GOP Senators Threaten ICC: 'Target Israel and We Will Target You' (
from to on 06 May 2024 22:47


threaded - newest on 06 May 2024 22:53 next collapse

Signing a document like this makes it clear you’re an antisemite. on 06 May 2024 23:19 next collapse

Ooo. Scary. on 06 May 2024 23:56 next collapse

Fuck the GOP on 07 May 2024 00:45 collapse

Please don’t. Or at least use a condom.

We don’t need mini-GOP running around. on 07 May 2024 02:02 next collapse

They are a party obsessed with birth rates, for totally-not-racist reasons.

GOP, the Get…Orrybody Pregnant…Party.

We’ll keep workshopping it. on 07 May 2024 02:50 collapse

Just fuck them with a cactus. Without lube. Problem solved. on 07 May 2024 03:02 next collapse

Poor cactus. on 07 May 2024 06:12 collapse

Paige NO! on 07 May 2024 00:09 next collapse

I don’t think the ICC gives a shit about what the GOP has to say. There have been multiple reported war crimes, something must happen. on 07 May 2024 02:01 collapse

ICC doesnt have any real avenue for enforcement though? on 07 May 2024 08:07 collapse

They do, but only with participating countries: 124 States of the Rome Statute. You might notice that the usual war crime monger and tinpot dictator countries are not on the list. Countries like Russia, North Korea, China, Israel, the USA are not members of a system that prosecutes war crimes and other crimes against humanity. on 07 May 2024 08:56 collapse

i hate the bad guy countries on 07 May 2024 00:12 next collapse

Yeah, what are they gonna do? Invade the Hague? That’s absurd

Hague Invasion Act

oh… on 07 May 2024 00:59 next collapse

There aren't enough of them to do so. on 07 May 2024 02:25 next collapse

Rules for me, rules for thee on 07 May 2024 05:01 next collapse

This is just how the world works tbh. The ICC has no mechanisms for enforcement. They rely on participating countries, because they don’t have an international mandate to do well, anything, without the approval of the international community. There is no world government, or world police on 07 May 2024 16:15 collapse

Yes, but this is basically saying “try to enforce the laws we helped write and we invade” on 07 May 2024 16:24 collapse

Yeah sorta. But there’s no way to force the US to participate, there’s zero international law that has enforcement mechanisms. In order to pursue an ICC trial, they rely on the armies/police/prosecutors/judges of other nations, and none of those nations are going to risk fucking up their relationship with the US. In this case, the US is literally not beholden to the laws

That’s kind of the point of being a (near) hegemon on 07 May 2024 08:09 next collapse

That’s one quick way to destroy America’s position in the global system. But Trump would order it. We all know he would. on 07 May 2024 15:28 next collapse

enacted August 2, 2002

Of course Bush did it, who else would do something like this (except for Trump maybe)? on 07 May 2024 16:14 collapse

That’s um a bad look even by America in 2002 standards jeez

Ok Europe why the fuck haven’t you prepared for conflict with us‽ on 07 May 2024 00:18 next collapse

Target deez nutz. They both found evidence of genocide and spoken words that imply intent that would make compelling evidence during the trial. on 07 May 2024 08:57 collapse

the icc also directed the israeli government to fucking stop the bad shit and they have only intensified on 07 May 2024 00:23 next collapse

Biden would just veto whatev-

Nah I couldn’t even finish the sentence. on 07 May 2024 00:43 collapse

He could. But he won’t. on 07 May 2024 04:25 next collapse

Oh no, don’t make an enemy of the most incompetent political organization in American history. on 07 May 2024 05:40 collapse


Anyone wanna tell this guy what happened to abortion rights? on 07 May 2024 09:22 next collapse

Name one other thing they accomplished (flipping SC counts as part of what you mentioned) on 07 May 2024 12:12 next collapse

They keep winning Presidential elections against the popular will, they gerrymandered districts and restricted voting to guarantee themselves electoral wins, and they stuffed the Supreme Court with extremists who will do their bidding for decades. They’re pretty competent at being obstructive and gaming the system for far-right minority rule. on 07 May 2024 14:25 collapse

I was more talking about legislation/legal precedent but I do agree with you

[deleted] on 07 May 2024 16:13 collapse
. on 07 May 2024 16:11 collapse

They’re totally incompetent at many things, such as governing, but they’re brilliant at brainwashing their followers and causing harm to people at home and around the world. Just like typical fictional supervillains. on 07 May 2024 05:02 next collapse

Threatening the prosecutors’ families is a typically classy move from the GOP. on 07 May 2024 10:50 collapse

They learned it from their daddy Trump. on 07 May 2024 08:27 next collapse

Republicans standing against justice once again. on 07 May 2024 09:45 next collapse

Wait a second? So if GOP members say stuff like this, what happens if some unruly ICC people decide to go after GOP and their family? These people sure know how to create a safe world…

Edit for wording on 07 May 2024 15:15 collapse

there’s a US law that says the US will destroy the ICC if they try to convict a US citizen, I think. Threats work. on 07 May 2024 13:53 next collapse

They will do anything and everything to escalate tensions in that part of the world. They believe that if they can hasten Armageddon in the Middle East it will force Jesus to come back sooner. It’s a bullshit lasagna plan (layer upon layer of utter shite). But it’s what these lunatics believe. on 07 May 2024 17:21 next collapse

This right here. Not enough people realize how bonkers these religious nut jobs really are, or that this is the real reason the US is so invested in Israel. on 07 May 2024 18:04 collapse

Seriously, can we push back rules separating state and church? You can’t work for the government if you believe in Santa claus, sorry. Same goes for Allah, god, Jehova, shiva, or any other of the make belief friends. on 07 May 2024 14:42 next collapse

Why does the GOP go against the wishes of Vladimir Putin when it applies to Israel? on 07 May 2024 15:26 collapse

Now that the RuSSian economy is in big trouble, Vlad the war criminal doesn’t have the money to pay them, so they don’t have to comply anymore on 07 May 2024 14:48 next collapse

first of all, the us isn’t even a member of the icc so you can’t really do squat. on 07 May 2024 18:03 collapse

Yeah I think the implication now that they will try and murder them. Thinly veiled threats

The US apparently already put a law in place that if a US soldier is ever tried by the ICC that they would invade the Netherlands and liberate him by force.

We want to be able to commit war crimes and behave like absolute monsters, and we want the same for our friends. on 07 May 2024 15:25 next collapse

TL;DR: Fascists love fascist war criminals on 07 May 2024 16:04 collapse

Isnt it a felony to threaten someone or something? on 07 May 2024 16:11 collapse

Rules for thee…