Egypt Has Betrayed Palestinians in Their Time of Greatest Need (
from to on 01 Apr 2024 01:41


threaded - newest on 01 Apr 2024 02:12 next collapse

Being reported as a “low quality source”, while they officially are categorized as “mixed credibility”:

“Overall, we rate Truthout strongly Left Biased based on story selection and political positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to publishing a false story and promoting anti-GMO propaganda. (5/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 12/01/2022)”

That distinctly anti-science angle doesn’t seem to apply here, so I’ll allow it. on 01 Apr 2024 03:37 next collapse

Interesting. I’ve never seen their anti-science stiff on 01 Apr 2024 04:31 collapse

Yeah, me either, but GMO stuff sets peoples hackles up so it doesn’t surprise me. on 01 Apr 2024 19:20 collapse

Blanket Anti-GMO hysteria is bad of course but there are arguments to be made against things like terminator seeds being used as monopoly tools and pesticide resistant GMOs enabling overuse of them. on 01 Apr 2024 20:34 collapse

Or Monsanto seeds that spread and are billable:

But that’s different from the whole “GMO causes cancer!!!” nonsense.

The folks who get all up in a bind don’t realize that humans have been modifying crops since… well, since we invented crops. :)

Someone posted “maize” to lemmy as an example of what humans have done. Lemmy see if I can find it…

Edit Looks like it was removed for linking to FB, but here’s a screenshot:

<img alt="" src=""> on 01 Apr 2024 20:58 collapse

Having skimmed through the article mediafactcheckbias linked, it’s kinda weird. At first glance it seems like it’s raising legitimate concern, but it never specifies what.

It sounds like it’s making a case that modified Bt toxins could cause unexpected problems in the ecosystem or for other crops on the long run by targeting more insect species than what it’s designed to, a seemingly valid concern, but never actually reaches any conclusion, instead it uses handwaves like "unexpected toxicological properties " and “protecting public health and the environment” which make it look like they want you to think GMO are poisonous to people without actually saying it. on 01 Apr 2024 05:07 next collapse

Israel isn’t commiting genocide genocide happens when 1 race of pepole trys to 100% eradacate another like the natzis who went door to door killing jews palistine knew what they were in for when they started launching missiles in the early 2000 then 20 years later somone gets the idea to send in a ground force to kidnape and murder and now Israel won’t put up with this shit anymore and palistine crys genocide its like the school yard bully who beats on kids in the school yard and when one gets the balls to defend himself he runs to tell the teacher on 01 Apr 2024 05:21 next collapse

Lmao, started in the early 2000’s?

No. This has been going on since 1948 when Israeli settlers decided to violently expel Palestinians from the land they wanted. And they haven’t stopped since.

And then there’s the issue of trying to justify a genocide by minimizing the actions being taken in Gaza and then saying the collective punishment is okay because of something Hamas did. on 01 Apr 2024 07:41 next collapse

On another note, you should know there are 2 million Arabs living peacefully inside Israel as citizens with full rights. So it’s hard to argue for an ethnic cleansing case, even though what is happening in Gaza is bordering o genocide. on 01 Apr 2024 09:22 next collapse

Those are the people who were allowed to stay, ruled under military law (not unlike the modern West Bank) for 20 years and only then got anything resembling human rights. I say anything resembling because they are still second class citizens.

Removing 80% of a land's people (which is what Israel did in 1948-1949) is ethnic cleansing. on 01 Apr 2024 11:18 collapse

Nope. You are confused. I’m talking about Israeli citizens with full rights. I’m not talking about the residents of areas B & C. on 01 Apr 2024 11:42 collapse

Yes, and I'm saying that they only gained those "full" (they're not) rights after 20 years of what is going on in the West Bank now. on 01 Apr 2024 12:11 collapse

Ah ok. Sure, that’s true. But it’s still something, right? I’ve lived in Haifa and Akko (which is predominantly an Arab community) and I’ve seen that coexistence is possible. Arabs have businesses, families, pay the same taxes as Israelis and run their lives. So the whole ethnic cleansing thing is hard for me to swallow. Are the Likud opportunists exploiting a crisis to farm more land for Israel? Absolutely and it’s despicable. on 01 Apr 2024 12:28 collapse

and I’ve seen that coexistence is possible.

Nobody is saying otherwise, not even Hamas (they dropped that in 2017).

Arabs have businesses, families, pay the same taxes as Israelis and run their lives. So the whole ethnic cleansing thing is hard for me to swallow

Do you see Native Americans having businesses, families and paying the same taxes as white Americans and find the idea that they were victims of genocide as soon as 150 years ago hard to swallow?

You need to remember something: Israel's UN-assigned borders (to say nothing of the territory they took in 1949) used to contain 55% of all Palestinians. The Palestinians who were driven from their homes during the Nakba were about half the total population. If there was no ethnic cleansing there wouldn't be Arab communities, because Arabs would be everywhere. on 01 Apr 2024 13:22 collapse

Yes, I don’t disagree with what you’re saying here, but we’re reverting to historical context once again. I’m going to check out of this thread since I see the downvote brigade is here and I’m tired but I appreciate the discussion. Have a good one. on 01 Apr 2024 16:30 collapse

That’s not a salient point. You’re still operating off the myth that a genocide is killing everyone in an ethnicity. First the ICJ has confirmed that the Palestinians are a distinct group. Second you should really go look at the UN definition of genocide. Israel has been flirting with the line for decades. on 01 Apr 2024 19:35 collapse

I’m very familiar with the UN definition. The essential feature is demonstrating intent (dolus specialis). I agree that it is bordering on genocide but I don’t know if intent has been demonstrated. It’s frustratingly difficult, because every conflict entails civilian casualties unfortunately. The case brought forward by South Africa failed to demonstrate dolus specialis, which is required to prove intent.

Syria wiped out 100k people in the last decade alone but Lemmy is particularly focused on this one group because they woke up on Oct 7 and learned Palestine is a thing. Tbh, I’m checked out of this thread and topic at this point. Lemmy is absolutely not the place for any nuance discussion on the point so thanks for your input but I’m signing off. on 01 Apr 2024 20:48 collapse

Americans are focused on Israel because we’re sending weapons to the bad guys. We didn’t send weapons to Assad, and we actively fought against ISIS. Are you alleging the Kurds committed systemic war crimes?

And no intent? Fucking hell boss how much intent do you need? They’ve checked every item on the list and made public remarks about there being no innocent Palestinians. This isn’t an oopsie. They’re actively keeping civilians who would like to evacuate in the combat zone, shooting them if they try to actually leave and preventing food from getting to them.

This is wildly beyond the pale for any military operation with ethical goals. And before you go off half cocked with, “how can we know, we’re just civilians?” I’m not. I was in Iraq in 2003. I know what it’s supposed to look like. I know how you’re supposed to treat people, and I know how to conduct military operations that don’t just create more terrorists. And this ain’t it. This is just one giant war crime. on 01 Apr 2024 21:19 collapse

I think you missed the whole point of my position. You brought up the UN definition. If you want to go to personal anecdotes that’s also fair game but I’m not interested in this conversation any more. This place is not suited for it because we’re practically talking past each other and I can see you’re very emotionally invested. Thanks have a good day. on 01 Apr 2024 23:38 collapse

Lmao. Personal anecdotes. I’m not talking about my experiences. I’m talking about the objective requirements to protect civilian populations in a war. You don’t go the exact other way on every single thing unless you’re trying to kill as many civilians as you can without outright shooting every one you see. on 02 Apr 2024 07:07 collapse

Lmao indeed. on 01 Apr 2024 07:53 next collapse

Only since 1948? The fight over Israel has been for hundreds, if not thousands of years. on 01 Apr 2024 09:23 next collapse

Uh... No? This whole mess started in 1917, maybe a bit earlier but no later than the 20th century. on 01 Apr 2024 16:26 collapse

No. They lived there together for thousands of years just fine. on 01 Apr 2024 16:28 collapse

What an ignorant take. Israel has been fought over by countless people for religious or political reasons for hundreds of years. on 01 Apr 2024 18:56 collapse

Oh you mean like when the Europeans came in and killed anyone in their way, including Christians?

Are you really using ancient crusades to justify a modern genocide?

The existence of war does not invalidate the coexistence of the locals. Not even the ones where the locals fought each other, because afterwards they went back to coexisting. That’s the natural state of nature, peace and coexistence. Even predators and prey drink from the same waterholes in a drought. on 02 Apr 2024 07:24 collapse

Just to add: Arab countries also expelled roughly 900k jews in 20th century.

So whilst Israel’s actions weren’t right, many Arab countries did literally the same, so they are the last ones that can blame Israel for that. on 02 Apr 2024 08:38 collapse

Yeah … No. This all happened after Israel fought the entire Arab world as the self proclaimed champion of Judaism. It’s not surprising they wanted to leave countries that viewed them as possible foreign agents. But very few were burned out of their homes and forced to leave. The entire narrative of Jews leaving the Arab world has been politicized specifically to downplay what Israel did to the Palestinians. on 02 Apr 2024 08:58 collapse

So when Israel displaces many Palestinians, it is an Issue but when Arab countries do the same to Jews, it is suddenly politicized. There were several situations (let’s say libya) where hundreds of jewish homes were burned.

If so few were forced to leave, why are there so few Jews in Iran, Libya and many other Arab countries?

If you justify the expelling of Jewish population from Arab countries, you can easily justify expelling many palestinians. In the end, the Arab countries started the war, so expelling 700k foreign agents is fully justified… Suddenly it sounds so absurd. on 02 Apr 2024 10:17 collapse

No it’s an issue when you try to create false equivalents. on 02 Apr 2024 14:15 collapse

I think it is quite comparable when states displace a certain group of people.

[deleted] on 01 Apr 2024 06:24 next collapse
. on 01 Apr 2024 06:26 next collapse

I think you need a lesson of history, so I will mix two of my older comments here:

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

From this we can conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back.

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land

  • Ethnic cleansing 

  • Genocide 

  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things 

  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race

  • Lying to the world 

  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people

  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race

  • Apartheid 

  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)

  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Does these things ring a bell? I’m sure it does because the Nazis were doing the same thing. 

There’s an image which shows the very similarities between Nazis and Israel government.

EDIT: correcting words & adding more info. on 01 Apr 2024 07:38 next collapse

Why did the Palestinians reject the Peel commission partition (and every subsequent two state proposals)? We can’t go back in time. Its unfortunate, but Israel is there now. The question is what should we do now? Genuinely curious. I’m not saying this in defense of Israel. It’s where we are now.

Edit: also, Israel has done its fair share of atrocities, but there is plenty of blame to go around. It’s not like Hamas and the PLO are free of any criticism. Whenever I see posts unilaterally condemning one side my spider senses start tingling. on 01 Apr 2024 07:52 next collapse

You’re saying we can’t go back in time like this is ancient history. The prime minister of Israel was born one year removed from its founding. There are people who live in Gaza right now who had family and friends who were massacred by the colonists who are presently squatting on their land.

Would you be willing to make peace with people who forced you from your home, killed your family, and herded you into the largest open air concentration camp in the world? Do you think those people would be content to live in peace with you, when they continue, to this day, to forcibly evict your people from their homes to move in settlers? It is not the Palestinians responsibility to reconcile this, and Israel has no intention of coexisting. on 01 Apr 2024 08:23 next collapse

No, I’m saying “we can’t go back in time” period. As a factual statement. Not as a qualitative assessment of blame. There is plenty of that going around already. Also, I never see any condemnation on this site for any of the actions perpetrated by one side: it’s always about the one with the bigger military force as if it’s a de facto given that Israel should just sit back and let Hamas rain rockets on them indefinitely. What is the proposal going forward? What should Israel do? Are you saying we should go back to the 48 partition proposal? Should we go back to the 62 partition? Two state solution? One state solution from river to sea? What should happen now, realistically, that will get both sides to the table? I’m genuinely curious. on 01 Apr 2024 09:02 collapse

What exactly do you want me to say? I cannot lay out a plan for peace in the Middle East for you; it is literally a euphemism for an unsolvable problem.

From the river to the sea is the only way this resolves in a way that ends the conflict permanently, and if you care at all about justice then Palestine must be what remains. on 01 Apr 2024 09:08 collapse

What exactly do you want me to say? I cannot lay out a plan for peace in the Middle East for you; it is literally a euphemism for an unsolvable problem.

See, I disagree. I think there are options, just like we did in other parts of the world with 3rd party interventions (Bosnia/Herzegovina) etc. I’m not going to go into specifics now, but just now that cynicism is just a vehicle for more blame passing.

From the river to the sea is the only way this resolves in a way that ends the conflict permanently, and if you care at all about justice then Palestine must be what remains.

I don’t quite understand this statement, so forgive me if I misspeak. I’m all for a two state solution, but if I understood correctly, the expression “from the river to the sea” is intended to mean the elimination of all Israeli statehood within this particular region. Even if all nations stopped selling weapons to Israel, Israel has enough armament to wipe out the entire subcontinent and last I checked, the Israelis have no intention to go anywhere. So this isn’t a productive path towards either a 2 state solution or a peace process. Just my 2 cents though, I’m just a guy on Lemmy interested in History. on 01 Apr 2024 09:19 next collapse

Yeah and apartheid South Africa had nukes. If you’re going to just pretend that Israel is a permanent fixture that cannot be undone then there is no solution. From the river to the sea is commonly used to imply the removal of Israel, but it’s been used by zionists as well to mean the opposite. The only way this conflict ends is with a single state because Israel will never be satisfied with two. on 01 Apr 2024 12:06 collapse

I’m not sure why you’re getting downvotes --just know it’s not from me.

To your point: Yea, slogans are nice. But Israel is a permanent fixture whether we like it or not. They have enough armament to wipeout half the middle east (and yes, I know, I know, USA bad etc). How do we get concrete actionable plan going with both parties sitting at the table? on 01 Apr 2024 15:19 collapse

Don’t worry about the downvotes, I don’t.

I’m not just feeding you slogans I’m telling you that there is no scenario where Israel continues to exist and we get peace. Any deal you come to will just get ignored. They’ve historically ignored ceasefires, ICJ rulings, UN Security Council resolutions, treaties, mandates, international law, and advice and requests from their allies. They have no interest in peace. What they want is the destruction of Gaza, the death or displacement of its inhabitants, and the land it sits on. Even if they succeed in that goal they won’t stop there, they will move on to the West Bank, then Lebanon, then who knows.

If they can’t even use those stockpiled weapons to eliminate a smaller force with inferior arms in a tiny strip of land right next door then why should I have any concern about them using those weapons to “wipe out the Middle East” in some kind of spiteful fit? Do you think they’d have any more success with Hezbollah than they’ve had with Hamas?

No state is permanent, nothing is. Saying that it’s not going anywhere doesn’t make it true. There are historical examples of genocidal and apartheid regimes ending without the surrounding area being rendered into ash; pretending that it’s impossible is absurd. on 01 Apr 2024 11:46 collapse

I’m all for a two state solution, but if I understood correctly, the expression “from the river to the sea” is intended to mean the elimination of all Israeli statehood within this particular region

It's a call for one state encompassing all of Palestine. The details vary (sometimes it's used with "drive them to the sea" rhetoric) but the original meaning, which is still used today, is calling for a democratic state where both Jews and Palestinians have full civil rights. on 01 Apr 2024 12:03 collapse

A democratic state managed by who? Isn’t Israel a democratic state, technically? I’m not trying to be facetious. I think herein lies the challenge: once we start to dig into actual policy and details. Slogans are nice, but how do we move from slogans to actionable plans? That’s why I firmly believe a third party is necessary as a mediator of some sort. Israel will definitely not negotiate favorably for Palestinians at this point.

EDIT: btw, im enjoying the discussion and I’m learning a lot. So thanks for your patience. on 01 Apr 2024 12:38 collapse

A democratic state managed by who?

I mean depends on the specific implementation, but I think a parliamentary democracy is one of the best systems of government in the world and a perfect fit for the situation in a hypothetical one-state solution. Then you don't need external management, just hold fair elections and let democracy do its thing.

Isn’t Israel a democratic state, technically? I’m not trying to be facetious.

They are, sort of, but the issue lies in a few points:

1-Palestinians are overwhelmingly a minority. Even in a democratic system it's very easy to discriminate against 20% of the population. This is made worse by the fact that

2-Palestinians are woefully underrepresented in Israeli politics, even for their number. This is at least mostly due to deliberate Israeli disenfranchisement. Look no further than the Knesset reform that got Netanyahu into office: Multiple smaller parties (predominantly left leaning, many Arab) that used to have seats suddenly no longer did.

3-Israel as a state was built by European Jews. Not saying it's all European Jews, I know about half of Israeli Jews are Middle Eastern, but you only need to look at the Israeli government to get what I mean. Even after full-blown Apartheid was removed (and turned into lesser Apartheid) Palestinians were never given a fair chance.

I don't see any way for these issues to persist when suddenly 50% of the population is Palestinian.

It seems naive at first glance, but with strong international support I firmly believe it could work. on 01 Apr 2024 10:26 collapse

We had a chance of peace with Rabin, but Palestinians would not accept that Israel has much a right to exist as any surrounding Arab country.

Now we have fools supporting terrorists who would gladly kill those same supporters. Fools that refuse to accept that neither side is completely honest yet also that neither side is completely dishonest.

We have people that have no understanding of military weapons and tactics telling us that certain things are happening which are probably not the case.

With all this talk of apartheid and genocide, tell me, Where are Algeria’s Jews? Syria’s? Egypt’s? on 01 Apr 2024 11:43 next collapse

We had a chance of peace with Rabin, but Palestinians would not accept that Israel has much a right to exist as any surrounding Arab country.

What the fuck are you... A Zionist terrorist fucking murdered Rabin for daring to go through with peace you piece of shit. Then another Zionist came and called the whole thing off. on 01 Apr 2024 11:49 collapse

Hey come on, address his/her points without escalating. Yes, a Zionist did assassinate him, but that’s besides the point. This thread was going pretty well overall. We’re actually hearing other perspectives for once. on 01 Apr 2024 12:23 collapse

Hey come on, address his/her points without escalating.

There's no point to be addressed.

We had a chance of peace with Rabin, but Palestinians would not accept that Israel has much a right to exist as any surrounding Arab country.

Is misinformation, plain and simple. I can see the mental gymnastics they went through to get to this point, but just... no. on 01 Apr 2024 12:28 collapse

Wait. I’m confused, so please educate me. Rabin was not in favor of a peace deal? Is that your stance? What exactly are you saying is misinformation. Can you be specific? on 01 Apr 2024 12:47 collapse

No no. Rabin was in favor of peace. The misinformation is the attempt at shifting the blame from the Israeli right that literally called for Rabin's assassination to Palestinian (admittedly misguided) armed resistance, with no mention of the former. Like yes I won't deny that Hamas and other organizations objecting to peace and ramping up their activities was fucking stupid, but pretending that the deal fell through because of that and not because the Israeli right couldn't let go of their Manifest Destiny is a pipe dream. And the thing is: It's a pipe dream nobody would seriously believe, or—in other words—a dog whistle.

This might strike you as dismissive, but the thing is: Attempting at shifting all blame for failure of negotiations to Palestinians (at a time when the largest Palestinian organization, the PLO, specifically disavowed violence and recognized Israel, no less) is a common Israeli tactic to make it look like there's no other way for poor poor Israel to defend themselves. So is pretending camp David 2000 (or worse, the US-led 2014 initiative) was a serious Israeli attempt at peace and blaming its failure on Palestinians. You learn to recognize these things, because they're ideas nobody who's discussing the conflict in good faith, and as educated as they imply they are, will actually believe. on 01 Apr 2024 13:14 collapse

Ok thanks for the clarification. I’m going to check out of this thread because the downvote brigade is here and I’m tired. It was interesting until a few minutes ago when that started and once again proving the limitations of discourse on Lemmy. I’m tired of this platform. on 01 Apr 2024 15:20 collapse

Fuck off Zionist I have nothing to say to you. on 01 Apr 2024 08:06 next collapse

We can and should go back in time to understand what’s happening in today’s era. If you never learn about history, you’ll never understand what is happening today.

In your point of view; we should never look back on what Nazi Germany did because we cannot go back in time.

Hypothetical question to you; If you were living in peace with your family in your house and suddenly 5 people come. They beat you up, murder few of your family members and put you in the bathroom for 10 years.

You manage to escape and out of rage kill you someone. You suddenly get called out for being the aggressor and the ones that started it are now victimized.

How would that make you feel? Because that’s what is happening now.

I don’t know why they refused that back then however, I can understand it. It was and is the Palestinian land. It was stolen in 1948.

Why “share the land” when it was theirs all along and never asked peacefully to share the land for the people back then?

You’re turning this around as if Palestinians are the wrong one for wanting to live in peace in their own land

EDIT: I would also like to add

  • Israel has been refusing to make a two-state solution.
  • Israel has been doing all the atrocities for 75 years.
  • Israel has been having Apartheid, illegal settlements and two separate laws for Israeli and Palestinian people.
  • Israel has the control over the open air prison against Palestinian people
  • Israel has been sending men, women and children to prison unfairly.
  • Israel keep provoking Palestinians
  • Israel wants to drop an atomic bomb on Palestinian people.

Now tell me who’s the aggressor, how would you make peace and a two-state solution with the Israeli government. on 01 Apr 2024 09:03 next collapse

BTW, thanks for discussing without engaging in ad-homs --I’m appreciating the conversation. It’s sad this needs to be said, but just getting it out there. To go back to the topic:

  1. I didn’t say we should Ignore history. History is absolutely pertinent. When I’m talking about turning back the clock, I’m referring to the Peel commission as well as the establishment of the Jewish state. We can’t undo the process that occurred, just like we can’t undo the settlement of the Americas by western people that displaced the Native Americans. We need concrete, actionable plan that can bring the Israelis to the table. Dwelling on the actions of just the Israeli side is unproductive and will not yield any results. Just like the Marshall plan was effective with post WW2 Germany, action needs to happen towards reformation and peace building -Not reverting to playing the blame game.

On your edit:

  1. This is not true. Israel has accepted two state solution proposals multiple times, but each time the Palestinians walked away (1947, 1968).
  2. Israel has been doing all the atrocities for 75 years”: I’m not sure what this is intended to say. Are you saying PLO, Hamas are without any blood on their hands? Palestinians have been committing acts of violence without exception, including in Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Also one of the reasons these three --also Arab nations-- have had fraught relations with the Palestinians.
  3. Israel keeps provoking Palestinians”: I agree the settlements are the driver behind a lot of the violence. The settlements need to be demolished and returned to the Palestinian people without exception. But to speak in such absolute terms betrays a lot of history and dilutes your point or any effort towards a peace process.
  4. Israel wants to drop an atomic bomb”: again, the statement of some individuals is not representative of an entire government or people. But Israel’s right wing government is absolutely exploiting the Oct 7 attack in order to exert maximum casualties in Gaza. Netanyahu needs to be replaced asap.

Back to my original point: what needs to happen, concretely, moving forward? How can we bring both sides to the table for negotiations? on 01 Apr 2024 09:46 collapse

I didn’t say we should Ignore history. History is absolutely pertinent. When I’m talking about turning back the clock, I’m referring to the Peel commission as well as the establishment of the Jewish state. We can’t undo the process that occurred, just like we can’t undo the settlement of the Americas by western people that displaced the Native Americans. We need concrete, actionable plan that can bring the Israelis to the table. Dwelling on the actions of just the Israeli side is unproductive and will not yield any results. Just like the Marshall plan was effective with post WW2 Germany, action needs to happen towards reformation and peace building -Not reverting to playing the blame game.

Then I understood that incorrectly. It is true we cannot undo the process but we do have to understand what happened to also understand Hamas perspective (and the normal Palestinian civilians).

I, personally, was not dwelling on it. I was giving an argument and a bit of history, the first commentor pretended as if it started somewhere around the ~2000. Which is not true.

This is not true. Israel has accepted two state solution proposals multiple times, but each time the Palestinians walked away (1947, 1968).

Yes and again my question to that; Why would they agree to it? The land was unfairly ‘given away’ to the Jewish people back then. The Palestinians themselves had no say in it. The land was theirs (and still is!) and it was suddenly given away by another country (I think it was Britain?).

That’s like someone forcefully entering your home and claim ‘’this will now be our house’’. It does not work like that and it should not.

“Israel has been doing all the atrocities for 75 years”: I’m not sure what this is intended to say. Are you saying PLO, Hamas are without any blood on their hands? Palestinians have been committing acts of violence without exception, including in Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt. Also one of the reasons these three --also Arab nations-- have had fraught relations with the Palestinians.

I mean by this that for more than 7 decades Israel has been doing immensely awful things (the things I listed before). No, I’m not saying Hamas and the other groups never had blood on their hands, they do.

But realize Hamas did not exist until 1987. Before that Israel already had shed much blood already. Israel had been doing bad things for 39-40 years before Hamas become an actual group. Hamas is a literal creation of Israel’s actions.

Certainly Palestinian have done their fair share of violence but many people from many countries as well.

“Israel keeps provoking Palestinians”: I agree the settlements are the driver behind a lot of the violence. The settlements need to be demolished and returned to the Palestinian people without exception. But to speak in such absolute terms betrays a lot of history and dilutes your point or any effort towards a peace process.

Israel has made the possibility of peace between Israeli’s and Palestinians not possible anymore and they (Israel Government) do not even want peace. They want the land and the Palestinians gone (erased) and this can be proven on how the entire Likud party behaves and speaks. I say that in absolute terms because it is true. Israel (government) keep provoking Palestinian people, there so many writing and video evidence of it.

“Israel wants to drop an atomic bomb”: again, the statement of some individuals is not representative of an entire government or people. But Israel’s right wing government is absolutely exploiting the Oct 7 attack in order to exert maximum casualties in Gaza. Netanyahu needs to be replaced asap.

This is not just ‘’some individual’’. This was said by the far-right Israeli Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister, Amichai Eliyahu. So yes, it can be representative. Also Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called Palestinian people ‘’rats’’. Would you say the very Defense Minister of Israel is not an ‘’representative’’?

There’s enough evidence.

EDIT: Correction of a specific date “1948” to “1987” on 01 Apr 2024 11:11 collapse

That’s fair. I agree with a lot of what you’re saying here --I don’t know that there’s much to contest. But, again, going back to the Peel partition is not going to happen. At that time, there was no “Palestine” as a nation and–as much as this sucks, because it does-- it was under British mandate. If we’re going to leverage history then both sides will play the same game: the Jews will say that this was their homeland 2000 years ago. That’s why I don’t place too much weight on land swaps that happened in the last century. At some point, we have to draw a line somewhere and move forward. I don’t think we can even go back to the 68 partition at this point, so what’s the point any more? Somehow, we need to force both parties into negotiations before more innocent people are killed. That’s my only thesis. on 01 Apr 2024 22:46 collapse

The history is not relevant to any current peace plan. Besides, if you dig deep enough, the inhabitants if the earliest recorded history were judaic and spoke Hebrew.

Why do you give a complete pass for Hamas’s strategy of intentional war crimes and terrorism?

You really can’t tell the difference between a country with a Democratic government that actually punishes war crimes, and an ungovernable hellhole ruled by criminals who reward war crimes? on 02 Apr 2024 11:16 collapse

The history is not relevant to any current peace plan. Besides, if you dig deep enough, the inhabitants if the earliest recorded history were Judaic and spoke Hebrew.

The history will always be relevant for a peace plan. You cannot leave out 75 years of oppression, apartheid, murdering, racism, illegal settlements, unfair laws, unfair prison time and hate.

Do you have any trustable sources for your particular claim? It’s widely known that Palestinians and the Jewish people lived among each other in peace back in the day. Not only that, the Palestinian people openly accepted the Jewish people to live with them due to WW2 – This is widely known as well.

Why do you give a complete pass for Hamas’s strategy of intentional war crimes and terrorism?

If that’s all you managed to understand from what has been written by me then, I’m not sure whether it is worth it to discuss further. But for the sake of it, I will respond to this. So first and foremost, I do not give a pass to Hamas for their crimes and terrorism. I condemn both Hamas and Israel for murdering innocent civilians.

However once again, my point, Hamas is a literal creation of Israel crimes from 1948 up to 1987. I mean what do you expect the Palestinians who decided to join Hamas to do?

Do realize the people who joined Hamas lost everything they ever cared for because of Israel actions. They lost their land, homes, family, friends and freedom. You can expect at some point that people will do something back.

If Israel never stole the land in 1948, displaced 750 000 people, murdered many and everything else that I have said before. Hamas would not have existed and they would not have done what they have done.

My question to you; Why is it ‘’strategy of intentional war crimes and terrorism’’ when Hamas does it but when Israel, an actual (illegal) state displaces 750 000 people, murder many people (men, women and children), laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (ethnic cleansing) and currently doing genocide – Why is this (suddenly) not terrorism and war crimes?

I have not once seen from you in your current comment to me about Israel horrifying actions.

You really can’t tell the difference between a country with a Democratic government that actually punishes war crimes, and an ungovernable hellhole ruled by criminals who reward war crimes?

I’m sorry but Israel is democratic? No. They are not in reality.

Yes, on paper they are democratic but in reality they definitely are not. Israel does not have a true democracy. They have unfair laws and rules against Palestinian people. They have two separate laws, one for Israeli’s and one for Palestinian people. The Palestinian people can and are usually sent to prison based on nothing (there’s many evidence of it, so I’d say search for it).

Israel does not punish war crimes, they commit them! – Israel became an actual state by doing war crimes.

They only ‘’punish war crimes’’ when it is against them and not in favor of the Likud party.

If everything that has been happening from 1948 up to today (2024) and you do not see that as actual terrorism, hell-ruled by criminals who reward war crimes (as you call it) then I do not understand you.

Not only that, majority of the Israeli people want their Prime Minister gone but he refuses to:

‘’A poll published in January found that only 15 percent of Israelis wanted him to remain in office after the war. And, in another recent poll, by Israel’s Channel 13, most Israelis said they did not trust Mr. Netanyahu’s handling of the war. Support for his right-wing Likud party has likewise cratered. And yet, Mr. Netanyahu remains in power, largely unchallenged.’’


EDIT/ Note: Since you made it a bit more personal, I’ll say this:

I, personally, blame Israel for creating such a horror in the world that a group like Hamas was created.

EDIT 2: I would also like you to read this regard Israel’s so called ‘‘democracy’’:…/israel-hasnt-been-a-democra… on 02 Apr 2024 13:05 collapse

Hamas is just pan-Islamism with a twist of Palestinian nationalism. It’s nothing new. Israel didn’t create pan-Islamism, which dates to the Ottoman empire, which oppressed the shit out of Jews. It’s distinct from ISIS, Islamic Jihad, and the Iranian Immamate solely in terms of who they believe should be in charge, and where the new caliphate should be seated, after they finish genociding all the Jews and Christians in the middle east.

Political science defines Israel as a democracy because it is one. Same as America, it’s considered a “flawed democracy.”

Go to your pals in Gaza and say something nice about democracy. See if you don’t get stoned to death for being an infidel. Nobody will miss them once they are gone except maybe a few extremists in Gaza who have Stockholm Syndrome. on 02 Apr 2024 13:13 collapse

So what I get from you is:

  • You make things personal for no reason.
  • No sources of your particular claims.
  • You seem to not have actual knowledge on how Hamas formed and their reasoning.
  • You dismiss every reason of Hamas existence and just victimize Israel and blame Hamas (probably because you might not have knowledge, I will give you the edge on that).

Since you do not give any sources of your claims, dismiss Palestinian lives, dismiss Hamas reasons of existing and victimize Israel when there’s clear evidence that Israel has been commiting crimes for 7 decades. I won’t comment to you any further. It seems to be a waste of time, energy and effort. on 02 Apr 2024 13:46 collapse

That’s correct, I generally don’t include links to things that are well known facts and easily verifiable in three seconds of Googling. on 01 Apr 2024 09:31 collapse

Why did the Palestinians reject the Peel commission partition (and every subsequent two state proposals)?

I can go through all of them, but the short of it is: Palestinians had every right to reject the construction of an Apartheid ethnostate (that had explicitly stated it would expand beyond its assigned borders) being built on their land. That's the Peele commission, for the 1948 UN resolution it's the same thing and the fact that Israel would get land that at the time held half of the Palestinian population. There were no other serious 2-state solution proposals (except maybe the 2008 one that was done under the table so we don't know much about it).

We can’t go back in time. Its unfortunate, but Israel is there now. The question is what should we do now? Genuinely curious. I’m not saying this in defense of Israel. It’s where we are now.

Well the best solution is a one-state democratic, non-Apartheid state (certainly no nonsense about a Jewish homeland or nation state laws). The two-state solution is discussed as the next best thing because Israel is too attached to Apartheid to commit to a one-state solution, so from that point where we go now is the international community forces Israel to actually accept Palestinians' human rights, including right to self-determination, because God knows they won't do it on their own. on 02 Apr 2024 07:22 collapse

I would understand that Palestinians did not want to accept Israel’s offer but they never came up with a different plan. They just left the table and that is partially one of the reasons why Palestine looks that way on 02 Apr 2024 12:25 collapse

They just left the table and that is partially one of the reasons why Palestine looks that way

No? Palestinians had been calling for a one-state solution at that point. It's just that nobody was listening. on 02 Apr 2024 14:13 collapse

One state solution is completely surreal if you don’t want one group completely oppressing the other. on 02 Apr 2024 14:36 collapse

Uh... No? on 02 Apr 2024 18:17 collapse

How do you want to 2 types of people that hate each other exist in 1 state? on 03 Apr 2024 01:33 collapse

Hmm... Maybe something like the UK system? A parliamentary federal government with clearly stated limits on their power and high degrees of local independence should work for at least a century or two. Also at the time Palestinians hated Zionists, not Jews as a whole. Jews were, despite what Zionists would want you to think, not wiped out from Palestine or any of that jazz, and lived peacefully there until the whole Israel debacle. Now it'd definitely need a lot of international effort, but I still think it's very possible if done correctly. on 03 Apr 2024 05:10 collapse

I am not sure how argument that Palestinians hate Zionists and not Jews after what hamas did on 7th October. There was literally a video of a terrorist who was proud because he killed a Jew. on 03 Apr 2024 05:11 collapse

I used the past tense, hated. It's different now. on 01 Apr 2024 07:41 next collapse

Should probably add that Israel propped up Hamas specifically because they made for a more unsympathetic enemy than the more moderate groups in the region. on 02 Apr 2024 04:06 collapse

I wish my fellow Indians could read this. They are so drowned in hatred for muslims that they forgot what happened to us 200 years ago. A lot of people here think enemies of muslim countries are their friends. This far right fascist shit needs to go from the world. on 01 Apr 2024 07:25 next collapse

Are you going for some sort of ignorance/callousness/pure inability to understand events and context combo record?

Because if you are, it was a pretty good effort. If you’re not, you should stfu while the adults who value human lives are talking. on 01 Apr 2024 21:10 collapse

checks their 2w post history

Oof. on 01 Apr 2024 08:52 next collapse

UN Article 2 of the Convention on Genocide defines genocide as:

… any of the following acts committed with intent to destroyin whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

  • (a) Killing members of the group;

  • (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

  • © Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

  • (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

  • (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7] on 01 Apr 2024 13:07 collapse

UN is Hamas

E: This is a joke, a play on the “X is Hamas” phrase that we’ve been hearing by some Israeli politicians. on 01 Apr 2024 13:31 collapse

Yeah. Don't you know? The UN is controlled by the countries that won WWII: The US, France, Britain, Russia, China and Hummus. on 01 Apr 2024 14:02 collapse

You say words, I see Hamas.

E: This is a continuation of that joke. on 01 Apr 2024 09:19 collapse

so if someone bullys someone else and victim finally snaps and starts hitting the bully with a knife, that is completely ok in your book because bully deserved it? Or bully’s relatives because regular people in palestine arent ones shooting the missiles nor do they likely have much say in it. on 01 Apr 2024 10:07 next collapse

That headline could have been written any time throughout the last century. Egypt, and all other Arab nations for that matter have never given a flying fuck about the Palestinians. on 01 Apr 2024 10:29 next collapse

Saudi ruler Faisal cared in 1970s by shutting down oil supply and promptly received a bullet to the head

Egypt used to semi care until it has now become a full American puppet state with Sisi having attended American war College before staging a coup in 2013 and receiving 1 billion in arms a year to surpress his population with. (and multiple other billion dollar “loans”).

Qatar Lebanon and Yemen still care though. And aside from the rulers the population of those other Arab countries do as well. on 01 Apr 2024 10:41 next collapse

They only care in much the same way that the US cares about Ukraine. Because it hurts their enemy. on 02 Apr 2024 17:08 collapse

Egypt and Jordan have a complicated history here with Black September (and similar events in Egypt). Radical extremists went with Palestinian refugees to Egypt and Jordan, and they caused civil war and disruption. Most notably in Jordan, where the king was assassinated iirc.

Of course, this is no excuse for them not taking refugees, but I understand their reticence. Having a comprehensive screening process to make sure that bad actors can’t get in would be the solution. on 02 Apr 2024 17:41 collapse

Overthrowing Egypt and Jordan is pretty based what do you mean bad actors on 01 Apr 2024 10:33 collapse

This is the reason for Palestinian refugee camps still remaining in Lebanon, Jordan & Syria. They don’t want them to integrate. on 01 Apr 2024 14:18 next collapse

Israel definitely want evacuated Palestinians to give up on returning home and integrate into other countries.

Forcing Palestinians to do this is one of the definitions of genocide.

If someone is suggesting that refugees become citizens of other countries of other countries automatically then that’s actually enabling a genocide.

This is the problem with looking at solutions on the small scale when the problem is large scale.

Every individual in those refugee camps would likely have a better life if they “integrated” into another country. It’s easy to say those people should get a better life.

But “integrating” into another country is also the language used to suggest the abandonment of culture and claim to their former home.

They are refugees because their homes have been under constant blockade or attack for decades. It’s time to give them their homes back. on 02 Apr 2024 11:37 collapse

Genuine response, I’m not trying to argue or be feisty, I’m honestly curious:

I was raised with Zionist views and so my background and knowledge leans very pro-Israelie Jews. I’m hearing your words and when I then follow the last sentence with “so then where do the Israelie Jews go who are being claimed to take the homes of the Palestinians?” I’m brought to a drop in the path as my knowledge says that the homes they’re in (not literally but same location) are their original homes. So, the question is: if we give Palestinians their homes back in Jerusalem and throughout Israel, where do those now displaced people go? Russia, Germany, Poland, etc? Those aren’t their original homes either, they were displaced to there earlier and then had to flee from there eventually as well.

I would really appreciate a continuation of your reasoning or solution-ing - not as a challenge but to understand what happens after the Palestinians get what they need/want. The immediate answer displaces Israelie Jews, yet again, and it’s frustrating as no one comes out and says that straight up. I think that’s where a lot of the frustration in conversations comes from as the silence on that followed question leads to it being perceived as anti-semetic rhetoric eventually being answered as “fuck them - they’re from nowhere and have no claim or right to any land” which eventually leads to the jump of “they’re not worth anyone’s time” which leads to worse.

Please note: I’m not inviting name calling or rude comments, I’m purely looking for a civil discussion to broaden my views and am open to alternative viewpoints from my own. on 02 Apr 2024 22:59 collapse

It’s a problem I recognise but in my opinion those who have grown up in illegal settlements have to be the ones to move.

I do blame their parents. Their parents have knowingly broken international law and it is essentially their fault their children are legally homeless.

This is where I have sympathy for those who will genuinely experience displacement when illegal settlements are handed back, but there was a choice made by those children’s parents to put them in that situation.

Compare that with the families forcibly removed from the land in the first place with no agency or choice.

I can see that there are those who are the victim of the oppression and aggression of Zionists because they were forced to leave.

There are those who may end up facing trauma because they were forced to move there.

There are victims on both sides, the important thing is not allowing those who have perpetrated harm to continue to do so.

The illegal settlements must be returned, those who have invaded will have caused harm to their own community and will face the consequences for that.

I hope for some reciprocity from both sides like in Ireland where there is not a continuous seeking for justice and further consequences. But the initial acts of oppression and theft must be undone.

There was a war in 1967. The occupation since has been illegal.

The 1967 war itself was justified because of the actions of guerillas, not state actors. Israel was the aggressor and preemptively struck against other nations.

Israel defended itself against threats. That was justified.

But Israel then went on to punish ordinary people and civilians. It’s a pattern of behaviour that has continued since 1967. Highlight the actions of terrorists, take from the civilians. Blockade the civilians, starve the civilians. Limit food, water, medicine, other supplies.

There have been times where Israel has allowed some normalcy in the 90s. But they’ve maintained a blockade and occupation. They’ve maintained an oppression.

All justified mostly by the actions of terrorists and external states. Not the people they’ve been persecuting.

Hamas are just the latest group. Israel cannot continue to punish civilians because of the actions of terrorists. on 02 Apr 2024 04:02 collapse

Do you have any clue what’s going on? on 01 Apr 2024 13:30 next collapse

Womp… womp? on 02 Apr 2024 02:02 next collapse

I’ve mentioned this before, but there’s actually a pop conspiracy theory that the intel Israel used during the 6 day war was actually given by Egypt’s own generals which is why they also allegedly refused to allow C&C to alert their airfields of the huge first wave attack that Jordan had detected for them.

Supposedly they had already formed an agreement to allow Israel to do their thing so they could sack Nasser. The plan technically backfired since Nasser was popular with support so he had them arrested.

Didn’t really help Egypt either way in the end because both sides were still just ill experienced military people with no real combat experience. Today the military still runs the country in the form of Sisi who is considered a joke by practically every foreign dignitary.

I guess they care about Palestine as much as the Pakistani army cares about Kashmir. on 02 Apr 2024 07:16 next collapse

It’s sad for Palestinians but at the same time Egypt’s stance is quite understandable. on 02 Apr 2024 10:39 collapse

Black September anyone or was that a conspiracy theory by the CIA?