At least 8 foreign states monitoring, intimidating diaspora living in the Netherlands, the Dutch counterterrorism office warns (
from to on 21 Oct 14:06

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Foreign nationals and Dutch citizens with a family heritage from at least eight different countries often face intense pressure to show loyalty to foreign governments, carry out espionage activities on their behalf, or to monitor those in their communities, Dutch counterterrorism office NCTV and intelligence service AIVD warns.

The AIVD said it confirmed that Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey and others specifically attempt to gather intelligence on their diaspora communities in the Netherlands, and there is a strong suspicion that China, Eritrea and Syria does the same.

Further, people in the Netherlands identified as dissidents by Russia, China and Iran have also been secretly monitored by those governments. The report cautioned that people with heritage and connections to the eight countries mentioned, and others not mentioned, can face intimidation, threats of kidnapping and murder, in addition to others spying on them.

These forms of state interference not only put pressure on the personal freedoms of residents of the Netherlands, but also undermine the democratic legal order in the Netherlands,” the NCTV said. Its report about foreign state interference in diaspora communities noted that that this can attempt to “influence political decisions or sentiment in Dutch society.”

The report noted a wide range of attempts to either monitor or influence foreign residents of the Netherlands, and Dutch citizens with familial ties to other countries. This includes identifying those who might be able to be used to influence those communities, while also observing those who might become supporters of an opposition movement.


That intelligence can then be used to either repress people and their families, or manipulate them into carrying out economic espionage in the Netherlands. The two agencies again raised warnings about the China Scholarship Council, which helps Chinese students get grants to study abroad in exchange for loyalty pledges, and a promise to obey directives from Chinese embassies and consulates.

The NCTV and AIVD also noted China’s treatment of Uyghurs living in the Netherlands. The ethnic minority has been subjected to years of harassment, unjust imprisonment, and discrimination in China.

Once [Chinese citizens are] in the Netherlands, they can find themselves on the receiving end of phone calls about family members who are “under the control” of Chinese authorities. “This message is usually accompanied by a clear ‘request’ to stop certain activities, such as publishing critical publications, or participating in or organising demonstrations, or to cooperate with the Chinese authorities,” the NCTV and AIVD stated.

It also noted reports about incidents of harassment that Russian scientists and students have had to endure. “The callers claimed to be from the Russian government and asked them where their loyalty lay in the war with Ukraine. The AIVD confirmed the practices after the reported incidents and made a direct connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” the report said.



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The news source of this post could not be identified. Please check the source yourself. Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 21 Oct 14:13 next collapse

Let’s add America to that list - those fuckers require you to report everything you do until the day you die… even if you’re no longer an American resident. on 21 Oct 15:05 next collapse

And they listen and monitor everything from every day americans to allied politicians. on 22 Oct 14:48 collapse

I hate to tell you this, but your country, no matter what country that is, is probably doing the exact same thing. Even if they claim they aren’t.

Why wouldn’t they? on 22 Oct 15:35 next collapse

And the US, in particular, invasively monitors income… something most people apparently don’t believe. on 22 Oct 15:37 next collapse

All those big data companies are doing that to everyone in the world. They don’t even have to know directly the things you buy to guess all sorts of things about you, just what you search for and talk about. And then they sell it to whoever wants it. Including the world’s governments.

And their algorithms to do it get better all the time. on 22 Oct 18:29 collapse

I mean that isnt difficult, income is reported to governments. It isnt a private thing. on 22 Oct 18:27 collapse

Yeah I dont buy that, it is whataboutism without evidence. The US has been caught doing this multiple times, Ireland has not. We also haven’t built the biggest building ever to store the data.

As for why wouldn’t they, does that even need answering? It is the most apthetic bullshit response possible. on 22 Oct 18:29 collapse

Okay, you go ahead and believe the Irish government isn’t surveying you. I’m sure they’re totally trustworthy on this issue.

My goodness, will you look at that: on 22 Oct 20:16 collapse

Where is the article that shows them spying on allied politicians? Or in the case of the above, doesnt show any facs proving such.

There is a difference in how any spyware can be used on citizens and the wholesale collection of all data for processing. on 22 Oct 21:03 collapse

Allied politicians? They’re spying on you. on 22 Oct 21:34 collapse

Prove it. Stop just throwing around accusations, show me members of the security sectors that defected from these countries with evidence of their wrong doing. Show me examples, provide sources. on 22 Oct 21:42 collapse

You’re right. I’m sure they would totally refuse to say whether or not they were spying on you if they weren’t spying on you. on 22 Oct 01:21 next collapse

No, let’s not. There is a difference here. Does the US use its nationals to beat up Americans with the wrong political affiliation during peaceful protests (like turkey does) or have a family member call from the US to let them know they have been detained because of an opinion the American expressed while in the Netherlands, like china does? Or send groups of people to beat up their countrymen for having a political rally here like Eritrea does? All these things happened in the last year… and also before that. on 22 Oct 14:22 collapse

Your main character syndrome is showing. on 22 Oct 14:23 collapse

Nah, I think you just don’t understand tax laws. on 22 Oct 01:17 collapse

We had instances of Chinese police outposts in the Hague and Eritrean nationals showing up with fighting groups to let their countrymen know they dislike their political affiliation using large street brawls that required riot police to break up… so yeah.