Israeli military launches major ground incursion in Gaza (
from to on 27 Oct 2023 23:58

The Israeli military said Friday night local time that its “ground forces are expanding” their operations in Gaza.


threaded - newest on 28 Oct 2023 00:27 next collapse

This isn’t a major step off IMO. Just a mini incursion. on 28 Oct 2023 01:07 collapse

I don’t think so. I think it’s begun. One of the defense ministers stated that "tonight we are starting payback"in an interview. on 28 Oct 2023 01:14 next collapse

Not saying that’s false, just saying this bloated government of malicious morons talk a big talk and have less control over things. Netanyahu choose incompetent ass lickers and often makes decisions without them. on 28 Oct 2023 01:23 collapse

Seems to me to be a less complex attack than you need when you have half a million troops staged.

Edit to add: however Rivet Joint SIGINT flights are up, so it’s major no matter how you cut it. on 28 Oct 2023 02:58 next collapse

I hate all of the violence and have no idea what can be done to stop or prevent it. on 28 Oct 2023 04:54 next collapse

Now that you kicked out joirnalists and cut internet it’s finally time to indulge in those sweet sweet war crimes Israel? on 28 Oct 2023 06:08 collapse

This is a major operation, but it’s not the big one. That’s the point. It’s showing an escalating sequence of incursions.-

The intent is to fully show off the military capabilities. It’s performative war to serve as a deterrence against Iran, who are perceived to be the longtime rival. Israel has many countries who purchase military systems from them, and this is basically a major marketing event as well.

The immediate goals for this war are to rescue the hostages and eradicate Hamas as an organization. At a minimum, the senior leadership will be killed. Israel believes the senior leadership are in the tunnel system under Shifa hospital, but I suspect this operation is a raid on one of the tunnel systems closer to the border. Tunnel systems are a hard nut to crack. It’s too easy to defend them, so it’s a matter of cutting off escape routes and ventilation and forcing them to come out. Any alternative is simply terrifying - water, chemical weapons, or actually going down and fighting room to room with booby traps and worse.