Israel will stop working with UNRWA in Gaza, official (
from to on 26 Mar 2024 09:08

Israel will stop working with the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip, a government spokesperson said yesterday, accusing the aid agency of “perpetuating conflict”, Reuters reported.

Israel has long sought to have UNRWA closed as it is the only UN agency to have a specific mandate to look after the basic needs of Palestinian refugees. If the agency no longer exists, argues Israel, then the refugee issue must no longer exist, and the legitimate right for Palestinian refugees to return to their land will be unnecessary. Israel has denied that right of return since the late 1940s, even though its own membership of the UN was made conditional upon Palestinian refugees being allowed to return to their homes and land.


threaded - newest on 26 Mar 2024 10:03 next collapse

Fuck israel. on 26 Mar 2024 10:03 next collapse

H-HAMAS !! on 26 Mar 2024 10:30 next collapse

This is going poorly for Israel. They don’t seem to detect a tide of opinion rising against them, slowly but surely. Maybe they plan to smash-and-grab, get as much done as they can before they are truly forced to ease up. on 26 Mar 2024 10:44 collapse

They don’t care.

Actually, they may want to be the villains. Nothing gets the persecution complex up like everyone saying Israel is the bad guy.

Combine that with the inevitable increase in legitimate antisemitism- hate speech, attacks, etc- and it’s going to convince people.

especially at home. It may even bring more Jews to Israel, which… might boost their economy or something. on 26 Mar 2024 12:44 next collapse

They should care, it’s shortsighted. on 26 Mar 2024 13:05 next collapse

Israel is in the unique position where no matter how many atrocities they commit, they can cry anti-Semitism and the world will eat it up. People lose their jobs or prestigious positions when they speak out in support of Palestine. on 26 Mar 2024 13:43 next collapse

Trenchant point here that doesn’t get brought up often enough— the state of Israel faces a demographic crisis, as birthrates and aliyah decline. It may not be able to maintain a Jewish majority in several decades.

Rising antisemitism around the world is actually in its interest, to maybe compel more Jewish people to immigrate. on 26 Mar 2024 16:18 collapse

I heard the Orthodox people in Israel have a ton of kids, though. on 26 Mar 2024 20:15 collapse

22% of the Jews in Israel are reportedly orthodox. Keep in mind orthodoxy isn’t a specific sect or denomination the way, say, Ukrainian Orthodox is in Christianity.

Even if true (and I have no idea,) that’s not enough.

In any case, there is a certain agency in this brutality. They’re not just incompetent or blundering through it. Israel’s attacks on Gaza are considered and planned. So either they don’t care about foreign perception or the current perception is what they want. on 27 Mar 2024 21:02 collapse

Apartheid state is going to Apartheid. on 26 Mar 2024 10:58 next collapse

“perpetuating conflict”

Wow, that’s rich. on 26 Mar 2024 11:22 collapse

If all the Palestinians are dead there’s no more conflict. on 26 Mar 2024 14:14 next collapse

Actually it’s all Palestinians’ fault that this war drags on. Just accept your deaths and ee can end this! So selfish. on 26 Mar 2024 14:17 next collapse

Honestly they should build those new beach homes and then just walk into the sea. on 26 Mar 2024 14:19 collapse

It is. They are beaten in every sense. Hamas’s cities are under siege, they didn’t plan for enough food when they started the war, and even though the Hamas bigwhigs have plenty of food and luxury underneath Rafah and in Qatar or Iran, and their loyal citizens are paying the full price, they are literally happy when civilians die, or as they call it Hamas® brand Martyrdom™.

Hamas and their allies want to genocide all Jews and Christians in the middle east and then have a far right religious caliphate. It’s not going to happen. on 26 Mar 2024 14:51 next collapse

This is genocidal propaganda. on 26 Mar 2024 15:00 next collapse

You don’t have to agree but it’s my opinion on the matter and borne out by facts. There would be a ceasefire today if Hamas surrendered the hostages and the tunnels. But they won’t because Israeli hostages and dead Palestinians is their leverage. Also, I don’t find claims of genocide to be credible. They don’t call you on the phone and tell you to evacuate before killing you, in a genocide. The daily casualties increase month over month, in a genocide. The mass famine hasn’t happened. Aid has been flowing. There been plenty of war crimes on both sides. The ones by Israelis might actually be punished. The ones by Hamas get rewarded. on 26 Mar 2024 17:58 next collapse

I keep seeing you roll into these discussions acting like “it’s just the facts, dreamer” makes you the only adult in the conversation, and you repeatedly fail to recognize the non-kinetic impacts and repercussions of Israel’s/IDF’s/Likud-Coalition’s/Netanyahu’s course of action.

The US is very publicly putting Israeli leadership/Netanyahu on notice that they are evaluating the scope and depth of the relationship - that is huge. A US non-veto was played off as a ‘stab in the back’ despite Bibi and crew being well aware of US red lines over their shitshow of a war and the total absence of plans for after the war. Israel’s duplicity over aid inspections and crossings has worn down diplomats and NGOs across the world, the UN special rapporteur has directly stated that any famine that occurs is a direct result of Israeli policy.

You also keep pushing this idea that Palestinians want/accept death as a political tool to gain freedom, and that somehow frees us from trying to avoid their deaths? That speaks far more to the depth of humanity and how you value human life, than anything else. Accepting your base realpolitik approach, if they want martyrdom deaths to made Israel look bad, why grant them their wish? Why play into it? on 26 Mar 2024 21:16 collapse

Hamas needs to be destroyed. They’ve absolutely ruined Gaza since taking power. They cancelled all elections and have continued their suicidal violence.

Palestinian people ought to rebel against Hamas, but Hamas is as popular as ever, at least they were until October 7. Not sure how the public feels, now.

Hamas, ISIS, Jihad, Houthis, it’s all the same shit with slightly different flavors.

I disagree with the UN reporter. Any famine in Gaza is the fault of Gaza’s leadership (Hamas) which led Gaza and its people directly into a seige without having adequately prepared. Well, Hamas prepared for themselves. They have plenty of food and are hiding in tunnels. They’re just leaving the public to suffer and die while they go hide and retweet Al Jazeera articles, which is par for the course for Hamas, which uses entire cities as human shields. They had their chance to grow up and they utterly failed. on 27 Mar 2024 02:09 collapse

Hamas needs to be destroyed.

Great yes let’s end Hamas. That will totally and 100% solve the security situation across the region. Because as history has clearly shown, Israel spending decades assassinating leaders, marginalizing Fatah to blunt peace talks, killing the Fedayeen in the 60s and 70s, and a ‘weapons free’ policy outside Israeli borders DID IN FACT prevent October 7th. Sound policy, clearly no reason to reexamine or revise.

It is a farce to pretend that constant violence will bring Israel permanent security, unless genocide is part of the plan. You cannot attack a people, deny them a pathway to live with dignity, and be shocked when they don’t like you and fight back.

Palestinian people ought to rebel against Hamas, but Hamas is as popular as ever, at least they were until October 7. Not sure how the public feels, now.

You’re joking right? You seriously expect them to come out into the streets and pick up weapons to expel Hamas? The starving people who were bombed from their homes?

Hamas, ISIS, Jihad, Houthis, it’s all the same shit with slightly different flavors.

No. Not remotely, unless you only see ‘Islamist’ and ‘Iranian supported’ and then ignore every other aspect that makes their motives and ideology different. ISIS is actively beefing with the Taliban, they just sent two suicide bombers back to back against Taliban collecting their paychecks. PIJ and Al-Quds only this last year started limited operational cooperation, and that’s over now. Lions Den don’t work with anyone else in the West Bank, and the Houthis are actively fighting multiple factions.

I disagree with the UN reporter.

Rapporteur, not reporter. An expert appointed with a mandate to investigate, not a friendly/hostile journalist. Big difference in the weight you should give her words, and the seriousness of the allegation.

Any famine in Gaza is the fault of Gaza’s leadership

False. Israel ratified the ICESCR in 1991 which includes “physical and economic access at all times to adequate food” as a basic human right.

(Hamas) which led Gaza and its people directly into a seige without having adequately prepared. Well, Hamas prepared for themselves. They have plenty of food and are hiding in tunnels.

Not so much anymore. The top leaders in Doha, sure they’re living good. But the recently escaped and released hostages all spoke of rapidly deteriorating conditions with less food each day for themselves and their captors. The blockage of food is hurting everyone - civilian, militant, hostages too.

They’re just leaving the public to suffer and die while they go hide and retweet Al Jazeera articles, which is par for the course for Hamas, which uses entire cities as human shields. They had their chance to grow up and they utterly failed.

You completely missed my question so I’ll repeat it - If they want martyrdom, why help them in the information war? Why give your opponents ready-for-press psyops? Why would you ever permit the civilians to starve to death, because you didn’t cooperate with aid inspections, or force the shitheads body-blocking the crossings to move? on 26 Mar 2024 18:51 next collapse

You are puppeting IOF propaganda about hostages, tunnels, and “fair” warnings about exiting hospitals and buildings before bombing the hospitals and people evacuating. Gaza is an open air prison, where people are guilty merely due of living there before 1948, they cannot leave, cannot get access to water, get sniped if they have a peaceful protest at the walls, constantly under threat and action of military incursion, against a US funded military, in a place where the UN has repeatedly said that Israel is committing not just war crimes, but definitional ongoing perpetual genocide, and you want to talk about facts. Hamas is elected officials of a caged people without a country, who can’t “live” where they live and cannot flea to live elsewhere, even if they want to. Most want to stay and fight for what the UN states is theirs, as Israel takes more and more against the UN treaties. How can you not expect a group of people so oppressed to not try and break free with violence? We collectively view the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising as heroic and understandable, but many somehow cannot and will not see Palestinians as people deserving to fight for their lives. That somehow the decades of genocide will stop if they stop fighting and take the scraps that Israel gives them, knowing that they will always demand more. Settlers gobble up the shelled remains of Northern Gaza RIGHT NOW and you want to talk about facts. Ok genocidal sympathizer. on 26 Mar 2024 21:27 collapse

There’s plenty of room in Gaza to force out Hamas. But the people there love Hamas. If 100 of them want to pile into a building to be shields for a Hamas commander, ignoring the evacuation order, ignoring the warnings, then they’ve chosen their fate. I don’t have sympathy for them. I also don’t have sympathy for people that approach troops or borders and get shot. Everyone knows not to do that. It was the first thing Israel said after October 7, ya know, when Hamas launched thousands of rockets at Israel and approached the wall 1,000 soldiers strong and crossed the border to do a bunch of mass shootings of civilians, police, and EMS. You know, when there was actual indiscriminate targeting of civilians. No sympathy for that. Fuck them and anyone that helps them. They had their chance. Chance after chance. What did they do? They chose far right religious terrorism and hard-line Sharia law. It’s incompatible with modern life.

And it would be fine, if they want to live like it’s the dark ages. But they want to participate in international financing of murdering Jews. That is the goal of Hamas and their foreign financiers: to genocide every Jew and Christian in the middle east and have their own fascist ethnostate of religious law.

How many chance would you give Hamas? How many suicide bombings would you let them do in your town? on 26 Mar 2024 21:53 collapse

JFC you are a Nazi. on 26 Mar 2024 21:59 collapse

What a ridiculous hot take. The Nazis murdered millions of people. It’s utterly stupid to compare anything to do with Israel to what the Nazis did. And for the record I’m a left wing two time Bernie alum. on 26 Mar 2024 19:43 collapse

You use IDF propaganda as your ‘facts’ to form your opinion on justifying ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Hamas began twenty years into an Occupation enforced with direct and systemic violence, with the goal of ending the occupation. Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.

Hamas in its early days, according to former Israeli officials, was seen by the government of Israel as a counterweight to the PLO. Israel supported Hamas as a way to break the PLO’s hold on the region. Retired official Avner Cohen, who worked in Gaza in the 1990s and oversaw religious affairs in the region, told the WSJ in 2009, “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation."

And in the backdrop of the 2006 election were geographic and political divides between Gaza and the West Bank. Contrary to what Bennett claimed, Israel restricted Palestinians from moving in and out of Gaza, as well as between the strip and the West Bank, since at least the 1990s, after the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, according to Al Jazeera. In addition to Gaza’s borders, the Israeli government controlled its coastline and airspace, allowing for military incursions into the territory, and, in 2007, established the blockade on goods and people that still exists as of this writing.

People Claim a Majority of Palestinians in Gaza Elected Hamas — Here’s Why It Isn’t That Simple

Hamas founding charter and Revised charter 2017

This is a brutal occupation that is an apartheid regime, uses martial law, and military courts, the theft and extortion of water, the exploitation of Palestinians as a workforce without rights, state-backed settler violence, the deprivation of human rights for Palestinians, the destruction of schools, the destruction of hospitals, the destruction of homes, the starvation of children, the execution of women and children, the inhuman torture and abuse of Palestinians and yes even children in Israeli prisons. on 26 Mar 2024 21:39 collapse

Hamas is an ideology that’s hundreds of years old. It’s called Islamism and it’s nothing new. It’s a far right religious order in search of an empire. And they actually will genocide all the Jews and Christians if they get the chance. Does that even register with you? If Israel wanted to do a genocide it would carpet bomb Gaza into a pile of rocks in about 30 minutes. Instead we are five months in and the daily death tolls keep dropping. The aid keeps flowing. The catastrophic famine that’s been imminent for three months hasn’t happened. And 1.3 million people evacuated safely to the 30,000 did not. Some genocide that is. It’s a fucking insult to everyone that caught actual Nazis, that fought actual genocide. You got tricked by fake news from Al Jazeera.

In Myanmar they were using helicopter gun ships and just stafing crowds of refugees with machine guns. Zero distinction. No excuses given. Just straight murder.

In Gaza the IDF strikes military targets and sometimes gets a little loose with weighing the lives of people who refuse to evacuate versus the military value of their targets, after warning the civilians to evacuate.

Stop citing Al Jazeera articles like a fool. Stop repeating unfounded “reports” by people whose job it is to lie about Israel. Do better with your life. They are actual accomplices to terrorism. on 27 Mar 2024 02:03 collapse

All your ‘opinions’ are not based on fact, and are easily debunked. Funny how I didn’t even link any Al Jazeera articles, not that their news reporting isn’t credible.

It’s clear you don’t know anything about Hamas, for one they started in 1988.

What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations

What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag

Israel was founded on Settler Colonialism and ethnic cleansing, both fundamental to Zionism

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 culminating to Plan Dalet in 1948, more details here.

Are you talking about these reports?

Amnesty International Report

Human Rights Watch Report

B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer

Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) and Summery by the International Court of Justice

Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated

Or maybe these news outlets on whether it’s genocide: AP News, Time, Reuters, Vox, CBC on 27 Mar 2024 13:14 collapse

Dude, stop spamming me with all these bullshit links.I have read all of these articles. I have read the same things that you have read, including South Africa’s bullshit complaint to the UN filled with circular reasoning and unattributed sources, and “reports” made by literal terroristd. When an article ends with “these reports could not be verified,” it’s not persuasive. It’s persuasive for you, that’s great. Apparently your entire worldview is based on whatever corporate media tells you it should be. All this fake concern you have for genocide you can look to Hamas. Their first goal is genocide, their second goal is a far right Islamic ethnostate in which people who say nice things about representative government or constitutional government get stoned to death in front of everyone.

I’m sorry Hamas made the news so sad for you. They should stop using civilians as shields. I don’t care how Israel was founded and nobody alive today should, either. Since it was founded, and for literally centuries before, extreme rightwing pan-Islamists wanted to genocide all the Jews and Christians in the mid east. They want a global Islamic caliphate where one religious dude has absolute rule. They want the Holy Roman empire. It’s literal imperialism.

The only reason there is no pan-islamist caliphate today that controls the whole middle east under strict religious policing, is that all the different imamates can’t agree on who should be in charge and where the caliphate should be seated.

You can try to gloss over those facts, like the UN special reporter (that’s how we spell it where I’m from instead of the French spelling) does, you can gloss over why she is banned from entering Israel. You can gussy this up however you want, but that is the reality of the situation as it has been for hundreds of years.

Guess what? Jews are there. Christians are there. Your strategy is to do what, exactly? Let Hamas run free to do the genocide that they want to have, another century of suicide bombings and mass shootings, because lying Palestinians made the news too sad for younto bear? Maybe you can let them dig tunnels under your house to launch rockets and shootings at your neighbors? Maybe there’s a nice coffee shop or concert hall near your house you could help them blow up.

No. Hamas had chance after chance and they blew it. It’s a terrorist organization. What terrorists want is irrelevant because of how they’ve chosen to go about getting it.

They can surrender or die and if they are content to take their families with them, that’s all the more reason why they must now be stopped before their anti human rights ideology can spread. I find a lot of the rhetoric coming out of Israel equally disgusting, but whereas the identical rhetoric coming from Nazis all those years ago was based on nothing more than hate and gullibility, Israel is actually surrounded by enemies and has been barraged by tens of thousands of indiscriminate strikes over decades, launched by Hamas. The rhetoric of a few Israeli extremists isn’t reason to turn on Israel and forfiet the only democratic foothold in the region. And my belief is this: only a democracy can protect human rights in the long term, a religious zealot whose whims are law cannot do it. You want to talk about human rights in the middle east? Start with abolishing Islamic law.

I’m sad for you that 900,000 people in Gaza have Stockholm Syndrome and instead of either evacuating or joining the fight for human rights, they are content to stick around and have their cities used by terrorists human shields, and spinning listen the whatever media will listen to them.

Ask anyone in Gaza, nobody in Hamas has been killed, no warnings have ever been given before an airstrike, and despite Hamas’s own claim of having built 500 km of tunnels, not one building that’s been destroyed has had a tunnel underneath it; rather, it’s all been “indiscriminate” and “intentional killing of civilians.” 🤡

The numbers speak for themselves. 1.3 million people evacuated safely. Daily death tolls are still decreasing. The mass famine has been “imminent” for four months and hasn’t happened.

Someone is clearly lying. on 27 Mar 2024 17:03 next collapse

People like you make me lose faith in humanity. on 27 Mar 2024 18:37 collapse

It’s very obvious you haven’t read any of those links or reports yourself. Israel is the one that has repeatedly and constantly lied with fabrications and disinformation, it’s well documented.

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza

Compared to previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, the current war — which Israel has named “Operation Iron Swords,” and which began in the wake of the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel on October 7 — has seen the army significantly expand its bombing of targets that are not distinctly military in nature. These include private residences as well as public buildings, infrastructure, and high-rise blocks, which sources say the army defines as “power targets” (“matarot otzem”).

Although it is unprecedented for the Israeli army to attack more than 1,000 power targets in five days, the idea of causing mass devastation to civilian areas for strategic purposes was formulated in previous military operations in Gaza, honed by the so-called “Dahiya Doctrine” from the Second Lebanon War of 2006.

GAZA STRIP: Famine is imminent as 1.1 million people, half of Gaza, experience catastrophic food insecurity

Latest humanitarian food insecurity assessments – the IPC classification index which is used as a reference by aid agencies – indicate that the entire population of Gaza – 2.2 million people – face “crisis” levels of food insecurity, the OCHA spokesperson said. Of that number, around 1.17 million face “emergency” levels of food insecurity, and the plight for another 500,000 is “catastrophic” on 27 Mar 2024 20:02 collapse

I’ve read them, I just don’t find them fully credible. Like when Hamas says something isn’t a military target, it’s just not believable because they always lie. I’m going to go ahead and believe the people that sometimes lie versus the people that always lie. You do you though.

Food insecurity caused by the consequences of one’s own actions isn’t the same thing as famine and starvation. Hamas should have packed more food before they started a seige. They obviously don’t give a fuck about anyone in Gaza, as if that wasn’t evident from the tunnels they built under everyone’s homes (with or without permission, do any of your links say?).

Hey, maybe they could give up themselves and the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and Gaza can build itself a port and start partaking in some global shipping; if my neighbor was holding my family hostage and shooting at us, I certainly wouldn’t let Door Dash bring them food. You can’t take a bunch of hostages and then be like “nah you can’t come in to get them or we’ll kill you, oh and also you have to still let all our deliveries through!” That’s now how it works for anyone, why should only Jews have that standard? Again though if you think you can use someone as a human shield that means they care about you, do you. Just don’t start crossing borders with your dark ages bullshit! on 27 Mar 2024 20:35 collapse

What are you talking about, Israel has controlled all imports and exports in Gaza and the West Bank since 1967.

The 1994 Paris Protocol between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) entrenched the dependence of the Palestinian economy on Israel via a customs union that leaves no space for independent Palestinian economic policies, tying the OPT to the trade policies, tariff structure and value-added tax rate of Israel. Since 1999, Palestinian gross domestic product (GDP) in the OPT has effectively remained stagnant. The Palestinian economy suffers from numerous restrictions by Israel on trade that impact on the production of exports and importable goods. Almost all Palestinian imports and exports transit ports and crossing points controlled by Israel, where delays and security measures increase costs by an average of USD 538 per shipment, resulting in a significant and persistent trade deficit.

In addition, Israel imposed a “dual use” policy in 2007 that restricts the entry of any goods it deems to potentially have military, as well as civilian, use, including chemicals and technology. The list of 117 liable items is vague, including categories such as “communications equipment, communication support equipment, or equipment with communication functions” that can include items that are found in everyday use, such as home appliances and medical equipment. This policy only applies to Palestinian importers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, not to their Israeli counterparts or even to Israeli settlers in the OPT. It has had a devastating impact on the economy in general, especially on the agriculture, information and communications technology (ICT) and manufacturing sectors, and has had catastrophic effects in the Gaza Strip in particular.

Israel has let in only minimal food into Gaza leading in food insecurity for the majority of the population since before Oct 7th.…/OCHAGAZAAM_220223.pdf…/gaza-policy-forum-summary-experts-agr… on 27 Mar 2024 22:48 collapse

More things I already knew.

I’m sure you think Israel started dual use policy out of cruelty and malice, right? You sure it has nothing to do with Gaza choosing corruption and terrorism again and again?

Hamas had two airports. Could have done some trading, had some commerce, and had all the food they could muster right now. That requires respect for other cultures. I’m sure you’d overnight some, right now if they still had an airport. Hamas closed one after starting a war and swearing to murder all of the Jews, and then Hamas abandoned the other one and let it go to shit until it was unusable and people built over it.

They had a water port, until they elected Hamas to power (I guess the election slogan was “more suicide bombings of Jews!” or something to thet extent (and upon taking office they promptly cancelled all future elections because they knew how best to focus Gaza’s resources on building out the tunnel system and expanding the number of rockets they could launch at the Jews)).

Yes, Gaza has rightfully been under a blockade pending the demise of Hamas. Instead of rejecting Hamas, Gaza has further empowered and entrenched them. Apparently the people of Gaza will pay any price for the Hamas-run theocratic dictatorship they believe their God has ordained for them (once they genocide all the Jews (you just go on ahead ignoring that little detail before you start sending aid (aid is only conditional when it gets sent to Jews according to your ruleset))). on 27 Mar 2024 23:20 next collapse

You keep saying you know when it’s clear you don’t.

The only real airport, Yasser Arafat International Airport, in Gaza was opened on 24 November 1998, and all passenger flights ceased in February 2001, during the Second Intifada. Israel bombed the radar station and control tower on 4 December 2001 and bulldozers cut the runway on 10 January 2002, rendering the airport inoperable. The Gush Katif Airport was home for tens of thousands of refugees from the 1948 expulsions, being only briefly operable in 2004 before Israel banned all air travel with the blockade.

Israel has controlled all airspace and water space. Palestinians are unable to even fish beyond the 3-12 nautical mile limit enforced by Israel without getting shot, arrested, and robbed.

Palestinians haven’t had freedom of movement since 1991.

In January 1991, during the Gulf War, Israel changed its policy, introducing a demand that any Palestinian wishing to enter Israel or East Jerusalem, including for the purpose of travel between the West Bank and Gaza, must obtain a personal permit from Israel. This policy split the Occupied Territories into three separate areas – the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza – leaving travel between them entirely dependent on Israel’s approval.

Restrictions on Movement - B’TSelem

After the second intifada broke out, Israel tightened the restrictions on Palestinian travel, imposing serious restrictions on travel to and from the Gaza Strip, and cutting it off from the West Bank almost completely. Entry of Gaza residents into Israel for the purpose of family visits or reunification with a spouse was prohibited. Visits by Palestinian citizens of Israel and residents of East Jerusalem to relatives in Gaza were reduced to a minimum. In addition, Israel severely restricted the ability of the entire population of Gaza to travel abroad, with many prohibited from doing so altogether. Import and export were restricted and often halted. Israel also banned most Gaza residents from working inside Israel, taking away the source of income of tens of thousands. The restrictions Israel imposed on the movement of goods and workers caused a deep recession in Gaza, impaired its residents’ earning capacity and caused a sharp decline in living standards.

One aspect of the blockade is the reduction of the area where fishing is allowed in Gaza. The Oslo Accords stipulate a range of 20 nautical miles (about 37 km) off the Gaza shoreline, but Israel has never allowed fishing farther than 12 nautical miles out to sea. Over the years, Israel has gradually narrowed the fishing zone, sometimes to three nautical miles only, and currently between six and nine. The Israeli military also restricts fishing in areas bordering Israel and Egypt. Soldiers fire at fishermen alleging they have sailed beyond the restricted zone, arrest them and confiscate their equipment. In this way, Israel prevents Gaza fishermen from reaching the rich fishing grounds located further out to sea, impedes the ability of thousands of fishermen and people working in related sectors to provide for themselves and their families, and denies Gaza residents an essential source of food.

The Gaza Strip - B’TSelem on 28 Mar 2024 10:46 collapse

You’re like one of those Nazis who didn’t have the stomach to admit people were being gassed after it became clear to everyone else.

People like you make me wish god existed just so there could be some kind of justice. on 26 Mar 2024 16:51 collapse

Wait, are you seriously denying things Hamas have repeatedly and openly stated? on 26 Mar 2024 16:13 next collapse

Top tier IDF mental gymnastics to justify israel committing Genocide and blaming it on Hamas. on 26 Mar 2024 17:16 collapse

None of that justifies Israel’s genocide. on 26 Mar 2024 21:16 collapse

I don’t see a genocide. I see terrorists using cities as human shields for their own gain. on 26 Mar 2024 21:36 next collapse

You are ignorant at best on 26 Mar 2024 22:00 next collapse

I think you are ignorant and you got tricked by liars masquerading as journalists. You got tricked by “reports.” All the most sensational and shocking allegations against Israel are “reports.”

The death toll speaks for itself. on 27 Mar 2024 14:04 collapse

Incorrect on multiple levels. on 27 Mar 2024 11:10 collapse

I actually think he/she is racist since they go around dehumanizing Palestinians at any chance. on 27 Mar 2024 06:03 collapse

Is Israel using Tel Aviv as a human shield when a military building is next to a hospital?

Of course no answer from as usual on 28 Mar 2024 00:01 collapse

There will be conflict as long as people exist, actually. on 26 Mar 2024 11:17 collapse

even though its own membership of the UN was made conditional upon Palestinian refugees being allowed to return to their homes and land.

Did anyone actually try to enforce that condition? on 26 Mar 2024 16:29 next collapse

“Resolution to enforce the condition is promptly vetoed by the US for the 16th time.” Or something very similar would be your answer, probably. on 28 Mar 2024 00:00 collapse

16 seems a little low. on 27 Mar 2024 20:58 collapse

Does anyone expect the UN to have a spine?

“we will write you a letter, telling you how angry we are” on 27 Mar 2024 23:38 next collapse

“After three letters, you will receive an official condemnation! 3 of those and you can’t come to our super cool private beach anymore!” on 27 Mar 2024 23:47 collapse

Until the UN doesn’t start unifying the earth nations under one single flag by conquest, no, they are all spineless politicians.