Israel Bombs Polio Vax Site, Bans UNRWA in Attacks on Humanitarian Aid
from to on 04 Nov 2024 16:54
from to on 04 Nov 2024 16:54
As Israel continues to block lifesaving humanitarian aid from entering northern Gaza, humanitarian organizations are describing its siege as “apocalyptic” and warning of mass Palestinian starvation and death. “The situation is absolutely desperate,” says Rachael Cummings of the aid group Save the Children International.
Cummings joins us from Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, where aid organizations have been halted from entering the north. She responds to news of Israel’s bombing of a polio vaccination center in an area that had been marked for an official humanitarian pause, and the Knesset’s vote to ban the U.N. relief agency UNRWA.
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It’s a part of their Crimes Against Humanity campaign.
“We’re going to kill them all anyway. You shouldn’t have been wasting those vaccines.” /israel
It’s pretty convenient to call aid organizations terrorists. That gives you an excuse to kill them and prevent any aid to be delivered to the people you’re trying to wipe out.
Anrivaxer Final Boss, just bomb the vaccines.
A week ago there were attacks on polio vaccination centers in Pakistan. World news.
Now Israel is bombing polio vaccination centers in Gaza but they commit so many war crimes it does not even get a full headline.
Fascist dogs
Just call them fascists or more specifically zionists.
Dogs aren’t to blame.
The terrorist state of Israel. Anyone who supports the state of Israel’s actions at this stage of things is a terrorist sympathizer.