on 15 Oct 2024 17:26
Ubisoft makes a beautiful game with an incredibly well-known IP. They flesh out characters and small cities with loads of detail. Then, they make the entire gameplay one repetitive takedown move and hours of driving back and forth between points.
Remote work didn’t do this; underfunding the project did. Bringing people back to the offices will only result in losing their best staff.
on 16 Oct 2024 07:42
*Except Far Cry 6, where they also didn’t bother with the fleshing out of the environment.
on 16 Oct 2024 15:57
Bad Management and upper level decision makers probably don’t help either.
on 17 Oct 2024 02:08
Some awful app needed to start the game that always needs a protracted update using administrator privileges every time I run it, (on top of Steam which does pretty much the same thing), doesn’t really draw me back to their products either.
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Ubisoft makes a beautiful game with an incredibly well-known IP. They flesh out characters and small cities with loads of detail. Then, they make the entire gameplay one repetitive takedown move and hours of driving back and forth between points.
Remote work didn’t do this; underfunding the project did. Bringing people back to the offices will only result in losing their best staff.
*Except Far Cry 6, where they also didn’t bother with the fleshing out of the environment.
Bad Management and upper level decision makers probably don’t help either.
Some awful app needed to start the game that always needs a protracted update using administrator privileges every time I run it, (on top of Steam which does pretty much the same thing), doesn’t really draw me back to their products either.