Three ISIS-supporting teens were arrested on suspicion of planning to attack the Israeli embassy in Paris (
from to on 23 Oct 2023 07:15


threaded - newest on 23 Oct 2023 08:48 next collapse

You had me at ISIS supporting. on 23 Oct 2023 09:33 collapse

I cannot find a primary source for this. Perhaps a native French speaker could help locate the original report from La Parisien?

Worse, all the English language reporting is parroting the exact same wording as this article, which is a bit odd considering the French report supposedly came out over 24 hours ago. on 23 Oct 2023 11:42 next collapse

Here it is, the article on is paywalled. I only skimmed it but it seems to corroborate OP’s link, except the targeted embassy is in a Brussels suburb and not Paris. on 23 Oct 2023 11:52 collapse

I believe it's this article. There's a paywall, but the header is this:

« Notre but, c’est de terroriser les juifs » : l’inquiétant projet d’attentat d’une cellule d’ados radicalisés
EXCLUSIF. Fanatiques de Daech et d’explosifs, trois collégiens ont été mis en examen à Paris pour avoir projeté une attaque contre une ambassade israélienne. Révélations sur une nébuleuse djihadiste d’adolescents français, belge et russe ultra-connectés.

My humble translation:

"Our goal is to terrorize the Jews" : The disturbing attack plan of a cell of radicalized teens. Fanatics of ISIS and of explosives, three students were indicted in Paris for having planned an attack against an Israeli embassy. Revelations about a Jihadist nebula of ultra-connected French, Belgian, and Russian teenagers.