Report: Vast Majority of Children Under 5 in Gaza Going Full Days Without Food (
from to on 04 Jun 2024 23:25

According to a food survey conducted by humanitarian aid groups in May, 85 percent of children under 5 were deprived of food at least one day over a three day period. Official death counts reported by Gaza’s government do not include deaths by starvation; at least 30 children have been recorded starving to death in Gaza so far.

Since May 6, when Israel seized and closed the main humanitarian aid crossing into Gaza, only about eight trucks of aid have entered on average each day — or about 1 percent of the 500 to 600 trucks that the UN has said need to enter each day in order to meet Palestinians’ needs.

Two weeks ago, the UN reported that its food and tent storage warehouses in Gaza are empty because of Israel’s blockade; now, families are reporting having to pay $700 just for a basic tent that they would then have to pitch in cemeteries due to overcrowding.

Over a million people have fled Rafah as Israel carries out its invasion, fleeing to nearby Khan Younis, Al-Mawasi and Deir al-Balah, Oxfam reports. As a result, two-thirds of Gaza’s population, or 1.7 million people, have now been forced into an area that’s less than one-fifth of the area of the Gaza strip — an area that Israeli forces have been bombing anyway, despite declaring it to be a safe zone.

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threaded - newest on 04 Jun 2024 23:27 next collapse

On top of the blockade, Israeli forces recently lifted a ban on commercial food deliveries entering Gaza, meaning that commercial deliveries from Israel and the West Bank are now squeezing out aid trucks attempting to enter border crossings.

“By the time a famine is declared, it will be too late. When hunger claims many more lives, nobody will be able to deny the horrifying impact of Israel’s deliberate, illegal and cruel obstruction of aid,” said Sally Abi Khalil, Middle East and North Africa director for Oxfam, in a statement. “Obstructing tonnes of food for a malnourished population while waving through caffeine-laced drinks and chocolate is sickening.”

I had no clue about Israel utilizing commercial deliveries to further obstruct humanitarian aid from entering Gaza before this article on 05 Jun 2024 00:18 next collapse

I mean if Hamas orders a ice-latte you need to deliver, they were so nice starting the war for you so you could do your genocide, so that is the least you can do for them. /s on 05 Jun 2024 03:46 next collapse

This is the point of targeting journalists. The truth takes much longer to get out when there is no one to report it. Israel is undeniably committing genocide. on 05 Jun 2024 07:44 next collapse

Btselem did a report on it a few months ago. Israel blocked all fresh, easy and controlled food imports from israel that couldn’t possible have KHAMAAAAS in them. This undid the entire “we’re checking the imports for weapons” arguments but luckily all mainstream media craftily avoided mentioning it. on 05 Jun 2024 23:16 collapse

For the record the IPC has already declared a Famine in Northern Gaza. And Southern Gaza is at level 5 (Catastrophic), expected to make the final upgrade to Famine in the next reporting cycle. According to the last report it is likely already in Famine as their “nothing changes” prediction says.

A lot of people are already dying, and we’re just watching it happen.

Edit- I forgot we’re due for the next update so I checked the site. Here’s their money quote. I am ashamed to be human right now.

The famine threshold for household acute food insecurity has already been far exceeded and, given the latest data showing a steeply increasing trend in cases of acute malnutrition, it is highly likely that the famine threshold for acute malnutrition has also been exceeded. The upward trend in non-trauma mortality is also expected to accelerate, resulting in all famine thresholds likely to be passed imminently. on 05 Jun 2024 05:38 next collapse

This is significant. Starvation, nutrient deprivation, on a developing brain that young can and will likely lead to all sorts of development problems with physiology and psychology.

This is NOT just damn how sad that kids are hungry. This is the welfare gap, poverty, class repression also in action. There are long term consequences to prepubescent children not getting enough food

What can I do?

ETA: NPR - How to help humanitarian efforts in Israel and Gaza on 05 Jun 2024 07:24 next collapse

Dont worry, before they will suffer the consequences of malnutrition, they will be bombed to death or shot. on 05 Jun 2024 07:37 next collapse

If you live in America, not voting for Biden or Trump is the most impact you can have. on 05 Jun 2024 21:12 collapse

Not voting will have a huge impact, good idea!

That’ll put the Muslim ban guy right back in there so he can deport protesters to Gaza and then help Israel “finish the job.” Mike Johnson wants to brutalize protesters with the National Guard. Lindsey Graham wants to nuke Gaza.

After that’s done they’ll be able to help Russia finish off the Ukrainians. on 05 Jun 2024 21:26 collapse

Biden is putting the Muslim Ban guy back in the white house already. His chances of winning are abysmal. If it wasn’t for libs trying to do everything to support Genocide the third party movement could have been running a huge campaign by now.

Mike Johnson, the house speaker saved by the Democrats Mike Johnson you mean?

It’s pretty sad that virtually everything used to fearmonger for Trump is now already done by Biden. Uniparty’d a bit too much. on 05 Jun 2024 21:34 collapse

Look at all the delusional shit you have to buy into to think throwing a vote in the garbage is a good idea. You literally have to claim both sides are the same. That’s the position of privileged children sheltered by mommy and daddy’s money. Meanwhile, IRL, a red SCOTUS is removing more and more rights from us.

Hang on let me just check which huge third-party campaigns have succeeded in previous elections. Oh, wait, none have ever been successful at anything other than splitting a vote. None have ever been huge, because the majority of voters understand basic mathematics and how FPTP works. on 05 Jun 2024 21:59 collapse

Please do tell how much morally superior Biden is in supporting Genocide than Trump. Those Biden red lines are truly awesome. on 05 Jun 2024 22:03 collapse

I did. Get a clue and realize that even though you are sheltered by mommy and daddy’s money it is going to be worse for everyone else. Or continue urging people to do the same thing the Republicans are urging them to do while pretending you’re on the right side. Up to you. on 05 Jun 2024 22:16 collapse

Imagine the Nazis going “You dont support Hitler, which means you are spoilt by mommy and daddy’s money”. on 05 Jun 2024 23:08 collapse

You are so privileged that you are able to say both sides are the same, and, holy fuck, pretend that Dems are the Hitler out of the two available choices. Just unbelievably privileged. Must be nice. on 06 Jun 2024 03:41 collapse

Thank you for this entire exchange. I didn’t have the energy that’s for sure. on 06 Jun 2024 10:57 collapse

It truly is exhausting to see them so delusional. There is no explanation other than bad faith authoritarian influence. The only question is if they are one of the sources of the bad faith or actually foolish enough to believe any of it. on 05 Jun 2024 17:35 next collapse

Probably nothing. Even if you were rich enough to send a few trucks with food/medicine, it wouldn’t gain entry. And all world governments are sitting around watching it, so not sure what ordinary citizens could do that would help these people in time (yes people can vote, but it won’t be in time for a lot of these people, especially not if Israel gets to keep doing whatever in the meantime). on 05 Jun 2024 23:13 next collapse

If you’re American, write the white house and tell them you will not be voting for Biden until he cuts off military aid and sanctions Netanyahu until real aid is allowed into Gaza. on 05 Jun 2024 23:15 collapse

Protest or write to Congress or talk to people you know. Doing anything is better than doing nothing. on 05 Jun 2024 07:40 next collapse

Two weeks ago, the UN reported that its food and tent storage warehouses in Gaza are empty because of Israel’s blockade; now, families are reporting having to pay $700 just for a basic tent that they would then have to pitch in cemeteries due to overcrowding.

Making people live on top of the people you killed in unhygienic cold tents. in a smelly graveyard.

Israel is giving the Nazis tough competition on “most evil people” on 05 Jun 2024 16:32 collapse

I’m confused - who are they giving the $700 to? Is it monthly? Why is someone charging them money for it?

I did try to open the article but it wouldn’t load on my phone on 05 Jun 2024 19:54 collapse

From the commercial deliveries Israel replaced aid trucks with, it’s $700 for a tent. I don’t know if it’s a full tent, Israel has been preventing the tent polls from being allowed in Gaza. If you watch any footage of Palestinians in the camps you’ll notice they all use wood or plastic.

I’ll add an archived version to the post so you can view it.

Extortion of Palestinians during this genocide isn’t new either, here’s an older article discussing the cost of leaving Gaza

‘We try every day to escape’: Palestinians struggle to afford Gaza exit fees on 05 Jun 2024 17:18 next collapse

watch everyone but leftists, that lemmy was created for, avoid this thread on 05 Jun 2024 19:49 next collapse

I still see some people blame Hamas / Palestinians for the famine, as if Israel doesn’t have complete control of all imports/food/water and hasn’t been deliberately targeting humanitarian aid / aid workers on 05 Jun 2024 21:38 next collapse

Non-leftist here. Hey. How ya doin’? on 06 Jun 2024 01:16 collapse

I’d be unsurprised if some .world’ers crash the comments with liberal hot takes. on 05 Jun 2024 17:45 next collapse

Those kids are going to love Israel growing up. I wonder which organization could they join to show their thanks. on 05 Jun 2024 17:47 collapse

probably the idf or the netanyahu government; nobody does more damage to israel than them. on 05 Jun 2024 17:46 next collapse

weird how jk rowling and the rest of the terfs that cry about “protecting the children” and “irreversible damage” strangely haven’t mentioned this once. on 05 Jun 2024 21:35 collapse

They only want to protect children from ideas, not actual harm. on 05 Jun 2024 23:28 next collapse

Of course nuttin yahoo couldnt care less on 06 Jun 2024 08:15 collapse

Time to bomb Israel so they can empathize with the people they’re oppressing.