The US and Its Allies Face a $10 Trillion Reckoning in the Race to Rearm (
from to on 09 Apr 2024 13:31

"A new era of global rearmament is gathering pace, and it will mean vast costs and some tough decisions for western governments already struggling with shaky public finances,” Bloomberg reports.

“Despite world defense spending reaching a record $2.2 trillion last year, European Union nations have only just begun to consider what 21st-century security will require with an aggressive Russia stirring on their eastern borders, a volatile Middle East, and the expansion of the Chinese military tugging Washington’s attention toward the Pacific.”


threaded - newest on 09 Apr 2024 14:20 next collapse

This is a collective tragedy. I am in favor of robust defense, but nevertheless it’s hard not to see how $10 T could easily largely address our global climate crisis. Greta should be mad at Putin, but that’s not how it works. on 09 Apr 2024 17:45 collapse

The military is working on being mote green. It’s a weird concept they want the bullets that kill people to be more environmentally safe. I’m pro military but there is some weird irony in all this. on 10 Apr 2024 03:27 next collapse

That specifically is a valid concern for training ammunition where massive quantities end up being fired into relatively small firing ranges over the years, making the land more or less permanently contaminated with heavy metals and toxic residues from explosives. I doubt ammo for the “real world” will have the same requirements. on 10 Apr 2024 07:15 collapse

Mulching people would also be pretty green. on 09 Apr 2024 14:43 collapse

beside all the very real and very serious issues, I have to admit this is a really awesome photograph of a tank in the thumbnail.