Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside (
from to on 14 Oct 12:42

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is examining a plan to seal off humanitarian aid to northern Gaza in an attempt to starve out Hamas militants, a plan that, if implemented, could trap without food or water hundreds of thousands of Palestinians unwilling or unable to leave their homes.

Those who remain would be considered combatants — meaning military regulations would allow troops to kill them — and denied food, water, medicine and fuel.

The plan calls for Israel to maintain control over the north for an indefinite period to attempt to create a new administration without Hamas, splitting the Gaza Strip in two.

Human rights groups say the plan would likely starve civilians and that it flies in the face of international law, which prohibits using food as a weapon and forcible transfers. Accusations that Israel is intentionally limiting food to Gaza are central to the genocide case brought against it at the International Court of Justice, charges Israel denies.


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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 14 Oct 12:44 next collapse

Netanyahu wants to depopulate Gaza so that it can be considered fully a part of Isreal. There is a name for this and it’s genocide.

Edit - I checked and the only time the phrase genocide (or implications of it) occurs in the article is in reference to the ongoing lawsuit by South Africa… can we call it what it fucking is, media? on 14 Oct 14:31 collapse

Israel is dm’ing their plan to fully exterminate and colonize the north of Gaza to newspapers. Genocidal intent has never been clearer.

Best AP can do it “Netanyahu mulls plan.”

It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic. on 14 Oct 12:51 next collapse

And instead of the heaviest of sanctions imposed on genocidal Israel, some countries are even sending them more weapons. Leaders of all should imprisoned for war crimes and helping with warcrimes and crimes against humanity. on 14 Oct 14:11 collapse

They sending them troop on 14 Oct 13:51 next collapse

Today I’ve seen headlines with “Netanyahu mulls plan” and “Trump pitches plan,” as if these are reasonable men going about ordinary political business and not fascists intent on oppression and genocide. The media continually polishes the fascists’ image for them. on 14 Oct 14:22 collapse

The fascists get better PR than student protesters from every media conglomerate and none of it is accidental. on 15 Oct 06:29 collapse

Maybe the conspiracy theorists had that illuminati sh*t right this whole time? The war crime whitewashing is EVERYWHERE. on 14 Oct 15:32 next collapse

“Yahoo mulls how to continue genocide”

FTFY. on 14 Oct 17:36 next collapse

That's only part of the plan. The full plan is remove every last Palestinian from Gaza and then shove a canal through it. The other end will be at Elat, thus providing a western-controlled alternative to Egypt's Suez.

There would be far more humanitarian ways of going about this, but murder is quicker and silences dissent.

You'll notice that Jordan hasn't been touched during any of this. Got to keep them onside because their port city of Aqaba is uncomfortably close. on 14 Oct 21:30 next collapse

The engineering would be implausible and unprofitable. The terrain does not support that type of plan. on 15 Oct 14:07 collapse

The terrain in Panama didn't support it either.

Either way, my comment is accurate up to the word Gaza, "and then" or not. on 15 Oct 20:24 collapse

A canal through Israel would involve about 15x the amount of digging as did Panama. Doubling the capacity (Suez + this suggested canal) would cut revenue to less than half (doubling capacity but also introducing market competition). But the operation costs of Suez would also be much lower. Plus all that traffic would create a security risk because it would introduce a new mode of importing terror into the country. It isn’t going to happen. This is the stuff of conspiracy theory.

[deleted] on 15 Oct 07:09 collapse
. on 15 Oct 19:09 collapse

There is only one concrete way to tell Israel and natanyahu to fuck off permanently, and that is to meddle in foreign elections to get netanyahu’s best Yankee-buddy elected as POTUS.

Idk how or why but every tankie swears this will work 110% (they’re lying)