on 20 Mar 21:06
Tesla could solve most of their problems by firing Musk. Any other public company whose CEO makes a very public Nazi salute would fire that CEO.
Yes, he’d still be a large shareholder, but I think simply getting him out of the company would give a lot of people the sense that he faced some personal consequences for his actions, and that any companies who deal with Musk will also face consequences.
on 20 Mar 21:46
We should give Elon more billions as an interim bonus instead.
The companies board and senior leadership are his family and loyalists, therefore the company is fascist and should be destroyed, regardless of Space Karens involvement.
on 20 Mar 22:11
The board is filled with family and close friends. They’ll protect him as long as possible.
If they’re so determined to protect their Nazi captain, perhaps they deserve to lose the ship.
on 20 Mar 22:18
Exactly, Musk needs to go. Even apart from his abhorrent behaviour this dude supposedly has so many jobs, how can he possibly be doing them all to a reasonable standard let alone one deserving of his insane compensation.
I wonder how much money firing him would cost. The initial pay package was a stupid $56 billion. They’d probably have to pay pretty much that amount, and then hire a new CEO still.
Even after losing 50% of their value their market cap is still ~750 billion. They’re still valued at nearly 3x what Toyota is, and leagues above any other auto manufacturer. Their investors won’t do anything until they lose way more value, sadly.
Yes, he’d still be a large shareholder, but I think simply getting him out of the company would give a lot of people the sense that he faced some personal consequences for his actions
On one hand, that might indeed satisfy a lot of the public. On the other hand, we ought to consider that a bad outcome because the real goal should be to tank TSLA to the point that Musk’s holdings no longer suffice as collateral and he’s forced to sell Xitter.
It won’t… they will bail it ot with taxpayer money.
Like it or not every US citizen will buy some Telsa stock (but never own it).
Capitalism for thee, but communism for me if the business fails.
The stovk price is also all vibes based around him.
Edit: he wouldn’t sell, though. He couldn’t sell that much. He also has a bunch of loans leveraged against his stock aa collateral. Those collapse if the stock price collapses.
Tesla could solve most of their problems by firing Musk.
They could have done this a LONG time ago… now the damage is done. Nobody would care he is no longer CEO (although that may help Tesla develop better cars), people are not going to want to drive a Swasticar anyway nor give money to a literal Nazi
Short of selling all his stock and completely disappearing from the public eye, Musk completely destroyed Tesla. There are simply better options that do not include helping/associating with a Nazi
If they fire him as the CEO. Now that would be interesting to see the turning events of that whole company. It would definitely salvage the massive amount of loss within their company. Which is insane because they would just have to fire Elon as the CEO. But I don’t know if they can salvage the company because the reputation of it all. The damage is massive.
on 21 Mar 22:12
I think him being the shareholder is the problem. I don’t care if we was to step down as CEO, I want to see him hurt financially. Especially since he bought twitter off his Tesla stocks. Hit his stock hard enough and when it comes time to pay for twitter, he’ll be fucked.
You’re right, but I suspect most people wouldn’t see it that way with regards to Tesla. Depending on the terms of his current compensation package, I suspect it would be better for him financially if he just stepped down and held onto the stock.
But he’s such a narcissist that he’d never do that.
The dealership has insurance and destroyed cars are like sold cars for Te… that company. Or am I missing something?
on 20 Mar 21:32
Insurance companies are now talking about canceling Tesla coverage because of the high risk of vandalism, so it’s making people (including dealerships) rethink their options.
on 21 Mar 03:35
on 20 Mar 22:12
Big thing is that people now know Telsa’s are not just sold by a loon, they’re a vandalism target. Which is two pretty big reasons no to buy a car from Musk.
Even if you like Musk, do you want to have high insurance rates and spend time at the body shop?
Fun fact: not only do Cybertrucks have bare stainless steel body panels, which are extremely difficult and expensive to repair because you have to bodywork them perfect since you can’t use body filler, they have a frame made out of aluminum, which for various metallurgical reasons (work-hardening, forming a passivation layer that makes it much harder to weld, etc.) is also very difficult and expensive to repair.
In that sense, you’re probably less likely to spend time at the body shop with a Cybertruck because it’s designed to be damn near disposable.
Although, since most people seem to be keying, spray painting, and putting stickers on these cars, the stainless is very easy to clean. Just rub some steel wool in the direction of the stainless grain. Apparently they don’t have any clear coat. You can clean them like an industrial stovetop.
They will have to pay here, yes. And then they will cancel the contract, because high risk and not worth it. The second act of vandalism will then hurt. And the question is: Will the insurance give them the “new” (catalog) price or the “market value” price?
on 20 Mar 22:24
Couple of claims by a dealership and their insurance will get cancelled.
I doubt that insurance pays retail price to the dealers.
on 20 Mar 22:44
Does Tesla use dealerships in Canada? In the U.S., they don’t. They have showrooms owned by the company itself and you order online. My state requires dealerships^1^ and just have service centers here.
^1^ It’s a wildly antiquated law. When cars first came out, states passed laws requiring dealerships to guarantee the car companies could service the vehicles. Those laws are still on the books basically because car dealership owners are generally rich people who buy state legislatures. (And there’s a shocking amount who are state legislators.)
It’s very sad that people care more about the feelings of cars than the feelings of people. Cars fucking suck. Cars are tools of oppression.
on 20 Mar 22:10
It’s not about the cars. It’s about what a powerful billionaire is doing to people.
Targeting the cars is just a way to discourage Telsa ownership, tank the stock, and give Musk less power and leverage. A lot of his power comes from his ability to borrow against Tesla.
For the past 100 years car dependency has been the sole reason for the destruction of the working class. Henry Ford the Nazi, combined with conspirators in the US government, bulldozed low income neighborhoods to build highways and create suburban utopias for rich white folk.
Car dependency is a disease which needs to be cured.
on 20 Mar 22:42
Ok, but the point still remains. This vandalism isn’t about the cars. It’s about taking money out of a billionaire’s pocket. People would be vandalizing Starlink satellites if they could reach them.
It’s not about the cars, the cars and stores are just an accessible target. This is about Musk and DOGE.
He’s still around? Whatever happened to people knowing when to call it quits and leave everyone’s lives… I swear, ever since the 2000’s and onward people just kind of stick around forever now. Guess that’s another awful side effect of the internet.
“It’s a fact: jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to make steel girders melt! It was the lithium-ion batteries from a Model Y and a Cybertruck fired by railgun into the Twin Towers, with Dick Cheney and Saul of Saul’s 3rd Avenue Deli pulling the triggers. People seen jumping out of windows were actually trans crisis actors wearing batwing suits, who nowadays tour encampments of Venezuelan gang members and Haitian cat rustlers across the Heartland with their drag, Spanish-language version of Hamilton. Buy my supplements!”
Whoa, sorry, don’t know what came over me there.
on 21 Mar 06:26
Probably. Unfortunately side effect is it constantly reinforce in people, “wow people really hate teslas” and further damaging the brand. I find it hard to believe Canadians would due this kind of a thing. Not that they couldn’t, i just have a hard time believing it.
It does. A dealership is an independent entity. If cars were purposely being damaged, it would be Tesla doing that and not another company that sells Tesla vehicles.
The corporate structure is not what the grandparent is referring to, it's committing arson to defraud insurance that he's really referring to. Any other "aKsHuALlY" details you added are distinctions without difference.
The damage included “deep scratches and punctured tires.”
Probably about the same as any other car.
a 2015 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study found that the Tesla Model S had higher claim frequencies, severities and overall losses than comparable large luxury cars. The higher claim severity was thought to be attributed to the car’s battery replacement cost — a whopping $16,000.
So teslas insurance has always been more expensive, and this sure isn’t going to help.
No, my 2019 model 3 is almost twice as expensive as my son’s 2023 Prius.
on 21 Mar 02:48
Demonstrates to the American electorate that democrats celebrate and encourage criminal behavior. How does this help you win elections? Do you think an independent looks at this situation and thinks “Yes these are the people I want to be in charge.” So shortsighted and childish.
I know right? Imagine stirring everyone up into a frenzy and encouraging them to do something illegal in the name of politics. Like storming the capitol. Moron.
As opposed to republicans that elected a 34 count felon, court-certified rapist, pedophile president? Party of law and order, am I right? Be glad that it’s shitty, overpriced EVs they’re targeting.
on 21 Mar 06:10
There is a different view to your statement. We live in a democracy and we had an election where the citizens chose a felon, Nazi, dictator over your side. They would rather have a court certified rapist in charge than you. Just think about that and understand how repulsive and out of touch you have to be for that to happen. This effort to destroy Tesla is only hurting your cause. It is counterproductive, childish, and small. It’s almost like you want MAGA to win the next election.
Republicans won because of voter suppression and purging. What you’re saying is “Pants on fire” rewriting of history. Also Jan6ers were much, much more violent so I think Democrats are simply trying out their fascism strategy.
Vandalizing Teslas is legal, the precedent was set when Jan6ers were pardoned. So your morality argument is wrong too.
If you need to tell yourself that “they cheated” then you are doing exactly what Republicans did in 2020 making you just like them. Yes the Jan6ers were pardoned but most people do not support it and believe those people should be in prison. Just like the people fire bombing tesla dealerships and charging stations should be in prison.
A strawman, Republicans claimed election fraud (2 + 2 = 5), Democrats claimed voter suppression disproportionately affects them (2 + 2 = 4). What do you think 2 + 2 = ?
You think that violent insurrection against our country by storming the capitol is the same as vandalizing a few cars? How long do you think the sentences should be for each crime? I’d say one is 100x the sentence of the other.
Firebombing car dealerships, charging stations, and violent attacks against people who drive Teslas isn’t “vandalization” . 90,000,000 eligible voters didnt vote by choice. They are vocal on why they didn’t vote and it’s not voter suppression. Keep lying to yourself if you want or just go read about the reasons. It’s not a secret.
There are many reasons for an election win or loss. But the big one we care about in 2024 was widespread purging. It’s quasilegal, there’s evidence of it, it’s cheating, and it suppresses Democrat votes much more.
There were 7 billion people who didn’t immigrate into the US and thus didn’t vote, they were very clear as to why they didn’t come to America. That’s just as relevant as your 90 million, actually more because it’s 100x the people! Don’t get me started on extraterrestrials we didn’t find, there could be trillions. It was clear the reasons we didn’t fund SETI.
“Vandalizing isn’t vandalizing”. You made no argument here.
“Purging” you mean only allowing eligible voters to vote? It’s “quasilegal”? No each state is responsible to maintain updated and correct voter roles. There is nothing controversial about it. You lost the election. People didn’t want to vote and they openly spoke about why they didn’t. Most didn’t like either candidate and didn’t want to support either party. You lost the election and no one cheated just like the republicans in 2020.
Too many logical fallacies in your comment to reply without losing your attention span but I’ll try.
Eligible voters were removed, the link proves it. Quasilegal because it’s a gray area in the law, here’s litigation against the practice but only in some states and inconsistently, hence “quasi”: brennancenter.org/…/mass-purges-are-new-voter-sup…. Not controversial: a strange lie, of course it’s controversial, most people don’t believe your argument. People didn’t want to vote for Trump in China/India, that is more relevant than your argument as I’ve said before you circled back. No one cheated: false, again.
If that evidence is unconvincing, what evidence would you need to see to convince you? Would any evidence convinced you or do you choose to believe without caring about reality?
This doesn’t prove anything. As a voter you have responsibilities to keep your information current, to vote at the correct location, if voting by mail it is your responsibility to fill the paperwork out correctly, to send it by the deadline, and to sign it. Democrats lost all 8 swing states, states run by Democrat and Republican administrations. If you need to tell yourself you secretly won then you do that just like the Repubs of 2020. You lost move on.
If you read the article it states information was not updated, or information was submitted last minute, people didn’t fill out their info correctly, and wasn’t mailed by deadline. Look i understand you need to believe you secretly won and the other side cheated. It’s cool you just go with that.
That is pants on fire false. In many cases ballots were rejected for no reason and had to be recast. Democrats and especially Black people were affected disproportionately, why do you think that is only the case in 2024? There is evidence of this being instructed to GOP party leaders as a strategy. And even if true, do you think it’s “fair” to make an all black community stand in line for 3 hours to vote because you removed mail in ballots? Does this not meet the definition of “chest”?
You’ve dodged my actual question 3 times so I win this argument by default. What evidence would it take? You are arguing in bad faith because the answer is none. Look I understand you need to believe you won and your side didn’t cheat despite the evidence. It’s cool, you just go with that.
First the question was did Republicans cheat to win the 2024 election? That was your claim not what is fair. If you ask why voters didnt vote they will tell you themselves that they did not want to, not that they couldn’t. Nothing disputes those facts.
You win the argument. I concede that 2 plus 2 indeed equals 5. By rejecting any evidence, not actually refuting my points and making up your own logic, your argument is identical to 1+1=3, therefore proving 2+2=5, which is what my first question was. Up is down, you win the argument, and Republicans didn’t cheat. I applaud your bliss and ignorance, sir.
I hope you take this opportunity to seek the mental health counseling\treatment you so desperately need. Perhaps you can share all your mathematical equations with them. Good day to you sir.
That is one hell of a way to lose an argument, oof. I thought it was fitting that you were gaslighting a false narrative until the very end. Definite grade school bully vibes. 10/10 would debate again.
You sound like a conservative plant lamenting the so-called peaceful liberals, you’ve been sold a lie
on 21 Mar 06:27
Why would i be a conservative plant? I think America needs two viable political parties and presently one party cannot compete. Their interpretation of reality is questionable making them repulsive to normal people, which is why they won’t vote for you.
Why are you trying to frame it as a Democrat versus Republican thing both sides can have equal amounts of grievances with the shit ass state ofthe fucking presidency right now
It is obviously liberal burning down charging stations, spray painting swastikas, and throwing molotov cocktails. With Democrat politicians celebrating and encouraging the behavior. Im not framing it’s reality.
on 21 Mar 14:01
Whilst I do believe the American people were sold a lie (I’m not American) I think the barrage of down votes and cheap shots being thrown at @AidsKitty are undeserved. They clearly have a different view point on certain things but all their comments are polite and express their views respectfully. Anyway that’s just how it looks to me 🤷
on 21 Mar 03:38
on 21 Mar 07:33
In the words of Duke Nukem, “Hail to the king baby”
The king being us, the people, who outnumber the billionaires, the billionaires who can still bleed.
And if it bleeds we can kill it.
on 21 Mar 13:16
Ok but go at the billionaires. Not Dave from Accounting.
on 21 Mar 13:35
Useful idiots don’t get a pass for what they’ve done.
The man was a piece of shit before the first car rolled off. If you didn’t know it’s because you didn’t care.
Quite frankly we need to start shaming people bad for the products they buy because money is support under capitalism. If you buy something you are supporting that company and all the evil they do.
I’m not too concerned about the dealerships. They have insurance. It can these people stop doing it to privately owned vehicles? And also, stop harassing the telsers on the road. I’ve seen a few videos now of drivers being harassed. That’s not Canadian.
But can these people stop doing it to privately owned vehicles? And also, stop harassing the telsers on the road. I’ve seen a few videos now of drivers being harassed.
No. We need to make fascists afraid again. If you don’t want to be bothered for owning a Klankar, then stop owning a Klankar.
So you do realize that a lot of people bought these well intentioned vehicles before Musk became a total fuckstick, right?
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to just go sell their vehicle that they are more than likely underwater on with the loan and can’t just pivot.
I bought mine 6 years ago. I’m going to get rid of it but had to change plans because my son’s car just died. I wouldn’t blame anyone that vandalized my car. It should be expected.
Mine has been debadged for years but I just put BYD badges on it. I doubt too many people will know what that is but I hope someone gets a chuckle.
on 21 Mar 13:15
It should not be expected. Its ok to say that. Nobody has any fuck up your property.
This mentality is frighteningly close to one that justifies vandalism on businesses because they use temporary foreign workers. I don’t condone the destruction of private property owned by the rank and file of life. It should be directed at those who are doing actual harm
And neither are you in the grand scheme. However what you are condoning will just radicalize the message and have it not resonate with those who’s help we will need in the future if this collapse actually comes about
Get some white paint that won’t damage your car, and write “Fuck Musk”, or “Swasticar” so it looks like it’s been keyed into your paint. Maybe grab a quality “cracked window” decal and slap it on the glass. Finally, take your bumper covers off.
Then when (or if) this shit cools off, you can just wash the car, peel the decal and re-attach your bumper covers.
I have a friend that does EV conversions of RAM Promaster vans. I wouldn’t mind using my car to do a conversion and then build it out for a class b camper van.
on 21 Mar 13:09
Except they came out after it was pretty well known he was one. He’s been a known piece of shit for a while now.
Again, perhaps some people, who just wanted to not deal with fuel costs, or tried to be altruistic about their cost to the environment, might not be able to just walk away from it.
Amazingly, some people are unwilling to fuck themselves over financially over protest, regardless of how well intentioned it is.
Again, perhaps some people, who just wanted to not deal with fuel costs, or tried to be altruistic about their cost to the environment, might not be able to just walk away from it.
So, sell it, get a different one. Many companies make EVs now.
Amazingly, some people are unwilling to fuck themselves over financially over protest, regardless of how well intentioned it is.
But they are willing to show undwindling support of a fascist fucking over everyone financially… No matter how evil the intention is.
I totally understand where yer coming from. And I hope that those who can decouple themselves from it, do so. But like hell I’m going to endorse harassing people without context. All that does is endorse extremism. Extreme acts can be condoned, but I sure hope you have a plan for afterwards. If not, you’ve just become what you are railing against.
Go back to the times of Hitler, and imagine that you suddenly found out he owned the brand and proudly explained that those driving it represented his will.
To be fair, one of my neighbors bought one years before he knew about this, I don’t believe he had any idea. I don’t necessarily think he should have his car burned.
on 21 Mar 13:14
This is why I hate the left is there is a ton of people just as stupid as people on the right. They have no social intelligence. They’re out for blind rage blood. On the left and the right these people have that bipolar energy and rise to the top becoming our new voices of reason.
This is as narrow an understanding of things as any Republican which is my point. But can’t call that out right that would make me a centrist even though I’m not. Can’t be critical or you’re labeled a “them”
There are flowers that smell pretty and there’s flowers that look pretty and there are those that aren’t really flowers but trees. Which ones do you like?
on 21 Mar 13:12
afraid of what? These people are going to get caught and made examples of and honestly most of the world are not big fans of assaulting other people by proxy. Like I’m not okay going to break the windows in your acura because I think you bought a vehicle where the CEO turned asshole after the fact.
This was funny for a minute. But continuing to do it looks like we’re just a bunch of stupid childish cunts.
By that logic we should be attacking Fords because Henry Ford was a Nazi. Maybe we should be burning 3M and Bayer products in the store?
Most existing Tesla owners are left-leaning and purchased the car in good faith before Elon was a public Nazi figure.
It’s not always easy to just sell your car. People are locked into financing contracts and have perhaps shelled out money for charging solutions at their home.
Your worldview is childish and reductive. Grow up and come back later.
By that logic we should be attacking Fords because Henry Ford was a Nazi.
Is Henry Ford, right now, at this moment, a Nazi?
Maybe we should be burning 3M and Bayer products in the store?
Is 3M and Bayer today, at this moment, supporting Nazis?
Most existing Tesla owners are left-leaning and purchased the car in good faith before Elon was a public Nazi figure.
Ok, we’re not talking about the past right now. We’re talking about the current situation. If they are left-leaning, as you imply, they understand the need to NOT display actively in use Nazi symbols and paraphernalia.
It’s not always easy to just sell your car. People are locked into financing contracts and have perhaps shelled out money for charging solutions at their home.
Then they can park it, cover it with a tarp, and use public transportation. Or, ride bike. Or, use rideshare.
Your worldview is childish and reductive. Grow up and come back later.
No, it’s principled: You NEVER show support for nazis, regardless of how inconvenient it is for you.
It’s far more childish to be unable to stick to principles. Children will punch another child for a cookie… adults know not to, and ones that punch people for cookies are held in contempt by society.
Your stance would be the former: do whatever is easy.
The other commentator is right. Its easy to tell someone “just sell your car and walk” or whatever when you are not directly affected by the change you are asking someone else to make. Take a second and think of all the injustices in the world YOU are indirectly, involuntarily complicit in and what it might mean to be targeted for that reason. It is for this we offer charity to others, and therein is a clear line between wearing a nazi pin as a symbol and driving a Tesla, literally an appliance.
Flipping off people didn’t work, it got the left wing threats of being sent to an El Salvadorean prison. I don’t approve or disapprove of the Tesla vandals but you bet your ass it’s working. It’s sad that it works and I hate it.
But here’s you with a Republican dick in your mouth: “Stop fighting guys, gargle”
This is a very typical ad hominem attack on someone’s political beliefs. Especially coming from someone who probably doesn’t think much farther past what they’re going to eat for the day, or how drunk they’re going to get on the weekend. I’m not going to insult you back because it’s very clear that yer a low information individual who’s more concerned with breaking stuff, rather than trying to repair and move on.
Life long NDP voter btw. But I’m sure you’ll just scoff at this and continue to throw low IQ insults around.
I see, you’re in Canada. I’m an American. You don’t understand my fear. You only have to deal with tariffs, I mean that sucks but my government is literally turning fascist, you get to just buy Canadian and move on. You don’t and can’t know what that’s like… Don’t try unless you plan to sympathize.
Well at least I’m glad you don’t understand my fear. If you did you’d be in our position.
Also nice job not insulting me, I counted 3 but it’s ok I think you’re angry. I’m angry too. Don’t be angry at me though. Be angry at the bully, not the victim.
Nothing lost then, same status as dealership. Only slightly more inconvenienced since its their car but even then they get a rental from insurance company.
Okay cool. Cause that where this is headed. I’ve seen I videos of it. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time until some fuckstick that thinks he’s helping the cause and goes too far.
Wow. will i hope you are very wrong about that prophecy. Im all for insurance paying up but unless the car has nazi flags I see no point of going that hard.
Remember a guy telling it is more efficient to paint over sold Tesla to discourage buyers. But we have to admit news of burning Tesla is pretty discouraging too.
Seems like the thought is: if you paint a Tesla you prevent the sale of that one Tesla, but if you burn one, the entire populace has second thoughts about buying any Tesla.
Not all that surprising that Canadians are especially pissed off. Didn’t he say Canada isn’t a real country and then he deleted the Tweet afterwards? Yes he did…
The entire point of the “blame Canada” joke is that it’s making fun of people who tried to blame their own problems on something that had nothing to do with the underlying cause for those problems.
In the song Kenny’s parents literally say “should we blame the matches, or should we blame the fire, or the doctors who allowed him to expire? no blame Canada!”
on 22 Mar 17:57
The final verse really drives the nail home just in case anyone in the audience somehow didn’t get it:
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
For the smut we must stop, the trash we must smash
The laughter and fun must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming us!
on 22 Mar 18:57
Wow. He actually deleted a Tweet? He usually stands by all the stupid shit he’s said, proudly at that.
I doubt antifa would control anything in Belfast (every video I’ve seen of them was them causing trouble and getting absolutely battered in response) Belfast isn’t shy on psychopaths and likely never will be.
So yeah I doubt antifa has the slightest bit of influence here.
When Trump said he’d prosecute tesla vandals “with the full force of the law” it really highlights the unequal enforcement in our system. Its like saying “I’m going to turn on law enforcement right now just for this issue”. He clearly does not believe in laws or law enforcement, or else he’d see how absurd a statement it was.
This and their dismantling of the EPA, IRS, FBI, and justice system shows that republicans are soft on crime, soft on wealthy tax evaders, soft on the legal system in general, and disrespectful of law enforcement, except insomuch as they can be used as personal storm troopers for issues they care about-- usually to promote racism and class stomping of the poors.
Republicans are soft on America, but rock hard for Russia. I hope republican voters are proud.
on 21 Mar 23:08
I hope republican voters are proud.
You damn right they’re proud! As long as the powerful white man is hurting the right people to keep them in their place they’ll vote republican forever.
on 22 Mar 03:29
How does the saying go? The core principle of conservatism is there are people the law binds but does not protect, and people the law protects but does not bind?
Or, another similar insight: liberals judge actions as good or bad and judge people by their actions. Conservatives judge people as good or bad and judge actions by the person performing them.
What Trump realized is he doesn’t have to even pretend to enforce the laws objectively. Conservative Americans want selective enforcement. They want the government to go after liberals and leftists and minorities with the full voice of the law. They want law enforcement to ignore conservative crimes and hunt down liberal crimes, because conservatives are good people so their mistakes can be forgiven, but liberals are bad people so they must be guilty of something.
And that’s where Biden fucked up. He had the FBI go after Trump relentlessly for four years in the belief that, if he could find enough bad actions Trump did, he could discourage conservatives from supporting him in 2024. What he didn’t realize is, Trump’s supporters would never condemn any crimes Trump committed, because they believe Trump is a good person and therefore what he does isn’t a crime.
All Biden did was give Trump an excuse to send his FBI after his political enemies too. And Trump and his supporters are happy to use that power far more widely than Biden did.
on 22 Mar 18:02
It’s believed to be the largest vandalism in Canada against vehicles from the U.S.-based car company.
This strikes me as an odd qualifier.
Have there been larger vandalism incidents in Canada against vehicles from companies based in countries outsides the states?
on 22 Mar 03:33
Not larger no, that’s what they are saying… I get you though but no… Had there been similar or close to this? Dunno … This language is just coming from the US admin to make it seem like an attack the us. Rather than on Elon musk himself and his values and actions, which it is.
Maybe your question should have been ‘have there been ANY’ valdalism incidents… Before now
on 22 Mar 03:46
I’m not giving up my -shot-
on 22 Mar 03:49
Doing God’s work
on 22 Mar 04:16
Didn’t trump say he would concider the vandalism towards teslas a form of terrorism? And hasn’t the usa used terrorism as a way to forcefully enter countries in order to "fight terrorism "? What if these acts have been performed by agents from the US to give the government an excuse to invade?..I’m also very stoned right now.
Aura Carreño Rosas is a Hamilton-based reporter from Venezuela, with a passion for pop culture and unique people with diverse journeys.
What??? A Venezuelan who hasn’t been rounded up, deported and slung into in a third world concentration camp without even the pretense of due process?!?
Come on Canadia, is that really the kind of country you want to live in???
on 22 Mar 17:51
American here, careful Canadians you’re walking on thin ice. We’re about to beg for your eggs while kneeling rather than grovelling on the floor. I’m fucking serious, we won’t pay a dime more than $1 per egg. Pretty please. This is your last warning.
on 22 Mar 18:04
Is Tesla sabotaging their own cars in order to commit insurance fraud?
on 22 Mar 18:56
Largest case of insurance fraud from an automaker**
on 22 Mar 19:24
hell yeah
on 22 Mar 19:27
Dumb ass American here. Does Canada’s prime minister or some other official have the same kind of pardon power our president does? Because they could do something pretty cool right now.
The damage included “deep scratches and punctured tires.”
That’s it? Y’all Canadians are so polite.
on 22 Mar 20:35
Awe shucks. I could not stoop to vandalism and destruction of the shitty neo-Nazi BEVs. I would prefer the vehicles to be unsold and collect dust until Tesla enters bankruptcy. Tesla, himself, must have flipped in his grave several times.
on 22 Mar 21:47
I am of the opinion that no one should be vandalizing property that they don’t own themselves. Protest, sure (following whatever laws Canada has in place for that), don’t buy a Tesla, sure, encourage everyone you’ve ever met not to buy one, fine, but please respect the right of people who don’t want their stuff vandalized.
Also, while dealerships have insurance, doing this just makes the insurance go up for everyone. But that’s not my point. People shouldn’t vandalize the property of others because they really, really, really x5, don’t like Elon.
I’m not an Elon or Trump apologist, I’m just someone fighting on the side of civilized behavior.
threaded - newest
largest car vandalism reported in Canada… so far.
Tesla could solve most of their problems by firing Musk. Any other public company whose CEO makes a very public Nazi salute would fire that CEO.
Yes, he’d still be a large shareholder, but I think simply getting him out of the company would give a lot of people the sense that he faced some personal consequences for his actions, and that any companies who deal with Musk will also face consequences.
We should give Elon more billions as an interim bonus instead.
-The Tesla board, probably
The companies board and senior leadership are his family and loyalists, therefore the company is fascist and should be destroyed, regardless of Space Karens involvement.
The board is filled with family and close friends. They’ll protect him as long as possible.
They’ll lose the ship to save one expendable captain.
If they’re so determined to protect their Nazi captain, perhaps they deserve to lose the ship.
Exactly, Musk needs to go. Even apart from his abhorrent behaviour this dude supposedly has so many jobs, how can he possibly be doing them all to a reasonable standard let alone one deserving of his insane compensation.
I wonder how much money firing him would cost. The initial pay package was a stupid $56 billion. They’d probably have to pay pretty much that amount, and then hire a new CEO still.
Even after losing 50% of their value their market cap is still ~750 billion. They’re still valued at nearly 3x what Toyota is, and leagues above any other auto manufacturer. Their investors won’t do anything until they lose way more value, sadly.
And ending production of the Swastitruk would help.
On one hand, that might indeed satisfy a lot of the public. On the other hand, we ought to consider that a bad outcome because the real goal should be to tank TSLA to the point that Musk’s holdings no longer suffice as collateral and he’s forced to sell Xitter.
He would need to get rid of his stock before I even consider buying from any of his companies’ products.
Not getting starlink for my van. I guess I’ll have to stick close to cell towers on work days.
Id rather just see Tesla burn to the ground.
It won’t… they will bail it ot with taxpayer money. Like it or not every US citizen will buy some Telsa stock (but never own it). Capitalism for thee, but communism for me if the business fails.
Good, let the USA burn their money and tank their economy bailing out a company nobody would buy a car from
If they fire him, he would sell. This would tank the stock value.
They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
The stovk price is also all vibes based around him.
Edit: he wouldn’t sell, though. He couldn’t sell that much. He also has a bunch of loans leveraged against his stock aa collateral. Those collapse if the stock price collapses.
His family members and deep associates are on the board, they voted to pay him $55 billion. They’re all corrupt.
They could have done this a LONG time ago… now the damage is done. Nobody would care he is no longer CEO (although that may help Tesla develop better cars), people are not going to want to drive a Swasticar anyway nor give money to a literal Nazi
Short of selling all his stock and completely disappearing from the public eye, Musk completely destroyed Tesla. There are simply better options that do not include helping/associating with a Nazi
If they fire him as the CEO. Now that would be interesting to see the turning events of that whole company. It would definitely salvage the massive amount of loss within their company. Which is insane because they would just have to fire Elon as the CEO. But I don’t know if they can salvage the company because the reputation of it all. The damage is massive.
I think him being the shareholder is the problem. I don’t care if we was to step down as CEO, I want to see him hurt financially. Especially since he bought twitter off his Tesla stocks. Hit his stock hard enough and when it comes time to pay for twitter, he’ll be fucked.
You’re right, but I suspect most people wouldn’t see it that way with regards to Tesla. Depending on the terms of his current compensation package, I suspect it would be better for him financially if he just stepped down and held onto the stock.
But he’s such a narcissist that he’d never do that.
The dealership has insurance and destroyed cars are like sold cars for Te… that company. Or am I missing something?
Insurance companies are now talking about canceling Tesla coverage because of the high risk of vandalism, so it’s making people (including dealerships) rethink their options.
So it’s working.
Big thing is that people now know Telsa’s are not just sold by a loon, they’re a vandalism target. Which is two pretty big reasons no to buy a car from Musk.
Even if you like Musk, do you want to have high insurance rates and spend time at the body shop?
Fun fact: not only do Cybertrucks have bare stainless steel body panels, which are extremely difficult and expensive to repair because you have to bodywork them perfect since you can’t use body filler, they have a frame made out of aluminum, which for various metallurgical reasons (work-hardening, forming a passivation layer that makes it much harder to weld, etc.) is also very difficult and expensive to repair.
In that sense, you’re probably less likely to spend time at the body shop with a Cybertruck because it’s designed to be damn near disposable.
Although, since most people seem to be keying, spray painting, and putting stickers on these cars, the stainless is very easy to clean. Just rub some steel wool in the direction of the stainless grain. Apparently they don’t have any clear coat. You can clean them like an industrial stovetop.
Yeah, the damage would have to physically displace (i.e. dent) or chemically corrode the surface of the panel in order to be difficult to fix.
Does burning count as any of these, by any chance?
Yes. High heat can cause the metal to corrode faster or even melt. (And, ya know, completely destroy the rest of the car.)
They will have to pay here, yes. And then they will cancel the contract, because high risk and not worth it. The second act of vandalism will then hurt. And the question is: Will the insurance give them the “new” (catalog) price or the “market value” price?
Couple of claims by a dealership and their insurance will get cancelled.
“So, you’re saying we get one free claim for as many cars as we can burn in one night without loosing our insurance?” - Them, probably.
I doubt that insurance pays retail price to the dealers.
Does Tesla use dealerships in Canada? In the U.S., they don’t. They have showrooms owned by the company itself and you order online. My state requires dealerships^1^ and just have service centers here.
^1^ It’s a wildly antiquated law. When cars first came out, states passed laws requiring dealerships to guarantee the car companies could service the vehicles. Those laws are still on the books basically because car dealership owners are generally rich people who buy state legislatures. (And there’s a shocking amount who are state legislators.)
Tesla does not have dealerships.
Destroyed cars?
From the article. A quick polish and a time swap and they’re as good as new.
It’s very sad that people care more about the feelings of cars than the feelings of people. Cars fucking suck. Cars are tools of oppression.
It’s not about the cars. It’s about what a powerful billionaire is doing to people.
Targeting the cars is just a way to discourage Telsa ownership, tank the stock, and give Musk less power and leverage. A lot of his power comes from his ability to borrow against Tesla.
For the past 100 years car dependency has been the sole reason for the destruction of the working class. Henry Ford the Nazi, combined with conspirators in the US government, bulldozed low income neighborhoods to build highways and create suburban utopias for rich white folk.
Car dependency is a disease which needs to be cured.
Ok, but the point still remains. This vandalism isn’t about the cars. It’s about taking money out of a billionaire’s pocket. People would be vandalizing Starlink satellites if they could reach them.
It’s not about the cars, the cars and stores are just an accessible target. This is about Musk and DOGE.
Hold my beer. *picks up rock
Don’t even get me started on how car companies bought those lovely trams just to dismantle them afterwards
The feelings of cars…?
Is it though?
oh no.
those are rookie numbers, we can do better!
At this point it is most likely that it’s the dealerships themselves trying to burn these for the insurance.
Tesla’s aren’t selling?
I don’t hear Alex Jones screaming about inside jobs.
Probably because he’s way too far up EMu’s ass.
He’s still around? Whatever happened to people knowing when to call it quits and leave everyone’s lives… I swear, ever since the 2000’s and onward people just kind of stick around forever now. Guess that’s another awful side effect of the internet.
He sure is and I hear you! It’s unbelievable how cringy his show is now.
One of my favorite podcasts where they spend an ungodly amount of time dissecting his horseshit and laughing at him.
Such a great podcast! Absolute Talmudic in its thoroughness.
‘Know Rogan’ is a pretty good new addition if you haven’t checked it out yet.
I’ll check it out!
I count myself among the lucky who has never heard that overgrown thumb talk for longer than a sound bite.
Upvote for Knowledge Fight!
I used to listen to Alex Jones for fun way before he was big. It was genuinely entertaining. Then Sandyhook happened and it wasn’t so funny anymore.
Knowledge Fight is like finding friends to make fun of Alex Jones with :)
“It’s a fact: jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to make steel girders melt! It was the lithium-ion batteries from a Model Y and a Cybertruck fired by railgun into the Twin Towers, with Dick Cheney and Saul of Saul’s 3rd Avenue Deli pulling the triggers. People seen jumping out of windows were actually trans crisis actors wearing batwing suits, who nowadays tour encampments of Venezuelan gang members and Haitian cat rustlers across the Heartland with their drag, Spanish-language version of Hamilton. Buy my supplements!”
Whoa, sorry, don’t know what came over me there.
Probably. Unfortunately side effect is it constantly reinforce in people, “wow people really hate teslas” and further damaging the brand. I find it hard to believe Canadians would due this kind of a thing. Not that they couldn’t, i just have a hard time believing it.
I mean if they are the ones setting them on fire they don’t need to claim it is arson since it is. They just need to claim they weren’t the arsonists.
Short term profit. Long term, good luck being insurable.
Tesla doesn’t have dealerships. All sales centers are corporate owned.
I don’t think that bit of syntax changes the point at all.
It does. A dealership is an independent entity. If cars were purposely being damaged, it would be Tesla doing that and not another company that sells Tesla vehicles.
The corporate structure is not what the grandparent is referring to, it's committing arson to defraud insurance that he's really referring to. Any other "aKsHuALlY" details you added are distinctions without difference.
There is a huge difference between an independently owned franchise committing arson vs the manufacturer.
Make their insurance super high.
I wonder what the insurance premium on a Tesla is these days?
Probably about the same as any other car.
So teslas insurance has always been more expensive, and this sure isn’t going to help.
I’d imagine that they’ll be more expensive to insure in the future if they are getting targeted en masse.
If red cars are more expensive to insure, a tesla has to be more expensive too, right?
No, my 2019 model 3 is almost twice as expensive as my son’s 2023 Prius.
Demonstrates to the American electorate that democrats celebrate and encourage criminal behavior. How does this help you win elections? Do you think an independent looks at this situation and thinks “Yes these are the people I want to be in charge.” So shortsighted and childish.
I know right? Imagine stirring everyone up into a frenzy and encouraging them to do something illegal in the name of politics. Like storming the capitol. Moron.
As opposed to republicans that elected a 34 count felon, court-certified rapist, pedophile president? Party of law and order, am I right? Be glad that it’s shitty, overpriced EVs they’re targeting.
There is a different view to your statement. We live in a democracy and we had an election where the citizens chose a felon, Nazi, dictator over your side. They would rather have a court certified rapist in charge than you. Just think about that and understand how repulsive and out of touch you have to be for that to happen. This effort to destroy Tesla is only hurting your cause. It is counterproductive, childish, and small. It’s almost like you want MAGA to win the next election.
Do you?
Assuming there is one
Yes the next election will be in 2026. This is why people question your ability to interpret reality.
Sorry, not American.
In any case I hope I’m wrong
We dibt live in one anymore.
Nah, that election was rigged. Try again, Nazi.
Republicans won because of voter suppression and purging. What you’re saying is “Pants on fire” rewriting of history. Also Jan6ers were much, much more violent so I think Democrats are simply trying out their fascism strategy.
Vandalizing Teslas is legal, the precedent was set when Jan6ers were pardoned. So your morality argument is wrong too.
If you need to tell yourself that “they cheated” then you are doing exactly what Republicans did in 2020 making you just like them. Yes the Jan6ers were pardoned but most people do not support it and believe those people should be in prison. Just like the people fire bombing tesla dealerships and charging stations should be in prison.
A strawman, Republicans claimed election fraud (2 + 2 = 5), Democrats claimed voter suppression disproportionately affects them (2 + 2 = 4). What do you think 2 + 2 = ?
You think that violent insurrection against our country by storming the capitol is the same as vandalizing a few cars? How long do you think the sentences should be for each crime? I’d say one is 100x the sentence of the other.
Firebombing car dealerships, charging stations, and violent attacks against people who drive Teslas isn’t “vandalization” . 90,000,000 eligible voters didnt vote by choice. They are vocal on why they didn’t vote and it’s not voter suppression. Keep lying to yourself if you want or just go read about the reasons. It’s not a secret.
There are many reasons for an election win or loss. But the big one we care about in 2024 was widespread purging. It’s quasilegal, there’s evidence of it, it’s cheating, and it suppresses Democrat votes much more.
There were 7 billion people who didn’t immigrate into the US and thus didn’t vote, they were very clear as to why they didn’t come to America. That’s just as relevant as your 90 million, actually more because it’s 100x the people! Don’t get me started on extraterrestrials we didn’t find, there could be trillions. It was clear the reasons we didn’t fund SETI.
“Vandalizing isn’t vandalizing”. You made no argument here.
“Purging” you mean only allowing eligible voters to vote? It’s “quasilegal”? No each state is responsible to maintain updated and correct voter roles. There is nothing controversial about it. You lost the election. People didn’t want to vote and they openly spoke about why they didn’t. Most didn’t like either candidate and didn’t want to support either party. You lost the election and no one cheated just like the republicans in 2020.
One such review of evidence of what I’m saying that contradicts your argument:
Too many logical fallacies in your comment to reply without losing your attention span but I’ll try.
Eligible voters were removed, the link proves it. Quasilegal because it’s a gray area in the law, here’s litigation against the practice but only in some states and inconsistently, hence “quasi”: brennancenter.org/…/mass-purges-are-new-voter-sup…. Not controversial: a strange lie, of course it’s controversial, most people don’t believe your argument. People didn’t want to vote for Trump in China/India, that is more relevant than your argument as I’ve said before you circled back. No one cheated: false, again.
If that evidence is unconvincing, what evidence would you need to see to convince you? Would any evidence convinced you or do you choose to believe without caring about reality?
This doesn’t prove anything. As a voter you have responsibilities to keep your information current, to vote at the correct location, if voting by mail it is your responsibility to fill the paperwork out correctly, to send it by the deadline, and to sign it. Democrats lost all 8 swing states, states run by Democrat and Republican administrations. If you need to tell yourself you secretly won then you do that just like the Repubs of 2020. You lost move on.
What evidence would you need to see to convince you? Would any evidence convinced you or do you choose to believe without caring about reality?
If you read the article it states information was not updated, or information was submitted last minute, people didn’t fill out their info correctly, and wasn’t mailed by deadline. Look i understand you need to believe you secretly won and the other side cheated. It’s cool you just go with that.
That is pants on fire false. In many cases ballots were rejected for no reason and had to be recast. Democrats and especially Black people were affected disproportionately, why do you think that is only the case in 2024? There is evidence of this being instructed to GOP party leaders as a strategy. And even if true, do you think it’s “fair” to make an all black community stand in line for 3 hours to vote because you removed mail in ballots? Does this not meet the definition of “chest”?
You’ve dodged my actual question 3 times so I win this argument by default. What evidence would it take? You are arguing in bad faith because the answer is none. Look I understand you need to believe you won and your side didn’t cheat despite the evidence. It’s cool, you just go with that.
First the question was did Republicans cheat to win the 2024 election? That was your claim not what is fair. If you ask why voters didnt vote they will tell you themselves that they did not want to, not that they couldn’t. Nothing disputes those facts.
You win the argument. I concede that 2 plus 2 indeed equals 5. By rejecting any evidence, not actually refuting my points and making up your own logic, your argument is identical to 1+1=3, therefore proving 2+2=5, which is what my first question was. Up is down, you win the argument, and Republicans didn’t cheat. I applaud your bliss and ignorance, sir.
I hope you take this opportunity to seek the mental health counseling\treatment you so desperately need. Perhaps you can share all your mathematical equations with them. Good day to you sir.
That is one hell of a way to lose an argument, oof. I thought it was fitting that you were gaslighting a false narrative until the very end. Definite grade school bully vibes. 10/10 would debate again.
You have encountered a magat in the wild. Do not engage.
It’s the nazi in the bar story. Gotta call them out and shut them down early, or else they take over the place like they do on reddit.
You sound like a conservative plant lamenting the so-called peaceful liberals, you’ve been sold a lie
Why would i be a conservative plant? I think America needs two viable political parties and presently one party cannot compete. Their interpretation of reality is questionable making them repulsive to normal people, which is why they won’t vote for you.
Why are you trying to frame it as a Democrat versus Republican thing both sides can have equal amounts of grievances with the shit ass state ofthe fucking presidency right now
It is obviously liberal burning down charging stations, spray painting swastikas, and throwing molotov cocktails. With Democrat politicians celebrating and encouraging the behavior. Im not framing it’s reality.
Whilst I do believe the American people were sold a lie (I’m not American) I think the barrage of down votes and cheap shots being thrown at @AidsKitty are undeserved. They clearly have a different view point on certain things but all their comments are polite and express their views respectfully. Anyway that’s just how it looks to me 🤷
This was in Canada, you doorknob.
You speak as though Chuck Schumer did this? In Canada?
Guess they didn’t get the memo that we’re not actually the 51st State.
Oh no… Any way…
In the words of Duke Nukem, “Hail to the king baby”
The king being us, the people, who outnumber the billionaires, the billionaires who can still bleed.
And if it bleeds we can kill it.
Ok but go at the billionaires. Not Dave from Accounting.
Useful idiots don’t get a pass for what they’ve done.
The man was a piece of shit before the first car rolled off. If you didn’t know it’s because you didn’t care.
Quite frankly we need to start shaming people bad for the products they buy because money is support under capitalism. If you buy something you are supporting that company and all the evil they do.
On the other hand, if you only pay for things that don’t support evil, you’ll starve in Capitalism.
And that’s by design.
Then let it starve.
I’d prefer not to starve, if you don’t mind.
I’m sorry, are you Capitalism?
The cars are fine, it’s the family and board that are dirty and rotten.
You cannot seriously claim that all 100k Tesla employees are Nazis just by association. That’s ridiculous. It’s a car company.
Hell, Henry Ford was a Nazi.
Boring little goblin aint ya
I guess he should have said “Hail to the proletariat”?
I’m not too concerned about the dealerships. They have insurance. It can these people stop doing it to privately owned vehicles? And also, stop harassing the telsers on the road. I’ve seen a few videos now of drivers being harassed. That’s not Canadian.
No. We need to make fascists afraid again. If you don’t want to be bothered for owning a Klankar, then stop owning a Klankar.
So you do realize that a lot of people bought these well intentioned vehicles before Musk became a total fuckstick, right?
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to just go sell their vehicle that they are more than likely underwater on with the loan and can’t just pivot.
Nuance my friend.
I bought mine 6 years ago. I’m going to get rid of it but had to change plans because my son’s car just died. I wouldn’t blame anyone that vandalized my car. It should be expected.
Mine has been debadged for years but I just put BYD badges on it. I doubt too many people will know what that is but I hope someone gets a chuckle.
It should not be expected. Its ok to say that. Nobody has any fuck up your property.
You do you I guess.
It’s okay to say we don’t agree with you either. Deal. With. It.
This mentality is frighteningly close to one that justifies vandalism on businesses because they use temporary foreign workers. I don’t condone the destruction of private property owned by the rank and file of life. It should be directed at those who are doing actual harm
They are doing actual harm, by not being afraid of any association, regardless of how weak, to a fascist.
Yer heart is in the right place.
I hope you can gain perspective.
So, the time has come that people need to ask themselves: Are they willing to be associated with a fascist, in any way? If they are ok with that, why?
No one cares what you do or don’t condone. You’re no one.
And neither are you in the grand scheme. However what you are condoning will just radicalize the message and have it not resonate with those who’s help we will need in the future if this collapse actually comes about
It is directly hurting the person doing the actual harm. It’s not the vandals’ fault that he used innocents as his human shield.
Here’s a thought… Pre-vandalize it.
Get some white paint that won’t damage your car, and write “Fuck Musk”, or “Swasticar” so it looks like it’s been keyed into your paint. Maybe grab a quality “cracked window” decal and slap it on the glass. Finally, take your bumper covers off.
Then when (or if) this shit cools off, you can just wash the car, peel the decal and re-attach your bumper covers.
And then park it front of a Tesla sales center?
I have a friend that does EV conversions of RAM Promaster vans. I wouldn’t mind using my car to do a conversion and then build it out for a class b camper van.
Except they came out after it was pretty well known he was one. He’s been a known piece of shit for a while now.
Most were on this guys jock until he threw his support behind the fuckstick
Depends on the model. People are mostly attacking cybertrucks in the wild.
If it’s cybertruck, the owner knew, or chose not to know.
Must be rough bring a CT owner. First, your vehicle depreciates 50-100k, then it starts falling apart, and now everyone hates you for it.
Still don’t feel bad for them though.
Why are they still driving them, then?
Again, perhaps some people, who just wanted to not deal with fuel costs, or tried to be altruistic about their cost to the environment, might not be able to just walk away from it.
Amazingly, some people are unwilling to fuck themselves over financially over protest, regardless of how well intentioned it is.
So, sell it, get a different one. Many companies make EVs now.
But they are willing to show undwindling support of a fascist fucking over everyone financially… No matter how evil the intention is.
I totally understand where yer coming from. And I hope that those who can decouple themselves from it, do so. But like hell I’m going to endorse harassing people without context. All that does is endorse extremism. Extreme acts can be condoned, but I sure hope you have a plan for afterwards. If not, you’ve just become what you are railing against.
You have the context: they are still showing their support for a fascist state, and this is worthy of harassment, as a matter of community defense.
Would you defend a woman wearing her grandpa’s swastika pin, for any reason, or is that enough context, in that case?
We, as a society, are swinging back to making displays of fascism unacceptable. That’s all the needed context.
Go back to the times of Hitler, and imagine that you suddenly found out he owned the brand and proudly explained that those driving it represented his will.
I’m sure you’d find a way to sell it then.
Sell what exactly? Trying to be rational in an increasingly irrational world?
I suspect they would NOT be in a rush to sell, given their comments.
yikes that’s embarrassing
Elon Musk has been a total fuckstick for a long time. They were just ignoring it because cool car don’t go vroom.
To be fair, one of my neighbors bought one years before he knew about this, I don’t believe he had any idea. I don’t necessarily think he should have his car burned.
This is why I hate the left is there is a ton of people just as stupid as people on the right. They have no social intelligence. They’re out for blind rage blood. On the left and the right these people have that bipolar energy and rise to the top becoming our new voices of reason.
There are people who support a fascist, and those who oppose them, and those just waiting to see who wins.
Which side are you on?
This is as narrow an understanding of things as any Republican which is my point. But can’t call that out right that would make me a centrist even though I’m not. Can’t be critical or you’re labeled a “them”
There are flowers that smell pretty and there’s flowers that look pretty and there are those that aren’t really flowers but trees. Which ones do you like?
So, are you opposed to fascism, for it, or just waiting for the winner?
Or, what’s your other option here? I fail to see any other at this time.
I don’t really think in terms of fascism. It doesn’t seem like an accurate way to think here
Fascism is the closest descriptor of what Elon supports.
Did you his his nazi salutes? Or his neonazi messaging?
No one cares what you hate, again, you are no one.
I’m literally one
Don’t blame this on the “left”. “Ubergeek” is just a moron.
Left: 2+2=4 Right: 2+2=5 Center: 2+2=4.5 (You: “Both sides have good things to offer!”)
Totally makes sense
Sounds like one of your neighbors just needs to stop driving the Klankar, then.
Elon Musk has been a shitbag for years.
afraid of what? These people are going to get caught and made examples of and honestly most of the world are not big fans of assaulting other people by proxy. Like I’m not okay going to break the windows in your acura because I think you bought a vehicle where the CEO turned asshole after the fact.
This was funny for a minute. But continuing to do it looks like we’re just a bunch of stupid childish cunts.
Afraid of being associated with a fascist.
It was never funny, it was, and is, just great to see.
Most of the world is raping and pillaging lol most people are blank slates that do what they are told.
Look at MAGA for proof and all the proof from other countries that are fucking MAGA, too.
Look at the religions we made to try to put the fear of God into people to stop killing each other.
Come the fuck on.
I’m not following sorry
By that logic we should be attacking Fords because Henry Ford was a Nazi. Maybe we should be burning 3M and Bayer products in the store?
Most existing Tesla owners are left-leaning and purchased the car in good faith before Elon was a public Nazi figure.
It’s not always easy to just sell your car. People are locked into financing contracts and have perhaps shelled out money for charging solutions at their home.
Your worldview is childish and reductive. Grow up and come back later.
Is Henry Ford, right now, at this moment, a Nazi?
Is 3M and Bayer today, at this moment, supporting Nazis?
Ok, we’re not talking about the past right now. We’re talking about the current situation. If they are left-leaning, as you imply, they understand the need to NOT display actively in use Nazi symbols and paraphernalia.
Then they can park it, cover it with a tarp, and use public transportation. Or, ride bike. Or, use rideshare.
No, it’s principled: You NEVER show support for nazis, regardless of how inconvenient it is for you.
So in other words, you’ll remain childish and reductive. That would have been much shorter than reading your drivel.
It’s far more childish to be unable to stick to principles. Children will punch another child for a cookie… adults know not to, and ones that punch people for cookies are held in contempt by society.
Your stance would be the former: do whatever is easy.
The other commentator is right. Its easy to tell someone “just sell your car and walk” or whatever when you are not directly affected by the change you are asking someone else to make. Take a second and think of all the injustices in the world YOU are indirectly, involuntarily complicit in and what it might mean to be targeted for that reason. It is for this we offer charity to others, and therein is a clear line between wearing a nazi pin as a symbol and driving a Tesla, literally an appliance.
The right thing to do is often not easy.
Let me guess, you’d be OK with turning in a person hiding migrants, because it’s easier to do that?
Tesla doesn’t have dealerships. All sales locations are corporate owned.
Furthers my point then.
Actually, it’s the exact opposite of your point.
The point where I made that I don’t give a stuff about the dealerships?
I’ll use my fucking free speech to flip off teslas while I still fucking can. Until you physically stop me you will deal with it.
Flip them off all you’d like. That’s fine.
When you start brake checking people just cause? I don’t think yer doing the cause any favours.
Flipping off people didn’t work, it got the left wing threats of being sent to an El Salvadorean prison. I don’t approve or disapprove of the Tesla vandals but you bet your ass it’s working. It’s sad that it works and I hate it.
But here’s you with a Republican dick in your mouth: “Stop fighting guys, gargle”
This is a very typical ad hominem attack on someone’s political beliefs. Especially coming from someone who probably doesn’t think much farther past what they’re going to eat for the day, or how drunk they’re going to get on the weekend. I’m not going to insult you back because it’s very clear that yer a low information individual who’s more concerned with breaking stuff, rather than trying to repair and move on.
Life long NDP voter btw. But I’m sure you’ll just scoff at this and continue to throw low IQ insults around.
I see, you’re in Canada. I’m an American. You don’t understand my fear. You only have to deal with tariffs, I mean that sucks but my government is literally turning fascist, you get to just buy Canadian and move on. You don’t and can’t know what that’s like… Don’t try unless you plan to sympathize.
Well at least I’m glad you don’t understand my fear. If you did you’d be in our position.
Also nice job not insulting me, I counted 3 but it’s ok I think you’re angry. I’m angry too. Don’t be angry at me though. Be angry at the bully, not the victim.
What a typical twat American response.
Me: <a reasonable argument followed by empathy>
You: Twat!
Lol. It’s fine, I give you permission to keep your anger at all Americans. It’s actually probably better that way, we deserve it.
American exceptionalism strikes again.
Upvoted because truth. Lol.
Also, car dealerships are the backbone of local conservative party funding. They are the financial backbone of the fascist movement
Imagine someone messes up my ev, insurance gets me a new ev?
Sure. I assume that will work.
The point?
Nothing lost then, same status as dealership. Only slightly more inconvenienced since its their car but even then they get a rental from insurance company.
So the same goes if the Tesla is carrying a family in it and some fella goes and brake checks it? Or runs it off the road?
That’s not vandalism. That’s like murder.
Okay cool. Cause that where this is headed. I’ve seen I videos of it. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time until some fuckstick that thinks he’s helping the cause and goes too far.
This is the point I’m trying to make.
Wow. will i hope you are very wrong about that prophecy. Im all for insurance paying up but unless the car has nazi flags I see no point of going that hard.
Those are rookie numbers, we need to get them higher!
Burn it all down! Every thing that fascist fuck has!
We need anonymous to dismantle Twitter and plummet it all so it can be amongst all the other apps that went to the grave.
From Twitter’s “Fail Whale” to X’s “Fash Crash”. Make it happen, Anonymous!
If the bots and toxicity haven’t killed it, I don’t know what we could even do at this point.
Ugh you are correct, I just wish there was a way to send a virus or something towards the bots. There has to be a way to dismantle them permanently.
Remember a guy telling it is more efficient to paint over sold Tesla to discourage buyers. But we have to admit news of burning Tesla is pretty discouraging too.
Seems like the thought is: if you paint a Tesla you prevent the sale of that one Tesla, but if you burn one, the entire populace has second thoughts about buying any Tesla.
Thoughtslator ?
Thots & playas
Not all that surprising that Canadians are especially pissed off. Didn’t he say Canada isn’t a real country and then he deleted the Tweet afterwards? Yes he did…
<img alt="" src="https://lemm.ee/pictrs/image/88bb1f0a-9686-45fe-a1d1-3206eecad6ab.png">
Of course he would have deleted it, so nice capture! And thanks for sharing. What a loser manchild -Elon
South Park did it first
The entire point of the “blame Canada” joke is that it’s making fun of people who tried to blame their own problems on something that had nothing to do with the underlying cause for those problems.
In the song Kenny’s parents literally say “should we blame the matches, or should we blame the fire, or the doctors who allowed him to expire? no blame Canada!”
The final verse really drives the nail home just in case anyone in the audience somehow didn’t get it:
Wow. He actually deleted a Tweet? He usually stands by all the stupid shit he’s said, proudly at that.
Teslas are not real cars
I read something earlier in the week about a tesla dealership being vandalised here in N Ireland. Might be a worldwide thing.
Antifa, perhaps the greatest threat to Nazi automobile manufacturers the world has ever known.
I doubt antifa would control anything in Belfast (every video I’ve seen of them was them causing trouble and getting absolutely battered in response) Belfast isn’t shy on psychopaths and likely never will be.
So yeah I doubt antifa has the slightest bit of influence here.
When Trump said he’d prosecute tesla vandals “with the full force of the law” it really highlights the unequal enforcement in our system. Its like saying “I’m going to turn on law enforcement right now just for this issue”. He clearly does not believe in laws or law enforcement, or else he’d see how absurd a statement it was.
This and their dismantling of the EPA, IRS, FBI, and justice system shows that republicans are soft on crime, soft on wealthy tax evaders, soft on the legal system in general, and disrespectful of law enforcement, except insomuch as they can be used as personal storm troopers for issues they care about-- usually to promote racism and class stomping of the poors.
Republicans are soft on America, but rock hard for Russia. I hope republican voters are proud.
You damn right they’re proud! As long as the powerful white man is hurting the right people to keep them in their place they’ll vote republican forever.
How does the saying go? The core principle of conservatism is there are people the law binds but does not protect, and people the law protects but does not bind?
Or, another similar insight: liberals judge actions as good or bad and judge people by their actions. Conservatives judge people as good or bad and judge actions by the person performing them.
What Trump realized is he doesn’t have to even pretend to enforce the laws objectively. Conservative Americans want selective enforcement. They want the government to go after liberals and leftists and minorities with the full voice of the law. They want law enforcement to ignore conservative crimes and hunt down liberal crimes, because conservatives are good people so their mistakes can be forgiven, but liberals are bad people so they must be guilty of something.
And that’s where Biden fucked up. He had the FBI go after Trump relentlessly for four years in the belief that, if he could find enough bad actions Trump did, he could discourage conservatives from supporting him in 2024. What he didn’t realize is, Trump’s supporters would never condemn any crimes Trump committed, because they believe Trump is a good person and therefore what he does isn’t a crime.
All Biden did was give Trump an excuse to send his FBI after his political enemies too. And Trump and his supporters are happy to use that power far more widely than Biden did.
All cars matter
Keep up the good work, brothers!
This strikes me as an odd qualifier.
Have there been larger vandalism incidents in Canada against vehicles from companies based in countries outsides the states?
Not larger no, that’s what they are saying… I get you though but no… Had there been similar or close to this? Dunno … This language is just coming from the US admin to make it seem like an attack the us. Rather than on Elon musk himself and his values and actions, which it is.
Maybe your question should have been ‘have there been ANY’ valdalism incidents… Before now
I’m not giving up my -shot-
Doing God’s work
Didn’t trump say he would concider the vandalism towards teslas a form of terrorism? And hasn’t the usa used terrorism as a way to forcefully enter countries in order to "fight terrorism "? What if these acts have been performed by agents from the US to give the government an excuse to invade?..I’m also very stoned right now.
Even a stoner off their rocks can see through this. Your 10/10 high is smarter than the average Republican.
Surely you mean “terrorism”!
Public service.
Oh noes
What??? A Venezuelan who hasn’t been rounded up, deported and slung into in a third world concentration camp without even the pretense of due process?!?
Come on Canadia, is that really the kind of country you want to live in???
American here, careful Canadians you’re walking on thin ice. We’re about to beg for your eggs while kneeling rather than grovelling on the floor. I’m fucking serious, we won’t pay a dime more than $1 per egg. Pretty please. This is your last warning.
Is Tesla sabotaging their own cars in order to commit insurance fraud?
Largest case of insurance fraud from an automaker**
hell yeah
Dumb ass American here. Does Canada’s prime minister or some other official have the same kind of pardon power our president does? Because they could do something pretty cool right now.
That’s it? Y’all Canadians are so polite.
Awe shucks. I could not stoop to vandalism and destruction of the shitty neo-Nazi BEVs. I would prefer the vehicles to be unsold and collect dust until Tesla enters bankruptcy. Tesla, himself, must have flipped in his grave several times.
Nah. Tesla would be alternating in his grave.
I am of the opinion that no one should be vandalizing property that they don’t own themselves. Protest, sure (following whatever laws Canada has in place for that), don’t buy a Tesla, sure, encourage everyone you’ve ever met not to buy one, fine, but please respect the right of people who don’t want their stuff vandalized.
Also, while dealerships have insurance, doing this just makes the insurance go up for everyone. But that’s not my point. People shouldn’t vandalize the property of others because they really, really, really x5, don’t like Elon.
I’m not an Elon or Trump apologist, I’m just someone fighting on the side of civilized behavior.