How Russia tries to turn desperate Ukrainians into traitors (
from to on 14 Jan 11:26


Russia targets vulnerable relatives of Ukrainian prisoners of war (PoWs), pressuring them to commit sabotage or espionage in exchange for promises of better treatment or release of loved ones.

Svitlana, whose husband was a PoW, was coerced to sabotage Ukraine’s military infrastructure but stalled and reported the approach to Ukrainian authorities, who emphasize that cooperation worsens prisoners’ situations.

It’s estimated 50% of PoW families are contacted by Russian agents, but most refuse.

Svitlana’s husband was eventually released unharmed, despite threats to his life.


threaded - newest on 14 Jan 13:00 collapse

dubya lied when he said we don’t negotiate with terrorists. but he was right that it shouldn’t be done on 14 Jan 15:44 collapse

Dubya lied about everything. Mission Accomplished? Nope. Economy is doing great? Not under him. Dick Cheney was just vice president? Nope. on 14 Jan 16:03 collapse

He does have darn good shoe ducking reflexes, though. on 14 Jan 18:16 collapse

Sadly, even there; it would’ve been better if he didn’t