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Book critical of Ming emperor recalled. Xi Jinping didn’t like it because… it was full of clickbait chapter titles.
Book critical of Ming emperor recalled. Xi Jinping didn’t like it because… it was full of deez nuts.
Downvoted after reading title because…
Regardless of content, clickbait should be banned
Try saved you a click. Of course in this case it’s an essay so it isn’t as easy to give a simple answer.
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Book critical of Ming emperor recalled. Xi Jinping didn’t like it because… it was full of clickbait chapter titles.
Book critical of Ming emperor recalled. Xi Jinping didn’t like it because… it was full of deez nuts.
Downvoted after reading title because…
Regardless of content, clickbait should be banned
Try saved you a click. Of course in this case it’s an essay so it isn’t as easy to give a simple answer.