They very well could have their own political goals that are not readily apparent. So reality we might never truly know “why” the site was targeted.
I have no evidence to support it. I just cannot understand what significance or benefit Hamas attributed to a rave that warranted going through all the trouble of bypassing Israel defenses.
imagine partying at a festival and having a bunch of armed cavemen drop from the sky and start murdering people.
even the ones that happen to survive are going to live out their lives with severe PTSD, I can’t even imagine.
I’ve witnessed the savagery of humans first hand when I was on the streets of Baltimore City when I was younger and I can still her the screams of a young women that was viciously beat down with shovels, bricks, even a flower pot, then having the savages notice me, yes I ran. anyway, I hope the survivors get professional help. because trauma is life long, and can lead to some dark times. rant over
Ptsd fistbump.
Dirty Muslim armed cavemen.
Not sure what you added to the conversation…
They went there before any attack, not after
You’re celebrating and demanding more terrorism against people for neckbeard ass reasons.
I hope you get your ass locked up before you shoot up a nightclub.
Bro take a hold of yourself
The best thing about this whole shitty situation is that people are readily making themselves known as, if not terrorists, pro-terrorism. Jesus Christ
It’s safe to assume no one is missing over there. There is death raining down
Blood sacrifice for the cause