LGBTQ+ Palestinians can request asylum in Israel, court rules (
from to on 05 Feb 2024 11:38


threaded - newest on 05 Feb 2024 11:40 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

LGBTQ+ Palestinians in danger due to their sexual orientation can request asylum in Israel, the Tel Aviv District Court for Administrative Affairs ruled on Sunday, according to KAN news.

In the appeal, the Palestinian described how he was pushed into coming out to his parents after he refused to marry the woman they had chosen for him and how his father responded by attacking him and calling for additional relatives to assault him as well.

After hiding in Israel for a while, the Palestinian contacted the Civil Authority through an organization that helps LGBTQ+ Arabs to request a residency permit.

Agmon-Gonen rejected the Population Authority’s position concerning Palestinians requesting asylum, ruling that the UN Refugee Convention does apply to Palestinians from the West Bank and that they are entitled to request asylum on the basis of sexual and political persecution.

UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with providing aid to Palestinians, notes on its website that the UN Refugee Convention does not apply to Palestinians who are receiving protection or assistance from UNRWA, unless “such protection or assistance has ceased for any reason, without the position of such persons being definitively settled in accordance with the relevant resolutions adopted by the General Assembly.”

The Aguda - The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel expressed outrage at Arbel’s decision to appeal the ruling, stating that this decision “not only contradicts the State of Israel’s duty as a democratic state to stand by those who are persecuted because of their identity, but also contradicts Israel’s efforts to present itself around the world as an LGBTQ-friendly country during the war.”

The original article contains 415 words, the summary contains 266 words. Saved 36%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! on 05 Feb 2024 11:51 next collapse

This sounds like a trap.

[deleted] on 05 Feb 2024 12:03 next collapse
. on 05 Feb 2024 12:55 next collapse

Also catholic on 05 Feb 2024 13:02 collapse

Actual socialists/communists were the first against the wall when nazis took power.

Then they went after just about anyone that was different in anyway. Race, religion, sexuality, physical/mental disabilities, but the biggest offense was always saying maybe everyone should just calm down for a second and stop committing genocides.

No matter what a fascist state is saying, they never hate anything more than being challenged politically. on 05 Feb 2024 13:43 collapse

Just a small correction. The Holocaust refers specifically to the Nazi genocide against Jews. They also conducted other genocides. None of the others were anywhere near the scale of the Holocaust.

It is estimated that 15000 LGBT victims were killed by the Nazis on 05 Feb 2024 13:50 collapse

You may be comfortable erasing the genocide of 6 million people by saying only the Jewish victims should be counted.

Personally I am not. Lots of people aren’t.

But yes, for decades Israel has led a movement to ignore every other group that was targeted by the Nazis so they can claim they’re the only victims of it

And your “estimate” is so low I didn’t even bother to see what site it’s from.

Estimates are between 5k and 15k

On top of that, I’m assuming you’re only counting victims where LGBT was the main cause, not every victim that was LGBT.

Like, do you think there wasn’t a single Jewish victim who also was LGBT?

[deleted] on 05 Feb 2024 14:17 next collapse
. on 05 Feb 2024 14:28 collapse

Only if you assume that 15k number was every single LGBTQ person in the 12 million.

Like, you all are aware that a person could be in multiple demographics that were targeted…


If you were openly LGBTQ, you stood out as a target. But you may have been officially sent to the camps under another label.

So yes, 15k out of 12 million isnt a lot.

But saying the other 11,985,000 were 100% heterosexual just seems a little ridiculous, right?

Just normal variation, there’s gonna be a few.

But also wouldn’t you assume that a lot of LGBTQ people were also aligned with leftwing political parties who were prioritized as targets over everyone else.

Like, just slow down for a second and think it thru

[deleted] on 05 Feb 2024 14:33 collapse
. on 05 Feb 2024 14:18 next collapse

They’re not saying only Jews should be counted. They’re stating a fact that the Holocaust refers to the genocide of Jews by Germany. From your own Wikipedia link click on “The holocaust” and you can see the definition right there. Under it you can find where “The term Holocaust is sometimes used to also refer to the persecution of these other groups.” As in: this isn’t what it technically means, but people sometimes say this. Sort of like Kleenex when you mean tissue. Or dumpster when you mean waste receptacle. on 05 Feb 2024 14:35 collapse

That didn’t start till the late 1970s and was because of a Meryl Streep movie…

Yet for decades after the war, the genocide lacked any formal title in English except, perhaps, “The Final Solution,” the term the Nazis used. In Hebrew, the calamity quickly became known as “Shoah,” which means “the catastrophe.” But it wasn’t until the 1960s that scholars and writers began using the term “Holocaust,” and it took the 1978 TV film Holocaust, starring Meryl Streep, to push it into widespread use.…/when-holocaust-became-holocaust

And yes, like I said…

for decades Israel has led a movement to ignore every other group that was targeted by the Nazis so they can claim they’re the only victims of it

So what does it matter what the publicly edited Wikipedia defines it as?

1978 isnt ancient Pompeii, we have records of what it was like, lots of people lived thru it and are still alive.

Why pretend? on 06 Feb 2024 00:05 collapse

You’re absolutely right on one count - I was missing a zero (fixed). For that I apologize on behalf of their memory.

However, the Holocaust is the accepted term for the genocide against the Jewish people. It is not the only genocide the Nazis carried out, such as that against the Sinti and Roma, but it was the largest in scale by far. These are factual statements, agreed on by all experts.

For example, the Wikipedia article you cite reads:

While the term Holocaust generally refers to the systematic mass-murder of the Jewish people in German-occupied Europe, the Nazis also murdered a large number of non-Jewish people

I’m not sure how scholars calculate the number homosexual men who were killed, but I believe it does not include those who were killed because they were Jewish. It is apparently not well known how many lesbians or trans people were killed, although it is documented that they were sent to death camps. on 05 Feb 2024 15:22 next collapse

Sure, they just have to wear a symbol and their arm, and maybe point out where others are, and maybe be called vermin by the oppressors. on 05 Feb 2024 15:29 collapse

That is consistent with what genocidal conservatives have done to their victims in the past. on 05 Feb 2024 15:33 next collapse

Yeah, it’s not nothing that the courts had to tell the conservative government that it has to accept their internationally mandated right to seek asylum… on 05 Feb 2024 16:52 collapse

Lmao they’re literally fighting a war to have a right to return to Israel, why would you think that a court choice like this is a trap? If anything this will piss off the israeli right wing. on 05 Feb 2024 19:43 collapse

why would you think that a court choice like this is a trap? If anything this will piss off the israeli right wing.

Answered your own question: they won the right to apply to go from the urban killing fields to a less dangerous place ruled by bigots who hate them and fought to deny them even THAT right.

I’m sure the court means well by upholding their human rights as per the 1951 Geneva Convention, but it’ll probably be more of a from the fire to the frying pan situation than actually having equal rights and personal safety. . on 05 Feb 2024 22:33 collapse

That still doesn’t make any sense but OK… Guess its an improvement overall even if the situation in Israel is not great for them either on 05 Feb 2024 22:35 collapse

You have an eerie talent for claiming to have no idea what’s going on and then clearing up any confusion yourself in the next sentence 😂 on 05 Feb 2024 23:49 collapse

I still have no idea what you mean when you say “it’s a trap”, I have literally no idea what that’s supposed to mean. Will the Isreali right secretly holocaust all of the queer people, is it like trap in the sense that all the trans women will larp as orthodox jewish women and therefore become traps or what did you mean? on 06 Feb 2024 08:43 collapse

I wasn’t the one saying it that way, but what I WAS saying is this: while of course better than living in the kill box that is Gaza, they probably aren’t going to have it easy in Israel either, since it’s governed by the most far right government it has ever had, some of the members of which are openly honophobic are trying to roll back all LGBTQ+rights and protections… on 05 Feb 2024 15:48 collapse

LGBT rights in Palestine

Homosexuality in the Palestinian territories is considered a taboo subject; LGBT people experience persecution and violence.

LGBT rights in Israel

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.

I know where I’d prefer to be. on 05 Feb 2024 17:44 collapse

Why am I not surprised that clicking on your profile leads to a history of genocide denialism. on 05 Feb 2024 20:25 next collapse

And you seem to be on the other side of the spectrum…great.

Hamas suck and are causing atrocities and Israel has also a fair share of their own atrocities, but in the end a lot of those degenerated ‘Our allah is great and death to Israel’ fucks are the source of these conflicts and should be eradicated. They hate Jews, they hate Israel, they hate women, they hate christians, they hate the gay, those cunts have no real purpose on this world.

Get rid of them whatever they are called whether it’s them Houtis, Taliban, Iran, Hamas, Catholics, Republicans, Russians, Hisbollah…and I bet you that there will be peace for Jews, Muslims, Gay, Women and everyone else. on 05 Feb 2024 21:01 collapse

I don’t give a shit about Hamas politics, I care about the 30000 killed. I care that people redirect every conversation about saving Palestinians to “but do you condemn Hamas”, which you are doing right now.

Ask yourself. who in their right mind would NOT be on the other side of the spectrum of a genocide? on 05 Feb 2024 21:22 collapse

I don’t give a shit about Hamas politics

You should, their killing of innocents was a huge kickstart for the latest offensive on Palestine…

Ask yourself. who in their right mind would NOT be on the other side of the spectrum of a genocide?

Since the Hamas want to eradicate all Jews and Israel itself there is genocide on both sides of the spectrum. And instead of choosing the lesser evil between those too, I’d rather not choose at all. on 05 Feb 2024 21:51 collapse

You should, their killing of innocents was a huge kickstart for the latest offensive on Palestine…

The kickstart for this entire catastrophe did NOT start on October 7th. You have no idea what you are talking about and are just both sidesing a genocide. The United States Institute of Peace, an official federal institute, reported in 2009:

The charter itself contains statements that reflect a lack of hostility toward Jews on the basis of religion—for example, as article 31 states, “Under Islam, the followers of the three [monotheistic] religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism may coexist peacefully and safely.” Whether or not one accepts the statement as true, it is incompatible with claims of a religious obligation to kill Jews.

Hamas has, in practice, moved well beyond its charter. Indeed, Hamas has been carefully and consciously adjusting its political program for years and has sent repeated signals that it may be ready to begin a process of coexisting with Israel.

Not only do they not have outspoken cries for genocide, they are not in a position of power to commit a genocide. The UN’s own criteria:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about it’s physical destruction in whole or in part.

It took less than 3 days to quell the attack on their soil. Whereas in Gaza, the bombing campaigns have levelled 50% of all residential infrastructure as of a week ago. The prime minister has forcibly displaced millions and is now signaling that the IDF will be moving in. Settlement developers have been signaled they will be given land. Not only that, they have killed over 1% of the population in the bombing campaign alone. On top of that, 4 of 5 of all of food insecure are currently in Gaza. This will kill tens if not hundreds of thousands. Instead of listening to the ICJ’s ruling that provisional measures NEED to be taken, which is a binding order, they have ignored the international courts and the globe has defunded UNRWA.

The only active genocide occurring is being carried out by the Israeli government. But PLEASE both sides this genocide. For you it is CRUCIAL that you stand up for Israeli interests, for some reason. on 06 Feb 2024 22:48 collapse

What does any of that have to do with LGBT rights? Seems like an ad hominem at best.

Is this the part where y'all jump the shark and pretend like Palestine is a mecca of progressivism and civil rights?