Teen bombers in Ukraine: recruited, used, and eliminated by Russian special services
from MicroWave@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 23 Mar 10:38
from MicroWave@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 23 Mar 10:38
Russian special services recruited two Ukrainian teenagers, aged 15 and 17, to carry out suicide bomb attacks in Ivano-Frankivsk, promising $1,700.
The teens unknowingly transported homemade explosives disguised as thermoses, which Russian handlers detonated remotely, killing one and seriously injuring the other. The blast also injured two passersby.
A second explosion occurred at the teens’ rented apartment.
Ukrainian authorities charged the surviving teen with terrorism-related crimes and warned of a new Russian tactic of exploiting and eliminating operatives to cover tracks.
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Oh, yeah, just normal war things. No war crimes here. No siree.
After reading this article, I can safely say without doubt or racism that
Russians(edit Russian combatants and oligarchs) are fucking demons walking the earth. This shit is horrendous and not ethical or tactically sound in any way that is conceivable by a human being. Like, what type of military advantages does this bring in any way? Can someone try to explain?That fucking tyrant needs to be impaled with a flaming bottle of vodka remotely detonated in front of all Russians. After the impalement has delivered him from natural causes tho, gotta let him finish
Reportedly his greatest fear is being ghaddified.
I really hope it is. Be nice if they could get him dressed up like that infamous fabulous version of him that he hates
My greatest fear is that he dies peacefully in his sleep.
He’s probably always packing some poison tho…he knows the game
I would not be upset to see puting hanging upside down tangled with piano wire.
It brings fear, it’s terrorism plain and simple. The goal is to demoralize the enemy population in general, not to gain any tactical advantage.
The entire human species needs to go extinct. We are anathema; a Net-negative for the planet.
I believe that either all, or most, world-dominating-species go through this stage, after the industrial-revolutions stage…
Multiply the effect of our action on our underlying-planet by 10,000-fold, without having us go through species-puberty, without forcing us into maturity,
& the result is inevitable.
Whether some subset of humankind can earn growing-up enough, & surviving, isn’t to be decided by our current-established-ignorance/irresponsibility…
Giving-up on future-generations, & just knifing them all in the back, … may be emotionally valid, at the moment, among the privileged West, as it torches its own viability…
but it’s still outright betrayal of future-generations…
& anybody who goes through my comments will see that much of the time I’m guilty of giving-up on humankind…
but while our normal, our default, our current establishment is net-negative, at planetary-scale, that doesn’t prove that this world’s humankind inherently is net-negative, that there’s no subset worthy of living on after we-the-majority-go.
MOST of our kind need to go extinct, not necessarily the entire species, see?
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Without doubt or racism? Every man, woman and child in Russia? Would it be racist to hate all Afghans because of the Taliban? A portion of the population supports this, but they live in a dictatorship, a kleptocracy. If you do not feel sadness for the loss of Russian life then you’re missing part of your humanity. They’re conscripting innocent and ignorant people and throwing them into a blender. The whole thing is disgusting.
You don’t have to be racist to call Putin a war criminal, or indeed those Russian soldiers who commit those crimes. You can support Ukraine 100% without hating every last Russian. I invite everyone to remember that the true enemy is Putin and oligarchs everywhere
e: this is not directed at op as they have clarified they r talking about the russian oligarchy
I don’t see any reason to assume they were implying that all Russians are objectively evil. It feels pretty obvious that OP was talking about the Russian military combatants and officers.
My bad, you are correct; it was referring to all Russian combatants and oligarchs funding it all. I love their culture, and their people, their rich knowledge and technical prowess, but it’s all fucking wasted by these dipshits in power trying to bully Ukraine into submission.
Im sorry for assuming! You said “Russians” and I’ve seen lots of people not differentiate between the despots in power and the people who live under their fist, and it makes me sad.
To be fair, heading off implications of racism first and then saying “Russians” still reads poorly to me. I see now that wasn’t OPs intent, and we agree
Here Here: the white-blue-white Russians, fighting alongside Ukraine, against Putin’s forces, they validly are Russian, & they validly oppose Putin’s alignment.
there were Germans who did what they could to grind-to-a-halt Nazism, including some newspaper, too, apparently…
same as there are US-ians opposed to what Trump’s working himself up to ( the rampaging of Canada & Greenland, so as to be able to, with Putin on the other side, rampage Europe in total ).
I once worked with a guy who was from Iran, back in the last century…
He told me that he was at a political-rally, & suddenly something popped/changed in his brain, & suddenly he wasn’t in the population-trance he’d lived all his life in…
… he was among a crowd, all shouting slogans, & shaking their fists, & he had NO CLUE as to why this should be happening…
Having “come to”, he methodically got out of Iran, then…
Culpability/guilt/responsibility gets really muddy, when you’re talking about populations kept in propaganda-trance all their lives, by the local oligarchy…
( this is why Journalism, with a capital-J, which holds objectivity to authority, which makes accountability a real & present thing, is a requirement for civil-rights to endure : )
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History suggests there are way worse things they could do.
Why was the teen charged tho? If it wasnt knowingly it cant be terrorism by definition.
The teen was hired to bomb something. Instead the Russians bombed the teen.