Mexico's president says her government requested US surveillance drone flights - ABC News (
from to on 19 Feb 21:11


threaded - newest on 19 Feb 21:45 collapse

We don’t hear Trump threatening to acquire Mexico because Mexico doesn’t hugely rely from America for economic prosperity while calling Americans stupid and uneducated. on 19 Feb 23:36 next collapse

Come now, we know the real reason he isn’t calling to acquire Mexico. on 20 Feb 00:47 collapse

Because Mexico and America have a mutually beneficial relationship, unlike the Canadian relationship which is 75/25. on 20 Feb 00:51 next collapse

Riiiiiight… on 20 Feb 00:53 collapse

Are you an American? on 20 Feb 00:57 collapse

Wow, unobservant. Such a surprise. on 20 Feb 05:19 collapse

You do realize that Canada is subsidizing oil for the US, right?

……/canada-subsidizes-the-u-s-not-the-other… on 20 Feb 06:14 collapse

Canada supplies 20% of American oil. Considering Trump is bringing back the drilling that Biden took away, I don’t foresee a significant impact. The biggest loss would be the syrup. on 20 Feb 12:07 next collapse

Which drilling did he take away? The amount of oil U.S. Oil being produced hit an all time high under Biden? You don’t get there by taking away drilling. Refusing to expand on future drilling maybe, but that is because it would be cheaper and more sustainable to move away from future drilling.

Edit to add: Gas prices went up under Trump last time, and they are definitely going to again. No prices will be going down under his business practices, it’s all up from here on costs, and wage stagnation to pad the company numbers. on 20 Feb 14:53 collapse

Which is more hydrating? A shot of water or a gallon of water? Biden is a radically anti fossil fuel president who has halted drilling, canceled contracts, and restricted nearly every aspect of oil drilling. He even removed all federal funding from the industry that keeps American oil competitive. He specifically rushed to keep over 1/2 million off of shore drilling out of the oil industry because he knows Trump isn’t an EV messiah like Biden. 2019 was the record breaking oil year, not the past 5 years. on 20 Feb 17:36 collapse

2023 and 2024 are higher than 2019. Anyone who thinks Biden was “radical” anti fossil fuel clearly doesn’t know what the word radical means. “He even removed all federal funding from the industry” Thats based off what, your feelings? Because it never happened. We still spend $20 billion a year subsidizing oil. The last bill Biden signed pertaining to oil he increased the funding.

Bring some sources for those claims and I’ll be happy to review them. on 20 Feb 14:57 collapse

Trump is doing nothing more than pandering to the oil industry because they want to export LNG from Alaska. Besides, American refineries are largely equipped to handle heavier crude - Canada is helping us out.

We only have a (very) small trade deficit with Canada if you include oil. Canada is subsidizing what we do import to help us out (you know - we’re supposed to be friends).

Don’t believe the b/s that comes out of Trump’s mouth. on 20 Feb 00:14 next collapse

Sounds like the opinion of a stupid uneducated American on 20 Feb 00:30 next collapse

This is bait on 20 Feb 00:50 next collapse

Bait? You’re projecting too much. Are you an American? on 20 Feb 11:49 collapse

Does it matter? I’m not stupid enough to fall for your weak shit is all you need to know. on 20 Feb 14:55 collapse

Yeah so ppl who don’t live by the border only have the internet by which to form an opinion. If you actually go to the border, you see the real border. It does matter because you are acting like an expert on something you can’t even drive to in 1 day. Foolish on 20 Feb 20:49 collapse

Unrelated gibberish. Goodbye on 20 Feb 03:34 collapse

It’s crazy that I can’t tell if it’s bait from a pretty good troll, a real supporter of the racist in chief himself who believes this shit, or a supporter who is trolling because their real life is kind of pathetic. They all kind of sound the same at this point. But the fact that whoever it is went down the comment chain to reply to you instead of just those who took the bait points to 1 or 3. on 20 Feb 00:49 collapse

Sounds like someone who doesn’t know the border line of old Mexico on 20 Feb 14:19 collapse

Are you talking about Elon Musk?