Germany plans to halve military aid for Ukraine (
from to on 25 Jul 2024 10:42

Germany is planning to nearly halve military aid for Ukraine next year, from around €8bn (£6.7bn; $8.7bn) to around €4bn, according to a draft budget approved by the government. 

Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Ukraine’s financing was “secure for the foreseeable future” due to a G7 group of rich nations scheme to raise $50bn from interest on frozen Russian assets. 

Germany is Ukraine’s second biggest military donor, after the US. In 2024, Berlin’s budget for Kyiv is set at nearly €7.5bn.


threaded - newest on 25 Jul 2024 11:36 next collapse

OFC, so they can spend the other half providing weapons to Israel. on 25 Jul 2024 12:09 collapse

Germany stopped weapons exports to Israel. No official policy change they’re keeping it quiet but the federal government isn’t issuing any export permissions any more. on 25 Jul 2024 12:52 next collapse

Germany stopped weapons exports to Israel.

Where’s your source on that?

Here’s mine from yesterday, claiming literally the opposite.…/3284468

There’s even a video interview of Scholz, where he was asked about delivering weapons to Israel (which I cannot find ad hoc) on 25 Jul 2024 16:02 collapse

Where’s your source on that?

The ICJ, for one.

Here’s mine from yesterday, claiming literally the opposite.

Not ruling something out and doing something are completely different things. For more, see my reply to the sibling comment. on 25 Jul 2024 17:37 collapse

The ICJ, for one.

What did they say? Unless serious actions are taken, their words don’t mean shit. on 25 Jul 2024 17:54 collapse

Here’s an exhaustive overview of the case so far with tons of links.

The courts words are, paraphrasing the gist, “Germany has export controls in place sufficient to avoid what Nicaragua accused it of, there are no signs that it’s not actually sticking to them, as such we don’t see any need to order Germany to do anything”. on 25 Jul 2024 12:55 collapse

No we didn’t. Scholz just said so yesterday.…/29912098.html on 25 Jul 2024 15:54 collapse

As I said: No official policy change. Not ruling something out is not the same as actually doing it.

Germany stopped weapons exports before Nicaragua brought its case to the ICJ, the last salient shipment were 2000 PzF a week or two after the attacks. You need to read between the lines here, Germany neither wants to be complicit nor give more moderate Israelis – like, say, Gantz, I can’t believe I’m calling him moderate – the impression that it has abandoned Israel.

Scholz was pressured for a statement and, with his absolutely stellar skill in waffling, said nothing of any consequence. Are we, in the future, going to ship weapons to Israel? I think so, and I don’t think Scholz lied when he said exactly that. But doing that before Netanyahu and his goons are ousted? I’d be surprised, at least half the republic would be up in arms, the coalition would likely break apart, it’s the kind of thing that can easily bring down a government. And for what, just to have courts double-check the permits and decide that they can’t be issued legally? Nah. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t try. on 25 Jul 2024 16:43 collapse

Please do you have sources to back up your claims that none have been shipped since around October? I don’t want to sound like I’m trying to disprove you but would like to use and see the sources myself. on 25 Jul 2024 17:00 collapse

It would’ve been all over the news and there would’ve been blood on the streets. Or at least tear gas. on 25 Jul 2024 11:41 next collapse

Austerity for the win /s on 25 Jul 2024 12:40 next collapse

ffs people can't even read the second sentence in the excerpt.

The rest of the money comes from the frozen assets interest. Ukraine is not getting less. on 25 Jul 2024 16:27 collapse

The curse of the crappy headline

[deleted] on 25 Jul 2024 19:19 collapse
. on 25 Jul 2024 20:22 collapse

I wish this was true. Fuck Ukraine and USA