Israel Accused of Running “Torture Camps” as Video Emerges of Soldiers Raping Palestinian Prisoner (
from to on 08 Aug 2024 15:34

The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has published a major new report documenting how the Israeli prison system has become “a network of torture camps,” where physical, psychological and sexual abuse of Palestinian prisoners is normalized and routine.

The report, titled “Welcome to Hell,” collects the testimony of 55 Palestinians who were detained by Israeli authorities since October 7 and later released, almost all without charges. This comes as a group of U.N. experts condemned the widespread torture of Palestinians and as Israel’s Channel 12 News aired shocking footage of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing a prisoner at the Sde Teiman army base, where thousands of detainees from Gaza are held.

Sarit Michaeli, the international advocacy lead for B’Tselem, says the abuse in Israeli prisons is “systemic, ongoing and state-sanctioned,” reflecting the cruelty and thirst for revenge among a growing number of Israelis. “They would like to have a completely open field in terms of what they can do to Palestinians,” says Michaeli.

You can find the full report of testimonies here


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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 09 Aug 2024 06:20 collapse

This has been reported by B’Tselem an Israeli human rights organization…/202408_welcome_to_hell on 08 Aug 2024 15:47 next collapse

Meanwhile, we’ve got “stop being antisemitic” trolls casting doubt among the uninformed. on 08 Aug 2024 15:56 next collapse

Not only that. There are whole countries participating in that disgusting shit. UK and US stayed absent from the Nagasaki memorial event because Japan had the good sense of not inviting an apartheid dictatorship. on 08 Aug 2024 16:39 collapse

Japan is an apartheid themselves lmfao. on 09 Aug 2024 00:14 next collapse

How so? on 09 Aug 2024 03:10 next collapse

They might be referring to the rather shitty treatment of the native Ainu peoples?

While bad, I wouldn’t call it apartheid however. on 09 Aug 2024 04:30 collapse

Sources provided. on 09 Aug 2024 04:29 collapse

Source 1 Source 2

Apartheid is mostly a word used by antisemitics anyway in my opinion.

As in people don’t care about any other apartheid states(there are many) they only care about Israel which is weird. on 09 Aug 2024 05:13 next collapse

Yeah I don’t think posting an article of how Abe got slammed for the suggestion is the smoking gun evidence you think it is. Japan’s coming to terms with its past being – well let’s be blunt an call it an embarrassment – is tangential.

Seriously I’m a bit confused. You’re accusing Japan of Apartheid and what you’re coming up are those two things, and not the de facto complete absence of a civic, as opposed to ethnic/cultural, national identity? on 09 Aug 2024 05:41 collapse

Coming to terms with it’s past? They actively oppress their largest minority population. On top of all the shit in Source 2? Alright dude lol just downvote and move along.

They call them Zainichi Koreans in Japan. Dirty Koreans who can’t get citizenship but slave away for the countries benefit. Something like that anyways. on 09 Aug 2024 07:34 collapse

You can get Japanese citizenship after five years of residency, somewhat surprisingly there’s not even a language test. And many many Zainichi did and do.

If that is Apartheid then I don’t want to know what you have to say about Estonia. on 09 Aug 2024 08:08 collapse

And many many Zainichi did and do.

Where’s the source. I’ve got one that says the opposite.

Current Discriminatory Practices

Nonetheless, despite significant progress, discriminatory practices persist in Japanese society. Naturalization remains the primary means of acquiring full citizenship rights, but the process is complex and discourages many. Nowadays, most Zainichi Koreans are descendants of the forced labourers in the 1920s, so they were born and raised in Japan and speak only Japanese, but they are not eligible for citizenship unless one of their parents is Japanese. Furthermore, as it is against the law in Japan to have two nationalities, for Zainichi Koreans to naturalize would require them to renounce their Korean identity entirely. As Chung put it, “Japanese nationality is closely associated with ethnocultural identity, naturalization applicants must not only renounce their allegiance to their country of origin but must also demonstrate evidence of cultural assimilation”. Moreover, if their ethnic roots were revealed, they would still be seen as outsiders in Japanese society, therefore naturalizing would not even address the underlying causes of prejudice.

Even though there is no fee to pay for naturalization, applicants frequently have to pay hefty attorney costs to prepare the numerous documents needed to authenticate their family histories.


Apartheid too? I will say this, doubt you’ll see anyone who gives a single fuck. on 09 Aug 2024 09:02 collapse

Where’s the source.

Like here. About 6000 naturalisations per year.

Are there issues? Yes. Is it Apartheid? If you think it is, then you are trivialising the shit out of what South Africa has done. What Israel is doing.

Apartheid too? I will say this, doubt you’ll see anyone who gives a single fuck.

The Soviet Union settled plenty of people in Estonia when they occupied it, those people didn’t get Estonian citizenship once Estonia got its independence, they got permanent residencies instead. A metric fuckton naturalised in the year since then, which involved learning Estonian.

Bit of a difference because Estonia was the victim of colonialism, not the aggressor, they would’ve been perfectly within their right to just expel everyone, but the associated identity vs. nationality stuff very much applies. on 09 Aug 2024 15:48 collapse

… trivialising the shit out of

From 1937–1945, the Japanese military regime may have killed nearly 6 million people, including around half a million Koreans. This estimate includes Koreans who were conscripted into the Japanese army, where over 22,000 were killed.

I’m with the demons and henchman. on 10 Aug 2024 01:33 collapse

That’s a lot of things, bad things, but it’s not Apartheid. Words have meaning. It’s also not current. on 10 Aug 2024 05:09 collapse

It’s also not current.

Here the conclusion of your own source.

Regardless, discrimination still affects their daily lives both visibly and invisibly.

Definition of apartheid:

system of legalized racial segregation that deprives one racial group of political and civil rights.

I’ve provided sources that prove it. Political rights deprived as well as civil. Laws enabling it. on 10 Aug 2024 07:59 collapse

Political rights deprived as well as civil.

They can, and do, become citizens. The procedure is the same as for everyone else. Are you telling me that black people in South Africa were able to do that. on 10 Aug 2024 16:40 collapse

Naturalization remains the primary means of acquiring full citizenship rights, but the process is complex and discourages many. Nowadays, most Zainichi Koreans are descendants of the forced labourers in the 1920s, so they were born and raised in Japan and speak only Japanese, but they are not eligible for citizenship unless one of their parents is Japanese. Furthermore, as it is against the law in Japan to have two nationalities,

Go on how they do and can become citizens. I don’t know how many braincells I’ve lost talking to you. It’s easier for a Palestinian to get citizenship in Israel than it is for a zainichi Korean. They can’t even be Korean anymore to get citizenship. Dude what the fuck are you talking about here. on 10 Aug 2024 21:40 collapse

It’s easier for a Palestinian to get citizenship in Israel

Hell no. Should Zainichi have an easier path to citizenship? I do think so, here in Germany we have an accelerated procedure for people who were born and went to school here, no matter the parentage. Is it any more involved to get Japanese citizenship as a Zainichi than as a German? Nope.

Not allowing dual citizenship isn’t anything out of the ordinary either, btw. on 10 Aug 2024 22:12 collapse

People born in Germany are given citizenship. Zainichi Koreans are not in Japan. There is no accelerated procedure for zainichi Koreans who went to school. In fact japanese law even makes it harder for Korean schoolchildren.

One of the continuing contentious issues for Koreans in Japan is education. The Japanese government in 2003 made graduates from most international schools and foreign schools – as well as Japanese schools – eligible for the university entrance examination. This has not been extended to most Korean schools (with the exception of a small number of Mindan-run schools), meaning that Korean students from these schools remain seriously disadvantaged. There also exists other forms of continuing discrimination against Korean schools, with donations to foreign schools being tax-exempt, but not those to Korean schools. Since most Korean schools are thus still not recognized as regular schools, children attending these schools will also risk discrimination in employment. The government of Japan also excludes Korean schools from the high school tuition-waiver programme, which was introduced by the government in April 2010, although the programme covered foreign schools authorized as miscellaneous schools. Many local governments have cancelled financial support for Korean schools as well. on 10 Aug 2024 22:26 collapse

People born in Germany are given citizenship.

Not in general, no.

If your argument was “Japan should adopt German-style laws and give citizenship to children of permanent residents” then I’d say yes, that’s a good idea. Your argument, however, is “Japan has Apartheid, Zainichi can’t use the same beaches as Japanese, are forced to live in segregated areas, have a different set of laws applied to them”. Because that is what Apartheid means. You’re trivialising the concept with your accusation. on 10 Aug 2024 22:38 next collapse

Yeah pretty much, if they genuinely cared about human rights violations they would look into the Apartheid reports by Amnesty, B’TSelem, or HRW with the same earnest as Japan’s human rights violations during WWII and their current discriminatory policies. on 10 Aug 2024 23:23 collapse

The argument is again: people don’t give a shit about any other apartheid countries. It’s only antisemites who use the word.

with the same earnest as Japan’s human rights violations during WWII and their current discriminatory policies

It’s funny because the other day you tried showing me a map that started in 1945(6 years after WW2 started) portraying some completely bs ethnic cleansing commencing before the Palestinians got 8 countries to invade and attempt to destroy Israel.


You proceeded to list to me discriminatory practices Israel allegedly did against those people up until today.

Alright dude. on 11 Aug 2024 00:03 collapse

Again, your argument makes literally no sense. If you read the actual reports describing in detail every aspect, from law to practice, of Apartheid in Israel, you would understand the reality of Apartheid both codified in law and practiced on-the-ground.

Second, stop acting like criticism of Israel committing crimes against humanity and settler Colonialism is antisemitic. Anti-zionism is not antisemitism. Israel, and their actions, has not and never will represent all Jewish people. Jewish people who criticize Zionism, which has been the case since it’s inception, are not antisemitic or ‘self-hating jews.’ This conflation is genuinely antisemitic, and promotes actual antisemitism. Nazis love that conflation, because they can point at Israel and contribute all their crimes against humanity to the entirety of all Jewish people. Which is completely ridiculous. So stop with the conflation.

Third, yes, because the ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinian population has been central to Zionism, a Settler Colonialist ideology, since the late 1800’s. This is not conjecture, this is historical fact researched in depth by many historians, many even Israeli, with many sources, including official declassified Israeli documents.

You have a completely revisionist understanding of the history of Palestine. I suggest you try to prove yourself wrong by reading some works by historians if you feel so certain about what you think you know.

The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948 - Nur Masalha

A History of Modern Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe

The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of the Occupied Territories - Ilan Pappe

The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi

The 1967 Arab-Israeli War: Origins and Consequences - Avi Shlaim

The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development - Sara Roy

New Historian Aricles on One vs. Two State Solution:

How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution

‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe on 11 Aug 2024 01:16 collapse

There is no ethnic cleansing when that ethnic population in the area went from 500k to 5 million.

You say this ethnic cleansing started in the late 1800s? You are the one with a completely revisionist idea of history. When Jews immigrated to the area in the late 1800s they were first met with hostility towards them. Their land often pillaged by Arab marauders. All while they were starving and struggling to carry water on camel back to their settlement.

There was no settler colonialism in the late 1800s. Even the first wave of settlers faced hostility from the Palestine-Arabs.

They’ve made it their own prison even before they attempted to invade and destroy Israel on 1948. on 11 Aug 2024 02:58 collapse

Ethnic Cleansing is about displacement first and foremost, please read the definition before you try to argue against it. Population growth isn’t antithetical to ethnic cleansing. The poverty is deliberately caused by the occupation in the OPT. The link between poverty and population growth are well known. Hostility towards the new Zionist settlers only arose due to the expulsions.

The Concept of forcible transfer the native Palestinians population was central to Zionism since the 1880s when Palestine was chosen as the location. During the British Mandate, around a 100,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced by land purchases (unlike previous land purchases, where peasants would normally continue working and living on the land). Ben-Gurion used Partition as a tactic to dissuade the British from considering a Bi-National Secular State, and instead create a causi-belli for the beginning of a Jewish ethnostate within Palestine. The Nakba, or Plan Dalet, was deliberately planned for over a year. That ethnic cleansing campaign is directly responsible for the Palestinian Occupied Territories of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. The 1967 war was a deliberate tactic for Israel to take control of those areas and begin the never ending occupation, once those policies were practiced on the Palestinian population that remained in the Green Line after the Nakba.

Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.

1967 war: Haaretz, Forward

Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations practiced in the occupied territories after 1967

Take a break from arguing with strangers on the Internet about how it’s actually the Palestinians fault for being ethnically cleansed. If you’re genuinely interested in the history go read the works of historians, I’ve already referenced plenty. on 11 Aug 2024 04:00 collapse

That’s nice for you. How can one take you anti-semites seriously when you say “there is no apartheid in Japan.” Africans themselves have criticized Japan for apartheid.

There was no mass displacement from evem the first 100 settlers(Rishon L’Zion) who themselves faced hostility from the local Arabs 30 years before any British mandate. The overwhelming majority of Palestinians are descendants of that preexisting Arab population before any British mandate.

The way they treated those people. Now look where they are. They’ll continue to prosper(just like they let Palestine people after everything that people done to them).

I won’t stop spreading the pro-semetic word. I’m well read in history everything I say has sources to back it up, I list few .gov sources throughout this thread. The source in this comment there is a government site. on 10 Aug 2024 23:09 collapse

My argument is nobody cares about apartheid or even potential apartheid countries Japan is not the only one. They act like there is no problem it’s all normal. You don’t see a single person here going hey yeah Japan should chill out everyone is just going “no it’s not”.

What are you talking about “in general, no.”

It is how it works since the year 2000. If you are born there yes, you can get citizenship, given your parent live there for 8 years.

There are generations of zainichi who have not got citizenship.

I’ve shown they have different sets of laws that apply to them. They are prohibited from working various jobs. on 10 Aug 2024 23:58 collapse

They act like there is no problem it’s all normal.

I mentioned several things Japan should change. How is that “acting like there’s no problem”?

What I’m saying it’s not Apartheid. Because it isn’t. Apartheid is a specific thing with a specific definition.

What are you talking about “in general, no.”

I mean “in general, no”. If a pregnant couple travels to the US on a tourist visa and gives birth there, the child will be a US citizen. That’s not the case in Germany or for that matter most of the rest of the world. Korea itself doesn’t have Ius soli.

It is how it works since the year 2000. If you are born there yes, you can get citizenship, given your parent live there for 8 years.

Living here doesn’t suffice, you need permanent residency – though if you’re here for that long, that should generally be the case. And it’s not “you can become a citizen” but “you are a citizen”. If you don’t grow up in Germany with that kind of Ius soli citizenship you’ll have to choose with 21 whether you keep your foreign or German citizenship.

That kind of regime is btw what I proposed Japan introduce in my previous comment. You might want to start reading what I write.

There are generations of zainichi who have not got citizenship.

And Japan should make the procedure easier for them. I have said that already. But that doesn’t mean that they’re treated any differently from any other non-citizen. They in fact do enjoy some rights not afforded to other permanent residents. So, yes, those “different laws” exist, but they’re in the favour of Zainichis.

Go and have a look at actual Apartheid regimes. The degree of discrimination, the complete impossibility of leaving second-class citizen status, the lot of it. Noone is going to listen to your demands for better citizenship laws if you keep on pretending Zainichis can’t shop in the same 7/11s that the rest of Japan shops in. on 11 Aug 2024 01:03 next collapse

You admitted they have several things to change after 2 days of arguing with you about it. Lol. on 11 Aug 2024 01:14 collapse

The degree of discrimination, the complete impossibility of leaving second-class citizen status

20% of the Israeli citizens are Palestine descent. 2 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

So, yes, those “different laws” exist, but they’re in the favour of Zainichis.

Yeah, their laws I pointed out to you on how schools operate realllly favour zainichi Koreans. /s Incase you need it on 11 Aug 2024 02:19 collapse

20% of the Israeli citizens are Palestine descent. 2 million Palestinian citizens of Israel.

What about the occupied territories? They’re applying martial law there, and people have no prospect of citizenship. Then there’s plenty of Palestinans living in Israel who don’t have Israeli citizenship, or realistic prospect of citizens, e.g. in Jerusalem.

You have no idea how bad it is in Israel if you think it’s in any way comparable to Japan.

Yeah, their laws I pointed out to you on how schools operate realllly favour zainichi Koreans. /s Incase you need it

I’m sorry are you saying that Japan should introduce Korean native-level lessons in their state school curriculum or what’s your actual issue here. What would you change. I’ve yet to see any actual policy proposal from you: No solutions, just “Japan bad”. Why would Zainichi who don’t speak Korean want those types of schools.

You admitted they have several things to change after 2 days of arguing with you about it. Lol.

Point me at a state and I’ll find several things that they should change. Do you e.g. really want to get me started on Korea with their rampant gerontocracy and misogyny.

Crucially, though, and this should make you think, none of what I said Japan should change actually came from an argument you made. on 11 Aug 2024 02:47 collapse

Africans themselves have criticized Japan for apartheid.

Foreign Minister Kimura’s Visit to Africa, Japan, which had never colonized the African continent, was sometimes criticized by Africans for its relations with apartheid and other issues.

Miss me with whatever antisemitic you are ignorantly and bigantly spreading. on 11 Aug 2024 03:15 collapse

Have you actually read the corresponding section in Chapter 1. Quote:

Kimura said he decided to visit Africa because “the African continent is still seen in the same way as the colonial period … As a first step, Japan should show the right attitude from an international moral standpoint.” But he also states that another aim of the visit was to soften the criticism of Japan from other African countries for actively trading with South Africa, a racist country at the time.

Have you any idea how many countries traded with South Africa at that time? Not exactly the same thing but here’s a map of SA’s diplomatic ties 1974. Plenty of African states, say Madagascar or the Congo, were happy to take South African money. What does anything of that have to do with the status of Zainichi a whole 50 years later? on 11 Aug 2024 04:19 collapse

Yes I read it all. It shows a pattern for Japan which openly embraces apartheid up to recent times. They support that crap. Just like the congo did. In fact the congo like Japan was also an apartheid during those relations. on 11 Aug 2024 09:54 collapse

Circling all the way back to the beginning: If they currently support that crap, why did Abe get slammed for proposing Apartheid?

It really does seem like you have made up your mind about the Japanese and are trying very hard to scrape together whimsy excuses for your bigotry.

…and seriously. Congo. As in back then still named Zaire. Did I miss something was Mobutu white or something. Are you just making shit up. on 11 Aug 2024 15:05 collapse

Dude there are japanese authors who embrace apartheid not just abe. South Africa is tired of Japanese shit.

Are you just making shit up.

I’m not making anything up. I haven’t made a single thing up. You just don’t give a single shit. on 11 Aug 2024 15:18 collapse


The Japanese government has overtly and covertly tried to distance itself from Sono

Also, again, Abe:

One possible reason the Japanese mainstream media is reluctant to criticize Sono and the Sankei newspaper is due to the fact that Prime Minister Abe makes it a habit to regularly wine and dine the top executives of Japan’s media groups, often at the same time—usually before major political announcements or decisions—creating a cozy relationship that makes criticizing him or those close to him particularly awkward or difficult in Japanese culture.

Politics in Japan are strange, they’re a proper democracy but also de facto a one-party state. Abe is dead, in more than one way.

And I mean – this is what you have? Random people say stuff and you elevate it to state policy and social sentiment? Then, I guess, all Canadians want first nation people in boarding schools, all Germans want to ethnically cleanse the country of immigrant blood, all French want to re-colonise Algeria, all Koreans want state-mandated girlfriends, the list is fucking endless. on 11 Aug 2024 15:47 collapse

This is not random people, that was a top advisors of the country.

One possible reason the Japanese mainstream media is reluctant to criticize…

However you justify it and make jokes. Don’t forget they also did kill 600k Koreans then pretty much enslave them for cheap labor. Waaaay more than Israel killed Hamas-Palestinians and civilian casualties.

Several well-publicized examples of hate speech targeting these Korean ethnic schools have been recorded. In December 2009, January 2010, and March 2010, anti-Korean activists staged three demonstrations chanting abusive slogans, such as “children of spies,” via loudspeakers against a Korean primary school in Kyoto. They claimed that the school illegally used a nearby park as a playground for more than fifty years. The school did in fact use the park, but with permission from Kyoto City and the local residents’ association. After the rallies, the ultra-rightists uploaded videos of the demonstrations online. Since the demonstrations and the social media posting of the incidents severely traumatized the students, teachers, and parents, the school filed a lawsuit in 2010. The lower court ruled in its favor.

Random people say stuff and you elevate it to state policy and social sentiment?

Such a nice social sentiment /s on 11 Aug 2024 16:25 collapse

the school filed a lawsuit in 2010. The lower court ruled in its favor.

Are you reading what you’re quoting? Why, if Japan is an Apartheid state, are courts siding with the Zainichi?

Don’t forget they also did kill 600k Koreans then pretty much enslave them for cheap labor. Waaaay more than Israel killed Hamas-Palestinians and civilian casualties.

First off: History, or is Japan currently killing Koreans? Secondly, there were about 30m Korans in 1950 (North and South), but only 1.4m Palestinians. More than half of which were driven out of the country, by threat of settler violence, during the Nakhba.

Then, WTF is “Hamas-Palestinians” supposed to mean. I’m asking because you seem to be busy trivialising Israeli crimes while simultaneously exhibiting a clear pattern of group-focussed enmity, are you a Kahanite? on 11 Aug 2024 17:00 collapse

You were talking about Japan’s social sentiment of the zainichi. So I pointed to the year long hate speech protests they conducted toward school children

More than half of which were driven out of the country, by threat of settler violence, during the Nakhba.

It is completely false. They left because their Arab allies warned them to leave as they were going to invade Israel. Which they did.

What really happened is the first Jewish immigrants(just 100 people in 1890 known as Rishon LeZion) faced harsh conditions. Trouble farming their barren land, starving and trouble getting water to their settlement. All while starving and trying to live the Arab marauders would pillaged their settlement. There was no displacement or made up nakhba.

When the blood-curdling battle cry exhorting the masses to slaughter the Jews, “Itbach al-Yahud,” was first shouted on April 4, 1920, by Arab marauders rampaging through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, it was accompanied by another mantra: “A-Dawla ma’ana” – the government is with us.That was the first brazen reverberation of the trust that Jews can be attacked with impunity, that no deterrence exists. It was since oft-chanted during the perpetration of other atrocities during the British Mandate era masterminded by Haj Amin el- Husseini, most notably the hideous Hebron massacre of 1929.

That sentiment has always been the same to " Itbach al-Yahud " even nearly 100 years later with Hamas.

Then, WTF is “Hamas-Palestinians”

Damn, you really are dumber than I thought. Looool. on 11 Aug 2024 17:14 collapse

So I pointed to the year long hate speech protests they conducted toward school children

Who is “they”? You might want to go back and read that article.

As to the rest… yeah even if you don’t identify as Kahanite you’re still spouting the same myths. You’re the kind of guy at those kind of hate speech protests, desperately trying to find a place in the world that you can pretend is doing worse, so you can absolve yourself of your own bigotry. Pointing fingers, the favourite sport of the self-righteous. Remember: If you point your finger at someone else, three are pointing back at you. Try it, it’s really true. on 11 Aug 2024 17:30 collapse

Who is “they”? You might want to go back and read that article.

…? The Japanese anti Korea public? The Japanese public who let the protests continue for a whole year?

you’re still spouting the same myths.

What myths? For someone who has carried on for 3 days it’s weird you stop here.

There is literally nothing you have said to the treatment of the first settlers in 1890. They didn’t displace anyone. It was just 100 people settling surrounded by what? 100K people? And that’s the way they were treated? Left to starve and their village pillaged? Okay buddy. You say Rishon LeZion is a myth? That they had to go to France just to get a well made because those jew haters couldn’t help them is a myth? on 12 Aug 2024 00:46 collapse

The Japanese public who let the protests continue for a whole year?

They are Uyoku dantai. Expanding that to the sole population is like calling all Israelis Kahanites, all white Americans KKK while calling all black Americans Nation of Islam, etc.

You say Rishon LeZion is a myth?

You were talking about 1920. That’s Battle of Tel Hai and the Nebi Musa riots.

But there was much more than the Arab misinterpretation of our Western-minded moderation

Oh, Jerusalem Post. I suppose Igrun is supposed to be “moderate”, eh. I suppose the League of Nations mandate essentially telling Arabs “yep we’re going to turn this into a Jewish majority country you don’t get a say and we’ll back it up with British guns” was moderate. It indeed then was unsarcastically moderate of the Brits to limit Jewish immigration as things became hot – to which the likes of Igrun responded with terror attacks not just on Arabs, but also the Brits, because I mean how dare they care about public order. Everything is very moderate here. All were hippies who just wanted to live in peace, yes. Nothing to see here, the State of Israel had a virgin birth, wrapped in innocence. on 12 Aug 2024 04:28 collapse

Expanding that to the sole population is like calling all Israelis Kahanites, …

You did just call me that. I don’t know what it means.

You were talking about 1920. That’s Battle of Tel Hai and the Nebi Musa riots.

1920 is 30 years after the first settlement. I believe the first settlement were hippies who wanted to live in peace. A lot of them had just moved there from a crazy situation in Russia. Why is it a crazy notion they want to live in peace? You don’t explain why they were attacked and pillaged and I can’t find that. Other than Arab marauders have always looted and pillaged for hundreds of years?

That is maybe part of the context to all those moderate actions Britain took.

You have to think as well. This was all some 3d game of Russian propaganda chess and controlled chaos.

You called me a kahanite well what about you? Left wing anti Semite?

This also can seem to describe you. on 12 Aug 2024 05:14 collapse

You did just call me that. I don’t know what it means.

And yet you comment on Israel. LMFAO. I already had you half-pegged as an Israeli but that definitely disqualifies you, you know nothing about Israel.

A lot of them had just moved there from a crazy situation in Russia. Why is it a crazy notion they want to live in peace?

Nothing, whatsoever. Where it becomes problematic is turning it into a colonial project. And no, early Zionists were not at all shy about calling what they were doing colonialism.

1920 is 30 years after the first settlement.

1920 is what the article you linked starts off with. It has pretty much nothing to do with Rischon LeZion.

You don’t explain why they were attacked and pillaged and I can’t find that. Other than Arab marauders have always looted and pillaged for hundreds of years?

Who got pillaged, when? And, yes, shit happens. The right course of action would’ve been to round up the perpetrators and put them before court. What the Idrun did, instead, was to bomb police stations and market places.

As to your insinuations of antisemitism: I’m German with Jewish roots. My grandfather barely survived the race laws. My aunt lives in Israel. I could grab my passport, fly to Israel, and get citizenship on arrival. My political stance regarding the whole thing can be best summed up as vaguely Labour-Zionist. You know, the kind of Israelis who get beaten up by Israeli police right now for protesting the genocide. The kind of people more concerned with pudding prices than killing Arabs.

There’s two things to understand if you ever want to see an end to the bloodshed in that area:

  1. There can be no Israeli security without Palestinian freedom
  2. There can be no Palestinian freedom without Israeli security

Fascists on both sides are happy to make sure neither of the two ever happens. They mutually depend on each other. on 12 Aug 2024 07:24 collapse

I already had you half-pegged as an Israeli but that definitely disqualifies you, you know nothing about Israel.

That contradicts itself. How can you have me half pegged as an Israeli if I know nothing. I would have to know a decent amount of something.

And no, early Zionists were not at all shy about calling what they were doing colonialism.

Ohh no they setup a colony where persecuted Jews across Europe could escape to. You might wonder if the Jews moving to that area may have been a good thing? With the Jews also brought lots of Arab immigrants as well. And just for some numbers in 1900 there were around 600,000 Arabs in Israel and 90 thousand Jews.

1920 is what the article you linked starts off with. It has pretty much nothing to do with Rischon LeZion

Yes it does. It shows how things escalated over the 30 years after the settlement of Rishon LeZion and to what degree the Palestine Arabs escalated it.

Who got pillaged, when? And, yes, shit happens. The right course of action would’ve been to round up the perpetrators and put them before court. What the Idrun did, instead, was to bomb police stations and market places.

Rishon LeZion. 1983 while they were starving with no water well trying to transport water on camelback to farm the land. How can they round up the perpetrators? I’m assuming the perpetrators hide behind some guarded fortress. You think a starving people is going to accomplish that?

Then back to the Jerusalem Post article the relevant part is here: you even pointed to it yourself.

But there was much more than the Arab misinterpretation of our Western-minded moderation and inclination to delude ourselves that if we overlook sporadic barrages from Gaza, its homicidal ardor will somehow dissipate.

Here are some announcements and warnings the Irgun gave to Palestine-Arabs. Why are you so apologetic for those murderers?

The National Military Organization has warned you, if the murderous attacks on Jewish civilians shall continue, its soldiers will penetrate your centers of activity and plague you. You have not heeded the warning. You continued to harm our brothers and murder them in wild cruelty. Therefore soldiers of the National Military Organization will go on the attack, as we have warned you.

… However even in these frenzied times, when Arab and Jewish blood is spilled at the British enslaver, we hereby call upon you … to stop the attacks and create peace between us. We do not want a war with you. We are certain that neither do you want a war with us…[57] on 12 Aug 2024 08:54 collapse

That contradicts itself. How can you have me half pegged as an Israeli if I know nothing. I would have to know a decent amount of something.

You can regurgitate right-wing Israeli propaganda myths quite well, that’s not common outside of Israel. But from an Israeli the reaction to Kahanites being mentioned would have been either a) “Hell yeah sure let’s kill all Arabs” or b) “No Kahanites are terrible you see my position is different because I want Arabs dead not because I hate them but because I’m afraid of them” or c) “fuck yeah they’re our version of Hamas keeping the bullshit conflict going”.

You might wonder if the Jews moving to that area may have been a good thing?

You mean whether colonialism is a good thing? No. No, it isn’t.

Rishon LeZion. 1983

…erm, what? If you meant 1893, well, first off it’s a bad idea to start off an agricultural settlement without specialists in agriculture or irrigation, secondly, I was speaking generally. It would’ve first been British responsibility to round up instigators, which they couldn’t really do because Zionists, instead of working with the British, bombed them instead, nowadays it’s Israeli responsibility and we all know how Apartheid courts work: Throw a stone at a tank, not even scratching the paint, get sentenced to 15 years in prison. As a juvenile, mind you.

You think a starving people is going to accomplish that?

You’re again talking about Rishon LeZion’s startup trouble, I presume. How is the responsibility of random Johnny Arab to go out of their way to help some random Jews wanting to settle in the middle of nowhere without proper preparation. Why would they owe the settlers that.

Here are some announcements and warnings the Irgun gave to Palestine-Arabs. Why are you so apologetic for those murderers?

Oh. Is that it? “We warned them we would be bombing the shit out of marketplaces and they didn’t cease to do perfectly normal and peaceful things like visiting the market to buy and sell food so we had no choice but to terrorise them”. That is murder apologia if I’ve ever seen it.

to stop the attacks and create peace between us. We do not want a war with you. We are certain that neither do you want a war with us

And yet the terror continued. on 12 Aug 2024 18:37 collapse

You mean whether colonialism is a good thing? No. No, it isn’t.

Then why did the population of Arabs in the area exponentially grow. It doesn’t seem as bad as you make it to be. You act like Jews came there and stole their land and pillaged them. As I pointed out with Rishon LeZion in 1883 it’s not really the case it’s the other way around if anything.

Why shouldn’t Jews have a colony in Israel anyways? Why only Arabs?

which they couldn’t really do because Zionists, instead of working with the British, bombed them instead,

Wonder why they would do that? British sure we’re helping them. /s

Anyways for someone who hates colonialism so much you sure are upset they got the Brits up out of there.

How is the responsibility of random Johnny Arab to go out of their way to help some random Jews wanting to settle in the middle of nowhere without proper preparation. Why would they owe the settlers that.

No, you know, you’re right. Instead it was their responsibility to pillage them. Why would they owe them anything else than the pillaging of their starving settlement. Cowards. And you’re upset they lost their own war? From what I read they were always savage pillagers for hundreds of years. Until someone checked them. And they checked them fucking hard. Deservingly at that.

We warned them we would be bombing the shit out of marketplaces and they didn’t cease to do perfectly normal and peaceful things like visiting the market to buy and sell food so we had no choice but to terrorise them"

Maybe they didn’t heed to the warnings and stop terrorizing people themselves. Wtf are you supposed to do? Wait another 30 years and hope it all stops?

Also you have to think once they got their own state or colony or whatever you call it the Irgun ended all that. On top of it the Irgun isn’t an official entity of the Israeli government. In fact their govt labeled them a terrorist organization.

And yet the terror continued.

Of course it did. They been terrorizing for hundreds of years. on 13 Aug 2024 00:26 collapse

Then why did the population of Arabs in the area exponentially grow.

Because child mortality decreased while birth rates didn’t fall. Natural population growth.

Why shouldn’t Jews have a colony in Israel anyways? Why only Arabs?

Jews have always lived in the area as not all Palestinians happened to convert to Christianity and later Islam back in the day.

Why should random diaspora Jews have a right to settle there, though? Two different ways:

  1. Ask nicely, and if the people already there agree, come on over, or
  2. Terrorise the local population into submission

Israel is founded on a myth of #1 while actually doing, or at least tolerating, #2. That’s what the Nakhba was.

Also you have to think once they got their own state or colony or whatever you call it the Irgun ended all that.

It became state policy.

Did you ever wonder where the IDF was on the 7th of October? Why it wasn’t at the ready to repel the attack? It was busy backing up settler violence in the West Bank. Or do you want to deny what Israel is doing in the West Bank? The state-sanctioned terror going on there?

Of course it did. They been terrorizing for hundreds of years.

No, actually, they didn’t. Jews haven’t terrorised anyone for millennia, that’s a development which started with Zionism, particularly in its right-wing incarnations. on 13 Aug 2024 03:17 collapse
  1. Ask nicely, and if the people already there agree, come on over,

“No stay where you are in Russia where they are killing and raping you.”


You have revisionist context. The nakhba started in 1948. You act like the Palestine Arabs did nothing wrong themselves over the 66 years since the first settlements.

You leave out stuff like this

And this

In 1922 11% of the population was Jew settlers.

that’s a development which started with Zionism, particularly in its right-wing

It started after 30 years of being ransacked by the Arabian looters of the area who were doing that for at least 300 years.

Then you brought up land sales as well. So, this all started because they sold their land to Jews then were mad Jews moved into the land?

Or do you want to deny what Israel is doing in the West Bank? The state-sanctioned terror going on there?

People were once saying there was no Hamas in West Bank. There were no supporters there. Then it came out Hamas was indeed there. They should just leave them alone, eh? on 13 Aug 2024 04:24 collapse

“No stay where you are in Russia where they are killing and raping you.”

Why Israel? As far as I can see New York is the real Zion.

Then it came out Hamas was indeed there. They should just leave them alone, eh?

What the burned olive trees, cared about for by one Palestinian family for generations, were Hamas? on 13 Aug 2024 21:20 collapse

You’re worried about olive trees when they kill innocent and kidnap them into torture tunnels? You’re worried about West bank terrorist olive trees? Olive trees are what you’re worried about? While there are still hostages in tunnels you worry about olive trees?

They should burn every last centuries old as well as sapling olive tree until those people are returned.

In a video of one protest in the West Bank city of Jenin on the night of July 31, one Palestinian man yelled, “We from the land of Jenin affirm that we are all Hamas,” as he led dozens of people walking through the streets.

Would you say the olive trees of jenin are Hamas olive trees? on 14 Aug 2024 00:36 collapse

One guy yelled that all are Hamas? When the rest didn’t say anything then obviously it must be true because it’s what you like to believe. on 09 Aug 2024 06:22 next collapse

Cleansed by the Torah’: Why These Afrikaners Converted to Judaism and Moved to Israel

Among the first Afrikaner converts to make aliyah were the Taljaards from Randfontein, a gold-mining city near Johannesburg. They came in the mid-1990s and began raising sheep in the settlement of Susya, where they were often involved in violent clashes with Palestinians from nearby villages in the South Hebron Hills. Jacob, the eldest of 14 children in the family, was killed in a tractor accident several years ago. He once famously told an Israeli television reporter that he “loved” the apartheid system and thought it was “the best thing in the world.”

Archive: on 09 Aug 2024 06:31 collapse

You’re entitled to your opinion; but your sources are a desire of Shinzo Abe never put into practice, and crimes against humanity committed by Imperial Japan during WWII.

The facts are that there are three international definitions of Apartheid. The defining policies of which are overwhelmingly present in Israel, as evidenced by investigations by multiple human rights organizations.

Currently, three main international treaties prohibit and/or explicitly criminalize apartheid: the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD); the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Apartheid Convention) and the Rome Statute of the ICC (Rome Statute).

Amnesty International The element of an “institutionalized regime” of systematic oppression and domination may entail a wide range of discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies and practices that are imposed by the state or, in certain circumstances, an armed group for the purpose of maintaining domination (or control) by one racial group over any other racial group or groups. Indeed, “it is this institutionalized element, involving a state-sanctioned regime of law, policy, and institutions, that distinguishes the practice of apartheid from other forms of prohibited discrimination.”

As outlined above, apartheid consists of a system of prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment by one racial group of members of another with the intention to control the second racial group. This chapter examines the extent to which Israel has created such a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians in all areas under its jurisdiction and effective control, as well as over Palestinian refugees whose right of return to their homes remains controlled by Israel. It does so by first establishing Israel’s intent to oppress and dominate all Palestinians by establishing its hegemony across Israel and the OPT, including through means of demography, and maximizing resources for the benefit of its Jewish population at the expense of Palestinians. It then analyses the laws, policies and practices which have, over time, come to constitute the main tools for establishing and maintaining this system, and which discriminate against and segregate Palestinians in Israel and the OPT today, as well as controlling Palestinian refugees’ right to return. It divides this analysis by the key components of this system of oppression and domination: territorial fragmentation, segregation and control, dispossession of land and property and the suppression of Palestinians’ human development and deprivation of their economic and social rights.

The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building materials.

Other reports about how Israel is an Apartheid State:

Human Rights Watch Report

B’TSelem Report with quick Explainer on 09 Aug 2024 06:59 collapse

There are many apartheid countries. No one cares. No one has ever cared. They only care about evil goyim.

Abe never put into practice, and crimes against humanity committed by Imperial Japan during WWII.

They actively oppress the Korean population and praise apartheid system in recent times. Just because you don’t care doesn’t make it not real. Here’s another source if you care. There is a section that says recent atrocities or something along those lines if you care to skim through the page.

Really. No one cares about apartheid BS other than bigoted antisemites anyway.

There are like 5 pan arab apartheid countries. I’ll leave that for some other post. Let’s stay on topic of no cares about Japan being an apartheid state. on 09 Aug 2024 10:53 collapse

Japan certainly has some ugly issues with racism. Many countries do. But comparing that with the treatment of Palestine is absolutely deluded. on 09 Aug 2024 13:59 collapse

Both can be apartheids. I haven’t compared much. Let’s compare.

I don’t even think Israel has killed nearly the amount of people as Japan has Koreans. Like what Israel has done would be a fraction compared. Even after and during Israel being invaded in 1948.

From 1937–1945, the Japanese military regime may have killed nearly 6 million people, including around half a million Koreans. This estimate includes Koreans who were conscripted into the Japanese army, where over 22,000 were killed. 

How do you say with a straight face Japan is not up there with Israel. Must be deluded with goyim hatred am I right? on 09 Aug 2024 16:23 next collapse

What are you talking about? No one who is pro-palestinian on the basis of humanitarian and anti-genocide grounds are pro-democide when it comes to Imperial Japan. Trying to minimize the crimes against humanity of Israel by saying the crimes against humanity of another nation is worse is completely ridiculous.

The basis of these Japanese crimes stem from Imperialism, dehumanization, and supremacy. All of which are also present in Zionism, only with Settler Colonialism instead of Imperialism.

Democide is not Apartheid, both have particular definitions. Nor do either rely on a death count for their definitions.

In the context of Japan, the US has minimized any discussions about their crimes against humanity since we made them our Allies to extend our hegemony in East Asia. In the context of Israel, we are actively funding the genocide of the native Palestinian people who have been held as prisoner under Apartheid for generations.

My US tax dollars are going towards the wholesale destruction of a people, which I and many others find completely unacceptable. This is why anti-genocide activism is the forefront of many people’s issues with our Administration, and why the Uncommitted movement has so much momentum. on 09 Aug 2024 16:27 next collapse

You don’t know where your tax dollars go. We give money to them. They give money to us. Business as usual. on 09 Aug 2024 17:02 collapse

Do you not see the comments I’m replying to. People don’t even care or accept it’s an apartheid. Like what are you talking about? Read the comments I’m replying to for some context. on 09 Aug 2024 16:44 collapse

Ah yes somebody committed a war crime (checks math) 79 years ago. So we can’t criticize Israel.

GTFO on 09 Aug 2024 17:03 collapse

People are actively saying there’s no apartheid in Japan. What are you talking about. They claim to care so much about apartheid states but look in this thread.

Ah yes somebody committed a war crime (checks math) 79 years ago. So we can’t criticize Israel.

This whole Palestine thing also started in 1948 nearly 79 years ago. Thanks for proving the point that none cares about apartheids. on 09 Aug 2024 17:16 collapse

No. I don’t know if English is your second language but in present tense there is no apartheid in Japan. on 09 Aug 2024 17:22 collapse

That’s nice. Lol. on 10 Aug 2024 09:25 collapse

Imagine being this much of a clown. on 08 Aug 2024 17:37 collapse

I find it more bizarre that most of the world leaders are turning a blind eye to it all and keep the bullshit up with “right to defend themselves”.

Nothing of this has anything to do with defending. on 08 Aug 2024 17:46 next collapse

Since october 7th, the US has sent Israel 39 F-35s, the most advanced aircraft in the world. This brings Israels count of F-35s (again, the most advanced aircraft in the world) to 50. Meanwhile, Ukraine has been begging us for F-16s, an outdated aircraft that the US Military has relegated to National Guard service and plans to retire in 2025. The Netherlands and Denmark have been who has donated all of the F-16s Ukraine is receiving.

I want to point out, literal days after Ukraine received the F-16s, they launched a counter invasion and captured Kursk. This is something that could have been much more impactful back when Ukraine started asking for the F-16s (which I want to make sure everyone remembers is a fighter platform from the 1970s that we are retiring in a few months). I don’t even know… What I want people to do with this information. I just want people to sit with it and draw their own conclusions about America’s priorities, and what it means to ask for and receive aid from the US. on 08 Aug 2024 20:50 next collapse

20$ they don’t want f-35s sparring with Russia unless the US is the one doing it

It’s fucked up none the less on 08 Aug 2024 20:55 next collapse

Also, the US has been regularlu conditioning its weapons supplies to Ukraine on them not being used in Russia proper; while calls to put any conditions on Israel’s usage of them have been a complete non-starter. on 08 Aug 2024 23:20 collapse

The pretty obvious difference here is Russia has nukes and we have no idea what will set Putin off into using them. Palestine does not. on 09 Aug 2024 00:04 collapse

Moral of the story: get nukes (see also, North Korea) on 08 Aug 2024 22:19 next collapse

If your country doesn’t have shitloads of money and/or oil, the United States doesn’t give a shit. They only help when they have something to gain. on 08 Aug 2024 22:43 collapse

and that gain must be monetary and purely one directiinal on 09 Aug 2024 11:29 next collapse

I want to point out, literal days after Ukraine received the F-16s, they launched a counter invasion and captured Kursk.

Woah, woah, stop right here. They’ve captured a few villages in the direction of Kursk. They didn’t capture Kursk. I dunno if you are getting the scale of your claims here, but look at the map first on 09 Aug 2024 12:04 collapse

Okay fair. I’m not familiar with the regional geography. The point is still they got the jets, launched an offensive, and have been stunningly successful on 10 Aug 2024 16:40 collapse

Yes, that I agree with, but it seems that jets are not what enabled this offensive. Rather an attempt at less braindead tactics that the Soviet idiocy both sides have been doing previously.

First they (and Russians) have learned modern tactics in mostly positional warfare, but still doing dumb shit in offensives. This is the logical next step. on 09 Aug 2024 16:41 collapse

If we don’t get Israel under control we’re going to have to bomb those F-35s to keep them from going to the Russians. It’s insane to me that we even sold them to a conflict country. Especially one we’re constantly worried is going to start a war with Iran. We sold stealth bombers to the country that constantly threatens to bomb Iran and draw us all into world war 3.

Will somebody please put the adults in control of our weapons sales? on 09 Aug 2024 12:24 collapse

I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy nut, but I am very disturbed at AIPAC and similar organizations spending millions in local primaries to unseat candidates that are vocally pro Palestine. Cori Bush and others in the “squad” dare to speak against them and are actively being replaced by big money. on 08 Aug 2024 16:02 next collapse

the most moral army strikes again, fucking ghouls on 08 Aug 2024 16:25 next collapse

Every time I think Israel can’t do worse… it gets worse.

Also this:…/israel-finance-minister-bezalel…

Israel went to great lengths to remind people of the Holocaust and caution against Antisemitism but looks like they forgot themselves. on 08 Aug 2024 17:01 next collapse

My lord. Listening to those testimonies.

This is horrible. Evil. The Palestinian people deserve so much better than this.

The page with the full report:…/welcome-hell-israeli-prison-syste… on 08 Aug 2024 17:18 collapse

Absolutely, they are long overdue for basic human rights and civil rights.

Thanks for the link to the full report, I just added it to the description to help promote awareness on 08 Aug 2024 17:46 next collapse

Do you want to make terrorists? Because this is how you make desperate people feel like their only option is to become terrorists. on 08 Aug 2024 20:29 next collapse

This seems to be precisely what Netenyahu has in mind, unfortunately. on 09 Aug 2024 06:03 collapse

I’m pretty sure he does, yeah. He needs a bloody conflict to go on to remain in power (and possibly out of prison). Scared people are easier to rule, and terrorism is scary. on 09 Aug 2024 05:39 next collapse

The irony of calling them terrorists instead of freedom fighters. on 09 Aug 2024 11:26 next collapse

This is what Westerners love to say, but from the Israeli (or, say, Azeri and Turkish) viewpoint they’ve already outraged all the potential “terrorists” long ago and there’s nobody else who can oppose them but doesn’t do that yet. That is, they feel impunity. And they are right if a Westerner reading this says something like

Do you want to make terrorists? Because this is how you make desperate people feel like their only option is to become terrorists.

, not even bothering to send something poisonous in an envelope to an Israeli embassy, even such a little action. on 09 Aug 2024 16:36 next collapse

Netanyahu saw the Bush admin create the Iraqi insurgency and said, “hold my beer”. on 10 Aug 2024 11:34 collapse

Palestinian joker is watching thier Mom and sisters treated like this. on 08 Aug 2024 19:53 next collapse

Isis bornt from Abu Ghraib

[deleted] on 09 Aug 2024 05:31 next collapse
. on 09 Aug 2024 06:25 next collapse

Where are the mods when you need them to erase some comments… on 09 Aug 2024 08:41 collapse

I don’t think this comment ahould be erased. OP’s reply is good imo and makes it obvious that it isn’t “one side says this the other side says that” - no, an ex military guy said this. on 09 Aug 2024 11:59 collapse

Yeah but it’s just a crazy racist comment. on 09 Aug 2024 06:33 next collapse

Then believe Israeli Veterans on 09 Aug 2024 10:44 collapse

“I will never believe a Palestinian”. Who the fuck says that? How can anyone think any sentence of that form isn’t just 100% racist? on 09 Aug 2024 05:57 next collapse

Anyone who is against RAPE is ANTISEMITIC! on 09 Aug 2024 07:49 next collapse

Well fuck, guess I’m antisemitic then… on 09 Aug 2024 19:04 collapse

And that’s another layer of fucked up to calling all critics antisemitic. It can normalise actual antisemitism when it bubbles up. on 09 Aug 2024 09:03 next collapse

Yes, this is the quite likely position of the Israeli government. After all, they are looking for the person who published the video of the crime - not as a witness against the criminals, but because that person exposed them. on 09 Aug 2024 11:36 collapse

It’s interesting how in an attempt to rebuke claims that being against Israel is antisemitic, we have now escalated to mocking the idea of Antisemitism as a whole every time there’s disturbing news about Israel…

I am not a fan of this trend. Antisemitism still exists, and nowhere am I finding any indication that anyone is earnestly making the argument that Israel has the right to rape prisoners.

So what is the point of this comment, other than to preemptively normalize antisemitism as an acceptable response to Israeli human rights abuses?

EDIT: You’ll downvote this, but you’ll upvote the “guess I’m antisemitic” comment, don’t act like you don’t see the creeping normalization. No fucking different than right-wingers “I guess x is racist, so I’m a racist now” narratives. I know you think you’re joking, but when people tell me who they are, it’s still prescient to believe them. on 09 Aug 2024 16:35 next collapse

we have now escalated to mocking the idea of Antisemitism as a whole every time there’s disturbing news about Israel

That’s not what’s being done and you know it on 09 Aug 2024 16:58 next collapse

Mocking the kinds of abhorrent claims of “antisemitism” that Israel makes is not even remotely the same as mocking the idea of actual, real life antisemitism. on 09 Aug 2024 19:39 next collapse

Being against Israel isn’t antisemitic. Zionism is a nationalist movement. Nationalism sucks. You’re welcome. on 10 Aug 2024 10:04 next collapse

nowhere am I finding any indication that anyone is earnestly making the argument that Israel has the right to rape prisoners.

It literally happened a little over a week ago.…/israel-hamas-war-idf-palestinian-pr…

Paragraphs 5-7. I recall there being a video of the moment but I don’t know if it is included in the linked article.

A member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, speaking Monday at a meeting of lawmakers, justified the rape and abuse of Palestinian prisoners, shouting angrily at colleagues questioning the alleged behavior that anything was legitimate to do to “terrorists” in custody.

Lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky was asked as he defended the alleged abuse whether it was legitimate, “to insert a stick into a person’s rectum?”

“Yes!” he shouted in reply to his fellow parliamentarian. “If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!”

nowhere am I finding any indication that anyone is earnestly making the argument that Israel has the right to rape prisoners.

An Israeli lawmaker was asked if anal rape with a stick was legitimate and the Israeli lawmaker replied “Yes” and clarified that “Everything is legitimate to do” so long as the recipient is Hamas. Is he in the majority? No, but someone is earnestly making the argument.

Here’s the thing. The fact that I’m making the effort to demonstrate this utterly fucked up reality is, I guarantee, going to convince someone here that I’m antisemitic. I don’t think it will matter to them that I have family that is Jewish or that I’m 50% Ashkenazi by blood.

The fact that this is happening, and that any Israeli lawmaker would defend it, literally makes Jews worldwide less safe. It gives real, actual antisemitism more perceived legitimacy.

Edit: Video Link. Couldn’t find anything outside twitter/insta/tiktok, none of which I ever visit directly. Kind if telling that American news outlets don’t have it posted anywhere I could easily find but whatever. While I’ve had folks attest to the accuracy of the translation, I don’t speak Hebrew so feel free to continue to pretend it isn’t happening. on 10 Aug 2024 10:23 collapse

we have now escalated to mocking the idea of Antisemitism as a whole

That is the reality if the Israeli government keeps pretending that all their human rights violations are in the name of Jews everywhere. You can’t hold on to being the victim if you are the one abusing now. on 09 Aug 2024 06:11 next collapse

They have been running concentration and labor camps since 1948… on 09 Aug 2024 12:21 next collapse

It probably happened. If you’ve shown the whole world that you bomb refugee camps and international food relief convoys, then you don’t get “the benefit of the doubt” anymore. on 09 Aug 2024 16:48 next collapse

It’s time to hold Netanyahu accountable for his atrocities. If the U.S. refuses to participate in ICC proceedings, we should at least discontinue our abusive, manipulative, toxic relationahip with Israel.

Israel has a rich legacy of treating their neighbors like absolute shit while using the U.S. as their personal weapon. They should defend themselves from the neighbors they have mistreated for the last several decades. It’s time for them to grow up and be responsible for their own actions. on 09 Aug 2024 16:57 next collapse

Free palestine bro ✊🇵🇸 on 09 Aug 2024 17:39 next collapse

Anyone else nazi this ending well? on 09 Aug 2024 17:45 next collapse

Shut the fuck up on 09 Aug 2024 19:52 collapse

Why? on 10 Aug 2024 15:38 collapse

Maybe the previous poster had an “Are we the baddies?!” moment and it don’t felt so good. on 09 Aug 2024 19:46 collapse

Israel just improved on the things the nazis did to them in ww2. What they learned from the ghetto in warsaw they used in Gaza on 10 Aug 2024 10:18 collapse

Israel just improved on the things the nazis did to them in ww2.

Not quite yet. Nazis did extremely worse. But they are surely on their way getting there. >.< on 09 Aug 2024 17:50 next collapse

Do me next! But let’s use the smooth stick 🍡🏒 with no spikes okay 👍😜 and do it gently and slowly. I brought my own ky…how much is this service again? Oh it’s free? WOW!

Oh wait, hold on! Hold on, I’m a little sore now. I’m thinking I gotta go home now. But can I come back next weekend? Please 🥺??? …oh I can’t leave? I won’t say anything I swear! on 09 Aug 2024 19:03 next collapse

I’m glad it’s being documented, but we all pretty much expected this, right? These are the same guys that use injured Palestinians as hood ornaments in public. They get in trouble for that then, but in private, who knows what you can get away with? on 09 Aug 2024 19:38 next collapse

Meanwhile their politicians are freeing these rapists, and discussing in the Knesset (basically their parliament) if rape is an appropriate punishment. Their TV channels are discussing the same thing publicly, and bringing IDF soldiers on the shows to defend raping prisoners. I don’t understand how a society can become so disgustingly genocidal. Nazi shit. on 12 Aug 2024 02:06 collapse

They will of course find it not to be rape as according to Israeli law, only a citizen is capable of being raped. Captured Palestinians are not citizens.

And it is ridiculous how many people on social media somehow think this makes everything okay. on 10 Aug 2024 09:37 collapse

Further evidence that time is a flat circle