'They've just killed innocent people': Anger in Lebanon after Israeli strike - as teddy bears and children's shoes among rubble (news.sky.com)
from girlfreddy@lemmy.ca to world@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 09:54

Israeli airstrikes killed dozens of people including two families in both Gaza and Lebanon, while Hezbollah fired a volley of 55 rockets into northern Israel in response.

World leaders urged restraint and tried to frame the ceasefire negotiations as heading in a positive direction.

But in an interview with Sky News, the leader of Hamas in Lebanon told us no progress had been made so far at the talks and the two sides appear to be just as far apart as ever.

Hamas is not at the negotiations but messages and updates have been passed on to them on the sidelines.


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MediaBiasFactChecker@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 09:56 next collapse
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ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 18 Aug 2024 10:35 next collapse

I firmly believe that there won’t be peace as long as Israel exists on Palestinian land. And before people claim random stuff on what I say; sure Israel can exist but not on Palestinian land while genociding the native people. For example, US is their biggest enabler and supporter… So perhaps they can allow Israel to exist within US.

I know, it’s wishful thinking.

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:16 next collapse

sure Israel can exist but not on Palestinian land

And not as an ethnostate. No matter which ethnicity is favored, establishing and maintaining an ethnostate necessitates violent oppression and persecution of other ethnicities.

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 18 Aug 2024 11:40 next collapse

I take it you’d support the dismantling of all ethnostates then?

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:43 next collapse

Of course. All theocracies too, in case you were planning a “but Arab States” gotcha.

[deleted] on 18 Aug 2024 11:48 next collapse
Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:56 collapse

Yeah, most of those aren’t ethnostates. Besides, it’s the dismantling of the ethnostate form of governing I’m calling for, not the countries misgoverned in such a way.

The only one you mentioned that is INHERENTLY an ethnostate and always has been is Israel.

I’d say nice try, but that was really a pathetic attempt at selling your false equivalence.

[deleted] on 18 Aug 2024 12:00 next collapse
Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 12:10 next collapse

They are ethnostates

While two or more of them are currently under the internal occupation of ultranationalists, none of them are INHERENTLY ethnostates. By your definition India, one of the most diverse countries in the world, would be an ethnostate as well just because the Hindu nationalist party of Modi is currently in charge.

You are not the arbiter of what counts

Right back at you.

If a nation has a diaspora, it is an ethnostate

That’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read and I’ve been paying close attention to US politics for decades! 😂

Trying to conceal overt racism behind improperly applied definitions is weak tea.

It’s racist to NOT want ethnostates? As in states that by definition discriminate based on ethnicity? WTF have you been smoking??

To paraphrase your own blather, trying to conceal overt support for systemic discrimination and violence behind improperly applied definitions is weak tea.

CM400@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 12:20 collapse

Ethnostate Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


  1. sovereign state of which citizenship is restricted to members of a particular racial or ethnic group.

    “they actively promoted the concept of a white ethnostate”

Diaspora Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more




  1. the dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.

    “the diaspora of boat people from Asia”

    • people who have spread or been 

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 18 Aug 2024 12:54 collapse

It’s obvious you don’t agree otherwise you would not have made your initial statement. Doesn’t make you correct. All those listed are “Sovereign Nations” that identify as having a “people who have spread or been dispersed from their homeland”. Ie.: Ethnostates.

You want to have a nuanced take on the subject? By all means, but, generally calling for the dissolution of all ethnostates is not ‘nuanced’. What you mean to say is “Israeli Ethnostate” which is what I’m calling out.

CM400@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 13:31 collapse

You have not demonstrated that simply having citizens that live outside of the confines of their home state means that they come from an ethnostate, and even if it was, pointing that out doesn’t make the problems I (or anyone else) has with what the Israeli government is doing go away; hence the nuance of opposing ethnostates in general. If all the Jews in the world voluntarily moved to Israel, eliminating the diaspora, would that make Israel any less of an ethnostate?

In the case of the Israeli ethnostate, which I believe you are inferring things I have not implied, one can be opposed to the form of government in charge without being opposed to Jews having a country. Israel can exist without apartheid, without stealing land and other property from people of different ethnicities within (and without) their borders, and they can defend themselves without the wholesale slaughter and other human rights violations we’ve seen in the most recent conflict. One can call for a change in leadership positions, the leadership itself, dissolution of the current leadership party, dissolution of the existing governmental structure, anything in between or something else entirely, all while also calling for similar (or different) things from the Palestinian side as well, and in no way does holding one or more of those positions mean that one thinks what happened on October 7th or in any previous conflict between those parties is justified.

As an American, my opinions are obviously biased by our history of doing fucked up things to people that don’t look like those in power, and having participated in society for the last few decades drives home the importance of not including every citizen when condemning the actions of leadership.

What’s happening over there is wrong and it needs to stop, and an international coalition needs to be in charge of investigating everything that has happened and punishing the wrongdoers. Pretend I’m on whatever side you want, that’s what needs to happen.

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 18 Aug 2024 13:50 collapse

You are confusing state policies with the State makeup and using an absurd version of the definition. The important facet of its definition is the peoples it identifies with are not associated necessarily to citizenship.

When the Russian government blames an invasion on russian peoples (identified solely by their language and culture) being mistreated in other countries they are an Ethnostate. If a nation welcomes its diaspora back and assures their citizenship solely based on their being the same peoples, they are an Ethnostate (most all the other nations I’ve listed) and it is reasonable to see that this definition holds whether they are 100% successful or not.

When you agreed that “All ethnostates should be dismantled” which ones came to your mind?

I’ll only bring this up because you mentioned being American, that the US is actually on the precipice of becoming an Ethnostate based on common rhetoric used in their politics (American is becoming a cultural identity independent of citizenship).

I have not said anything that argues what is happening over their needs to continue. Just that I’d also take issue if you were arguing American Politics is immoral and so democracies need to be dismantled.

Ethnostate - a state that is dominated by members of a single ethnic group (editted in because your oxford link is broken)

CM400@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 16:11 collapse

Could you name a country that would not qualify as an ethnostate by your definition? We’re clearly using different definitions of ethnostate, and I’m trying to understand yours, although the definition you linked includes a key word that I think supports my position: dominate. I also think that my definition isn’t absurd, but whatever you want to call it, any state that explicitly identifies one or more ethnic groups over others should not exist. America is flirting with this now, and probably every nation on earth has at least some tendency towards it, which is why we must be on guard and oppose it wherever it shows its ugly head. 

I don’t see how merely having an ethnicity or culture as the predominant group in a country would qualify it as an ethnostate unless the government uses it as an excuse to oppress those that are not in that selected group(s). 

When you agreed that “All ethnostates should be dismantled” which ones came to your mind?

If I said “all murder should be illegal”, do I have to have every conceivable instance in mind before I can make that declaration? We can whittle down my opinions through argument, for example to see if I think non-human animals should be included, or if killing in self-defense should be considered murder, but those kinds of things would not negate the original declaration, unless in doing so I changed my mind. And it’s fair that you’re trying to get me to do just that, but so far you haven’t been very persuasive. 

I have not said anything that argues what is happening over their needs to continue. Just that I’d also take issue if you were arguing American Politics is immoral and so democracies need to be dismantled.

I think you’re conflating things a little bit here. I think a more apt analogy would be saying if the American government took the position that Mexico was US territory and invaded with the military, or settlements, or used its power to disenfranchise American citizens of Mexican heritage, I would agree that _that_ government should be abolished. That doesn’t mean democracy has failed, and the same form of government could be reinstated without the oppression, or even just voting out the people that put those measures in place. These kinds of things all have the same result, and all could be called dismantling the government, or the patriarchy, or whatever else is the problem. 

America, Belgium, Israel, Russia, the Vatican… anywhere people are oppressed with official backing for things that are out of their control, cannot be just, and those systems (be it the whole government, a department, a policy, etc.)

Again, I think our disagreements hinge on this definitional difference. I think your definition for ethnostate (as I understand it) is too broad to have bearing in the discussion. I think you’re conflating an ethnostate with an ethnicity. Having a nation made up of exclusively (for argument’s sake) one ethnicity isn’t necessarily an ethnostate, but a nation exclusively _for_ one ethnicity is. 

That’s what I’m arguing against. Using “ethnostate” in the broader meaning you seem to be advocating for unnecessarily complicates the arguments and allows the potential for racism into a place it shouldn’t be.  It gives the people that would seek to use racism as a weapon a foothold into a discussion they should be excluded from. 

People arguing against Israel’s government (or the government’s actions or whatever else) are not necessarily arguing against the concept of Israel (and if they were, I’d be against that), and using this broader definition allows bad actors to disrupt efforts to reduce the harm being perpetrated by interjecting a very emotionally charged element where it doesn’t belong. Racism may be (I think it is) the root of the problem, but focusing on the “ism” here is like fighting the idea of fire rather than the flames. We’re trying to stop people from being burned first, and then deal with the flames after.

I have other things I need to be doing, so I’m done here for now. Thanks for taking the time to engage with me.

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 18 Aug 2024 16:45 collapse

Could you name a country that would not qualify as an ethnostate by your definition

Yes, easily. Canada. You would be hard pressed to find someone outside of Canada that says they ‘identify as Canadian’ that isn’t a citizen or just trying to conceal their actual citizenship.

I don’t see how merely having an ethnicity or culture as the predominant group in a country would qualify it as an ethnostate unless the government uses it as an excuse to oppress those that are not in that selected group

This is where the fundamental issue is imo. You presuppose oppression as part of your definition and that is not included in what dictionaries define it as. Yes, differing ethnicities are often a source of… ‘conflict’, but that is not necessarily the case and this is what I’m trying to emphasize. There are numerous nations who have an ethnic identity that aren’t oppressive to others as I already listed.

IMO you meant to declare “oppressive regimes” as demanding dismantling which I absolutely agree with, and currently most Theocracies and Ethnostates in the Middle East region qualify.

do I have to have every conceivable instance in mind before I can make that declaration?

No, and I didn’t ask you too. But, I think due to the clear issue with how we are each defining ‘Ethnostate’ you providing one other example aside from Israel is reasonable.

I think you’re conflating things a little bit here…

No, I was showing how you are conflating things with that example. In your breakdown you state that which I exactly agree with: “I would agree that that government should be abolished. That doesn’t mean democracy has failed” but you are saying exactly that when you use ‘Ethnostates’. Israeli government failed so Ethnostates should be dismantled.

In conclusion, there are many justifiably proud ethnicities out there, some of which governments identify as, who aren’t oppressive so we should be careful not to generalize to the point cultural identification as a whole becomes the Bad.

Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 06:35 collapse

You would be hard pressed to find someone outside of Canada that says they ‘identify as Canadian’ that isn’t a citizen or just trying to conceal their actual citizenship.

I identify as Canadian and am not currently a Canadian citizen. Some of my family does as well.

Dang, that was easy! Is it time to move the goal posts yet?

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 19 Aug 2024 06:38 collapse

So what are you actually that you don’t want everyone to know?

Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 06:40 collapse

What? I’m a U.S. citizen. Why would I hide that?

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 19 Aug 2024 06:42 collapse

Travelling abroad then. Cool beans.

Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 06:47 collapse

I wish! I’m currently at home (in the U.S.), unfortunately.

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 19 Aug 2024 06:48 collapse

Ah, so you call the US home. A key part of your identity. Nice try.

Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 06:57 collapse

What? Nice try at what? You invented a definition for “ethnostate” out of whole cloth and then defied the person you were debating to find a person who identified as Canadian but is not a Canadian citizen. I immediately fit that description, so you then slid your goalposts all the way into the parking lot.

Lol, this is the weirdest and most nonsensical troll experience I’ve had in ages. Thanks for that. 🤗 I’m not even mad. I’m impressed by your commitment. Well done!

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 19 Aug 2024 08:16 collapse

lol you lied, claiming you identified as Canadian yet immediately refer to the US as your homeland. I’m the troll moving goalposts? Your the one obviously trying to troll here and failing badly at it.

Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 12:29 collapse

Except I do identify as Canadian and I do live in the U.S. I fit the description you claimed didn’t exist and now you are panic-creating new rules for your game of Calvin-ball! 🤣😂

This is fun. Please keep going! What other weird nonsense do you have cooked up for me? Wait, wait! Do the definitions thing again where you invent your own definitions for words that everyone knows is bullshit. Do that one again! 😆🙏🤣

Cephalotrocity@biglemmowski.win on 19 Aug 2024 13:09 collapse

I believe you. Millions don’t, but I do.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 18:05 collapse

It’s the dismantling of the ethnostate form of governing I’m calling for, not the countries misgoverned in such a way.

This nuance always seems to get lost in the heat.

I get the anger about this war in Gaza, but way too many people are ready to feed Israel to Iran, which would kill millions of people throughout the region, as if Israel is completely irredeemable. It’s a flawed democracy, and it’s current leadership has a limited shelf life.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:01 collapse

Gaza is a theocracy.

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:11 collapse

And I want the theocratic Hamas government replaced with a democratic and secular one.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 17:56 collapse

Me too. Israel, too. Everywhere really.

Baby steps though. Look how long it took humans to come up with democratic governance. It could be snuffed out in much less time, and we cannot force people to change their culture if they don’t want it to change.

PanArab@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 07:04 next collapse

Yes. Nationalism is unnatural. Middle Eastern cities for the longest of times hosted people from diverse backgrounds. Even the tiny little Gaza has churches from different Christian sects that stood for centuries until Israel bombed them.

Every Arab country has some religious or ethnic or linguistic minority. Even Saudi Arabia has indigenous people who don’t speak Arabic, Faifi is one indigenous Semitic language spoken. And it also has religious minorities that aren’t Sunni Muslims. Saudi Arabia is not an ethnostate, all the diverse people are equally Saudi but it does privilege Najdis and Najdi culture.

Kalysta@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 19:22 collapse

Yes. No one deserves an ethnostate. Especially a religiously based one.

Phoenicianpirate@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 14:36 collapse

Ethnostates have no right to exist.

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:40 collapse

<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/611b1c3f-a07b-4476-a84f-a895fbec34a6.gif">

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:19 next collapse

For example, US is their biggest enabler and supporter… So perhaps they can allow Israel to exist within US.

They can have Oklahoma Nebraska and Kansas. They’ll have many times as much lebensraum and the ones currently in charge there have proven to not be responsible enough to run a state.

As a bonus, there’s hardly any Muslim-Americans living there now, so evacuating them all to other states of their choosing before Israelis arrive to potentially endanger them should be completely doable!

grue@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 15:44 collapse

You realize Oklahoma is already where we forcibly relocated a lot of the Native Americans to, right? I know you mean well, but 😬

Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 15:46 next collapse

Ah fuck. I knew but I forgot lol. Kansas and Nebraska, then 😁

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:07 collapse

Mean well? C’mon, that was an unserious trollish comment.

flicker@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:48 next collapse

When I was maybe 10 years old back in the 90s I asked my Dad why we put a bunch of people in a heavily populated area “when Montana is just sitting there empty. I mean, someone uses the land and we get like, taxes and museums and maybe an amusement park, right?”

He seemed genuinely poleaxed.

I still don’t have an answer to this day!

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:07 collapse

It’s an easy question so I’ll answer it: there are no resources for people or there.

Lots of these places don’t even have roads to access them. Meanwhile, the roads that we do have are in a state of catastrophic disrepair.

If you spread everyone out evenly, the resources would also be too spread out. It doesn’t do any good to have one hospital say every 100 or 200 miles because then the resources have to be spread out as well. It makes more sense to have one large hospital in the city that has all the specialty, doctors and equipment, and then smaller medical centers outside the city. And it’s that way with everything from food production to car repair to retail.

You’d get a museum out there in the middle of nowhere, and there would be less traffic at the good museum in the city where they have the rarest largest exhibits. Instead of having some good museums and some less good museums, you’d have a bunch of mediocre ones. Let your dad know!

flicker@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 15:16 collapse

He’s dead? So tell him yourself I guess lol.

Anyways, why would you “spread everyone out evenly?” We stuffed them into a tiny space that was already occupied. One assumes they’d be plopped into a town, which would centralize creating things like roads.

And the roads in Montana might suck, but there should be some kind of domestic package at play that would help from the federal level to create things like roads and water treatment and all that. Compared to how much we give Isreal now… could’ve put that money into development somewhere stateside.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 17:55 collapse

Sorry for your loss. Maybe I misunderstood your hypothetical. For what we’ve paid Israel, it seems like we’ve gotten a war that has killed ~50,000 people. I would argue that it also gets us an order of peace in the middle east which so far has avoided a wider war involving larger regional powers that might kill 50 million people. There are more countries in Europe, Asia and North Africa than not which are likely to collapse if faced with tens of millions more more war refigees fleeing the Middle East. The world doesn’t want another failed state in the Middle East, let alone multiple additional failed states in the Middle East and North Africa. I agree with your sentiment but it’s not black and white.

steventhedev@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 12:57 next collapse

So perhaps they can allow Israel to exist within US

It sounds like you’re suggesting ethnically cleansing Jews from the region. How is that any better than suggesting that all Palestinians be moved to Qatar or Iran?

ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 18 Aug 2024 13:10 collapse

It sounds like you’re suggesting ethnically cleansing Jews from the region. How is that any better than suggesting that all Palestinians be moved to Qatar or Iran?

It sounds like you’re trying to “gotcha” and twists my message/ word thing and I’m not going to take that bait. I’ll block you and if someone else has an actual argument without trying to these bait stuff I’ll respond.

steventhedev@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 13:30 collapse

You got me. I was trying to bait you into saying that ethnic cleansing is obviously a bad thing and we should apply a consistent standard to avoid dehumanizing rhetoric.

NoIWontPickAName@kbin.earth on 18 Aug 2024 20:03 collapse

I’ll come in because I have made the same statement and had someone come back just like you.

The difference is between forcing and offering.

It’s all about consent

crusa187@lemmy.ml on 18 Aug 2024 15:55 next collapse

We’ll give them Florida

Madison420@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 17:32 next collapse

It’s beyond wishful thinking Christians want a Jewish Israel as much if not more than Zionist Jews because the end of days cannot happen without a Jewish Israel.

Antmz22@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 15:58 next collapse

Self fulfilling prophecy, the quest for a Jewish Israel in the area may just lead to the end times.

Kalysta@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 19:31 collapse

What they don’t understand is that’s supposed to be a warning against upcoming catastrophie, not a guide.

Phoenicianpirate@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 14:36 next collapse

A massive portion of Israelis have dual citizenship. If there was some kind of one-state solution that combined the two, returned much of the stolen land back to the original Palestinians and gave everyone full rights, those people would pack up and go voluntarily but also claim that they were violently forced out and that the whole thing is a pogrom.

Kalysta@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 19:21 collapse

The US could end this today if Biden called Netanyahu and told him no more weapons until a ceasefire happens. It worked for both Reagan and Clinton in the past.

Biden is cucked by a right wing fundamentalist government. It’s sad.

frankgrimeszz@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 11:01 next collapse

The children’s shoes were anti-semetic.

Blue0x@programming.dev on 18 Aug 2024 11:22 collapse

They belonged to a hamas leader /s

BigMacHole@lemm.ee on 18 Aug 2024 16:23 next collapse

If you don’t like Bombing Children your ANTISEMITIC!

jumjummy@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 17:23 next collapse

Absolutely horrible, but anyone else question the placement of these teddy bears? Just looks like it was staged (not the attack, but the picture with the teddy bear)

IvyisAngy@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 17:42 next collapse

It was probably moved to get a better picture, doesn’t mean they didn’t find it in the rubble though.

StarshotJohn@lemmy.world on 18 Aug 2024 18:17 collapse

Yep, gotta take steps to stop genocide.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:09 collapse

Of course it was staged. That’s the MO of not just Hamas and Hezbollah, but thier supportive public as well. This is what they do.

Lying about casualties is their only weapon.

PanArab@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 07:01 next collapse

Israelis are only good at killing civilians. They can’t defeat an armed resistance so they take it out on women and children.

The region has been cursed by the worst invaders since the Mongols.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:01 next collapse

Says Hamas.

No militants ever die. No tunnels are ever bombed. Every casualty is a an innocent kid, doctor, and aid worker.

They have even less credibility than the IDF, which tells the truth at least sometimes.

Maybe if Hamas would follow a single international law or custom and put their soldiers in uniforms there wouldn’t be so many dead women and kids, do you think?

PanArab@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 14:01 collapse

Genocide apologist

uSpetzWon@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:19 collapse

Terrorist supporter

PanArab@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 14:24 collapse

But I don’t support Israel. I support a free Palestine and only Palestine.

JustZ@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 14:11 next collapse

Israelis are only good at killing civilians.

Hezbollah responded by launching a barrage of more than 50 rockets into northern Israel.

Phoenicianpirate@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 14:33 next collapse

In 2006 hezbollah killed less than 50 Israeli civilians meanwhile Israel bombed Beirut and killed thousands of civilians.

The claim that they are the world’s most moral military was never true. They were always, from their inception, the most unhinged, brutal and barbaric military. They are on par with the Nazis that they claim to hate.

SkybreakerEngineer@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 15:28 collapse

No, this is exactly what they’ve wanted all along. Hamas was just an excuse that Bibi has been building for decades

PanArab@lemm.ee on 19 Aug 2024 16:11 collapse

Yes, talks about a second Nakba went mainstream a couple of years before the attack.


So ignoring intelligence on a coming attack was intentional.


RandomGuy79@lemmy.world on 19 Aug 2024 19:45 collapse

Man they probably shouldn’t have been there