With Hope of Kickstarting Floundering Ceasefire Negotiations, Egypt Sends Delagation to Israel- Republic World (www.republicworld.com)
from Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to world@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 13:27


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FlyingSquid@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 13:41 collapse

I guarantee that nothing will change until either Gaza (and possibly the West Bank) are completely out of Palestinian control, and possibly completely devoid of Palestinians, or Netanyahu and his supporters are ousted from power.

Even the world turning against Israel isn’t enough because Netanyahu has too many reasons to keep going, the biggest one being that it is allowing him to become a dictator for life under the “we’re at war, you can’t change things” excuse. He already tried once when he tried to neuter Israel’s supreme court and got thwarted. Hamas did him a big favor unfortunately.

And you don’t have to believe me. Ask his former best friend- www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-798324

gedaliyah@lemmy.world on 26 Apr 14:11 collapse

He is extremely unpopular in Israel, but with a coalition government, one only needs to have a strong base and be effective at political maneuvering to hold power.

As an aside, people criticize the two party system in the USA, but there is really no system that’s impervious to manipulation.