from to on 21 Jun 2024 10:18
France’s National Rally has sought to style itself a defender of women’s rights — partly by attacking its traditional bogeyman: immigration.
Europe’s far-right voters have long been predominantly men, but French women are now bucking that trend ahead of a high-stakes election that could usher in France’s first far-right government in recent history.
Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration National Rally is tipped to win the most votes in a two-round snap election on June 30 and July 7 that could crush the liberal centrists of President Emmanuel Macron, and women are increasingly driving her party’s surging political fortunes as it seeks to position itself in the mainstream.
On EU election day this month, the National Rally came first with a stunning 31 percent of the French vote, up from 23 percent in the 2019 EU election.
The most eye-catching aspect of this swing to the far right concerned women voters, according to an election-day poll that OpinionWay carried out for the Les Echos newspaper.
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Anti migrant sentiment among women is probably helped by the news of the rapes. Just this week the 12 year old was raped by other minors for being Jewish.
Wait, we’re those immigrants? What a horrible world we live in. Poor girl.
First-hand reports did not make mention of the origins of the perpetrators, only that they are of similar age (12 and 13yo) and one of them the ex-boyfriend of the victim. Very horrible, no question. But, is immigration relevant to this case ? Isn’t it more relevant to question why education of teenagers has failed so bad ? Why are racial and faith related aggression still a thing in a laïc state ? Why nothing concrete is being done to protect women ? Let’s avoid the essay short-cuts, and instead talk about the real root-causes.
Ah so put the people who routinely cause regional instability from Syria to Ukraine and deny climate change back… Surely this will help with immigration! lol.
“It’s a bold move, Cotton…”
Camp fire for the saints…
Edit: to point out that the comment demonstrating the worst parts of that book has 50 upvotes.
While my pointing that out has negative downvotes.
Then a later comment of mine mentioning how fucked up that mindset is… was upvoted… just like the original comment acting out that mindset…
What a horrid book
A horrid mindset.
Feels like i need to clarify a few things here.
So essentially, i fail to see the point in “locking that shit down”. You close the border tomorrow you don’t solve any of the issues that are bothering racist people today. They will still have a radical mosque in their neighborhood and Mohammed will continue bullying the little american kid at school (doesn’t make it ok).
You want some real talk about immigration ? 1 immigrant out of 3 is European. 1 out of 3 has a university diploma. In fact, migrants on average are slightly more educated, and have slightly higher income than native French. You close the border tomorrow that’s who you are barring from the country. As usual with fascist policies - it’s all damned lies.
As the person who replied to you rightfully said, the persons you decry are mostly French, you said so yourself. The people you want to be “locked out” of the country cannot be deported - which country would they go to if they’re French and French only?
Your original point is wrong. Controlling immigration will do nothing to solve the insecurity RN voters perceive, because the North Africans they hate so much will still remain in France.
Oh i didn’t mean to correct your experience but rather the political take you extracted from it. Your personal experience in grade school doesn’t represent a systemic problem. The population we’re talking about here (north african young immigrants fresh off the boat who need remedial linguistic classes) is, what, a few thousand people a year ? You don’t close a country’s borders just because you can’t handle a few thousand unruly adolescents.
My other point is that, while religious conservatism is a real danger to modern society, it is not driven by immigrants who have few resources and are primarily motivated by their own survival. It is driven by well established people who already have the French nationality and are comfortable enough to afford being “rebels” to the system. It’s also not specific to islam - have you seen what Christians are up to these days ? Have you seen what Jews are up to ? Current news seem to indicate that the Abrahamic-minded are not taking kindly to the 3rd Millenium.
That wasn’t my point. My point is that the majority of immigrants come for study or work and they integrate with no issues.
The people the RN accuses of not integrating are French people with French passports and it is their fucking god-given right to not “integrate” with the culture around them. I was a nerdy vegan kid in a village of rugby players, hunters and delicatessen producers. I never fit in with that peasant culture - should my nationality be put into question ? No ? Then why is the standard different when it’s a kid from arab descent ?
They are French citizens they don’t owe any allegiance to any ideology or way of life and that’s one of the pillars upon which this country was built. They wake up and go to work like me, they pay taxes like me, when they’re caught speeding they get a ticket like me. They bring their kids to the same school where i bring mine. They complain about trains being late and the administration being incompetent. Let’s leave them the fuck alone alright ? We’re living together just fine.
This is the entire reason for the European right-wing wave. Some like to pretend Europeans suddenly became racist as fuck, but look at the integration issues. Sweden is a shithole now, just like France, because of this. No doubt right-wing policies are extremist, but thank the lord they opened (some) people’s eyes to the problematic nature of mass immigration.
I’m curious to know by which metric France has “become a shithole”, and how that is related to immigration ?
i’m sorry, but I can’t bring myself to care about anti-american “racism” in europe. it might do the world some good tbh
that’s something you deal with on a case-by-case basis, not systemically.
Mate, you got bullied ONCE, and then decided that meant “Immigration is an issue in France.”
You are using something minorly shitty that happened as justification for an extremist policy position.
And you’re calling me foolish.
The United States supports genocide and colonialism around the world relentlessly, and acts like it’s a crime against humanity when there is even the slightest pushback, even though they have never been held to account for any of their own crimes against humanity. I’m sorry if awareness of that fact caused you distress, it wasn’t my intention.
It is very sad to see. RN party really doesn’t carry any values that are favorable to women in any way. They are very much fighting for blocking access to birth control and sex education. They have voted against proposal aiming to improve parity and reduce wage gapes.
You’re absolutely correct. The deputees from the Rassemblement National voted against writing the right to abortion into the French constitution and they did not support gender-equality laws when presented at the Parliament.
Official source are kinda hard to brows, but I could find this about the latest (16th) legislature:
It’s important to keep in mind that, without reading the details of the proposals, it’s hard to know the reasons for voting against. Often, a proposal with a title that seems to be progressiste is voted overwhelmingly against by the left groups, because the proposal is deemed flawed or insufficient, then many amendments are proposed and voted again, and again… It’s all very complicated to decipher. This small research also helped me to realize, what the news and media reporting about this in a more comprehensible way are often simplifying a lot and cherry-picking data to push a specific editorial line, and it is misleading more often than not.
All of that is less of a problem than what french women face in their everyday lives.
If I was capable of getting pregnant, ensuring that I couldnt be forced into a lifelong parenthood based on a single mistake that i may not even consent to would be a much scarier thought than more people speaking a different language.
$10 says this guy thinks America is full of racists, not like him tho, he’s just telling it like he sees it
Removed, racism.
The traditional “solution” to the supposed threat of “The rapists are invading” is to lock up women domestically and only allow one rapist at a time to do marital rape.
The news just shows that women are also humans who are susceptible to propaganda…
If only someone had pointed out that the undermining of social support systems by neoliberalism will inevitably give rise to fascism!