The US Navy confronts a new Suez crisis (
from to on 28 Dec 2023 17:26


threaded - newest on 28 Dec 2023 20:17 next collapse

Non-paywall link. on 28 Dec 2023 20:29 collapse

I’m surprised China hasn’t done more with this issue. It affects the major Chinese shipping corridor between Asia and Europe and protection of the corridor was a reason for the establishment of a military base in Djibouti. Why does the USA need to lead this effort? on 28 Dec 2023 21:09 next collapse

If the USA wants to foot the bill… on 28 Dec 2023 23:23 collapse

China hasn’t demonstrated the ability to execute a sustained naval campaign far from their home ports in the past. They’re a green water navy with blue water aspirations. While this would be a good chance to practice long range deployments and air defense strategies, with the eyes of the world focused on the Red Sea, they don’t want to risk screwing up and loosing national prestige.