Boris Johnson Suggested He Thought Covid Was ‘Nature’s Way of Dealing With Old People’ (
from to on 31 Oct 2023 13:54


threaded - newest on 31 Oct 2023 14:03 next collapse

What a legend on 31 Oct 2023 14:07 next collapse

The same OLd PeoPLe that vote for these motherfuckers on 31 Oct 2023 14:47 next collapse

Something something leopards and faces on 31 Oct 2023 15:02 collapse

"My face will eat the leopards!" on 31 Oct 2023 21:50 collapse

They had already voted for him. At that point, they’ve fulfilled their use, and if anything he’d probably be quite happy to off a few of them.

He was never a party man. His entire cabinet would happily see the Conservative party burn once they’ve got their money and power out of the public. on 01 Nov 2023 08:21 collapse

And they have. It’s gonna be fun seeing how few seats they get next election on 01 Nov 2023 11:54 collapse

They should be utterly decimated…but I lost my faith in the UK voting public a long time ago. I have a few friends in Tory strongholds like Surrey and Somerset, and even now they’re fully against the potential for a Labour government.

IMO the best thing that could happen to traditional conservatism is for the party to be annihilated at the next GE. Get the US-style identity politics and populism shite out, see it for the damage it caused the country, and give a populist Labour government some competition under a leader that isn’t a fucking nutjob. on 31 Oct 2023 14:18 next collapse

I hate this guy, but based take on 31 Oct 2023 14:25 next collapse

He’s not entirely wrong…we’re due for a population correction of some sort. on 31 Oct 2023 14:34 next collapse

You are aware, that this is exactly what is being projected without any diseases, right? on 31 Oct 2023 15:05 collapse

yup. we're overdue for an epic world war to cull the numbers a bit. on 31 Oct 2023 15:34 next collapse

That’s exactly not my point. Population will naturally peak within the next decades and then probably settle around 10 billion. That’s just 20% more than the current numbers.

None of the scarcities we’re having right now are “real”. As long as 60% of agricultural land in industrialized countries is used to produce animal fodder, there’s enough food for everyone. on 31 Oct 2023 18:56 collapse

Just because it’s going to plateau and decrease, doesn’t necessarily mean that we aren’t already above where we should ideally be. Being potentially able to feed everyone is not the only criteria. We are overconsuming and this is in proportion to the world population. Even though it’s not evenly spread and everyone doesn’t consume the same, at the end of the day the least people there are the least we consume. on 31 Oct 2023 19:04 collapse

We don’t “consume” that much. Actually, the only thing we actually consume is uranium, everything else is just transformed and could be recycled. Sure, there are problems, but you’re basically advocating for auto-holocaust. on 01 Nov 2023 03:41 next collapse

Actually, the only thing we actually consume is uranium

Don’t forget helium! Once that shit’s pumped from the earth’s crust and released into the atmosphere, there’s practically no getting it back! on 02 Nov 2023 05:23 collapse

We could be recycling everything but we’re not, and we’re not going to anytime soon, this would be far more complex than feeding everyone. I’m not advocating for anything, please don’t try to put words in my mouth. We’d have less trouble if there happened to be less of us, that’s it. I never said we should forcibly reduce our population, that’s ridiculous. I’m just tired of seeing this same senseless argument that everything is fine with the population because we could potentially feed everyone. on 01 Nov 2023 08:23 collapse

You should stop watching whichever fucked up YouTube channel is feeding you this shit on 31 Oct 2023 15:02 next collapse

Be the change you want to see, population correct yourself on 31 Oct 2023 23:21 collapse

We aren’t due for anything. This is the gamblers fallacy. No one is sitting there and keeping track ready to swoop in and decimate the population. on 31 Oct 2023 14:32 next collapse

Oh BoJo, you scamp! You sad parody of a human being! What will he say next? on 31 Oct 2023 14:43 next collapse

He’s almost 60. He is not exactly a spring chicken. on 31 Oct 2023 15:50 next collapse

He was also significantly over weight during this period with little exercise and, in a high stress job (not that it stopped him from his afternoon naps).

He also caught COVID quite early on (Late March), which was no surprise as he liked to attend parties when all this was going on, and was hospitalised for one on one care early for preventative care including oxygen back when oxygen was being restricted for preventative care.

I am not suggesting the PM shouldn’t have had the best care available, more that hes proven to lack empathy of anything he hasn’t experienced himself, so is highly unlikely to understand just how overloaded the NHS was at this point and that his experience was anything other than privileged. on 31 Oct 2023 17:47 collapse

Herman Cain, yes you can! on 31 Oct 2023 16:42 collapse

He ended up in ICU after contracting COVID, after all. on 31 Oct 2023 14:46 next collapse

Cancer is natural, should we stop treating that too?

[deleted] on 31 Oct 2023 15:12 next collapse
. on 31 Oct 2023 16:58 collapse

“Placental cancer is nature’s way of dealing with unborn babies.” – Boris Johnson, probably on 31 Oct 2023 14:48 next collapse

I remember this on Reddit, is Boris an edgy memelord?

<img alt="" src=""> on 31 Oct 2023 15:58 next collapse

Chances are he didn’t do it entirely for the meme, so probably not on 01 Nov 2023 10:53 collapse

*Boomer Doomer on 31 Oct 2023 15:00 next collapse

Imagine working your entire life and then dieing to covid during retirement. A tiny fraction of your life was free. on 31 Oct 2023 15:52 collapse

Image of devoted hardworking employee that will go places is form of manipulation. on 31 Oct 2023 15:07 next collapse

Nature’s way of dealing with stupid people, maybe. on 31 Oct 2023 15:49 next collapse

If only the virus had a better sense of irony on 31 Oct 2023 17:47 next collapse

They hated him because he told the truth on 31 Oct 2023 18:43 next collapse

Elegant! on 31 Oct 2023 18:57 next collapse

I mean, it’s true, but not really helpful or necessary to say it out loud. on 31 Oct 2023 19:09 collapse

Its as true as saying AIDs was nature’s way of dealing with gay people. Which is to say it’s absolutely untrue and way of passing off moral responsibility to anthropomorphized concepts. on 31 Oct 2023 20:33 collapse


Disease and starvation has always been nature’s way of dealing with the elderly and weak. You can look to any species on earth and this is true. We aren’t special just because we are human, we have just been smart enough to mostly avoid it. Why the fuck did you feel the need to bring up aids and gay people? It has nothing to do with any of this. on 31 Oct 2023 21:14 next collapse

It’s literally the same argument. A virus exists that disproportionately affects a group of people. That group is uninteresting to me so instead of just saying I don’t give a shit I call it a force of nature.

We are a little special because we can conceptualize how our actions will affect the spreas of a disease. A world leader is a little more special in that regard because they can enact policy to curb disease on a wide scale.

Having the knowledge and power to help and not doing anything is a moral failing. Blaming it on nature is covering that failing with nonsense. on 31 Oct 2023 22:23 collapse

A virus or disease exists to affect an organism, it doesn’t care if that organism is young, old, gay or straight. No one is saying it isn’t sad that people die, just saying that’s the purpose of diseases and viruses, they use people to reproduce and typically older people die more often than others, just because it’s sad doesn’t mean it isn’t true. on 31 Oct 2023 22:07 collapse

Nature has a way of dealing with unwanted offspring. That’s why I didn’t think think what Melissa Dexler did was that big a deal. on 31 Oct 2023 20:51 next collapse

Why can’t we slap empathy into people? How was this bloodsucker ever welcomed into the halls of power? on 31 Oct 2023 22:17 next collapse

No one else there has any either on 31 Oct 2023 23:19 next collapse

Oh, you can. You’ll need a large hammer for that, something like 5kg or bigger. on 02 Nov 2023 07:55 collapse

I think it is lack of empathy which helped him gain entry. on 31 Oct 2023 21:23 next collapse

Didn’t realize only old people could have organ transplants, cancer, autoimmune disease, or just simply weaker immune systems.

Good thing it’s only old people. on 01 Nov 2023 13:20 collapse

I had a friend die from covid at 38. Another guy down the road died in his early 30s. They were both fat but probably should have had another 20 years at least. on 31 Oct 2023 23:18 next collapse

Which only supports my notion that he is terminally stupid. Those “old people” are their primary voter base. on 01 Nov 2023 01:50 next collapse

Meh, attacking pensioners’ livelihoods never cost Tories votes, why should attacking their actual lives? on 01 Nov 2023 13:28 collapse

That’s because all of the things that Tories do are reported on the internet, and that’s a scary place that their voters don’t look at. on 01 Nov 2023 02:56 collapse

Hot Take:

He’s fuckin old too on 01 Nov 2023 04:26 next collapse

Does he not realize that he’s pretty much in that group now? And a massive chunk of his voters already are? Is he saying he thinks mother nature has it out for him? on 01 Nov 2023 08:20 next collapse

This was before he caught it, so he probably did eventually realise yeah on 01 Nov 2023 11:23 next collapse

You can be damn sure that he’ll get the best medical care available on the planet for himself. on 01 Nov 2023 13:27 collapse

Surely not, he’s quite fit right, he goes on all those runs. on 02 Nov 2023 07:24 collapse

Surely he just said that as a joke. I know I have