Israel ‘hit squad’ kills three in West Bank hospital operation (
from to on 30 Jan 2024 10:45


threaded - newest on 30 Jan 2024 11:16 next collapse

I made a post about this on combatfootage(NSFL) .This is wayyy worse than the post suggests.

The IDF dressed up as medics and civilians and executed a person lying on a hospital bed. It’s a new war-crime world record. on 30 Jan 2024 15:04 next collapse

Jeez Christ. War crimes without blinking. on 30 Jan 2024 19:21 collapse

Every time you think these Israeli terrorists can’t get any worse they prove to the world that they can reach a new depraved low

[deleted] on 30 Jan 2024 14:15 next collapse
. on 30 Jan 2024 16:13 collapse

No Nazi apologists. Removed. on 30 Jan 2024 19:43 collapse

Quite the opposite.

BTW dont understand the logic of sending a link to the removed comment that doesnt show the comment… ?! on 30 Jan 2024 19:47 collapse

Yeah, that’s one of the things that needs to be better. on 30 Jan 2024 14:16 next collapse

Even given that this was a terror cell actively planning a terrorist attack, this is unjustifiable. If they had the operational access to assassinate them, they also had the power to extract and arrest them. If they had evidence strong enough to compel an extrajudicial killing, then they had evidence to present at trial. on 30 Jan 2024 14:39 next collapse

I wonder if people read beyond the headline, but it’s probably too much to ask.

About those assassinated, from that same article:

Hamas confirmed that Jalamneh was one of its members. The Jenin Brigade, which includes a number of Palestinian armed resistance groups, said in a statement that two of the three men were members of Islamic Jihad.

Or is AlJazeera also just Israeli propaganda? on 30 Jan 2024 15:28 next collapse

No, I've been told repeatedly Al Jazeera is in fact palestinian propaganda that shouldn't be trusted and that I'm ignorant for having done so. Damned if I do damned if I dont I guess

Also I guess you didn't read beyond the article either. Disguising oneself as a medic is a big ol' frownie face in the war crimes community on 30 Jan 2024 15:31 next collapse

I’m sorry you feel sorry that Hamas and Islamic Jihad lost three terrorists today. on 30 Jan 2024 15:43 next collapse

Yes, when you’re trying to defend the indefensible, this is exactly the kind of pathetic response I’d expect to read. Be better. on 30 Jan 2024 15:52 collapse

Why is it “trying to defend the indefensible” when manipulation and lying by omission get called out as people here keep spamming “look the IDF killed 3 Palestinians” when it’s actually 3 terrorists (one affiliated with Hamas, two with Islamic Jihad) that got killed?

You’re free to argue about the morality of assassinating three terrorists in a hospital. But it’s scummy to leave out the affiliation to try to mislead and gather more sympathy for the terrorists that got assassinated. on 30 Jan 2024 15:59 next collapse

Why is it “trying to defend the indefensible” when manipulation and lying by omission get called out as people here keep spamming “look the IDF killed 3 Palestinians” when it’s actually 3 terrorists (one affiliated with Hamas, two with Islamic Jihad) that got killed?

All of that is entirely irrelevant. They could’ve gone after the reanimated corpse of Hitler but it would still be a war crime. I’m not sure why you fail to understand this simple yet vital point.

You’re free to argue about the morality of assassinating three terrorists in a hospital.

There’s nothing to argue. It’s immoral and illegal. End of story.

But it’s scummy to leave out the affiliation to try to mislead and gather more sympathy for the terrorists that got assassinated.

“But they were super, super bad guys” is a pathetic excuse. Do you posses a functioning moral compass? on 30 Jan 2024 16:04 collapse

All of that is entirely irrelevant

Is it? If it was irrelevant, you wouldn’t need to leave it out to gather support for the assassinated terrorists. You perfectly know that the reaction would have been different if OP hadn’t left it out, which is why you still insist on leaving it out, and yes, that is scummy.

Every reputable outlet is not leaving out that crucial detail: on 30 Jan 2024 16:09 collapse

It… is?

Yes, it is.

No target can have a high enough value to justify committing a war crime over. If you disagree, you’re attempting to justify something that should never be justified by anyone who would consider themselves a moral person. Sort yourself out. on 30 Jan 2024 16:10 collapse

No target can have a high enough value to justify committing a war crime over.

Then you shouldn’t have any issues with detailing that the three were Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists when you refer to this incident instead of maliciously saying “IDF killed 3 Palestinians”? on 30 Jan 2024 16:17 collapse

instead of maliciously saying “IDF killed 3 Palestinians”?

You’re confusing me with someone else, or trying to put words in my mouth.

I understand you want to try and control the narrative but that’s not how this works. on 30 Jan 2024 16:30 collapse

You’re confusing me with someone else, or trying to put words in my mouth.

I’m referring to how commenters on c/world have been referring to this as “IDF killed 3 Palestinians” today thanks to this misinformation campaign.

you want to try and control the narrative but that’s not how this works

That’s… false? I’m not the one actively leaving out the fact that the 3 killed were Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, which the AlJazeera article even admits. And I’m not the one trying to bury this detail with downvotes to keep the false “IDF killed 3 random Palestinians” narrative alive a little longer.

You believe that no one should be assassinated like that, whether they are a terrorist or not, that’s perfectly fair. (so I suppose you hate the way the US assassinated Osama Bin Laden too?)

But then, why do you feel that the affiliation should not be brought up? You should test your beliefs and go ask on c/asklemmy: “Is it morally wrong to assassinate three Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists hiding in a hospital?”. on 30 Jan 2024 16:44 next collapse

You’re ranting at me like I’m responsible for the content generated by other people. Weird. on 31 Jan 2024 07:05 collapse

They were not „hiding in a hospital“. They were undergoing medical treatment. on 30 Jan 2024 16:01 collapse

It's maddening to watch people like yourself jump over themselves to shove words in other's mouths. Never defended, not even by omission, Hamas terrorists.

It's like me saying "wow you support these 3 war criminals? You must also support the IDF gunning down civillians waving white flags and specifically targeting journalists to the point that more journalists have died by Israel's hands than all the combined deaths of journalists during WW2."

See how that also makes you look like a piece of shit without you even opening your mouth?

I'm not on Hamas's side.

I'm also not on Israel's side. I'm just here to watch, helplessly, as this multi generational conflict keeps going, and more people die as the genocide ramps up.

I'm also here to watch people like you twist themselves in knots to keep pointing out the terrorists to ignore the genocide happening, and pretending that anyone pointing to genocides enjoys israeli children getting bombed.

In summary: be better. I get that you've picked sides in your morally upright conflict. But there is no good side. And just because someone pointed out that "your side" committed a war crime isn't absolving the other guys' war crimes.

Two things can be true sweetie. I know thats a difficult concept for someone wanting to paint the world black and white, while ignoring all the red. on 30 Jan 2024 15:49 collapse

Don’t you think it is a little off-brand for the world’s most moral army to summarily execute terrorists in West Bank (which Israel illegally occupies), without due process and also, terrorizing civilians in a hospital. on 30 Jan 2024 15:56 collapse

You’re free to ask on c/asklemmy “Is it morally wrong to assassinate three terrorists hiding in a hospital?” and get a debate going on the morality of it. It’s not okay to keep spamming the lie by omission that “IDF killed 3 Palestinians”, obviously insinuating that they killed 3 random civilians, in order to gather more sympathy for the terrorists. on 30 Jan 2024 16:04 collapse

Do you know West Bank is not Gaza?

Do you justify the military occupation of West Bank?

Do you think that if Hamas militants somehow enter US, then Israel can send its military into US to execute them on US soil? on 30 Jan 2024 16:08 collapse

You’re beating around the bush here. Why is it so hard for you to include the excerpt? Remember, the rules in this community allow you to do that. Why is it hard for you to write “IDF killed 3 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists” instead of “IDF killed 3 Palestinians” when you refer to this incident? on 30 Jan 2024 16:14 collapse

I don’t write the headlines on 30 Jan 2024 16:18 collapse

Rule 2: Do not copy the entire article into your post. The key points in 1-2 paragraphs is allowed (even encouraged!) on 30 Jan 2024 16:23 collapse

Then go tattletale to the mod. Don’t complaint here. on 30 Jan 2024 16:32 collapse

Don’t complaint here

Isn’t that what you all did when I merely quoted the AlJazeera article to break your false implied narrative that the IDF killed 3 random civilians? Leaving important details out is misinformation. I added an important excerpt from the same article you linked to and you suddenly got “how dare you say they are terrorists”. on 30 Jan 2024 16:41 next collapse

I never complaint to mods against someone making egregious comments. You want this post removed. So, I say, go to the mods. Don’t waste my time.

If you don’t want to hear others, you can always block them. on 30 Jan 2024 16:43 collapse

When tf did I say “how dare you say they are terrorists”? Call them whatever you want.

Don’t put words in my mouth. on 30 Jan 2024 17:43 collapse

To be clear, Al Jazeera DOES have a blind spot when it comes to anything involving Qatar. If there’s a Qatari interest, and Al Jazeera is reporting on it, take it with a grain of salt. on 30 Jan 2024 16:38 collapse

It doesn’t matter if they were legitimate military targets or not, the conventions of war forbid dressing up as civilians, women, and doctors to assassinate people undergoing medical treatment IN A HOSPITAL.

Israel going “yeah, but they were all bad” is an ADMISSION, not a justification.

There is no questioning the facts here, we have surveilance camera footage. Israeli forces illegally disguised themselves to kill targets in a hospital.

It does not matter that they were legitimate targets. Hospitals are OFF LIMITS. on 30 Jan 2024 16:46 collapse

Hospitals are OFF LIMITS

To terrorists too? Your oversimplification makes it seem like a clear-cut case when it’s not.

With the escalation of terrorism worldwide in recent years, situations arise in which the perpetration of violence and the defense of human rights come into conflict, creating serious ethical problems. The Geneva Convention provides guidelines for the medical treatment of enemy wounded and sick, as well as prisoners of war. However, there are no comparable provisions for the treatment of terrorists, who can be termed unlawful combatants or unprivileged belligerents.

So yes, sorry to insist on it again but it does matter and it is important to detail that the 3 assassinated were terrorists, and yes it should be considered misinformation to maliciously leave that out. on 30 Jan 2024 17:02 collapse

People undergoing medical treatment are, indeed, off limits. It does not matter if they are terrorists or not.

This is all part of the Geneva conventions which Israel is now in clear violation of.

“The First Geneva Convention states that there should be no “obstacle to the humanitarian activities” and that wounded and sick “shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.”[4]

Article 18 demands that medical units, i.e. hospitals and mobile medical facilities, may in no circumstances be attacked.[5]

The Declaration of Geneva was created as an amendment to the Hippocratic Oath in 1948, a response to the human experimentation on Nazi prisoners.” on 30 Jan 2024 17:09 collapse

Our two quotes aren’t in contradiction? Here’s what the first Geneva convention defines as “wounded or sick”:

Qualifying as wounded or sick in the context of international humanitarian law requires the fulfilment of two cumulative criteria: a person must require medical care and must refrain from any act of hostility. In other words the legal status of being wounded or sick is based on a person’s medical condition and conduct.

(…/2016 )

Being part of a terrorist organization that just committed a massacre on Oct 7 and is still holding hostages, planning a terrorist attack and carrying a gun are certainly NOT “refraining from any act of hostility”.

medical units, i.e. hospitals and mobile medical facilities, may in no circumstances be attacked.[5]

Irrelevant as no medical facility got attacked (okay, they’ll probably have to replace the bedding) and most importantly not a single civilian got harmed in the process. on 30 Jan 2024 17:34 collapse

When you’re in a hospital bed you are de facto refraining from any act of hostility. They aren’t active combatants in a hospital room no matter how much the IDF would like you to believe that.

The additional factor is dressing as civilians, doctors, and women to accomplish the assassination which is a separate violation. It’s called “perfidy”, and as an aside, how AWESOME is that word.…/rule65?…

"(4) One may commit an act of treachery or perfidy by, for example, feigning an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or a surrender or feigning incapacitation by wounds or sickness or feigning a civilian, non-combatant status or feigning a protected status by the use of signs, emblems, or uniforms of the United Nations or a neutral State or a State not party to the conflict."

So, no, what Israel has done here is beyond the pale, completely unjustified, war crimes, and admitting to it with “buh, buh, they were terrorists” does NOT justify it. on 30 Jan 2024 17:45 next collapse

When you’re in a hospital bed you are de facto refraining from any act of hostility. They aren’t active combatants in a hospital room no matter how much the IDF would like you to believe that.

Conveniently ignoring this doesn’t make your point true: being part of a terrorist organization that just committed a massacre on Oct 7 and is still holding hostages, planning a terrorist attack and carrying a gun are certainly NOT “refraining from any act of hostility”.

Your point would have been defensible if those three terrorists 1- surrendered and left Hamas, 2- weren’t carrying arms (at least one of them was carrying a gun), 3- weren’t accused of planning another terrorist attack and 4- didn’t commit perfidy by hiding as civilian patients in the hospital. Still being active members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, with one of the three being a commander, IS an act of hostility. on 30 Jan 2024 17:55 collapse…/protocol-additional-geneva-convention…

Article 37 - Prohibition of perfidy

  1. It is prohibited to kill, injure or capture an adversary by resort to perfidy. Acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to lead him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence, shall constitute perfidy. The following acts are examples of perfidy:

(a) The feigning of an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or of a surrender;

(b) The feigning of an incapacitation by wounds or sickness;

© The feigning of civilian, non-combatant status; and

(d) The feigning of protected status by the use of signs, emblems or uniforms of the United Nations or of neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict.

If you think dressing up as women and doctors doesn’t count as feigning of civilian status, oh boy do I have a bridge to sell you. on 30 Jan 2024 17:45 collapse

There’s no point arguing with that guy. His name has an Israeli flag emoji in the name, and it’s pretty clear where his allegiances lay. on 30 Jan 2024 18:55 collapse

It is clear, and I know nothing I say will convince them.

What’s important is making it clear that they’re wrong and WHY they’re wrong for anyone else stumbling across this conversation in the future.

My future peeps can see both sides of it and make up their own minds. :) on 30 Jan 2024 18:55 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 30 Jan 2024 15:50 next collapse

Why is the most moral army in the world committing war crimes? Does that make them more or less moral? on 30 Jan 2024 17:52 next collapse

This post and multiple comments are being reported, so I’m making a top post to be 100% clear on this:

The facts of the issue are not in dispute. Israel did send an undercover team into a hospital to assassinate legitimate military targets. They admit to it and we have surveilance camera footage confirming it.

Problem #1 - Patients in hospitals, either ill or injured, are a protected class under the Geneva Conventions. You cannot run an assassination operation in a hospital, that’s a war crime. Even if the targets are legitimately bad people.

"The First Geneva Convention states that there should be no “obstacle to the humanitarian activities” and that wounded and sick “shall be respected and protected in all circumstances.”[4]

Article 18 demands that medical units, i.e. hospitals and mobile medical facilities, may in no circumstances be attacked.[5]

Problem #2 - Dressing as civilians, doctors, and women to engage in a military operation is is SEPARATE war crime called “perfidy”.…/rule65?…

"(4) One may commit an act of treachery or perfidy by, for example, feigning an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or a surrender or feigning incapacitation by wounds or sickness or feigning a civilian, non-combatant status or feigning a protected status by the use of signs, emblems, or uniforms of the United Nations or a neutral State or a State not party to the conflict." on 30 Jan 2024 17:54 next collapse

Not to mention only one of three killed was even associated with Hamas. on 30 Jan 2024 18:04 collapse

One with Hamas, the two others with Islamic Jihad. So yes, that makes three terrorists. on 30 Jan 2024 21:54 collapse

Two terrorists, one combatant. Unless I missed something Hamas is not a designated terrorist organization. on 30 Jan 2024 22:10 next collapse

Hamas is not a designated terrorist organization

It is: on 30 Jan 2024 22:15 collapse

In that case I stand corrected on 31 Jan 2024 04:48 collapse

No you are not. OC conveniently left out UNSC, which does not designate Hamas as a terrorist organization. The strongest there is in the list is perhaps the list of the EU, but even that one is perhaps not impartial and rather beholden to its memberstates geopolitical interests tied to Israel. on 31 Jan 2024 05:52 collapse

With the veto powers I consider the UN security council impotent and a puppet - my guess is Russia vetoed any security council resolutions on this one. Ill take Australia and the EU voice any day.

Remove vetoed powers and ill consider them representing us correctly. on 31 Jan 2024 05:56 collapse

I dare him to send some money to Hamas accounts and see whether his position that Hamas “isn’t a designated terrorist entity” still stands on 31 Jan 2024 06:03 collapse

Be funnier if they pulled a sovcit and sent a coupon on 31 Jan 2024 07:02 collapse

Hamas isn’t a terrorist organization? What the fuck are you smoking? on 30 Jan 2024 18:03 next collapse

Patients in hospitals, either ill or injured, are a protected class under the Geneva Conventions.

Again, not a clear-cut issue. You cannot extrapolate a few lines from the Geneva Convention with your own definitions of what constitutes a “patient”. So again, since this misinformation is being repeated, I find it only fair to quote a few passages on why that is, at least, debatable and why it is still indeed very important to add that the 3 killed were terrorists, were carrying guns and were planning a terrorist attack.

The Geneva Convention provides guidelines for the medical treatment of enemy wounded and sick, as well as prisoners of war. However, there are no comparable provisions for the treatment of terrorists, who can be termed unlawful combatants or unprivileged belligerents.

(there wouldn’t be an article about it if it was an obvious question: , you should contact that journal and ask them to retract that article since you seem to say that they’re wrong)

Qualifying as wounded or sick in the context of international humanitarian law requires the fulfilment of two cumulative criteria: a person must require medical care and must refrain from any act of hostility. In other words the legal status of being wounded or sick is based on a person’s medical condition and conduct.

(…/2016 )

Being an active terrorist member of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, carrying at least one gun, planning a terrorist attack, and very likely committing perfidy by hiding as civilian patients in a hospital, all of that is certainly NOT “refraining from any act of hostility”. You’re free to consider the more general moral debate on whether it’s okay to assassinate terrorists hiding in a hospital, but it’s wrong and misleading to make the Geneva Convention say what it clearly doesn’t say at all.

What would have clearly defended the terrorists’ right to care would have been if they surrendered and left Hamas. But in the absence of that, it’s, at best, still debatable whether the First Geneva Convention defends those terrorists’ right to hide as civilians in a hospital to “receive care” or not.

With all this said, yes, it is very much indeed misinformation to maliciously leave out the fact that the 3 killed were Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. on 30 Jan 2024 18:14 next collapse

“shall be respected and protected in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES”. This absolutely is a clear cut issue. on 30 Jan 2024 18:15 next collapse

It’s not when they themselves require “the fulfilment of two cumulative criteria: a person must require medical care and must refrain from any act of hostility.

Again, since you’re fully confident in this, go ask the journal to retract the article I linked to. Show them how they should read the Geneva Convention, that it “shouldn’t be a debate” and that it shouldn’t even require an article. on 30 Jan 2024 18:30 next collapse

Again, they were in hospital beds, they were NOT engaging in hostility. on 30 Jan 2024 20:40 collapse

Being in a hospital bed doesn’t make you a non combatant - like other poster said, it’s also what you are doing from that bed. on 30 Jan 2024 21:17 collapse

CNN just stated that according to the hospital, he was sleeping when he was killed. on 30 Jan 2024 21:46 collapse

In the nicest way possible- irrelevant. Doesnt matter if you were awake any more than falling asleep on watch. on 30 Jan 2024 22:58 collapse

I admit to a certain personal bias having just spent 4 days in 2 hospitals, it’s hard to be planing military action when you have tubes running in and out.

This guy was apparently recovering from shrapnel injuries. He wasn’t actively being a threat to anyone.

(caution - GRAPHIC photos)…/this-is-moment-israeli-commandos-di…

“Niji Nazzal, the hospital’s medical director, told Reuters the three were executed as they slept, shot in the head with silenced pistols in the room where they were being treated.”

“Hospital sources said one of the three, Basel Al-Ghazzawi, had been paralysed when he was wounded by shrapnel during a clash between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in October, and was in a wheelchair.” on 31 Jan 2024 06:02 collapse

Yes, it would be difficult with tubes running out of you - but not every hospital visit requires that.

This would be a much clearer issue if we had security footage of the exact moment they were killed, what was in the room, and what reaction each had. Unfortunately what we have looks like a sterilized room (evidence, not germ) and general statements that aren’t lining up - little blood stains for three people killed by gunfire, nothing in the room except shoes (no bags, clothes, medical equipment apart from the bed including the supposed wheelchair he was in or supposed firearms), and shot by silenced pistols when the team went in with assault rifles?

I mean, at the end of the day we probably won’t get the full story, thats up to international courts. But fuck there’s alot of misinformation and blatant incorrect statements.

Oh, and sorry to hear about your hospital stay - hope you aren’t in a user pays system. on 31 Jan 2024 06:42 collapse

go ask the journal to retract the article I linked to

Classic bullshit demand. on 30 Jan 2024 20:35 collapse

If you had the full section, yes.

You missed the part where a patient refrains from all acts of hostility (Hamas one wasnt), and terrorists don’t qualify at patients (two jihadists). Otherwise i could break a leg, admit myself to hospital and be free to plan and act upon anything I wanted.

Those who fall under the protection are protected in all situations. Active combatants and terrorists don’t fall under the protection of the convention. on 30 Jan 2024 20:38 collapse

Oh look - links to the act, information provided in a clear and balanced way, and discussed without insults and posturing is downvoted to shit yet buh, warcrime is pushed to the top. Me thinks there is a bias. on 30 Jan 2024 20:50 collapse

is downvoted to shit

You should take those counts with a grain of salt, and they shouldn’t mean anything in principle since we have no Karma here. I caught someone making two accounts just yesterday to downvote everything on my profile. Lemmy has a clear vote manipulation problem and some are clearly weaponizing it to try to hide some stories from those who filter by “Hot”, like for instance this story which literally got censored by the bot downvotes: on 30 Jan 2024 20:56 collapse

I know it means nothing as both there is no karma and they are worthless, but misinformation and lies still carry weight based on what people believe others think.

If we want a community where facts and evidence are supported we need to be supportive of those that provide facts and skeptical of those that throw out emotive language and half truths. on 30 Jan 2024 20:54 next collapse

Thanks for adding that. I’m not sure that I feel the first point applies here (I can see that people might argue otherwise) but the second point seems like a slam dunk. on 30 Jan 2024 22:14 collapse

The second point applies to both - a combatant also entered as a civilian and received aid pretending to be a civilian.

One doesn’t justify the other - the way i could legitimize it is by saying the hot squad dropped their disguise before engaging… like sending their own flag up the pole. Would need to review prior to saying if it was correct or not.

The arguement against the first section is that those protections apply to civilians and non combatants - conviently left out of their statement. The (pretty solid IMO) arguement is that combatants do not fall under this protection, and terrorists never do, abd these were still designated combatants including possibly carrying arms and planning ops. The room also looks oddly cleaned for three dead people including at least one head shot. on 31 Jan 2024 06:40 collapse

They bombed entire hospitals and the world community didn’t bat an eye, so they thought that the Geneva convention doesn’t apply to them on 30 Jan 2024 19:10 next collapse

Assuming the 3 killed were Hamas, this is still a warcrime. You don’t bomb hospitals, and you don’t send hit squads into hospitals to murder people. on 30 Jan 2024 20:26 next collapse

(Still assuming those killed were hamas)

No its not - and to whoever calls me anti or pro something stop hiding behind insults. Stick with the events that actually are war crimes - there are enough to go around from both sides.

It is a war crime to attack a hospital being used for purpose. A hospital (and other protected places) lose their protection when they are used for military purposes, including housing combatants, storage of munitions or logistics and command.

What Israel failed miserably at (and I hope those responsible are held to account) is proportional response, as even without protection the response must be proportional and minimize civilian casualties and wider damage. A small hit team that targeted specific military personnel hiding in a hospital is a much more measured response than bombs through the roof.

If they killed non combatants (either civilians or injured, non combat capable combatants) then a different story. on 30 Jan 2024 20:49 collapse

Well, one of them was in a wheel chair so yeah they assassinated a non combatant in a hospital on 30 Jan 2024 20:54 collapse

Non combatant doesn’t just mean not running around with a rifle shooting things - its ability and conduct.

If im planning an attack, then walk into a hospital im still a combatants - I become a non combatant when I stop, surrender or am no longer capable of engaging due to my ability… out of the fight so to speak. You don’t magically become impervious when you walk (or wheeled) in the door then vulnerable when you walk out. on 31 Jan 2024 02:30 collapse

He was in hospital because shrapnel had severed his spine. In the west bank. You can throw semantics at it, but going by the context I’d put money on him not being actively engaged in combat as he was incapable by your words on 31 Jan 2024 03:30 collapse

I think the best way to explain it is take the example to the extreme end - would bin laden have been capable of planning the 9/11 attacks from a hospital bed while not able to walk?

Law and precident are literally semantics - the difference between a war crime with the penalty of death and a frowny face is literally the details. on 31 Jan 2024 15:41 collapse

So then literally no one is protected then. According to you anyone could be a terrorist committing thought crime. on 31 Jan 2024 19:28 collapse

Feel like I’m talking with people trying to find a reason to be offended. Take 5 seconds

Is every protected person

  • a known member of a terrorist organization

  • been wounded conducting what are considered terrorist actions

  • in proximity to two other terrorists

  • before considering what other information may be held by IDF.

[deleted] on 30 Jan 2024 20:51 collapse
. on 31 Jan 2024 06:17 collapse

Israel committing war crimes like there’s no tomorrow. Accountability needs to be taken.