US: Killing of American woman in West Bank 'unprovoked and unjustified' (
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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 10 Sep 2024 15:05 next collapse

Finally, it’s time to take some real action and force an end to th-

"In our judgement, Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes in the way that they operate in the West Bank, including changes to their rules of engagement,” he said. on 10 Sep 2024 15:53 collapse

The US: “Please change your RoE to something that doesn’t make US police look restrained.”

Israel: “No.” on 10 Sep 2024 15:22 next collapse

Netanyahu: “Who told you to speak. Shut your damn mouth, bitch” on 10 Sep 2024 19:19 next collapse

The US looks so weak when it doesn’t even defend its own citizens from its owner. on 10 Sep 2024 20:02 next collapse

I knew one of you would pop up to piss and moan. Good job living up to my very low expectations. on 10 Sep 2024 20:04 collapse


Yay go America, send sternly worded letters when Americans die! USA #1 woo!

Was better for you?

What sort of response are you expecting to this news? on 11 Sep 2024 08:05 collapse

Unfortunatly commrad it wasn’t on 10 Sep 2024 20:11 collapse


Fuck off on 10 Sep 2024 20:16 collapse

AIPAC says otherwise. on 10 Sep 2024 20:25 next collapse

Ever heard of diplomacy or are you incapable of higher thought on 10 Sep 2024 20:28 collapse

Foreign nation interferes in US elections, bribes countless politicians, “it’s just diplomacy bro” on 10 Sep 2024 20:30 collapse

I thought we were talking about Israel, not Russia on 10 Sep 2024 20:37 collapse

AIPAC. on 10 Sep 2024 20:40 collapse

Buzzword. on 10 Sep 2024 20:41 collapse

Yet one you cannot deny it’s foreign influence on American politics.

Fact is one word proves you entirely wrong to any honest person. on 11 Sep 2024 13:11 collapse

It’s not honest to call Israel our “owners” 💀 on 10 Sep 2024 21:48 collapse

I’m so glad that fossil fuel companies, media conglomerates, and big tech no longer own any stake in america. because aipac on 10 Sep 2024 20:08 next collapse

Killing of Turkish woman. She clearly cared more about things going on half way across the world. She wasn’t in the West Bank for the sake of American lives, that’s for sure. Having a citizenship to China doesn’t make me Chinese. on 10 Sep 2024 22:34 collapse

yeah a true pure-blooded American shouldn’t give a fuck if a genocide was on half way across the world even if their hard-earned tax was directly paying for the salaries and equipments used in those war crimes, and their country weapons were dropping on refugee tents burning hundrends to death in the most horrific ways. Plus, killing a woman who was part of a peacful protest by sniping her in the head is really bad if she had an American passport and was not mix raced, right?

/s dude I hope you realize how inhumane your view point was. Aaron Bushnell, who was not half Turkish, couldn’t live with himself knowing his money was paid by, and that he was part of the same military enabling such bloodshed to continue, and burned himself to death in an extreme act of protest. on 12 Sep 2024 17:33 collapse

Imagine giving your life up for something that doesn’t affect you. I get the whole being altruistic part, but with these people it goes too far.

You don’t see multi-generational Americans going over there and protesting for this stuff, because they are detached from it. Race doesn’t have anything to do with it.

yeah a true pure-blooded American shouldn’t give a fuck if a genocide was on half way across the world even if their hard-earned tax was directly paying for the salaries and equipments used in those war crimes, and their country weapons were dropping on refugee tents burning hundrends to death in the most horrific ways.

Yeah. Basically. The US Military is the our largest employer. Arming other nations has benefits for us - We still get to fund our military, we still get to produce weapons, and we aren’t risking our own soldiers lives in conflict. Is it inhumane? That’s arguable. On a personal/individual level, yes - on a larger scale, it’s pretty par for the course. I’d argue that the liberties that Muslim countries strip from women, lgbt, etc is a large enough negative that replacing it with a more tolerant one is a net positive. on 12 Sep 2024 23:40 collapse

Your first two paragraphs are too hypocrital and repulsive. You’re basically braging about being a selfish person incapable of empathy. Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives. I bet that has never been your problem because you never felt anything to anyone but yourself.

Your last paragraph is very ignorant because you don’t know that one of the reasons your military is your biggest employer is because those shitty muslim countries are your biggest clients. and if you are happily proud of that as well just because you’re the one getting rich good selling death while others are dying, then I’m not going to waste time with your hypocracy again. You’re a weak soul who can’t even imagine being born in the shoes of those dying let alone if you were one. I feel like arguing with someone who enjoys rape because it feels good to him and he feels no empathy what so ever to the victims “I feel good when I rape people, and I can do it and it has contributed huge pleasure to me all my life. It’s not my problem these victims are getting raped by me.” How tf can I argue with that? Do you want me to sell bombs to your country to bomb your family and cripple them for life while I get rich and feel good in life? That is exactly what you’re saying and I hope one day you realize it on 13 Sep 2024 02:37 collapse

Most humans cannot enjoy food if they were watching someone starving to death in front of them, let alone knowing that person is dying and they could feed them to save their lives.

Yeah, same for me. But that’s NOT what’s happening, and you’ve let your hyper-altruism cloud your judgement. Nothing I do changes anything that happens over there. So why worry about it? Why upend MY life, and put MY life in danger for it? Normal people don’t do that. You’re a bleeding heart - most people don’t care. That’s just normal humanity.

And again - with the rape argument…what in living fuck? You think I consider myself responsible for what my government does? HELL fuck no I don’t. You have absolutely no effect on their decisions, so why do you think you do? You’ve used Hyperbole to make your argument seem stronger than it is.

It’s simple. Americans have a good life. There’s no reason for them to leave their good life, to go fight for a people who have nothing to do with them.

Again - bleeding heart. You’re so concerned about shit that has nothing to do with your day-to-day life. Shit is far too stressful for me to deal with, I’m busy enough trying to keep my head above water for some middle class gated community bleeding heart to tell me I should feel bad for something I – Have no part of, Have no effect on, cannot change, and that doesn’t affect my life whatsoever.

I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it! Humanity are a bunch of violent apes, and there is not enough time in anybodies singular life to concern themselves with every fucking atrocity being committed. I’ll be more concerned with helping the homeless in my own country, than shit going on half way across the world because a country allowed a terrorist organization to run rampant.

Maybe Hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel? – why aren’t you talking about THOSE lives lost? Why aren’t you concerned with the lives THEY have taken? Probably because you’ve been taken by Iran’s online psyop. on 13 Sep 2024 07:35 collapse

you addressed so many points, but I think you may be tired of me. I understand you better now, but still disagree with you. In 1st paragraph you claim to be helpless against your gov actions which is 90% true, but the remaining 10% is more powerful than you think, your consumerism and how you spend your money, your vote, your communication to your repreentative senetor, your voice and condemnation matter so so matter and the whole world is watching. I’m 900% sure of thay (too many current examples and historic events all involve protests and the opinions of public).

2nd you forget that the elites are sleeping on yachets above you while you’re busy trying to keep your head above water. they use your money, and your vote and legitmacy. and yes it affects you. the US has 2+ trillions budget for military but no healthcare speak for where your money goes while your keep head above water. They in fact rely on ignorants like you to keep this going.

3rd why the US life is good so why care not my fault: Again, I replied to all that in my previous comment. You dont even know why the US is rich and what nations are hurt by by their military involvements and relations.

4th paragraph “I dont enjoy hurting people but also dont care when I see them hurt.” is the selfish disgusting response I replied to in my first comment. you’re so weak you can even let your brain imagine being in their shoes and just ignorantly enjoying yours.

5th why Hamas did Oct-7? Google 1948 nakbah, and keep going from there until present day. And to understand Oct-7 by itself, Google Nat Turner slave revolt.

6th Iran kill their protestors. how tf can I stand a regieme that do that? I would also support china for their tian sequare and oppression, and support middle east dictatorships, and Israel as well with that logic on 13 Sep 2024 15:06 collapse

“I dont enjoy hurting people but also dont care when I see them hurt.”

Again – Not what I said. Re-read it. Stop putting words in my mouth.

You clearly suffer from pathological altruism.

You also are suffering from the dunning-kruger effect when it comes to the belief on how much effect you have on things by shouting words on the internet. on 13 Sep 2024 23:07 collapse

Bro, that is what you fucking said word for word:

“I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it!”

Which is the fucking same as “I don’t enjoy hurting people but also don’t care when I see them hurt”

Did you read what you said? It’s so bad I expose how awful and diagusting it is by just repeating it to you. You’re so oblivious to the hypocracy of what you stand for. Go ahead, read it again and live with it. on 14 Sep 2024 07:45 collapse

But I’m not seeing them hurt! Neither are you! You’re seeing news reports and things that are spun to make you feel bad. You aren’t over there right now witnessing it with your very eyes.

I bet you’ve never even witnessed real combat death or even so much as a violent car collision.

So again - stop, fucking, putting, words, into, my, mouth.

I find no enjoyment in hurting other people - which is why it doesn’t bother me; Because I’m not doing it!

Is not the same as

I don’t enjoy hurting people but also don’t care when I see them hurt

It’s simply not. You’re adding the seeing part to the equation. Learn to read. Learn to understand.

I don’t fucking watch TV. I don’t ingest tiktok, or facebook, or fox, or cnn, or msnbc, or instagram, or much social media at all. I don’t see it. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t show in my feeds. It doesn’t affect my life.

And you know what? The same goes for you. There’s a million atrocities going on in the world right now; you’re ignorant to 99.9999% of them. And you don’t want to know about them. Because you’d be so overloaded your head would spin.

The difference between me and you, is that I know that I don’t know about them, and I prefer it that way. I don’t need to fight for every single cause that passes in front of me. on 10 Sep 2024 22:11 collapse

I bet if we send an additional $30 billion in bombs the problem would rectify itself.