Channel 4 Finds ‘No Evidence’ Of UNWRA-Hamas Links In Confidential Israeli Dossier (
from to on 11 Feb 2024 04:12

Channel 4 News reports that it found “no evidence to support its explosive new claim” by Israel that employees of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) participated with Hamas in the October 7th attacks.


threaded - newest on 11 Feb 2024 04:38 next collapse

4 days ago, so before today’s events on 11 Feb 2024 04:40 next collapse

Before they found an Hamas branded electrical storage tunnel?

Zero evidence before, still zero evidence now. on 11 Feb 2024 04:42 collapse

The med8a were given a tour on 11 Feb 2024 04:47 next collapse

From tour they gave at Al-Shifa "HQ tunnel" that never turned up anything substantial

CNN analysis: Video suggests IDF might have rearranged weaponry at Al-Shifa prior to news crew visits

From the tour they gave at the graveyard

Israel claims a tunnel ran through this Gaza cemetery it destroyed. A visit to the site raised more questions than answers

But this tour is super duper l8git!

I can do this all day, or you can keep the misinformation to one post and I can fact check you there instead and save everyone else the hassle.

What we have is a nation fabricating evidence and providing zero evidence elsewhere, as part of a systematic campaign of destruction that is resulting in tens of thousands of dead men, women, and children - such as Hind, murdered after spending hours surrounded the bodies of her family before Israeli forces destroyed an ambulance they had cleared to rescue her, killing her and the paramedics. on 11 Feb 2024 05:09 collapse

What disinformation? That this was written before today’s events is a fact. That the media was invited to look is a fact. I’m not embellishing like you are. on 11 Feb 2024 05:15 next collapse

And the media were invited to look at the other two tunnels, and they found signs of tampering and misinformation in those cases.

If someone not just lies but fakes what is presented about something twice already, you don't just believe them the third time.

Today's "electrical supply room" tunnel is not the smoking gun that the UNWRA was aiding Hamas. And we have credible reason to doubt the authenticity of anything found due to Israel's prior actions. on 11 Feb 2024 15:23 collapse

Did you ever read the story of the boy who cried wolf? on 11 Feb 2024 05:06 collapse

Oh, this time the IDF isn’t lying? on 11 Feb 2024 05:04 collapse

“The lies we said before you just found out not to be true are no longer a problem because we have these brand new lies” on 11 Feb 2024 05:14 collapse

I really can’t believe my lyin eyes can I? Well, at least they’re not closed. on 11 Feb 2024 04:45 next collapse

Israel lies constantly. Fuck Israel. on 11 Feb 2024 07:50 next collapse

What an unexpected surprise. So out of character for isreal to maliciously sabotage any Palestinian support… on 11 Feb 2024 20:18 collapse

it was also just after the ICJ findings. to move the news cycle. convenient. on 11 Feb 2024 21:48 collapse

The ICJ also rules that Israel must allow humanitarian aid in.

Next day: “Humanitarian aid is Hamas!” on 11 Feb 2024 23:55 collapse

Hummus is humanitarian aid though. It’s delicious and nutritious. on 12 Feb 2024 00:41 next collapse

According to the document, which has sparked international controversy, approximately 190 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives were identified as UNRWA employees, based on “intelligence information, documents and identity cards” seized during military operations. However, the document stops short of providing concrete evidence to support its allegations.

Headline: There is no evidence!

Article. There is no evidence… other than the evidence that Hamas members had UN employee ID cards. on 12 Feb 2024 01:07 next collapse

Technically if they had found the identity cards on Hamas then it would be considered evidence. That’s not what it says, though. It says the identity cards were confiscated during Israeli Military Operations. Just like when Israel bombed a hospital filled with children and claimed it was a Hamas Base. on 12 Feb 2024 01:17 collapse

So why not just say the truth? “We refuse to believe any evidence Israel provides on anything”?

Seems more honest and more efficient. on 12 Feb 2024 01:22 collapse

Pot calls the Kettle willfully ignorant. Pot claims Israel’s word alone should be good enough to slaughter tens of thousands, leaving hundreds of thousands to starve.

You know why Israel can’t provide the “Evidence” to the public? Because they’ve got nothing. on 12 Feb 2024 01:54 collapse

You know why Israel can’t provide the “Evidence” to the public?

Because it would compromise intelligence sources? Countries don’t share intelligence with anyone, only with other countries they trust. Those countries immediately stopped funding the UNWRA, despite the political cost of doing so.

Even the UN fired some people and launched a probe into it. Seems the UN doesn’t think “they’ve got nothing.” on 12 Feb 2024 03:31 collapse

The cited intelligence sources were literally armed troops confiscating items from occupied territory. Why would they need protection? From what? They’re not hiding from anything.

Only 9 nations withdrew funding, the largest of which was the USA with roughly half the budget cuts total amount. on 12 Feb 2024 01:33 collapse

It sounds like the document says “We know some of these Hamas guys worked for UNWRA. We totally found, like IDs and shit. Definitely. Trust us on that.”

However, the document stops short of providing concrete evidence to support its allegations.

The document claims they have evidence, but doesn’t actually include any of it. on 12 Feb 2024 01:50 collapse

Again, you simply don’t believe anything Israel claims. That’s not the same as there being “no evidence.”

Also be aware intelligence is involved with this. Countries don’t share intelligence with random news channels. Intelligence is only shared with trusted allies because if information gets out to the public, it can compromise intelligence sources.

So it’s very telling that the countries that Israel would be willing to share intelligence with immediately stopped funding UNWRA, despite the political consequences for doing so.

But people incapable of seeing Israel (and all the allies of Israel) as anything other than genocidal monsters will refuse to think about anything that doesn’t conform to the narrative that they use as the foundation for determining what’s real. It really doesn’t matter ff there were a 4K video of someone showing the camera their UN ID badge while murdering a Jewish baby, it would just be considered a fabrication of “those scheming Jews.” You can’t convince people that feel like being unconvincable makes them loyal members of a cause they don’t understand. on 12 Feb 2024 02:25 collapse


Countries don’t share intelligence with random news channels


The article she told you not to worry about:

the six-page Israeli intelligence document sent to donors on 12 Feb 2024 01:10 next collapse

And throughout all of this, the UNWRA complied with Israel and asked for a full transparent investigation. But 9 nations still slashed 2/3rds of their budget in the midst of a massive humanitarian crisis. on 12 Feb 2024 01:58 collapse

As was always the real goal. on 12 Feb 2024 14:02 collapse

Oh wow, who could have seen that coming?? Literally anyone who paid a modicum of attention?