Russian Oligarch Found Dead in Moscow after Falling Out of Window (
from to on 21 Oct 13:29


threaded - newest on 21 Oct 13:33 next collapse

Those damn flimsy Russian windows. on 21 Oct 13:33 next collapse

You gotta be kidding me. But hey, stick with the classics. If it ain’t broke… on 21 Oct 15:26 collapse

The classics are the point. These aren’t meant to be secretive killings, the signature is the message.

They would use a different method if they wanted to obscure responsibility, dispose of the body, or do any number of things differently. Because they didn’t, means it was a public signing statement.

Whether it was intended for one recipient, or many, who’s to say. Either way, you can be sure the intended party, or parties, received it. on 21 Oct 17:19 next collapse

I’m gonna start pushing people out of windows and then blame the Russian government on 21 Oct 17:25 collapse

Do you often find yourself in tall buildings and alone with oligarchs or siloviki?

If so, sure why not. on 21 Oct 23:55 collapse

These aren’t meant to be secretive killings, the signature is the message

Sure, but would it kill them to spice things up every once in a while? on 22 Oct 00:04 collapse

It’s unfortunate that this method was initially used because it was an intentionally ambiguous method of assassination, whereas now it’s a signature assassination, with only a sprinkling of ambiguity for their local media.

Just think, if they had started with tragic hot air balloon accident, death by misadventure with a jet ski, or pet bear mauling? on 22 Oct 00:21 next collapse

This is what happens when everyone follows the same Hitman walkthrough. on 22 Oct 08:21 collapse

Or volcano-shark-rocket accident?
<img alt="" src="">

[deleted] on 21 Oct 13:34 next collapse
. on 21 Oct 13:35 next collapse

Windows are just so unsafe in Russia, aren’t they? I’m never getting near one if I ever go to Moscow. on 21 Oct 14:05 next collapse

Windows are just so unsafe in Russia, aren’t they? I’m never getting near one if I ever go[ing] to Moscow. on 21 Oct 14:09 next collapse

I’d love to go to Moscow. From all I’ve seen, it’s a beautiful city. I’d also love to go to St. Petersburg and see the Hermitage.

But not while Putin is in power. Maybe one day when elections are fair and queer people aren’t oppressed, but I won’t be holding my breath for that happening in my lifetime sadly. on 21 Oct 14:56 next collapse

Maybe one day when elections are fair and queer people aren’t oppressed, but I won’t be holding my breath for that happening in my lifetime sadly.

Yeah, work wanted to send me, but I’m not white and also not suicidal window-proof. on 21 Oct 15:12 next collapse

Kazan is on my list of places I’d like to visit, lots of neat architecture there. on 21 Oct 15:17 collapse

I’d like to go to Kamchatka just so I can tell them that they’re the most useless space in Risk.

Also, apparently there’s lots of volcanoes and stuff. on 21 Oct 15:34 next collapse

If I’d outlive the gramps sending us to kill and die, it’d be a pleasure for me to show you and other lemmings around. Russia has many sight to see and adore, to fall in love even, mostly in St. Petes as I’m biased against Moscow. If at any point I’d not be persecuted for printing that comment, I’d gladly do it on the house.

Peterhoff is one of the most popular tourist destinations there if you want to google some photos. A mansion where every room is designed in it’s own royal-tier style to cringe at. And that complex is surrounded with a huge walking park with old trees, marble statues and beatiful fontains, some of them are made to shoot at random from the ground to confuse visitors, all of that sitting right at the shore. on 21 Oct 15:40 collapse

My dad was invited to a conference in St. Petersburg when it was still Leningrad after Glasnost. He was well-traveled, but talked about how the two most beautiful cities he ever saw in his life were Leningrad and Sarajevo. He openly wept when the latter was destroyed during the war in the Balkans. on 21 Oct 15:50 collapse

I hope we’d fucking stop before he’d cry once more at the ruins of Piter. This town still has historical markings about what side of the street to follow and where to hide from the WW2, and still… on 21 Oct 15:53 collapse

Oh yes, the avoidance is entirely for governmental reasons. There is so much that would be interesting to see otherwise. Sadly it seems to be a repeating theme in Russian history where some change happens that seems like the ordinary people are finally starting to get some freedom and stability but then some authoritarian gets in power and cracks down on any dissenting views, even minor. I guess outsiders have to catch it during the right window of time. on 21 Oct 21:22 collapse

Windows are just so unsafe in Russia, aren’t they? I’m never getting near one if I ever go to Moscow. on 21 Oct 15:25 collapse

Well. You'd need to avoid windows, tea, people with umbrellas (OK not directly Russian, but soviet era eastern europe), aeroplanes, cars. And if they really want to get you, they'll go old school and use a gun, or perhaps even a missile if you annoy the right people enough.

I'd just skip Moscow as a whole personally. on 21 Oct 15:26 next collapse

Pff. Some people just can’t hold their polonium. on 21 Oct 15:39 collapse

Don’t forget underwear! on 21 Oct 13:44 next collapse

Headline: Russian Oligarch Found Dead in Moscow after Falling Out of Window

“Do you know how little that narrows it down?” on 21 Oct 17:44 collapse

“Marked as suspected duplicate, needs more details.” on 21 Oct 13:45 next collapse

Oligarch: Putin what is going on with the war? Why are we losing?

Putin: Oh wow look, an Eagle, just out there, wow majestic plumage, you should come and see… on 21 Oct 14:21 next collapse

Do they kill them, then throw them out the window? Is there a height requirement? Because if they just throw them out - there’s a chance they’d survive.

… and is it translation thing, because I feel like balconies are probably more common, but maybe they just say window still so we all know the government did it? Idk. on 21 Oct 14:47 next collapse

thing is the article does not mention what floor. on 21 Oct 15:19 collapse

It does, at least now. It was the 11th. on 21 Oct 18:28 collapse

maybe I missed it but I had done a few control F's as well. No survivan that. on 21 Oct 17:45 next collapse

Yes on 21 Oct 21:43 collapse

Da! on 21 Oct 22:56 collapse

there’s a chance they’d survive.

They’ll probably shoot themselves in the back five times while falling from the ground floor window. on 21 Oct 14:28 next collapse

Defenestration is Classic Russia. on 21 Oct 14:37 next collapse

Well that’s certainly not subtle for a long series of assassinations but we aren’t entirely out of the realm of possibility that Russia’s ‘drunkenly falling out of a window’ problem is simply way worse than the western world’s and if I recall correctly our’s isn’t great. on 21 Oct 14:43 next collapse

Fuck russia on 21 Oct 14:55 next collapse

This is not news, this is just Monday. on 21 Oct 14:56 next collapse

Killed by the architects
…again on 21 Oct 15:03 next collapse

More money for Pooty Poot on 21 Oct 17:44 next collapse

😊 on 21 Oct 18:01 next collapse

SWO - Special Windows Operations, a subdivision of FSB on 21 Oct 18:14 next collapse

The wiki article is well maintained and up to date: Suspicious death of notable Russians 2022-2024 on 21 Oct 21:37 collapse

That was a grim read. My favorite part:

Reportedly died by suicide after shooting himself in the chest five times. on 22 Oct 00:01 collapse

They shoot themselves 5 times in the chest while they free fall out the window during their suicide attempt and begin to fear it won’t kill them. on 22 Oct 00:47 collapse

Might as well kill some time during the flight on 21 Oct 18:47 next collapse

Was beginning to wonder if Russia still has windows. It’s been a while. on 21 Oct 21:44 next collapse

<img alt="piggy bank broke" src=""> on 22 Oct 00:32 next collapse

There should be some kind of safety code in Russia about their windows… on 22 Oct 01:16 next collapse

Some day a Russian public figure really will accidentally fall to their death out a window, but everyone will still think it’s an assassination lmao on 22 Oct 01:26 next collapse

The Moscow Defenestrator strikes again on 22 Oct 01:37 next collapse

Again…LOL! Bodies of water, staircases, windows and tea are dangerous in Russia. on 22 Oct 10:12 next collapse

Man it’s really easy for Russians to fall out of windows. Maybe they should put a warning sticker on them or something. on 22 Oct 21:03 collapse

The reason you know Hillary Clinton never killed anyone is because modern US republicans actually love murderers.