Moldova says 'no' in vote on joining EU: partial results (
from to on 20 Oct 21:35

Meanwhile, incumbent Maia Sandu was closer to a second term in office, after partial results in the country’s presidential election gave her a small lead over her main rival.


threaded - newest on 20 Oct 21:37 next collapse
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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 20 Oct 21:44 next collapse

Fuck. Putin won. on 20 Oct 22:11 next collapse

Not quite. The presidential election isn’t decided yet and this referendum wasn’t directly on joining the EU but on a constitutional amendment that would have required future governments to work towards joining the EU. on 21 Oct 06:43 collapse

The referendum has also flipped, yes is in the lead on 20 Oct 22:24 next collapse

At least the people of Moldova got to participate in democracy on 20 Oct 22:32 collapse

Noted. This is your idea of democracy.

Also, I thought you believed I was an AI, so I’m not sure why you’re replying to me again. Seems a bit silly to keep replying to a robot.

Edit: Them calling me a robot-

<img alt="" src=""> on 20 Oct 22:38 collapse

Doesn’t look much less silly than American democracy where all the oligarchs just have PACs where they can influence elections with.

I can’t reply on the news comm because apparently saying someone is being pedantic is a rule 1 violation on on 20 Oct 22:40 next collapse

Your first claim:

At least the people of Moldova got to participate in democracy

Your second claim:

Doesn’t look much less silly than American democracy where all the oligarchs just have PACs where they can influence elections with.

Therefore Americans also get to participate in democracy.

I’m not sure that’s where you wanted your own logic to go.

And, again, if I’m a robot, you’re pretty foolish to keep talking to me. on 20 Oct 22:43 collapse

It can be a democracy and also silly. Are you trying to say American elections don’t allow for unlimited money to be spent on elections as “free speech”?

There was a famous court case where the supreme court said it was ok. on 20 Oct 22:44 collapse

Nope, this is what I am saying:

Therefore Americans also get to participate in democracy.

And this is also what I’m saying:

And, again, if I’m a robot, you’re pretty foolish to keep talking to me.

It’s easy to see what I’m saying if you just read the words in between the spaces.

But then what do I know? I’m not the one who keeps arguing with what they think is a non-sentient machine. on 20 Oct 22:58 next collapse

You’re clearly not a bot, and if I said you were I would prob get banned for a rule 1 violation. I’ll be patiently waiting to see if any of the people who’ve been misgendering me catch a ban, but I won’t hold my breath.

America has a democracy, it’s not really great at representing people, but I get to fill out some paper every year. It also has unlimited money for oligarchs to influence elections. That money can come from pretty much anywhere. See the analogy? on 20 Oct 23:04 collapse

You’re clearly not a bot, and if I said you were I would prob get banned for a rule 1 violation.

Let’s take a look at what you said to me in the c/news modlog, shall we?

<img alt="" src="">

You sure seemed to think I was a bot then.

Also, this is rule 1 in this community, which is c/worldnews:

<img alt="" src="">

I recommend reading community rules before posting in a community next time in case you violate one. on 20 Oct 23:13 collapse

I didn’t post anything there, so seems like some draconian mod action then.

Also I was mostly ribbing you at the time cause you were giving me low effort responses like “that’s ironic” without addressing anything I was saying on 20 Oct 23:16 collapse

Sorry… are you claiming I Photoshopped that? That a mod faked your posting? What? on 20 Oct 23:17 collapse

I’ve literally never submitted a post to the sub, just comments so far.

Like find in the modlog where I submitted a post to, I just scroll and reply cause I’m a shithead on 20 Oct 23:20 collapse

No one said you submitted a post.

That was a comment.

That you said to me.

That was deleted.

You said this. To me.

<img alt="" src="">

Then you said this to me in this thread:

<img alt="" src="">

I have no idea why you’re telling such a truly transparent lie that anyone can see by just looking at the modlog.

What’s next, claiming that the “disregard all previous instructions” part wasn’t about saying I was a bot? on 20 Oct 23:23 collapse

I was being a shit to you cause you were giving me 1 word responses, but the rule 1 in c/news is for posts, not comments otherwise all your comments would have also been rule 1 violation, like what? on 20 Oct 23:25 collapse

I was being a shit to you cause you were giving me 1 word responses,

And another lie.

This is it in context:

<img alt="" src="">

I think it’s high time you stop telling easily-disproven lies. on 20 Oct 23:29 collapse

I would call you a pedant but that would also get me banned as rule 1 violation. on 20 Oct 23:33 collapse

I’m pretty sure you did just call me a pedant and that would still not be a violation of this rule:

<img alt="" src="">

But if you really want me to ban you for violating a rule you didn’t violate, just ask. I wasn’t even planning on banning you for violating rule 5, which you are, in fact, violating. on 20 Oct 23:39 collapse

Is saying someone is being pedantic uncivil? I have definitely been called worse by many of the people I’ve engaged with on on 20 Oct 23:42 collapse

Yes. Yes it is.

<img alt="" src="">

Hopefully you will also not need someone to explain to you what ‘pejorative’ means.

[deleted] on 20 Oct 23:51 collapse
. on 20 Oct 23:54 collapse

First of all, I do not ban people for a single comment that violates our civility rules. Neither would any other moderator in this community and I resent that implication.

Secondly, I have absolutely deleted such comments before when they are reported. I do not have the ability to see every single comment in the entire community in real time. That is not a superpower I possess.

Thirdly, if someone calls you that, report it and if I’m the mod who sees it, I will delete it like every other time.

Please do respond to this by lying or “not” suggesting I’m a bot again or whatever. I’m guessing I won’t get a thank you.

[deleted] on 21 Oct 00:01 collapse
. on 21 Oct 00:03 collapse

Sorry, we bots don’t really understand how they/them isn’t a universal pronoun. No one programmed us on that yet.

[deleted] on 21 Oct 00:06 collapse
. on 21 Oct 00:09 collapse

It’s amazing how many things you’ve accused me of today that you’re guilty of yourself.

Shall I produce from modlogs how many times you’ve been banned from communities for incivility? Because I can. on 21 Oct 00:13 collapse

I’m happy to get banned for incivility, but pointing out that you’re fixing on minor details to take me into conversational cul de sacs isn’t an insult.

Calling someone what they don’t want to be called is insulting, I stand by my hotheaded comments considering how often I get he/himmed on here on 21 Oct 00:17 collapse

I can’t take you anywhere you don’t want to be taken.

I also literally defended your pronouns in this thread.

You’ve just been too busy being unpleasant to me to notice.

<img alt="" src="">

And no, I don’t really want to argue with you about anything else I said in that post when you’re going to give me shit about the fucking opposite of what I did regarding you personally in this thread.

That’s how low you’ve sunk. on 21 Oct 00:28 collapse

oh, my bad I’ve been on mobile all day (just worked a >9hour shift while being disregulated online) and kinda tunnel visioned. You’ve fine, though I stand by my statements about the fire department making traffic safety worse. on 20 Oct 23:45 collapse

You understand you completely agreed with that guy, right? Why are you acting like you have any outstanding disagreements? on 20 Oct 23:47 collapse

We actually don’t agree. If you would read their comments in other threads, you would know that they do not consider Americans to be participating in a democracy which is why they said that about Moldova.

Also, @Diva is clearly a she, as she gives her pronouns in her username. on 21 Oct 00:55 collapse

A) Guy is a gender neutral term.

B) normal humans do not examine the entirety of a users comment history. In this thread you two have agreed that Moldova and america have the same level of corruption in their respective democracies. on 21 Oct 03:39 next collapse

brb going to ask my cishet male friend to tell me about that guy he just married on 21 Oct 04:59 collapse

If someone addresses a diverse group as ‘you guys’ absolutely no real human being is confused or offended. If you are offended, step outside, get some sun, talk to a real human using your voice. on 21 Oct 09:26 collapse

If someone asks a cishet guy how many guys they’ve been with do you think they’re going to say ‘oh I’m straight’ and possibly get offended, or just start listing all the girls they’ve dated?

Like I work 6 days a week, I’m outside plenty. I get misgendered enough to know what’s annoying to me. on 21 Oct 15:47 collapse

If someone asks a cishet guy how many people they’ve been with, the cishet is going to correct to women they’ve been with, same with guys or any other gender neutral term that leaves the question ambiguous.

As far as your personal biases, I don’t care. At all, even a little. If you feel gender neutral terms misgender you, that’s on you. You actually are incompatible with the language you’re using and need to change. on 21 Oct 17:54 collapse


If someone asks a cishet guy how many guys they’ve been with


If someone asks a cishet guy how many people they’ve been with

If you were calling me a person rather than a “guy” I would have no issue this whole time, notice how you just changed my wording to make your argument work?

I think I’ll refrain from taking English language advice, or life advice from you on 21 Oct 18:21 collapse

I am calling you a person by calling you a guy, and I switched the word on purpose with another gender neutral term to emphasize the point, which you might have realized if you didn’t have a complex about it. on 21 Oct 20:04 collapse

The point of what I was saying was that it’s not as explicitly gender-neutral as something like “person”. Thus the example of asking a cishet guy how that guy he married is doing, it just doesn’t scan. It’s not a huge distinction in most situations and is generally appropriate, but its also pretty clearly a passive aggressive dig when it’s used in situations where it’s the singular and the subject has made their gender clear.

You’re welcome to dispute that it’s not used as passive aggressive dig, but I’m just citing lived experience. on 21 Oct 12:26 collapse

Please do show evidence that ‘guy’ is a gender neutral term.

The dictionary seems to think it’s gendered.

<img alt="" src=""> on 21 Oct 15:49 collapse

Google it for people arguing about it in opinion pieces since before you were born. Hell I think this exact argument was on Seinfeld at one point. And there is no “the” dictionary, just as an aside. There is no single authoritative dictionary for any non constructed language, that’s the opposite of how language functions. on 21 Oct 15:57 collapse

When exactly do you think I was born? on 21 Oct 16:26 collapse

After the 1800s. on 21 Oct 16:43 collapse

Well then do show this debated in, say, 1982. on 20 Oct 23:12 collapse

“The US, known for its flawed democracy, has a flawed democracy; therefore all democracy is useless and we should just let genocidal dictators decide”

Have you ever been to Europe? on 20 Oct 22:42 next collapse

Honestly, Moldova is too divided in this regard. Not to mention the Transnistria issue. If they were to join the EU in their current state, there’s a chance we’d just end up with another Hungary/Slovakia situation. They need much more time IMO. on 21 Oct 00:23 next collapse

Everything just stayed the same plus one less headache to deal with in the EU. Not bad, really, considering all that’s been going on in the last 10 years. on 21 Oct 05:33 collapse

Check again! The diaspora has flipped the results! Yes is in the lead, narrowly! on 21 Oct 12:17 collapse

Awesome to hear! Thanks! on 21 Oct 03:00 next collapse

I don’t understand why this article makes it seem as though its already been decided before the final tally is done, it could still be a yes!

In fact, as of writing this comment, the vote is evenly split at 50 / 50, as seen here: on 21 Oct 05:33 next collapse

Yes is now in the lead, narrowly on 21 Oct 16:04 collapse

As of this moment, the official result appears to be “yes”. on 21 Oct 05:34 next collapse

They called it too early. Yes is now in the lead on 21 Oct 16:04 collapse

Did No get a time penalty? on 21 Oct 17:27 collapse

No got a “foreign vote came in late and overwhelmingly voted yes” penalty on 21 Oct 06:00 next collapse

BRICS: For some reason, we’re going to make a money laundering collective for dictatorships and be shocked when people call us up on it and we’ll blame the EU on 21 Oct 08:04 collapse

In a few years’ time, Sandu will have had an unfortunate accident with a window, and Moldovan conscripts will be dying in meatwave assaults on the western front of the Ukrainian permawar.