Russian Black Sea commander 'sacked after Ukraine downs warship' (
from to on 16 Feb 2024 05:02

Viktor Sokolov has been dismissed and succeeded by an unnamed chief of staff, according to reports

The commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has been sacked after Ukrainian forces claimed to have sunk a Russian landing ship off the coast of occupied Crimea, according to local media reports.

Ukraine’s main directorate of intelligence (GUR) published a video on Wednesday of what it said was the Russian Black Sea fleet’s Caesar Kunikov burning and sinking a few miles off Alupka on the southern tip of Crimea.


threaded - newest on 16 Feb 2024 05:29 next collapse

Black Sea Cruise Lines! An arguably honorable death in a Kafkaesque post-soviet military debacle! The last vacation you’ll ever need! on 16 Feb 2024 05:36 next collapse

Good thing Naval warships don’t have windows you can fall out of. Railings on the other hand… on 16 Feb 2024 05:40 collapse

Pretty sure “sacked” is a euphemism for “stuffed in a sack with rocks and thrown overboard “ on 16 Feb 2024 05:48 next collapse

Sacked right out of a second-story window. on 16 Feb 2024 09:22 collapse

That’s a promotion in modern soviet russia. He’s now a very special underwater commander. on 16 Feb 2024 06:18 next collapse

Is that the guy who hasn’t been seen since the black sea fleet headquarters was blown up six months ago but Russia said was totally definitely still alive? I guess they must have finally decided to fire him after he failed to rise from the grave and attend work for 6 whole months on 16 Feb 2024 09:14 next collapse

What’s more is in good disgrace he will shoot himself in the back of the head twice and jump out a window while his hands are bound. on 16 Feb 2024 13:33 collapse

You forgot the part where he leaves a note stating he is anti-state and works with [next undesirable political opponent] to overthrow the emp-President. on 16 Feb 2024 15:25 collapse

Maybe we should ask Gerasimov if he’s seen him.

Oh wait. on 16 Feb 2024 16:27 collapse

They’re all hanging out with Yevgeny on 16 Feb 2024 06:19 next collapse

Is this the one we havnt seen for ages that ukrain says is dead? on 16 Feb 2024 09:25 next collapse

I hope he takes this firing as a window of opportunity. With the right attitude he can really ground himself. on 16 Feb 2024 20:10 collapse

After a real loss, it’s often comforting to try to relax, drink some tea, and consider your new opportunities with the rest of your life. on 16 Feb 2024 09:40 collapse

From wikipedia:

The Russian Defense Ministry said it had recently destroyed six unmanned surface vehicles (USV) in the Black Sea. When asked for comment on the Caesar Kunikov, both Russian military and Kremlin spokespersons declined to comment.

Why is he being sacked? He should get a medal for succesfully destroying six USVs. on 16 Feb 2024 16:04 collapse

The drones were successfully intercepted by the ship’s hull.

Goddamn I love Russian propaganda. on 16 Feb 2024 17:39 collapse

<img alt="Star Treks Worf preparing for ramming speed" src="">