Mexico Recognizes Palestine: A Historic Gesture of Solidarity (
from to on 20 Mar 19:32


threaded - newest on 20 Mar 19:38 next collapse

Mexico is really cashing in on the US’s failures on 21 Mar 03:12 collapse

Everyone is on 22 Mar 01:08 collapse

Except americans. on 20 Mar 19:45 next collapse

Fuck yeah! Never been more proud of our southern neighbor. Hard to be proud of anything the U.S. does anymore. on 20 Mar 19:50 next collapse

I really feel like this is more of a middle finger to the US than anything, but I’ll take it. on 20 Mar 19:53 next collapse

¡Porque no los dos! on 20 Mar 19:55 collapse

No hablo español! Ingles por favor? Soy estúpida on 20 Mar 20:07 collapse

“The pork lost two”

For more translation help, tag me with the command !Translatemyshit

I wonder how much I’m going to regret this comment… on 21 Mar 14:17 collapse

!Translatemyshit on 21 Mar 15:11 next collapse

“Knur stracił dwa”

Dla więcej tłumaczenia pomocy, oznacz mnie komendą !Przetłumaczmojegówno

Zastanawiam się na ile będę żałować tego komentarza… on 21 Mar 15:52 collapse

Fuck, uhhhhh… My Polish was awful when I studied and now it’s worse than ever.

Alright, get it together. I can do this! Apologies in advance…

“Knurled silly straws, d’awww!”

At the woke Tasmanian pharmacy, a nasty miniature commander said !Pretzelsmakemygown

A zesty woman said nah lil baby that’s so whack to go cum in Tarzan…

Your comment was a real challenge, but I feel pretty confident that I nailed the translation on 21 Mar 22:11 collapse

Hehe, at least you correctly identified ot as polish*. my comment was a translation of yours (with varying degrees of properness).

Did you try to write the phonetisation of it to English or what is it?

  • Polish me jaja on 21 Mar 22:42 collapse

I’ve got some family from Poland and immediately recognized some of the letter combinations.

Lemme go back to my first translation from “Porque no los dos.” This phrase was popularized by a Mexican food commercial where a family is arguing about two different things, and this one girl says “why not the both of them?” Literally translated word by word: Why not the two.

Since someone was being silly and asking for a translation in Spanish, I did a terrible “translation” to similar sounding words. A reverse example is the word “embarrassed.” Sometimes people will say “estoy embarazada” when they are embarrassed. This is a mistake usually made by people who don’t speak Spanish as their main language. While “embarazada” is a real word, it means pregnant, not embarrassed.

So, I did find phonetic equivalents from Spanish to English. This was a bit more difficult from Polish because the pronunciation of many of the words you wrote are very different from how they look to someone who doesn’t know West Slavic languages. So, I had to find a balance between an uninformed, but realistic phonetic equivalent as though what you wrote was being read to me by a tourist.

For example, I believe “stracił dwa” would be pronounced more like “straw chew d’va.” But I’d imagine a tourist would say “straw sill(or chill) d’wah.”

Does that make a little more sense? You’d have to read your Polish, but, like, really really wrong. And then think of phonetic equivalents of that.

In summary: I wasted my time and have no regrets. on 21 Mar 22:51 collapse

yeah, it totally does make more sense.

the phonetisation was good on 21 Mar 23:02 collapse

Thank you! Dobrze spać on 21 Mar 15:54 collapse

!Hablaenespañolmicaca on 21 Mar 18:13 collapse

!Traducemipopó on 21 Mar 18:19 collapse

!Trademypolice on 20 Mar 20:37 collapse

Not everything is about the US. on 21 Mar 01:34 next collapse

It kind of is when it’s about Israel. on 21 Mar 05:12 collapse

I wish that was true. on 20 Mar 20:10 next collapse

Viva Mexico ! on 20 Mar 20:14 next collapse

Makes me wish I was mexican on 21 Mar 15:30 next collapse

I wouldn’t mind moving since Mexico has a much higher quality of life than the US does right now. on 21 Mar 22:34 collapse

I am Mexican, I deem you honorary Mexican so you may share the joy of having a not so shitty president.

I mean, I don’t live in Mexico so she’s technically also not my president but if you want I can also deem you honorary Canadian. on 21 Mar 23:47 collapse

Órale, eh? on 20 Mar 20:49 next collapse

This legit fr made my day 🥲🇲🇽 on 20 Mar 23:32 next collapse

Well this wasn’t in my bingo card.

I mean, if Russia and Ukraine can both agree in recognizing Palestine as a state maybe the rest of the world (USA) needs to take a hint on 21 Mar 03:59 next collapse

The worldnews subreddit is absolutely seething right now on 21 Mar 04:05 next collapse

Glad to hear it. on 21 Mar 15:00 next collapse

Thread locked in 3… 2… 1… on 21 Mar 15:08 next collapse

Part of what drew me to the old site in ye olde 2013 was that it was the largest platform that wasn’t shitty about this specific subject.

Funny to see this is now the standard expectation for that place. Look how they massacred my boy on 21 Mar 19:14 collapse

Plenty of Hasbara in Reddit these days combing through any Israel- Palestine conflict.

As someone who grew up in Ireland, I know for a fact that Ireland is one of the first countries to support Israeli statehood and then the two state solution. As a matter of fact, one of Ireland’s ministers is a Jew who later on served as advisor to one of the Israeli political party that will eventually rule the country: the Likud party. Unfortunately, with ultra-Zionism now taking hold on Israeli society, Ireland recognise modern Israel’s attempt to genocide Palestinians so there is a rift between Ireland and Israel.

Fast forward to present day, when the Irish parliament drew up a bill to ban goods from Israeli occupied territories, comments in Reddit swarmed like ants accusing Ireland of historical antisemitism/anti-Zionism and perpetuating the myth that then Irish prime minister, Eamon De Valera, sent condolences upon hearing the news of Hitlers death. These comments have been heavily upvoted. However, they conveniently and purposefully forget said Ireland’s history of supporting Israeli statehood and close political ties with the country’s early days. on 21 Mar 20:33 collapse

They have it more much difficult right now, because Mexico’s president is Jewish, so they are basically calling her a race traitor on 21 Mar 18:29 next collapse

Worldnews is going to declare any and all posts from Mexicans are single issue and bans any posts about them. on 22 Mar 00:28 collapse

they’ve always been racist af so that’s good news on 21 Mar 04:08 next collapse

Considering how the president represents her people, I’m not surprised. Mexicans do oppose to the Palestine genocide by the Israel military forces. It’s obviously not unanimous, some pro-Israel genocide state people do exist. on 21 Mar 14:59 next collapse

breaking news music

“Preliminary reports today indicate that the White House is moving to declare Mexico a terrorist narco-state, with threats to invade and restore democracy.” on 21 Mar 18:49 collapse on 21 Mar 23:06 next collapse

Fuck yeah! That’s super cool, Mexico. Also, I’m sorry we’re being dicks to you right now. on 21 Mar 23:29 next collapse

Gg Mexico, hopefully canada can pull it’s head out of its ass and follow suit on 21 Mar 23:40 collapse

How long does it take to get Mexican citizenship? on 22 Mar 00:32 collapse

mexico is pretty cool. plus, contender for ‘world’s best cuisine’-thailand and italy are the only other real contenders, and I’m kind of partial to mexican.