Two women who spied for Russia tracked down and named by BBC (
from to on 25 Mar 04:08


A BBC investigation has named Bulgarian nationals Cvetelina Gencheva and Tsvetanka Doncheva as key figures in a Russian spy network previously operating from the UK.

Gencheva, an airport worker, exploited her access to obtain private flight details of the cell’s targets, even coordinating with convicted spies in Berlin.

Doncheva conducted surveillance in Vienna, including on a journalist, and engaged in anti-Ukraine propaganda.

While six other network members await sentencing in the UK, Gencheva and Doncheva have not been charged.


threaded - newest on 25 Mar 04:38 next collapse

I wish I had enough state secrets to get seduced by a vile temptress. 😔 on 25 Mar 04:54 next collapse

That’s what I was born to do.

“Are you loyal to America?”

“Yeah. Well over 10% of it. I like Stax Records and BBQ and ducks”

“If you give me state secrets, we can go to Memphis and have a lovely day and watch the ducks at The Peabody.”

“Ok, cool. I know you’re a spy but the defense department is sending “reply all” to journalists so whatever. There’s no state secrets. Let’s go see the pyramid by the mud.” on 25 Mar 09:53 collapse

I can get on board with this on 25 Mar 11:05 collapse

You haven’t been approached by Nicole yet? on 25 Mar 19:31 collapse

You better not be talking about my Polish-Canadian girlfriend 😤 on 25 Mar 19:34 collapse

Hey! That’s my wife’s friend! on 25 Mar 05:19 next collapse

The majority of Bulgarians love Russia and Putin and will sell gift their own mothers if someone from Russia asks them to. on 25 Mar 07:53 next collapse

I do feel this is a little less dynamic than stealing the formula for a neurotoxin and escaping on a jet ski with an Uzi at full chat. on 25 Mar 07:58 next collapse

Lebedev still in Lords on 25 Mar 12:08 collapse

I am a bit concerned by brit media obsession with naming any suspect. Sounds a big breach of innocence presumption. And considering how severe is the accusation (if true it can wait 6mènth for a verdict, but would avoid a defamation if not)