China’s Solar Dominance Faces New Rival: An Ultrathin Film (
from to on 12 Jan 2024 04:44

As renewable energy becomes a geopolitical tool, Japan looks to recover its technological edge

China’s near-monopoly on the solar-energy market has prompted the U.S. and allies to step up the search for workarounds. Engineers believe they have found one in a type of solar cell that looks and feels like camera film.

Invented by Japanese scientist Tsutomu Miyasaka, the cells use minerals forming a crystal structure called perovskite, which can be used in a device to turn the sun’s rays into electricity.

A key element in manufacturing perovskite is iodine. While hardly a resources powerhouse, Japan happens to be the world’s second-largest producer of iodine after Chile, accounting for around a third of global production. 

“Look at what China is doing with semiconductors. That’s bullying,” said Miyasaka, referring to Beijing’s export restrictions on the rare elements gallium and germanium used in chips. “With perovskite cells, the components can be made domestically.”

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threaded - newest on 12 Jan 2024 05:35 next collapse

🎼 We eat so many shrimp, I got iodine poisoning 🎶 on 12 Jan 2024 05:47 next collapse

Perovskite has been a magic “any day now” tech that never seems to materialize. This time will be different, right? on 12 Jan 2024 07:15 next collapse

"We'll have the durability and cost solved in two years" has been in news about this for what? Five to ten years now?

That's not to say it won't get there, but I don't know enough to be able to tell the difference, honestly. You'd think half your appliances would be coated on this stuff by now, even if it's a bit more expensive. At least specialty applications would suggest some industrial readiness. on 12 Jan 2024 08:48 next collapse

Ever magic tech that became widespread reality had this phase. They probably said the same about color tv. on 12 Jan 2024 09:46 next collapse

Definitely OLED on 12 Jan 2024 10:13 collapse

And every magic tech that didn’t become widespread had this phase.

What’s your point? on 12 Jan 2024 11:24 collapse

Complicated technologies take time to become viable to be manufactured at scale and hit the market. This is normal, not a sign of impossibility.

I see the comment above under every single new tech advance post. It’s meaningless imo. on 12 Jan 2024 09:28 next collapse

You’d have to be thick to believe in this thin miracle on 12 Jan 2024 12:31 collapse

I read that Perovskite is actually that amazing and it works the way it should (highly efficient in converting sunlight to electricity) but it’s not resilient against the elements, mostly air and water combined.
So if they find a way to protect the cells without altering their properties too much it will be a game changer. on 12 Jan 2024 06:25 next collapse

I don’t think that just because they made one of these China will now suddenly start trembling. Get a robust supply chain and production set up at competitive prices and then we’ll talk. Until then people will keep buying from China. on 12 Jan 2024 08:33 next collapse

Isn’t iodine like… Extremely, absurdly common in ocean water?

[deleted] on 12 Jan 2024 09:05 next collapse
. on 12 Jan 2024 10:24 collapse

“As renewable energy becomes a geopolitical tool”

What the fuck? on 12 Jan 2024 11:52 next collapse

China exports sooooo much, if they even threaten to stop providing panels (or batterries), a lot of the west won’t be able to continue electrifying. They know. We know. Thus political tool. on 12 Jan 2024 11:58 next collapse

Aren’t all traded commodities a geopolitical tool to some degree? This is why sanctions work. on 12 Jan 2024 13:54 collapse

Energy in general is a huge geopolitical tool, see what happened with the Russian gas recently, most of the US military interventions in middle east are related to oil, France interference in Africa to secure uranium mining …

Renewable energy is just another energy, the advantage of renewable energy is that the energy source is kinda well distributed around the world.