'Our Leaders Are Not Leading': Groups Decry Yet Another G7 Climate Failure (www.commondreams.org)
from jeffw@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 16 Jun 2024 02:01


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Fiivemacs@lemmy.ca on 16 Jun 2024 02:16 next collapse

They have no reason to care about the citizens…they have never faced punishment for selling their country out. Why the heck would any of them start caring now.

Sanctus@lemmy.world on 16 Jun 2024 03:26 next collapse

The only legacy being left is one of dust. If we continue along this path the next sapient species will have to piece together what happened to us.

doingthestuff@lemmy.world on 16 Jun 2024 03:48 collapse

In many places in the world, politicians are not elected to be leaders but rather representatives of the will of the people who elected them. And a lot of people do not want to give the government massive power because of climate concerns. They’re voting for their wallets. And the representatives represent the will of the people. I understand a lot of Europe votes for climate-aware representatives, but much of the world just wants to have food on the table.

SlopppyEngineer@lemmy.world on 16 Jun 2024 09:27 collapse

a lot of Europe votes for climate-aware representatives

Not really. The greens lost 1/3 of their seats in the last election.

much of the world just wants to have food on the table

While climate change is lowering yields and making food more expensive. That’s going to be a problem.