Muslims in India face discrimination after restaurants forced to display workers’ names (
from to on 13 Oct 16:59

Muslims in India say they have been fired from their jobs and face the closure of their businesses after two states brought in a “discriminatory” policy making it mandatory for restaurants to publicly display the names of all their employees.

The policy was first introduced by Yogi Adityanath, the hardline Hindu monk who is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Last month the state of Himachal Pradesh, governed by the opposition Congress party, announced it would also make it compulsory for all names of workers and employees to be put on display.

Both state governments have said it is to ensure compliance with health and safety rules and vending regulations in the north Indian states. However, locals and activists have alleged that the new rules are instead a thinly veiled attack on Muslim workers and establishments.


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Media Bias Fact Check | bot support on 13 Oct 17:02 next collapse

So “Yogi Adityanath, the hardline Hindu monk who is the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh” wants to enact racist policies in UP, but can’t seem to find his way to force men to stop raping/murdering women and children.

Hindu monk my ass. on 14 Oct 13:49 collapse

Are hindu monks generally very good at rape prevention? on 13 Oct 17:38 next collapse

What the fuck are you doing, India?? on 13 Oct 18:18 collapse

Modi has been a far-right Hindu Nationalist this whole time, this is in line with the rest of the RSS partys goals. on 13 Oct 18:27 collapse

Sad. on 13 Oct 17:57 next collapse

Maybe they should have them all sew a special patch on their clothes. I’m thinking maybe a yellow crescent? on 13 Oct 19:08 next collapse

“hardline Hindu monk”

What does he practice, full contact yoga? Mahabharata style asceticism? on 13 Oct 20:00 next collapse

Thank goodness for religion though, right? Just think where we would be without it! on 14 Oct 13:24 collapse

Don’t you mean public health officials? You know, the ones wielding the power to actually make this bullshit rule? on 14 Oct 12:50 next collapse

Honestly, the Hindu nationalists are pretty crazy. Dare I say, roughly as crazy as the nationalist Christians we have in the states.

If you mix nationalism with religion, you’re gonna have a bad time. on 14 Oct 16:53 collapse

Not to defend them too much, they are crazy.

But Hindus were enslaved by Muslims for centuries, which started with:

He singlehandedly destroyed India, all of it, and it wasn’t to regain any independence till the 20th century. on 14 Oct 19:52 collapse

Sure, but just as the Holocaust does not give Jewish nationalists carte blanche to ethnically cleanse German people, the sack of Delhi does not give Hindu nationalists carte blanche to ethnically cleanse Muslims. on 14 Oct 20:51 collapse

I absolutely agree.

I just think we need to remember the emotional backdrop, we need to get them to chill the ever loving F* out, but this shouldn’t also be like “oh, god, I wonder why they would ever do such a thing!”

If the germans hadn’t been decent post-ww2 and jews started killing germans we’d be pissed and force them to stop by any means necessary, but we wouldn’t be like “this is unthinkable!?!?”.

We have to figure out how to build peace while appreciating the historical context. on 14 Oct 21:25 collapse

Sheesh, you know your society has some rather deeply rooted issues when knowing someone’s name is enough to cause major problems like this. Not saying name discrimination is a rare thing, here in Finland it’s common knowledge having a Romani/Gypsy name makes finding a job a lot harder, but enough to cause major issues to the restaurant simply if your customers know the names of the employees?