Why Is New UK Prime Minister Seeking Immigration Advice From Italy’s Far Right? (truthout.org)
from jeffw@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 24 Sep 22:43


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MediaBiasFactChecker@lemmy.world on 24 Sep 22:44 next collapse
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FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world on 25 Sep 02:46 next collapse

What a silly title. The answer is “because Italy’s government may have useful experience in setting up asylum claim offices in other countries which may reduce disastrous boat crossings. And taking the time to have a pragmatic look at another government’s plans does not mean endorsing their xenophobia or poisonous rhetoric.” Which any adult with normal reading comprehension would understand.

akesi_seli@lemmy.world on 25 Sep 04:21 collapse

Italians are second only to Germans at mass deportations so he’s learning from some of the top performers out there. Good job!