Iran’s IRGC Seizes Israel-Linked Container Ship Near Hormuz (
from to on 13 Apr 2024 11:26

The vessel’s beneficial owner is Zodiac Maritime Ltd., part of Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer’s Zodiac Group, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. No one responded to a call to Zodiac’s office in London, outside of normal business hours.

The vessel last called at the United Arab Emirates’ Khalifa Port and was sailing east toward the Strait of Hormuz as of Friday evening local time. Security and intelligence firm Ambrey Analytics said it received information of a “boarding” around 50 nautical miles northeast of the UAE’s Fujairah.


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Archive link on 13 Apr 2024 14:08 collapse

Oh great more terrorist attacks on civilization ships. Iran and their proxies are really determined to make sure the waters in that region remain unsafe for any civilians to use. on 13 Apr 2024 18:30 next collapse

Israel bombed an Iranian embassy which is considered sovereign Iranian territory. That’s an act of war. They’re trying to provoke Iran into a broader conflict. If this is Iran’s response then the world can breathe a sigh of relief. A regional war would be devastating to the lives of millions and should be avoided. on 13 Apr 2024 18:38 collapse

Ah yes, targeting civilians is a sigh of relief? When is that ever a acceptable? on 13 Apr 2024 18:55 collapse

In armed conflicts between nationstates, civilian infrastructure is often considered a legitimate military target due to it support of military assets and pursuits. on 13 Apr 2024 18:57 collapse

This is a nationstate using its uniformed military to conduct a military operation. It’s definitionally not “terrorism.” Israel broke worldwide treaties and norms that date back thousands of years when it targeted Iran’s embassy. I’m absolutely no fan of the regime in Tehran, but soon Tel Aviv is going to get what it deserves and it’s not going to be a small response. on 13 Apr 2024 19:41 collapse

Taking civilian hostages like Iran has just done breaks those same treaties and norms. How come they’re being praised for it? on 13 Apr 2024 20:38 collapse

If that’s the route you’re going with, the treaty was already broken by Israel’s unprovoked assault on the peace; slaughtering diplomatic staff and civilians without cause and violating not only the sovereignty of a free state, but also the Vienna Pact which has prevented untold conflict and suffering… This isn’t a line of argument you’re going to enjoy pursuing. I don’t think that you have remotely any concept of how big a deal a deliberate attack on an embassy is. on 13 Apr 2024 20:44 collapse

Except Israel targeted terrorists that were being harbored in that embassy. Has Iran made any statement about the military targets on board that ship? on 13 Apr 2024 21:11 collapse

That excuse opens a tremendous can of worms. Are US embassies fair game because they knowingly have CIA agents? Can the UK raid the Ecuador embassy because Julian Assange was inside?

No, embassies are considered sovereign territory and attacking one is like bombing the country itself. Israel knew this but was willing to start a war anyway.