Biden under pressure to act amid new fears of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Gaza (
from to on 03 Jan 2024 02:24

Rights advocates in the United States are urging President Joe Biden to end his administration’s “complicity” in Israeli rights abuses after key members of Israel’s government backed the idea of pushing Palestinians out of Gaza.

Far-right Israeli ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich said this week that Israel should “encourage emigration” from the coastal enclave, home to an estimated 2.3 million Palestinians.

“If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not two million Arabs, the entire discussion on the day after [the war ends] will be totally different,” Smotrich said on Sunday, calling for the “voluntary migration” of Palestinians.

A day later, Ben-Gvir, who oversees national security, made a similar appeal, saying it was “a correct, just, moral and humane solution”, Israeli media outlets reported.


threaded - newest on 03 Jan 2024 02:29 next collapse

Are we sure we want him to act?

Might send more bombs. on 03 Jan 2024 02:38 collapse

I think what needs to happen is get Trump to say he’ll support Israel. Then anti-Trump Biden will have to say he doesn’t support Israel.

Two days later it will be chalked up to the ramblings of a senile old man and Israel will get the latest in phosphorus technology. on 03 Jan 2024 02:51 collapse

Trump has already said many times his position. He tried to move things even further to supporting Israel. Biden isn’t the anti-Trump, but he’s what we’ve got. Hopefully he’ll do what’s right. on 03 Jan 2024 03:33 collapse

Spoiler: he won’t. on 03 Jan 2024 04:31 collapse

Almost like we need to stop hedging our bets on a single office. on 03 Jan 2024 05:25 collapse

What other office can do something about Israel? on 03 Jan 2024 06:59 next collapse

Nobody. That’s the tragedy. As long as AIPAC throws lobbying dollars around and hardline US Jews and Christians refuse any stance except 100% support, America’s UNSC veto (or threat therein-of) ensures Israel has political cover.

Just like a long line of awful US ‘strategic allies’ like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Pinochet, Saddam, etc… on 03 Jan 2024 23:12 collapse

The presidency was never meant to be as powerful as it has become. on 03 Jan 2024 02:41 next collapse

I wonder what it would take for Biden to act. The actual bombing and killing isn’t enough. Are these statements by Israeli leadership what it will take? I don’t really understand what is behind Biden’s support at this point. on 03 Jan 2024 03:48 next collapse

Probably? AIPAC money drying up. on 03 Jan 2024 03:50 next collapse

Been wondering the same. Traditionally the US has supported Israel, no matter what. But fuck me. Biden has thrown all has cards on the table in support of genocide, and I still have to vote for him. What a clusterfuck.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is fighting our arch enemy and we’re bickering about whether to send them more arms. Here’s our chance to destroy Russia, once and for all, with not a soldier lost, not even a mildly damaged M4 rifle, and gather all the intelligence in the world on modern combat. Finally. And the GOP won’t do it. Reagan is spinning in his grave. on 03 Jan 2024 08:29 next collapse

That when conspiracy theory come to place. When Biden spoke about victims of hamas attack next day, he was and still emphatic. Yet never spoke about the civilians or kids who died in Gaza. He doesn’t sees them.

There are a few options to his actions and looking at all of them they don’t make sense. He is not evangelical working towards the kingdom of Isreal to happen. He doesn’t need money. He doesn’t have relatives living there. Yet he been knowing to be a zainoist since he was a senator.

My conspiracy is that he is blackmailed by Isreal especially when he visited Isreal first time.

Here is a quote about his memory from a few weeks back.

over 50 years ago, as a young senator, I visited Israel for the first time, as a newly elected senator.

“And I had a long, long trip — or meeting with Golda Meir in her office just before the Yom Kippur War. And I guess she could see the consternation on my face as she described what was being faced — they were facing.”

To me it is very clear how compromised the us government by Zionist. Senator, presidents, and most of the rich and important companies which ultimately own the media. If it wasn’t for social media we wouldn’t know much about the suffering that children is going through nor their cries. on 03 Jan 2024 19:35 collapse

I don’t see how that quote supports your point at all

Biden talked to the Israeli PM 50 years ago about how Israel was facing multiple countries that wanted Israel destroyed, shortly before multiple countries attempted to destroy Israel

And this is proof that Zionists have corrupted the US Government? on 03 Jan 2024 23:09 collapse

Pudding, vitamin shots and pills from Dr Feelgood on 03 Jan 2024 02:42 next collapse

For literal decades Biden has been telling Israel he’ll support them no matter what, but they need to worry about the optics of their actions…

He’s 100% ok with what’s happening, he just wishes they were quieter while doing it.

He’s not going to hold Israel accountable, because he knows the only other person Americans can vote for is trump.

So Biden sees no reason to stop supporting Israel, in a moderates mind it literally doesn’t matter because the Republicans would be even shittier. Which by some twisted logic means Biden can be just as bad and it’s not a negative.

It’s a great example of why “not a Republican” can’t be the bare minimum for the dem candidate. on 03 Jan 2024 02:47 next collapse

‘dissolve your democracy’ or ‘support ethnic cleansing’

Not a great set of choices at the ballots for Americans this election. on 03 Jan 2024 02:58 next collapse

I mean ... has America ever halted it's eugenics program? on 03 Jan 2024 03:13 collapse

Founded upon genocides by slaveholders. on 03 Jan 2024 03:44 next collapse

I got 2 choices comes November. And nothing significant is going to change our voting system between now and then.

FUCK do these moralists propose I do?! After 01/06, I am more than a little wary.

“I don’t like what Biden is doing!”

“Well fuck me, I hate it. Still want a functioning democracy come January 2025?”

Because I’m not liking having an AR-15 leaning on my desk, and a 12-gauge on my nightstand, for when the local Brown Shirts decide I’m “vermin” and they need to raid my house “for my own good”. Anyone think that’s “radical” or “paranoid”? Got steep yourself in some WWII history lessons.

And BTW, the Brown Shirts will be local, on your street, if Trump wins. It won’t be, “Your machine gun gonna fight the military?!” No. All politics are local. Wait and see.

“Mr. Shalafi, look, we’re your neighbors, and we know you love you some guns! But times have changed. We just need to collect those up for your own protection. You can have them back once things calm down, pinky swear.”

Fuck me. I just got a buncha guns because I like shooting and gunsmithing old crappy stuff. Now that hobby is turning serious. And I fucking loathe that change.

I’m 53 soon, and I cannot begin to express how fucking angry I am to have typed those last sentences.

I know, I know, I was complacent, didn’t see it coming. But fuck me, I voted these past decades. And here we are.

I am a peaceful man, but I am not harmless. I’d suggest you gun-grabber libs think on that a moment. Because the other side already has thought on it. on 03 Jan 2024 10:11 next collapse

The care bear Dems will hold hands and care the situation away.

Fighting for anything is only just starting to be considered. But it’s so very late, now.

Hope we never get to what you describe. We need the laws and LEO to do what’s right and keep things from sliding. Very hard to know that may not happen and I deeply wish Biden held himself to one term.

He has a considerable polling and enthusiasm gap now - and this isn’t the time for that to be true. on 03 Jan 2024 15:00 collapse

Because I’m not liking having an AR-15 leaning on my desk, and a 12-gauge on my nightstand, for when the local Brown Shirts decide I’m “vermin” and they need to raid my house “for my own good”. Anyone think that’s “radical” or “paranoid”? Got steep yourself in some WWII history lessons.

This is indeed both radical and paranoid. on 03 Jan 2024 07:13 next collapse

Who is the more accelerationist candidate? The one who openly calls himself a dictator (‘on day one only, teehehehe’) or the status-quo octogenarian who continues the moral bankruptcy and refuses to stop lethal support or even public condemnation towards Israel even slightly? And I’m supposed to be thankful that Biden-Harris check the “not Trump lol” box and ignore the rest? Remember the hemming and hawing about Ukraine getting last gen/expiring tech? And we’re just GIVING Israel hardware from active US inventory???

I’d LOVE a viable third party or AVP/STV/etc voting, but electoral reform is a threat to DNC & RNC hegemony, so that never happening without a constitutional convention. So tell me, do you really have a choice at the ballot? Federal and primary races are littered with corporate and party money, there is no organic change coming from DC anymore. on 03 Jan 2024 13:16 collapse

You vote Republican to sink into the muck. You vote Democrat to stand there to let the tide take you. But you don’t have a choice other than to stall and hope that something changes. on 03 Jan 2024 08:22 next collapse

Or here’s a novel idea: the candidate who doesn’t want to dissolve democracy could dramatically increase his chances of winning by NOT enabling genocide including ethnic cleansing and domicide.

I’d set the likelihood of THAT ever happening at zero a month or two ago, but now it seems he’s slowly realizing that enough people actually care more about human rights than empty platitudes and slavish devotion to what’s become an apartheid state that he has to change course.

I’d say there’s now a 10-20% chance he’s going to at least PRETEND to agree that Palestinian lives matter between now and November. on 03 Jan 2024 10:04 collapse

As a someone on the left, few things are as persuasive and soothing as wrung hands. on 03 Jan 2024 11:53 collapse

I’m gonna have to ask you to elaborate on what you mean by that. on 03 Jan 2024 11:57 collapse

Biden is likely to go out and wring his hands about the difficult situation for everyone involved in the conflict. He’ll show it is something he thinks about, then it will (likely) decrease the pressure on him.

Because he wrung his hands on a stage and/or into a microphone.

My theory is that people think that counts as being heard.

Edit: my apologies if my earlier brevity sounded like a dismissal of your point. I was attempting to agree and, well… didn’t provide enough context.

Thank you for the question. on 03 Jan 2024 12:05 next collapse

Yeah, you’re probably spot on 😮‍💨 on 03 Jan 2024 13:15 collapse

I don’t know why he bothers, i have never had a choice in an election in the first place. I can’t imagine someone being on the fence at this point unless they are cloaking for an argument. on 03 Jan 2024 18:37 next collapse

Let me help, it’s more nuanced than that

It’s “dissolve our democracy and support ethnic cleansing at home and abroad” or “support ethnic cleansing abroad only” on 03 Jan 2024 23:05 collapse

Thomas Jefferson was right on 03 Jan 2024 06:58 next collapse

Biden works for the war machine on 03 Jan 2024 08:12 next collapse

He’s not going to hold Israel accountable, because he knows the only other person Americans can vote for is trump.

The reason he’s starting to pretend to listen is that he’s losing in the polls.

Turns out that the electorate has a ridiculously short memory.

Turns out that the “I’m not the other guy” tactic is much less effective for an incumbent than a challenger.

Most shockingly, it turns out that continuing to ignore the rightful moral outrage of as many as half of your potential voters, maybe even more, is an extremely bad idea even if your opponent is objectively many times worse than you.

So yeah, as much as he hates it, he’s gonna have to do something different, or at least pretend to, and he knows it. on 03 Jan 2024 11:27 next collapse

The reason he’s starting to pretend to listen is that he’s losing in the polls

He’s been polling bad this whole time…

And just illegally went around Congress to “sell” weapons to Israel in exchange for a small slice of the billions we’ve given them this year.

I wish what you were saying was true, because its optimistic

But it’s just not what’s actually happening… on 03 Jan 2024 11:52 collapse

He’s been polling bad this whole time…

It’s gone from bad to worse in the last couple of months, though.

I wish what you were saying was true, because its optimistic

I’d say that giving it a 10-20% likelihood of happening in spite of him almost certainly being forced to do it or lose is rather pessimistic tbh…

But it’s just not what’s actually happening

I’m not saying it’s happening. I’m saying that the likelihood of it happening in the future has increased from nonexistent to very small, theoretically. on 03 Jan 2024 12:13 collapse

It’s gone from bad to worse in the last couple of months, though

Factually incorrect……/national

They’ve been 2-3% away from each other all year.

Even before this Israel shit, Biden doesn’t have a good chance.

That doesn’t mean I agree with anything else you’re saying, I’m just not going to provide a source that disproves every single thing you just said, because it’s not a good use of time so I’m trying to focus on just one thing. on 03 Jan 2024 14:57 collapse

Even before this Israel shit, Biden doesn’t have a good chance.

The election year just started, and these numbers are going to change dramatically on 03 Jan 2024 14:56 collapse

Most shockingly, it turns out that continuing to ignore the rightful moral outrage of as many as half of your potential voters

Strong disagree on this language.…

Anyone in the 10% that thinks hostages or sexual assault is a lie, or that Jews overplay the fucking Holocaust, are not “rightful” and their concerns do not come from empathy, because they lack empathy as a concept. on 03 Jan 2024 15:10 collapse

Is it right to be morally outraged by an ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and domicide? Yes or no?

The indisputable facts that Hamas has committed heinous terrorism and that the holocaust happened and was unimaginably awful doesn’t excuse the crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli government, so please pack your fucking whataboutism away. on 03 Jan 2024 15:14 next collapse

It’s not whataboutism to demonstrate that an election-significant number of Democrats believe Hamas bullshit over reality, and that the number of people who believe that is enough to change Dem support from strong majority agreement with the President to disagreement.

It’s also not whataboutism to point out that nearly a third of people polled have generally no opinion on such basic things as “did the Holocaust happen” or “was the Hamas terror attack a big deal” or “does Hamas target civilians.”

War does indeed suck and you’re allowed to not like it and even use your irresponsibly inflammatory language, but it’s absurd to suggest these comments are whataboutism. on 03 Jan 2024 15:27 collapse

It’s not whataboutism to demonstrate that an election-significant number of Democrats believe Hamas bullshit over reality

Even if the pro-IDF propaganda piece you linked to had successfully demonstrated that, yes it would still be a whataboutism.

What Americans believe has no bearing on whether the Israeli government should be allowed to systematically slaughter and demolish their way through Palestinians, including children, at a rate completely unheard of anywhere in the world in recent years.

It’s also not whataboutism to point out that nearly a third of people polled have generally no opinion on such basic things as “did the Holocaust happen” or “was the Hamas terror attack a big deal” or “does Hamas target civilians.”

Yes it is. That is by definition whataboutism. Maybe you need to look up what whataboutism is. While you’re at it, look up “bad faith arguments” and several logical fallacies.

War does indeed suck

And war crimes perpetrated against a mostly defenseless civilization population of over 50% children are much worse.

you’re allowed to not like it

Gee, thanks! So generous of you!

irresponsibly accurate inflammatory language

Fixed that for you

it’s absurd to suggest these comments are whataboutism.

Again, just Google it. You can also use a better search engine, but PLEASE look up the word you keep pretending you know the meaning of. on 03 Jan 2024 15:29 next collapse

Even if the pro-IDF propaganda piece you linked to had successfully demonstrated that, yes it would still be whataboutism since what Americans believe has no bearing on whether the Israeli government should be allowed to systematically slaughter and demolish their way through Palestinians, including children, at a rate completely unheard of anywhere in the world in recent years.

You do understand that you are literally expressing a thing that some Americans believe, yes? Like, you get that your position is an opinion, right? on 03 Jan 2024 15:46 collapse

Yes, it is indeed an opinion that committing atrocities is a bad thing to do. Well done on finally getting something right.

It’s a VERY popular opinion though, one shared by so many people that the world has decided that people are not allowed to do that bad thing.

That the Israeli Apartheid regime is committing genocide, ethnic cleansing and domicide isn’t an opinion, though. It’s an objective fact by all definitions of all the words.

A fact not changed by whether or not some misguided Americans think or pretend to think that the atrocities of Hamas are justified or that the holocaust didn’t happen. on 03 Jan 2024 15:50 collapse

Yes, it is indeed an opinion that committing atrocities is a bad thing to do. Well done on finally getting something right.

You’re not dumb. You know that people disagree with you on the atrocities you claim.

For instance, it’s impossible to have an apartheid system against another country. Israel is, by definition, not an apartheid state.

It’s hilarious to me that you’ll try to bring up the definitions of words after that - perhaps this is why your opinion is so extreme. on 03 Jan 2024 16:03 next collapse

You’re not dumb.

Wow, you’ve already doubled the number of things you’ve been right about! At this rate we’ll only have to keep arguing a couple months more until you stop being an insincere moron!

You know that people disagree with you on the atrocities you claim.

I know that some people deny objective reality, yes, but that doesn’t make objective reality any less real or any more subjective.

it’s impossible to have an apartheid system against another country.

Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs living in Israel and Israel-occupied and/or -controlled Palestine are treated as, at best, second class citizens. Desmond Tutu agreed that Israel is an Apartheid state and he of all people should know.

It’s hilarious to me that you’ll try to bring up the definitions of words after that

I guess the truth sometimes looks like hilarious comedy to those who believe in ridiculous gaslighting such as that coming from Times of Israel, AIPAC and Faux News 🤷

your opinion is so extreme.

Yeah, it’s SO extreme to think that the lives of Palestinians matter! Such an audacious notion! 🙄 on 03 Jan 2024 16:16 collapse

Palestinians, Muslims and Arabs living in Israel and Israel-occupied and/or -controlled Palestine are treated as, at best, second class citizens

You went to all the effort to cite Tutu and yet provide no evidence for this, because they’re not, and they literally have representation in Israel’s government. on 03 Jan 2024 16:26 collapse

they literally have representation in Israel’s government.

Yeah, because everyone knows that having 1/12 of the knesset be Arabs means that there’s not systemic inequality and oppression of Arabs and other minority groups! 🤦

provide no evidence

here’s some evidence you’re gonna ignore or pretend to refute. on 03 Jan 2024 16:27 collapse

Yeah, because everyone knows that having 1/12 of the knesset be Arabs means that there’s not systemic inequality and oppression of Arabs and other minority groups

It’s proportionate to their population.

About 6.8 million Jewish Israelis and 6.8 million Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This article is about the Palestinian territory, a different country than Israel.

Lol they literally acknowledge it.

The intensity of that discrimination varies according to different rules established by the Israeli government in Israel, on the one hand, and different parts of the OPT, on 03 Jan 2024 16:32 collapse

It’s proportionate to their population.

No. As pointed out in the article you just pretended to have read, the Jewish and Palestine populations of the territories controlled by Israel are roughly equal.

This article is about the Palestinian territory, a different country than Israel.

“between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)”.

It’s right in the opening sentence of the fucking summary the report starts with ffs! 🤦 on 03 Jan 2024 16:35 collapse

Gaza is not in Israel lol. It’s an occupied territory, not part of their country. Hamas runs Gaza as the official government. on 03 Jan 2024 17:13 collapse

Gaza is de facto controlled by Israel and as such is their responsibility.

Even if Hamas wasn’t a terrorist organization first, a political advocacy group second and a government as a WAY distant third, they still wouldn’t be able to properly take care of the people of Gaza, given the inhumane conditions created and enforced by Israel. on 03 Jan 2024 17:45 collapse

Gaza is de facto controlled by Israel and as such is their responsibility

Both of these statements are false. Not “I disagree.” They are false and they would offend the fuck out of Gazans. on 03 Jan 2024 18:00 collapse

They control the food supply, the water supply, the power supply, the fuel supply, the medicine supply and the international aid supply.

That means that they’re in control and it’s in no way offensive towards Gazans to acknowledge that. on 03 Jan 2024 18:25 collapse

Hamas didn’t build any infrastructure with Iran’s money. They built bombs. Israel voluntarily provided power to Gaza, but is under no compulsion to provide power to an enemy they’re actively at war with. on 03 Jan 2024 18:34 collapse

Hamas didn’t build any infrastructure with Iran’s money

Where would they have gotten water for the cement or fuel for the machines? Money’s not very useful when someone else is actively preventing you from using them on the things you need.

They built bombs

As does Israel with the tens of billions of dollars the US sends every year. Israel spends more than the entire GDP of Palestine on murdering Palestinians every year.

under no compulsion to provide power to an enemy they’re actively at war with.

It’s a quasi-occupied territory that they have made sure can’t get power in any other way. For Israel not to provide power to Gaza is Israel preventing Gaza from having power at.

And they’re actively at war with Hamas, not the entire population. The vast majority of which has never harmed a single Israeli citizen and over 50% of which is CHILDREN. on 03 Jan 2024 18:45 collapse

Where would they have gotten water for the cement or fuel for the machines?

Turns out the restrictions only applied because Hamas wants genocide. Money can, in fact, be exchanged for goods and services, and was for years prior to Hamas.

And they’re actively at war with Hamas, not the entire population.

They are at war with the government of Gaza, correct. on 03 Jan 2024 18:54 collapse

Turns out the restrictions only applied because Hamas wants genocide

So 6.8 million people have to suffer and die for it? You call that justice? Also, Hamas may want genocide, but they don’t have the power to carry it out. Israel’s government HAS the power and IS committing genocide.

They are at war with the government of Gaza, correct.

The majority of Gazans weren’t alive the last time Hamas allowed a vote, let alone old enough to vote.

Hamas is not a legitimate government and their atrocities are neither the fault nor the responsibility of the civilian population. on 03 Jan 2024 19:11 collapse

Hamas is not a legitimate government and their atrocities are neither the fault nor the responsibility of the civilian population.

They are the government, and they have been consistently attacking Israel for 16 years, culminating in “Israel’s 9/11”

Also, Hamas may want genocide, but they don’t have the power to carry it out.

Imagine Israel without the Iron Dome you don’t want to give them money for.

So 6.8 million people have to suffer and die for it?

Suffering happens in war. That’s why war is bad. 6.8 million people won’t die though. There will be 6.77 million Palestinians in Gaza after this war, ideally closer to a 2 state solution than if Hamas was still around. on 03 Jan 2024 19:33 collapse

You know what? Fuck it.

Keep using an imagined genocide to excuse an actual genocide.

Keep simping for a fascist government.

Keep defending an apartheid ethnostate system.

Keep excusing war crimes.

Keep victim blaming.

It’s not like your awful perspective actually matters to anyone who matters anyway, thank fuck.

Have the day you deserve, genocide cheerleader. on 04 Jan 2024 00:21 collapse

I’ve had a pretty fucking amazing couple weeks and that seems unlikely to change. on 04 Jan 2024 08:47 collapse

Then stop doing that and start having the days you deserve. on 04 Jan 2024 14:23 collapse

Stay angry about it forever lol on 04 Jan 2024 01:00 collapse

For instance, it’s impossible to have an apartheid system against another country. Israel is, by definition, not an apartheid state.

What other country has their roads, electricity, water, trade, and police controlled by another?

Like there are words, and then there are facts on the ground. It walks and quacks like an apartheid. on 04 Jan 2024 14:26 collapse

What other country has their roads, electricity, water, trade, and police controlled by another?

What other country is blockaded by all of their neighbors (including Egypt and Lebanon, and even Jordan which is just nearby) for 30-60 years of terrorism?

Like there are words, and then there are facts on the ground. It walks and quacks like an apartheid.

If words don’t have any meaning to you, then your argument admittedly makes more sense. When you say “apartheid” you just mean “shit I don’t like.” It’s basically the “neoliberal” of Israel lol on 03 Jan 2024 23:39 collapse

Again, while I don’t necessarily otherwise disagree with you, you are a little confused on whataboutism. on 03 Jan 2024 23:53 collapse

Nope, I’m not. Those comments mention things that have absolutely no bearing on the topic at hand but the one bringing them up tries to derail the discussion by insisting that they’re not only relevant but in fact crucial to the matter at hand.

That’s textbook whataboutism. on 03 Jan 2024 23:37 collapse

That’s not whataboutism. Whataboutism is changing the subject to derail the conversation. This is simply addressing a different point of view in the same discussion. on 03 Jan 2024 23:50 collapse

No. Mentioning the opinions of uninvolved people IS changing the subject of whether or not genocide is bad and should be stopped.

A comparable if much lower stakes example would be if we were discussing whether or not it’s ok to say that Wings were better than The Beatles and then some rando chimes in to inform us that 10% of techno fans think that the world doesn’t need guitars.

Fun had, let’s return to the actual: 10% of the respondents of a poll saying ANYTHING doesn’t make genocide more or less acceptable and bringing it up in spite of that is a whataboutism, a distraction and a very crass way to try to derail the conversation. on 03 Jan 2024 23:31 collapse

No. The best information is that they’ve been putting a ton of pressure on Netanyahu to back the fuck off, but it hasn’t done any good because he’s a legitimate asshole and always has been. (Remember, this is the same guy who deliberately embarrassed Obama by accepting a GOP invitation to address Congress without consulting the White House or making an official state visit to the president. He’s the scum of the earth and always has been. There’s zero question that he’s hoping for a Trump win.)

They don’t want to go public with demanding restraint or a cease fire because they are afraid it will widen the war by encouraging Iran and its other proxies such as the Houthis and Hezbollah which could further hinder freight traffic through the Red Sea, thus bumping global inflation back up and giving Trump a campaign gift. I think at this point it’s a lost cause and they need to cut their losses and tell Israel to knock it the fuck off, but I expect they will continue to drag their feet and work on back channels.

We also know that every time Iran has been met with real force rather than empty threats, they have backed off. Ultimately it would still be a big gamble to openly threaten them, but it’s something to think about, especially if you don’t fancy another Trump presidency/dictatorship.

Most of what we see on Lemmy is pure amateur hour speculation that has only a very tangential relationship with what’s actually happening. on 04 Jan 2024 04:25 next collapse

I agree with this but also I’m not sure if this isn’t already a proxy war with iran-russia, and it also seems to benefit china too.

And even if netanyahu wasn’t an arse, he’s totally reliant on some awful people to stay in power, and out of prison, for however long he can manage both.

Pushing back publically against his actions now is equivalent to demanding regime change in Israel and while I think it would be a good thing I can see why geopolitically it’s difficult for the US to do. on 05 Jan 2024 03:35 collapse

The best information is that they’ve been putting a ton of pressure on Netanyahu to back the fuck off

Lol what pressure? Him and Blinken only barely proclaimed talking about reducing civilian casualties. Meanwhile, several of Biden’s officials have resigned in protest of his policy.

Sending weapons immediately and bypassing congress twice is anything but pressure.

They don’t want to go public with demanding restraint or a cease fire because they are afraid it will widen the war by encouraging Iran and its other proxies such as the Houthis and Hezbollah which could further hinder freight traffic through the Red Sea,

Why would it? Houthis would easily stop if the USA negotiates a ceasefire, especially after they removed their terrorist label. Iran has no reason to get directly involved because they don’t want to directly face the US or Israel. Everyone else surrounding Israel doesn’t care because they’re all shill nations anyway. About the only unsatisfied party might be Hamas, but they entered this thing knowing it would be their final stand, so it would technically be an improvement from guaranteed death.

Israel is a strategic defense partner and basically a military outpost for the US. The fact that the USA is complacent in letting Israel do whatever is not surprising whatsoever because they’ve already pulled this exact scenario like hundreds of times before. The only difference is the scale and the optics. Biden only cares slightly more because it’s election season, so he can’t just blindly deny everything and expect people to believe him.

[deleted] on 03 Jan 2024 02:43 next collapse
. on 03 Jan 2024 02:50 next collapse

New fears? New to him? Not New to anyone paying attention. on 03 Jan 2024 16:34 collapse

well it is a much more direct approach than usual… on 03 Jan 2024 03:18 next collapse

I don’t understand where the people taking these statements seriously (either to support them or to oppose them) imagine that the Palestinians could possibly go from Gaza. Egypt won’t take them. That means they’re not going anywhere. on 03 Jan 2024 03:41 next collapse

Anywhere else… I think the point is to say that they should’ve figured it out. They had warning and opportunity to leave, even when they didn’t. The Nazis played the same strategy. on 03 Jan 2024 08:36 collapse

The people downvoting you need a history lesson. Hitler used the same rhetoric to justify the Holocaust. on 03 Jan 2024 04:23 next collapse

Honestly, no one takes either of those racist idiots seriously. They’re not serious people and this isn’t a serious plan. They’re both despised in Israel and, thankfully, neither really have any influence. on 03 Jan 2024 06:24 next collapse

So the minister of finance and minister of national security aren’t influential in any ways in a country that gets billions of dollars from the USA and uses it to fund their national war effort?

Are you waiting for other people in their govt to say something about flattening Gaza? Some minor politicians have said that

The agriculture minister said this would be a second Nakba, that event where the Israelis took homes and made prisoners go through their own abandoned(stolen) homes taking books, furniture, and their whole cultural history for the Israeli to take as spoils of war. on 03 Jan 2024 06:47 next collapse

Exactly this. Either Netanyahu controls the Likud-coalition and this is the aligned message of displacement/ethnic cleansing, or he dismisses these ministers and publicly refutes these statements, or he doesn’t have control and should immediately hold elections to secure a real coalition or majority. But that risks jail for Netanyahu, and his actions so far have openly spoken of cowardice in the face of the legal repercussions.

Because otherwise this kind of rhetoric is going straight into the ICJ evidence file for SA’s genocide complaint that Israel is contesting. Protestations of ‘blood libel’ don’t drown out cabinet ministers openly calling for ethnic cleansing going unpunished. on 03 Jan 2024 08:34 collapse

As odd as it may seem: yes, they aren’t influential in directing the war. They have those positions because Netanyahu promised them for supporting his coalition, not because they were “earned” or because they’re ideologically aligned. It’s a marriage of convenience and outside of Netanyahu’s deal to desperately cling to power, these two are far-right kooks from fringe parties. It doesn’t give them real legitimacy. Netayahu’s coalition deal was an enormous controversy even outside of Israel. A big reason they formed the emergency government was to keep extremely unserious clowns like these away from decision-making by bringing in grown-ups. They are both strongly disliked and would be crushed back into obscurity in an election.

This article presents their statements as something new and they aren’t. Both of these fucking morons routinely suggest horrific shit like expelling Arabs from Israel. Ben-Gvir was convicted in Israel of racist incitement against Arabs decades ago. A former head of Shin Bet once referred to Smotrich as a “Jewish terrorist.” They are both settler extremists and known quantites; it would be stranger if they weren’t spouting racist, extremist bullshit. They are not representative of the broader government. Netanyahu didn’t have to agree to a cabinet made up of his political enemies; even that far-right ghoul knows these people are clowns. Given all that, I don’t think there’s a compelling reason to believe that they’d be the ones to announce Israeli policy.

Are you waiting for other people in their govt to say something about flattening Gaza?

I’m waiting for someone who actually matters. These dipshits do not. I mean, really, none of the people currently in power are going to be around after this conflict anyway, so I’m more concerned with what Gantz is saying than with Netanyahu’s petulant tantrums. on 03 Jan 2024 12:44 collapse

Now apply the same standard to the enemies of Israel. Part of the dehumanization that goes on with Israeli apartheid and occupation is that while Israeli politics is accepted as complicated and nuanced, with analysis like the one you offer here, the politics of the other side(s) is always considered morally unambiguous. Hamas: a terrorist monolith. Fatah: supports a terrorist fund. Hezbollah: Iranian stooges.

If we apply the same absolutist moral standard to Israel, the nuance you present simply doesn’t matter: if kahanist extremists are in government, the entire state is compromised, and Israel needs to be militarily defeated so that peace can exist.

If we allow for nuance also for Israel’s enemies then a whole bunch of racist assumptions go away. The conflict is no longer a fight between the only democracy in the ME and the forces of Sauron. It’s a political land dispute that is resolvable. But you have to talk to the political forces you’ve labelled terrorists, accept that they have valid and legitimate aspirations and concerns (just like the Israelis do) and negotiate in good faith. on 03 Jan 2024 22:21 collapse

Yes! I completely agree with you. I’m not totally sure if you’re saying that ‘people should’ apply that same standard or that I’m not applying it. I’m only talking about the people in this article, not suggesting that complexity or nuance only exist in Israeli politics. I think you need to take on a ton of nuance to even understand Hezbollah’s behaviour at the Israeli border, let alone understand them as an organization. on 04 Jan 2024 01:20 collapse

Yes, we are in complete agreement that the same standard of nuance should be applied! on 03 Jan 2024 08:34 next collapse

One of them is in charge of the police and border patrol. I don’t think it much matters if the average person doesn’t like them. on 03 Jan 2024 08:38 collapse

Neither of those things give him the power to do what he said or the influence to have it done. Both of those things matter. on 03 Jan 2024 09:12 collapse

Dude they’re doing it in the West Bank right now. on 03 Jan 2024 09:35 collapse

They’re doing what in the West Bank?

They’re not expelling people from the West Bank for the same reason as OP said: there’s nowhere for anyone to go. The settlers, including the two absolute pieces of shit in the article, are responsible for horrific crimes in the West Bank but it’s not the same thing as Gaza and it’s not the same thing they’re talking about. on 03 Jan 2024 19:20 collapse

They’re emptying whole villages with death threats. Care to guess how the villagers know the threats are credible enough that they need to leave? on 03 Jan 2024 20:30 collapse

I’m sure the conversation you want to be having is happening somewhere. You should find someone who’s defending what’s happening in the West Bank and say this to them. on 03 Jan 2024 16:21 collapse

It’s a serious expression of the government’s values. Just because those particular officials lack the power to do what they propose doesn’t mean their words are meaningless. If Bibi and his crew weren’t in favor of genocide, they’d be loudly condemning these assholes and doing whatever they can to remove them from office. on 05 Jan 2024 02:26 collapse

It’s not. I already wrote a very long post about why you’re wrong in this case, why those people are in those positions, and why there’s less reason to be afraid of those statements (though good reason to be outraged) than this article suggests. on 03 Jan 2024 04:52 next collapse

They’ll eventually just push them into Egypt. It doesn’t matter that Egypt doesn’t want them. It matters more that Egypt probably won’t start shooting over it. And if they do they’ll be labelled anti-semites anyway and Israel will take the Sinai or something. on 03 Jan 2024 08:33 collapse

Israel can’t take the Sinai. There’s a peacekeeping force there specifically to prevent such a thing…

And yeah. Yeah they’re just going to lean on MFO Sinai to oversee refugee camps aren’t they.

I’d say the Israelis couldn’t attack American troops and maintain their support but uhhh they already managed that some decades ago. on 03 Jan 2024 07:57 next collapse

I don’t think the point of genocide is for them to leave. on 03 Jan 2024 08:27 collapse

Nobody would take the Jews in the 1930’s either. This is part of the playbook. on 03 Jan 2024 05:45 next collapse

The only pressure Biden feels is how to feign any concern about anything Israel is doing. on 03 Jan 2024 21:07 collapse

Bullshit. Leaving aside any potential humanitarian concerns, this whole thing is a massive headache for the Biden Administration. on 03 Jan 2024 23:04 collapse

Yeah but the real president is happy on 03 Jan 2024 05:58 next collapse

Nobody is asking Hamas how many Palestinians they are willing to sacrifice in their wish to erase Israel from the map. on 03 Jan 2024 07:04 next collapse

Probably because they're more concerned about how Gaza isn't allowed to have an economy right now. on 03 Jan 2024 14:17 next collapse

They’re not even allowed hospitals. on 03 Jan 2024 21:10 collapse

Nah, they’re okay with that because they know it means more money in the pockets of their leaders in Qatar. Hamas never cared about the Palestinian people and they still don’t. on 03 Jan 2024 10:11 next collapse

Sorry, but last time I checked Israel is killing those civilians in throves. And don’t get me wrong I don’t sympathize with Hamas, but saying that the civilian Palestinian casualties are their fault is very much twisting the truth.

Are you also going to blame the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding there also Hamas fault? Are Hamas bombing civilian buildings in densely populated areas with oversized bombs?

Perhaps we should blame Hamas for the global warming too with your logic. on 03 Jan 2024 23:54 collapse

What did Hamas expect the response would be? Let me answer the rhetorical question: Mass civilian casualties. Why? Because they are embedded in the population. “Bombing civilian buildings” means little. Where are the military buildings they should bomb instead? Why is Hamas still holding hostages?

If you think that Israel should have the right to exist, what do you think their response should have been to the Oct 7th? Hamas has said they are proud of their terrorism, will commit more Oct 7ths, and want to wipe Israel from the map. Should Isreal just kick back and wait for Hamas to terror attack again? Would you expect that of any country in the world? So then, what response?

It’s a shame that people are dying. It is always the same when there is war, civilians suffer. Even dumber when the root of the conflict is over fucking fiction. Even dumber than that, if you can believe it, are people actually thinking there is a pure good or bad to any conflict. A pox on both their houses. on 03 Jan 2024 10:15 collapse

I’m confused. Isn’t Israel the one dropping the bombs? on 03 Jan 2024 23:46 collapse

Hamas is still lobbing missiles at Israel daily, and don’t forget, holding quite a few hostages. Like I said, I wonder how many Palestinians Hamas is willing to sacrafice. on 04 Jan 2024 11:32 collapse

You totally avoided my question. Who is bombing Gaza? Because I’m pretty fucking sure it isn’t Hamas on 04 Jan 2024 22:52 collapse

Ah, I see. Someone incapable of nuance. I’ll just block and move on. It’s like arguing with a kitchen table. on 05 Jan 2024 02:06 collapse

My man is so nuanced he can blame Hamas for the actions of Israel and can see how up is actually just the same as down if you’re all smart and nuanced about it on 03 Jan 2024 07:12 next collapse

Calm down, everyone! Biden is already acting. He’s sending weapons to Israel as fast as he can. on 03 Jan 2024 10:11 next collapse

But this is fine because Trump would send them even faster and make the children even more dead. All hail the glorious two party system. on 03 Jan 2024 15:35 next collapse

The Abraham Accords is often cited as an escalation towards the situation we are now in that it tried to politically isolate Hamas:

Maybe the orange man wouldn’t make a difference on the arms front, but he is really good at planting seeds for conflict. on 03 Jan 2024 17:20 next collapse

Biden has the policy of expanding the shameful Abraham Accords on 04 Jan 2024 00:19 collapse

This is honestly what defeating an insurrection should feel like. Comparing obvious differences in administration and policy. Yep, i only see escalation and incitement on the alternative side of the coin. ““Set up nukes outside of Iran?”” yeah we dodged a huge bullet. on 03 Jan 2024 17:23 next collapse

Source? Last I heard, trump got us OUT of a war that Biden oversaw the continuance of for 8 years. How is trump somehow a warmonger now? Is there a potential grift available for him to do or something? on 03 Jan 2024 22:58 next collapse

This is just something “Vote blue no matter who” types imply when they talk about this. I wasn’t actually making this point as such.

trump got us OUT of a war that Biden oversaw the continuance of for 8 years

Lol how did that go?

For this issue, there’s the stuff he did during his term as mentioned above, and as usual quoting him is enough:

“So you have a war that’s going on, and you’re probably going to have to let this play out,” Trump told Univision. “You’re probably going to have to let it play out because a lot of people are dying.”

“There is no hatred like the Palestinian hatred of Israel and Jewish people. And probably the other way around also, I don’t know. You know, it’s not as obvious, but probably that’s it too. So sometimes you have to let things play out and you have to see where it ends,” he added, calling what was taking place in Gaza “unbelievable.”

So you’re right. Since a lot of people are dying he thinks we should “let it play out,” and also incidentally said he wouldn’t allow Gazan refugees in the US and previously released a “peace plan” that matched Netanyahu’s.

So my source is the continued, ill-considered and idiotic behaviour of this egotistical man child and the words that spew from his mouth on a daily basis. The fact that this is the best the republicans can do is truly embarrassing on 03 Jan 2024 23:53 next collapse

I too would also like to mention the man paints his face orange and like… you all just ok with that. Wtf people? on 06 Jan 2024 01:52 collapse

I don’t have to fuck him, why should I care? on 06 Jan 2024 01:54 collapse

Bitch if your coworker started showing up with orange face paint everyday you would talk so much shit. Don’t lie. on 06 Jan 2024 12:24 collapse

We do talk shit. Have you seen a late show in the last 8 years? But it’s pretty irrelevant to being president, so it’d be dumb to focus 9n that rather than the 30k other things. on 06 Jan 2024 12:26 collapse

You asked me why should you care. Thats why you should care because I am not going to stop talking shit about the racist fascist orange shit stain. He deserves no such dignity. on 06 Jan 2024 01:52 collapse

I have no illusions as to him being a good president. But the Israel issue is significant enough that he’s worth it. And literally just saying he would stop interfering in it makes him a MAJOR upgrade over the current genocider-in-chief. on 06 Jan 2024 09:50 collapse

Stop interfering = let the genocide continue. So no I wouldn’t call it a major upgrade even on this issue. It’s going from being the guy cheering for the bully to one silently standing by as he stomps on a defenceless victim’s head.

And for every other issue Trump is anywhere from embarrassingly stupid to outright scary. Much worse than Biden.

The problem is the two party system, because both of these options are ultimately fucking dog shit. on 06 Jan 2024 12:29 collapse

I am perfectly fine with my country doing nothing more than providing military support only as requested by the rest of the UN, and otherwise doing nothing. Ideally that would be America’s role in every armed conflict. The reason they’re even able to do a genocide is having American backup and weapons. End that and the genocide is over. Iran could flatten Israel in a day if Israel didn’t have the threat of the US military behind them.

There is no other issue. America is helping to commit a genocide. Tax rates, or hell even attempted coups, mean nothing in comparison. on 06 Jan 2024 14:52 collapse

Yeah fair enough. I feel like they could still do a lot of damage if the US ended support, but I totally get your perspective and kind of agree actually.

America sliding into fascism is not quite worth it for me though, especially because I don’t trust Trump to remain consistent on this issue either. Biden needs to be forcefully pushed to change tack, I guess by the poll numbers and internal protests on 19 Jan 2024 10:41 collapse

There is nothing we can do to make Biden stop supporting genocide other than vote him out. Yeah trump might also do it, but he didn’t the first time. And certainly the guy who might is better than the guy who definitely will. on 04 Jan 2024 02:05 collapse

The Doha accords were a gift to the Taliban, they knew the US wanted out, Trump said we wanted out, and he set the stage for an untenable self-governance in Afghanistan

Biden deserves plenty of blame for how the inevitable went down and not ensuring interpreters/collaborators were evacuated , but Trump absolutely set up the fall of Afghanistan. The Afghan papers made clear the ANA were not a viable force, but Biden should have had contingencies ready on 03 Jan 2024 23:03 next collapse

Blue hats vs red hats, no blades on 03 Jan 2024 16:16 collapse

Were you asleep from 2015 to 2020? He’d definitely be at least as bad on this issue, and vastly worse on every other one. on 05 Jan 2024 10:24 collapse

Yeah I know. Perhaps you missed my point on 03 Jan 2024 12:52 collapse

He did say, loud and proud, that he’s zionist… on 03 Jan 2024 21:40 collapse
[deleted] on 03 Jan 2024 08:06 next collapse
. on 03 Jan 2024 08:16 next collapse

well color me the shade of anal bleach on 03 Jan 2024 08:26 next collapse

Nothing out of the ordinary here. Just the head police officer of Israel suggesting actual ethnic cleansing in a reasonable tone.

Nope definitely not an evil government.

[deleted] on 03 Jan 2024 09:19 next collapse
. on 03 Jan 2024 10:07 next collapse

Why is Biden under pressure? According to the guys on /politics this genocide is no problem and Biden is not responsible and we should all keep voting for him. Democrats are completely fine with doing straight up Genocide without even hiding it as long it’s not a Republican doing it. on 03 Jan 2024 23:10 collapse

Those people glow in the dark on 03 Jan 2024 14:42 next collapse

Mr Warmonger don’t give a damn on 03 Jan 2024 16:57 next collapse

I wonder what it’s like living in a functioning democracy. on 03 Jan 2024 17:42 next collapse

It ain’t exactly bliss but it ain’t this either on 04 Jan 2024 00:33 collapse

Given what transpires about the US on the international news scene, I’m not sure putting that to a democratic vote would yield the result you expect, sadly. on 04 Jan 2024 01:06 collapse

In this case I don’t think it would hurt to have a popular vote decide (the next president) on 03 Jan 2024 23:11 next collapse


While it’s nice to hear that Biden is ‘under pressure’ about this, I wish it took something less than obvious genocide and a near-global consensus that these are crimes against humanity for any sort of media to register it.

I honestly don’t understand why Biden is so hawkish on this; it’s not like giving Israel carte blanche will get him support from Republicans, and doing it really does appear to divide the left enough to hurt him politically. on 04 Jan 2024 00:54 collapse

Biden is hawkish on Israel because he remembers a version of Israel that doesn’t exist anymore. The stalwart of the Middle East is a shell of itself and it doesn’t want the rest of the world finding out. I know his age is a meme at this point but it’s worth pointing out here on 04 Jan 2024 01:04 collapse

It also explains why he treats the GOP the way he does, he’s remembering a much older Senate. on 04 Jan 2024 02:09 collapse

To be fair, he has had a surprising amount of success dealing with the GOP over the last few years.