on 20 Feb 17:25
Hamas staged a public ceremony in Khan Yunis before releasing the bodies as they displayed images of the hostages and blamed Israel for their deaths, a claim Israeli officials strongly ‘rejected’.
Yeah, they spent more than a year basically leveling Gaza, killed tens of thousands of people, but the suggestion that these 4 might have been among those they killed is just unthinkable.
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Yeah, they spent more than a year basically leveling Gaza, killed tens of thousands of people, but the suggestion that these 4 might have been among those they killed is just unthinkable.
“Look what you made me do!”
Not sure why the scare quotes around IDF.
Probably because of the “defense” part, when they’re the aggressor.
I think that it’s probably to imply that it’s an allegation, not established fact that they were killed by the IDF.