The Online Speech Given by Yanis Varoufakis After German Police Raid Palestine Congress [Brett Wilkins | Apr 12, 2024 | Common Dreams] (
from to on 13 Apr 2024 11:57

“Friends, we are here because vengeance is a lazy form of grief. We are here to promote not vengeance but peace and coexistence across Israel-Palestine.”


threaded - newest on 13 Apr 2024 12:07 next collapse

Is the SPD going to let actual Nazis take over again? Or are they going to just fill that void themselves? on 14 Apr 2024 07:50 collapse

What’s your argument ? They are rightfully banning people that support terrorists. The banned people are the fascists. on 13 Apr 2024 17:09 collapse

Conveniently left out of the not at all biased article: the congress was canceled because it explicitly broke the conditions under which it was allowed to be held. They aired the live stream of a hate speaker who is banned from political appearances in Germany, because he has broken hate speech laws in the past.

The organizers were explicitly warned against airing this speaker and ignored it - can’t act surprised when the congress is cancelled. on 13 Apr 2024 19:01 next collapse

The fucking Rector of the University of Glasgow is not some “hate speaker”. He is a god damn hero doctor who has had to operate without anaesthetics on children victims of IDF barbarity. It is understandable that someone might get a bit extreme in their expressions after such an experience. Just ask lt Aldo Raine. on 13 Apr 2024 20:19 collapse

I assume you are referring to Ghassan Abu-Sittah, although I can’t find anything tying him to the University of Glasgow.

The person whose video message triggered the ban of the event, however, was Salman Abu Sitta. Different person. on 13 Apr 2024 21:15 collapse

What makes him a hate speaker? What did he say on 13 Apr 2024 23:12 collapse

I believe it’s because of this article he wrote. It’s him talking about his family’s history in Palestine, some background on the war, and him condoning the Oct 7 attack. He basically says the attackers had determination and courage, were “returning to their land” and he could have been one of them if he was younger and still lived there under the poor conditions. on 14 Apr 2024 08:09 collapse

Very nice article.

Really goes to show how Nazi Germany is Banning anyone speaking the truth about how oppressed Palestinians are. And telling reality of the oppression has become illegal.

There is no free speech in Germany this is clear now.